Switch Mode

Chapter 72

Chapter: 72

“You’ve done well in your preparations.”

Luca’s voice rang out in a tone of praise as he looked at Arthur and his party, who had just concluded their conquest of the first floor.

“I never expected a first-year to clear the dungeon so neatly.”

That was pure admiration, not a hint of sarcasm. As a professor of Combat Studies who had spent years at the academy, Luca had seen countless new students.

Many of them were labeled as promising or genius.

However, none had ever shown such outstanding performance in their very first dungeon.

That’s just the way it is.

Experience is the most crucial factor in dungeon exploration.

What’s the point in having all the gear if you lack the experience to use it?

No matter how well-prepared you are, if you can’t make good use of it, it’s meaningless.

But these three were different.

Centered around Arthur, they performed with a finesse that reminded him of upperclassmen at the academy.

“It seems the prince’s preparation played a significant role,” the cleric Matthew commented, nodding in agreement with Jackal.

However, the one at the center of that praise, Arthur, didn’t seem particularly pleased.

“There were too many careless mistakes. We could have cut the time even more.”

Even though the first floor was relatively easy, finishing it in around 30 minutes and still being unsatisfied was quite the ambition.

What a driven guy.

With such bloodlines yet still managing to be called a genius, it was no wonder.

Luca, having gained conviction in Arthur’s potential, inwardly chuckled.

This new crop of students is quite entertaining.

Not just the three present.

Lady Kent, Lady Partran, Saintess, and then there’s Lucy Alrn.

That’s quite a lineup for starters, and there are probably even more hidden talents yet to be revealed.

Being a professor has its rewards.

“Prince, you don’t need to rush. How could Lucy Alrn possibly be faster than us?”

Jackal’s words were a calm reminder to take it easy, which Luca nodded in agreement to.

No matter how talented Lucy might be, she was still just a first-year.

She hadn’t prepared like Arthur did.

Besides, she hadn’t assembled a party with talents that outshine theirs, so how could she possibly be faster?

“No. In competition, complacency is unwarranted. An overwhelming victory is better than a loss due to overconfidence. Let’s go.”

But Arthur shook his head at that.

Even knowing they had the advantage, they would never become complacent.

Having talent while remaining steadfast…

If this person were born into the right bloodline, the kingdom would thrive.

As Luca walked behind Arthur’s party, he mused that Lady Alrn would probably be the one to suffer a loss in this duel.

Despite her talents being superior to the Third Prince, her arrogance might just be her downfall.

Would this defeat become a hurdle for her, or would she rise stronger?

Considering the Alrn family’s blood, the latter seemed more likely, but I would prefer the former.

Those who crumble tend to become weak to temptation.


The face of Visi, who was hanging onto Lucy’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes, was pale.

There were many issues at hand.

First off, Lucy Alrn was so fast that she seemed faster than a carriage horse.

Secondly, it was uncomfortable hanging by her shoulder like this.

But the biggest problem was that Lucy was consistently pulling off all sorts of insane stunts, seemingly forgetting she was carrying Visi.

Just like now.

Lucy barreled past a headless executioner blocking their path without hesitation.

At the moment the executioner raised its axe, Lucy nimbly jumped back.


The axe smashed into the ground, nearly splitting a person in half, while Lucy zipped past the executioner.

Every slip-up felt lethal, yet Lucy treated it like an everyday meal, repeating such recklessness casually.

Given the situation, it was impossible for Visi, clinging onto Lucy’s shoulder, not to feel both physically and mentally uneasy.

Just not throwing up throughout this ordeal warranted a merit badge.

“Lady Alrn! Could you maybe take it a bit safer?!”

“Shut it, Flunky. Why are you so scared? You think dying is a thing here? Are you a damn brat afraid of going to the bathroom at night?”

Though Visi tried pleading, Lucy’s response was firm.

Didn’t anyone here realize they couldn’t die?!

Even if she realized that, she still felt fear!

Isn’t it strange how you act like your life doesn’t matter?!

This monster of a troublemaker!

As Visi sulked internally, she let out a sigh.

At least she wasn’t discarded halfway through.

Compared to Lady Kent, she felt like mere excess luggage.

Sure, Lady Alrn was a monster, but Lady Kent was no push-over either.

How could she keep up with this troll of a troublemaker? Huh?

“Lady Alrn?!”


“Lady Kent is over there!”

Lady Kent was holding her sword up against the headless executioner.

With her expressionless eyes fixed on a target, her intentions were clear.

