Switch Mode

Chapter 73

Chapter: 73

Arthur’s party was cruising through the dungeon like a hot knife through butter.

They hadn’t faced a single challenge until they broke through to the sixth floor.

What monsters would pop up? What would the pathways look like? What traps were set?

They had the lowdown on all of this, plus Arthur made for a fabulous commander, so they never lost their bearing in the conquest.

On top of that, the good vibes and intel they were getting boosted their own growth as they pushed deeper into the dungeon.

Arthur’s command style was becoming clearer, Jackal was getting comfortable in battling monsters, and Matthew’s holy spells were hitting the mark like never before.

Their progress was evident from the time it took to navigate the dungeon.

Initially, it took them 30 minutes to clear a single floor, but by the time they reached the sixth floor, it was down to a tight 20 minutes.

Considering the difficulty ramps up as they ascend, their growth rate could be called nothing short of transcendent.

While Arthur’s team was high-fiving over their win, Luca, cradling a crystal ball in his arms, had a sudden glow.

“Professor, what’s that?”

Arthur asked, looking curious, and Luca beamed, holding the crystal ball up.

“This is a communication orb. I asked it to let us know how Lady Alrn is faring after two hours.”


“Do we really need to check that? She’s probably stuck on some floor between 2 to 3.”

Matthew showed interest, and Jackal cracked a joke. But Arthur’s expression remained serious.

He wasn’t about to relax until he got solid intel.

Lucy Alrn’s talent was the real deal.

‘Professor Luca.’

“Yes, I’m listening.”

‘Lucy Alrn has just cleared the 20th floor and is heading for the 21st.’

The atmosphere amongst Arthur’s crew couldn’t have cooled quicker.

Twenty floors?!

What kind of nonsensical number is that?

Arthur’s group, showing dominating prowess for first-years, had only just surpassed the sixth floor, and now there’s 20?

As everyone went silent, incapable of wrapping their heads around it, Jackal forced a laugh.

“Are you kidding? How could they possibly surpass 20 floors?”

‘I wish it was just a joke.’

“Are you for real? They’ve gone past 20 floors?”

‘They’re clearing each floor in a max of 5 to 6 minutes. They’re rewriting the history of dungeon runs at the academy.’

“No way.”

With those definitive words coming from the crystal orb, Jackal looked like he had just been slapped.

How can anyone clear a floor in just 5 minutes?!

It takes nearly 3 minutes just to take down one monster inside!

As Luca struggled to keep a straight face while the crew felt the heaviness of the news, he couldn’t help but think,

Lucy Alrn!

What on earth are you?!

You pulled off an impressive score during the entrance exam!

Saved your whole party from an intervention by Agra!

Defeated Frey Kent, the next Sword Saint candidate!

And now you aim to write history even in the academy dungeon?!

So, so hilarious!

I was the one holding onto bias.

I underestimated your talent without considering how immense it really is!

What foolish behavior this is!

Ah, Lucy Alrn, I thank you.

For bringing enlightenment to an idiot like me.

For cornering Arthur Soladin in the process.

Luca observed Arthur’s face, which showed tight lips, trembling eyes, and quivering lips.

While on the outside, he was putting up a front, inside, he was crumbling with realization.

This isn’t good, Prince.

If you show cracks, people will want to fill it with black ink, right?

“Thank you. Please contact me later again.”

‘Sure. Good luck, Professor Luca.’

Once the connection with the orb was cut, Luca approached Arthur, feigning a worried expression.


“Is that person trustworthy?”

“Yes. He’s one of the staff responsible for dungeon monitoring. He’s not the kind to joke around.”

Arthur’s face clouded with unease as he confirmed it wasn’t a scam or a joke.

Is it even possible to catch up to Lucy Alrn?

No matter how hard he pushes, wouldn’t the distance only grow wider?

This is ludicrous!

This is my battlefield prepared for victory!

This duel was thrust upon him for the sake of humiliating her!

All conditions were stacked in his favor, and to think he could just overcome it with mere talent?!

What a joke.

Doesn’t this make it seem like you’re proving that you’re a genius?!

Am I just a speck trying to overshadow the sun that is Lucy Alrn?

“If this keeps up, you’ll be defeated.”

Arthur looked up at Luca at that voice.

“I suppose so.”

No matter what method he resorts to, he wouldn’t beat Lucy Alrn.

The overwhelming genius that is Lucy Alrn wouldn’t allow that.

“What will you do?”

Arthur fell silent at that question.

It’s not like there weren’t other methods.

If I can’t win head-on, then I’ll have to think outside the box.

Arthur fiddled with a magical tool he had kept close to him.

Not long after he resolved to battle Lucy Alrn, one of the new professors from the academy approached Arthur.

This was someone who had done great things outside and, not long after entering the academy, had come to show their loyalty.

Claiming they could not bear to see someone with talent like him face humiliation.

