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Chapter 74

“It feels like I’ve never seen such a sudden snowstorm before.”


Elden and Ariel, having taken refuge in a nearby cave, brushed the snow off their bodies. The sky, which had been clear when they started climbing the mountain, suddenly turned a gloomy gray. By the time they reached about halfway and began searching for the next marker, a fierce snowstorm blew in.

It seemed they were almost at their destination, but afraid that pushing too hard would endanger Ariel, Elden had suggested they take shelter in a small cave nearby.

From their experiences during six months exploring the wilderness of the North, the current snowstorm felt like a passing shower that would soon be over. After a few hours of waiting, it would likely let up, allowing them to reach the cave by evening.

Since Lumia wasn’t in a life-threatening state, there was no need to take unnecessary risks.


As they watched the storm raging outside the cave entrance, Elden spoke up. “It’ll pass soon. Let’s just wait a bit.”


Elden had the foresight to bring warm blankets from Rendler, a wise move indeed. After handing one to Ariel, he gathered some twigs he had picked up on their way here and set a campfire.


As the fire crackled to life, Ariel retrieved a small metal pot from her pouch, filled it with snow, and set it over the flames to prepare tea.

A little while later…

“Elden. Here.”

A metal cup filled with warm tea was handed to Elden.



Ariel, who had also brought a cup, took a few sips after blowing on it. Her eyes widened with delight, revealing a surprise that was quite unbefitting of a noble lady.

“Ah! Tea made over a campfire is simply the best, right? And it’s even more heavenly when enjoyed while watching the snowstorm!”

If Count Elrond heard that, he would surely be at a loss for words. What father wouldn’t be shocked to see his daughter—who had been sent off on a reading journey—return as a wild adventurer?

Elden shook off the thought that he might need to delay their return to Count Elrond’s territory, and instead followed Ariel’s lead, sipping tea while gazing at the snowstorm outside the cave.



The flavor confirmed that Ariel’s admiration wasn’t merely fluff. The tea, served in a rough metal cup while seated on the ground, tasted far superior to any elegant brew served from a fine teapot at a lavish table. It felt like it testified that the life of a rogue suited him better than that of a nobleman.

And he loved it.

Living the free life of a rogue, being able to savor moments of comfort and warmth instead of constant tension and stress.

Of course, his primary mission right now was to help the beleaguered female protagonist. For that reason, he found himself here, sharing tea with Ariel outdoors.

Tock, tock.

An oddly familiar yet not entirely comfortable air enveloped them in the warmth of the campfire.

As Elden blankly stared at the snowstorm outside, he suddenly asked, “How’s the writing going?”

It was a question about her fanfic. He recalled that Ariel had mentioned a few days ago that her script was nearing completion.

Ariel nodded, slightly embarrassed.

Sharing thoughts about the protagonist of her story and the novel itself was both exciting and shy-inducing.

“Ah, yeah. I’ve only got the ending left.”

“Ooh. I’m looking forward to it.”


“Of course. I think you’ll come up with an interesting story.”

Ariel blushed at the praise of her protagonist, her face turning a gentle shade of red without her realizing it. Imagining that Elden would read the story made her feel suddenly embarrassed with warmth rising to her cheeks.

Though hidden in the deep red glow of the campfire, her bashfulness was undeniable.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high.”

Elden hoped Ariel would like it, but he was acutely aware of the vast differences between reading and writing, leaving him feeling uncertain.

The introduction and development were grounded in facts, so those sections posed no problem. However, the ending incorporated her own desires, leaving her anxious that he might dislike it—she spent every day grappling with this worry.

Of course, the character in her story bore no resemblance to her in any way.

As Ariel absentmindedly fiddled with the metal cup, she decided to ask something that might help with the ending.

“Um, Elden?”


“What do you plan to do after this culinary journey? Any plans?”

It was a question born out of genuine curiosity, as well as a way to gather insights for her conclusion.

Yet, instead of answering, Elden stared at her intently.

“W-what’s wrong?”

“Oh. Rachel asked me the same question a few days ago.”

“Really? Rachel?”

Ariel was taken aback. It was surprising that the usually stoic bodyguard Rachel had asked the same question.

Moreover, a fleeting thought crossed her mind that maybe this coincidence wasn’t just a chance occurrence.

Could it be?

“So… what did you say?”

“I said I might sell the mansion and settle somewhere scenic with the remaining money.”

“Is that so?”


If this had been the old Elden, he would have dismissed such a dream entirely, but given what he had seen of Elden lately, it seemed to fit him perfectly. Who else but Elden could lounge for an entire day in a breathtakingly beautiful place?

That was some useful information for her ending.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to conclude the story with a scene of them watching the sunset together in a picturesque location.

With that plan etched in her mind, Ariel posed her next question, one that had spontaneously come to her.

“Uh, what did Rachel say… about that?”

She asked how Rachel reacted to the idea of settling somewhere scenic.