So, in preparation for any eventualities, they had forcefully shoved something into his hands.

With their ugly desire to gain connections through bribery using this item stranded in plain sight.

Normally, Arthur wouldn’t have accepted such a thing.

There was nothing to gain in mingling with someone who’s so blatantly showing their greed.

But Arthur accepted the professor’s bribe due to Joy’s words.

If what she said about Lucy Alrn having unconventional talent was true,

and if she had an overwhelming light capable of overcoming all his disadvantages…

a creeping anxiety began to gnaw at him.

In that moment, the very anxiety Arthur bore became a reality.

If the functions the professor spoke of were in this magical tool, using it could shift the tides of battle in his favor.

Even if it’s a win he couldn’t get through normal means.

This is unfair.

To suggest a fair fight, then break it first!

But even so, the word “victory” sounded deliciously sweet, sticking to Arthur’s ears and refusing to leave.

“I have a method.”

Arthur’s voice came out firmly, and Luca, with a vacant expression, leaned in, clueless.


As they reached the stairs heading toward the 30th floor, Visi, feeling uneasy, couldn’t hold back her upset stomach and ended up throwing up.

Climbing past the 20th floor, it had been a bit tough on me.

I couldn’t afford to stop for Visi without messing up our timing, or else our clear time would skyrocket.

Hmm. Given this, maybe I should take a breather.

I initially thought I’d clear the dungeon today, but with Visi in that state, it wouldn’t be possible.

The higher we go, the more hijinks we’re gonna have to pull; there’s no way she can keep that up.

I’ll just aim to get about halfway through today and then plan to come back with Jackal once his likeability level rises, alongside Frey.

Jackal’s been getting beaten up from all sides due to his moderate performance, but he’s still one of the better early-game options.

At least he should be able to keep pace with me, even if it isn’t quite like Frey.

While resting against the wall and regaining stamina as I set the shield down, the light began to flare up from within Karl’s robe.


“Hey! What’s that?”

“It’s an emergency communication orb used by the academy. Something must’ve happened.”

Watching Karl take off to make contact, my worries started to swell up.

Is Luca that crazy man planning something untoward?

With so many eyes on this situation, and it being about the Crown Prince and the heir of the Burrow family; is he really going to pull a stunt like that?

I bet he would.

That guy totally has it in him.

It’s no wonder he’s called a troublemaker amongst Soul Academy users.

Once Karl returned from making contact, he wore a weird expression as if unsure what to say.

“Arthur’s party has gone missing in the dungeon. They haven’t exited, so they must be inside, but they’re nowhere to be found.”

‘Please, do elaborate.’

“Stop skirting around and be straight with me!”

While Arthur’s party was getting through the sixth floor, Arthur had pulled out something that looked like a compass from his robe.

They had been navigating the dungeon precisely, but then suddenly veered off the main path and started wandering somewhere else.

When Arthur mumbled something as they reached a certain area, they vanished without a trace.

Even looking around, there was no sign of Arthur and his crew.

After hearing all of Karl’s report, I grasped the situation in its entirety.

Luca, you crazy man.

No, it’s true he’s the cause of this, but ultimately, it was Arthur carrying out his scheme.

What an idiot.

No matter how much trauma you’ve got from your mother passing away, forgetting your vows ain’t cool!

What in the world are you thinking to defy destiny?!

This is supposed to be one of the quests in Soul Academy.

The triggers need to involve an extraordinary student to captivate Luca’s interest and be frail enough in mental fortitude, ready to be tempted.

Once those two criteria are met, one of the new professors at the academy will approach the player and hand them a magical compass.

It tells you to follow its path for blessings, precious items, or to uncover hidden paths to expedite dungeon runs.

Of course, that’s all lies.

The compass’s real function is to guide you to a spot least affected by the academy’s various magics.

And upon arriving at that spot, it would nullify the academy’s magic and transport students to another dungeon.

A dungeon where dark entities lie in wait, ready to pounce and kill at any moment.

Is it possible for Arthur and his party to run that dungeon right now?

No. No way.

No matter how I slice it, they don’t have the necessary specs.

How could a troop of weaklings, who couldn’t even take out one monster, conquer that place?

Oh, damn it. I feel like I’m losing my mind.

Let’s think this through.

Could I possibly use what I have on hand to save that idiot?

…Yes, there’s a chance.

Thank the heavens I prepared thoroughly for this speedrun.

If not, things might’ve felt really bleak.


“Hey! Did you get the coordinates for the dungeon that the poor prince entered?”

“Yes, just received them while I was making contact.”

Awesome. Then entering the dungeon Arthur has gone into shouldn’t be a problem.

‘Let’s move. Time to save that foolish prince.’
“Let’s go! We’ve got to rescue the poor prince who made a dumb decision out of fear of losing!”

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not work with dark mode