Without a second thought, Elden replied, “She said she wanted to settle down somewhere and live a woman’s life.”

With that answer, Ariel had to reflect once more.

“A woman…’s life?”

Could it be?

“…Could it be the White Storm?”

Elden mumbled to himself, standing at the cave’s entrance with growing concern as the relentless snowstorm continued.

The situation felt dire; as the sun set, the storm intensified, and the temperature began to plummet rapidly. Outside the cave, an enchanting white swirl tore through the air like a dimensional portal.

What sounded like mere wind roared ominously.

The White Storm.

It referred to a sudden snowstorm that rendered outdoor activities impossible due to its ferocity. Such tempests were rare even in the northern regions, with the central Grand Duchy experiencing them perhaps once every three years—a drastic weather change that appeared without warning.

If one were to be caught in a White Storm unprepared, it could mean losing their very life. The moment it began, it felt as if the world itself had paused.

Animals and monsters would seek shelter, people would retreat to their dwellings, and plants would cling tightly to the earth with their roots, waiting for the storm to pass.


“We’re well and truly stuck.”

Elden and Ariel had no choice but to hope the White Storm would end before the campfire they had lit fizzled out.

The problem was that the firewood they had brought was far from ample. Who could have predicted that a rare snowstorm would strike at this moment?

As the temperature continued to drop, Ariel pulled her blanket tighter around her and asked, “D-Do you think we’ll be okay?”

In this age of advanced technologies or in a fantasy realm populated by extraordinary beings, Elden mused that nature was always a force to be reckoned with… and he forced a smile.

“It’ll pass soon.”

Of course, the situation wasn’t ideal.

They were unable to go out and gather firewood, and the cave provided no deeper spaces for relief. The chill seeping into the cave was growing stronger than the warmth of the single campfire, but they were lacking sufficient wood to stoke it further.

In a situation where it was uncertain when the White Storm would end, conserving the remaining firewood was the sensible thing to do.

The real problem, however, was Ariel.

Elden, who was naturally prepared for the cold due to being born in the southern part of the Northern Regions, found himself worried for Ariel, who had been born in the relatively milder East and was thus vulnerable to the cold. While she could withstand a regular snowstorm, enduring a White Storm that could freeze the very air was a tall order.

Elden watched Ariel with concern. Despite wrapping herself in a blanket and huddling beside the campfire, she continued to tremble.

The biting cold was fierce enough to freeze one’s breath, and although the front that faced the fire might have felt warm, the back was cold enough to evoke pain reminiscent of a blade’s cut.

“…Are you okay?”

Elden asked as Ariel shook her head, her body convulsing as if in a spasm. Yet, she managed to force a smile.

Even as her backside and back throbbed with a biting chill, she didn’t want to show any signs of discomfort. She didn’t want to feel regret for having followed Elden even when he had insisted she could stay behind.

She also didn’t want to worry Elden by complaining about the cold.

“Ah, I’m still… okay.”

But, contrary to her intentions, her frozen lips betrayed her by stammering words. Though she wanted to slap her lips together to avoid seeming exaggerated, her entire body shook uncontrollably, refusing to listen. The cold she was experiencing felt like a scolding, making past chills seem like mere child’s play.

Still, she endured. She held on. But with each passing moment, her resolve weakened, and her insides felt as though they were freezing.

Just then, a thought crossed her mind: it might be somewhat dangerous if things continued like this.

Suddenly, the icy chill that had been pressing against her back dissipated.

No, the cold that had wrapped around her entire body was cut off. Through the gap where the cold had receded, a slight warmth began to emerge, enveloping her in a gentle embrace.

What’s happening? Ariel wondered, glancing around to find Elden’s arms and blanket wrapping around her.

She caught sight of Elden’s face through her peripheral view.


“I’m fine, so just stay like this,” he replied indifferently, pulling her closer to himself to seal off any gaps that might let the cold in.

In the six months they had spent together, Ariel had hardly uttered a complaint during the grueling marches expected of a noble lady. Sure, there were times she’d groaned and acted cute, but that was more to boost the morale of the struggling group than any genuine annoyance.

Whenever someone offered help, she was quick to stiffen up, almost as if she were just waiting to respond.

Knowing all this, Elden silently wrapped his arms around Ariel. He figured this would be more efficient than engaging in pointless banter.

He understood that Ariel would refuse if he offered to embrace her, so he was relieved to be able to hold her tightly against his side, protected from the merciless cold, allowing them both to discover a semblance of sanity amidst the natural chill they faced.

As the night deepened, the fierce White Storm began to wane, and the two of them fell asleep, leaning against each other.

And then…

With a loud creak.

As the clear morning sun began to rise, the stone wall at the back of the cave suddenly opened, revealing a solitary snowman who, due to the two snugly sleeping individuals in his yard, would have to endure some unexpected morning drama right from daybreak.

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not work with dark mode