The moment Lucy Alrn saw this, she dashed over and grabbed Lady Kent by the collar.

“Stop being a pain in the ass! Are you a chicken or something?!”

“But it looked strong!”

“Charging in headfirst like a chicken without a brain is what you do when you’re alone!”

Lady Kent glanced at the headless executioner, disappointed, but didn’t charge in again.

Despite all the commotion, their speed through the dungeon was astonishing.

It had taken them 10 minutes to clear the first floor, but that was only because they were accommodating Visi, the baggage.

Now that Lucy had kicked it into high gear, their dungeon clearing speed was much faster.

The time taken to traverse the second floor was merely 3 minutes.

Every other floor was even quicker.

Around 40 minutes after stepping into the academy dungeon, they arrived at the boss room of the tenth floor.


Catching her breath before the boss room, Lucy mused how hauling around baggage was quite the workout.

Maybe next time she could add more weight for her morning jog.

Pondering this, she surveyed her surroundings.

While she, as an Alrn, had certainly done much worse, Frey, who was actually supposed to keep up with her, looked quite exhausted, and Visi, still slumped over her shoulder, began to dry-heave the moment she was set down.

Both of them were way too weak.

Even Visi was just a nameless NPC from the game, but wasn’t it odd that Frey was so worn out?

Where did the pride of the top melee character go?

These realities were much less pleasant.

In the game, Visi’s stamina wasn’t even a concern.

Ugh. How is one supposed to speedrun while wasting time like this?

With each passing moment, the timer continues to run!

“Lady, don’t rush too much.”

As she crossed her arms and anxiously watched the two, Karl smiled and gave her some advice.

“At the pace you’ve set for the dungeon, it’s superhuman. Even if you take an hour’s break now, the Third Prince couldn’t catch up to you.”

True, the prince may be exceptional, but ultimately, he’s just an NPC.

There’s no need to panic like against seasoned veterans in a speedrun, right?

‘Thanks for the advice, Karl.’

“Pathetic. Don’t stick out useless advice like that.”

“Ahaha, my bad, Lady.”

After resting a bit, Lucy opened the door to the boss room once Frey had regained her composure.

Visi? She still looked half-dead, but that’s fine.

She just needs to spectate from the back, anyway.

Inside the boss room was a familiar face.

It was the Golem Knight, the same opponent encountered during the entrance exam.

This time, it was wielding a spear instead of a great sword, but the difficulty was similar.

“I’ll go first.”

‘No need for that.’

“Pathetic knight, don’t mess around before I even give the orders.”

From the spatial pocket that I borrowed from Alsetin, Lucy pulled out one of her prepared items.

Ta-da! A Corrosion Potion!

One hit with this, and Golem-type bosses are toast!

Sure, later dungeons have crazy foes sporting corrosion resistance, but that’s a problem for later when she levels up.

No way this newbie boss would have anything like that.

The spear-wielding golem, slowed by its heavy weight, couldn’t dodge the thrown potion and was hit point-blank.

With the Corrosion Potion dousing the golem, its eyes glowed red as it moved its legs.

The Golem Knight approached, quaking the ground with its heavy body—it looked intimidating.

But so what?

With that potion, it was rendered soft.

Now, even the tiniest whack from a small fry like Leez would scratch its armor!

Our mad dog’s teeth would dig in even better.

‘Frey, go in!’

“Pathetic nuisance dog, attack!”

“Do I say ‘King’ now?”

Frey made a playful joke as she lunged at the golem.


“Last time, you know…”

“Oh my word.”

While Joy was enjoying tea time with the other noble ladies, she could hardly focus on their discussions.

Lady Alrn. Just what kind of confidence does she have to refuse my preparations?

I don’t doubt her abilities, but attacking with no prior knowledge is a whole different ball game.

And it’s not like she’s up against any randomer—it’s the Third Prince!

A genius with phenomenal talent!

Defying such a person without a plan?

If she loses, what will she say to the Third Prince?!

Argh, this won’t do.

“Lady Partran?”

“I’m heading out to the dungeon entrance for a moment.”

“Are you worried about the Third Prince?”

“There’s no need to fret over nothing. Naturally, the Third Prince will overcome the arrogant Lady Alrn, won’t he?”

That’s what she’s worried about?!

Inside, Joy was screaming that thought but maintained her outer composure.

As she smiled, not even one noble girl in the tea room could hold her back.

Without hesitation, Joy made her way toward the dungeon entrance.

Only the professors of Soul Academy would truly know what was happening inside the dungeon.

However, there is one piece of information available to the students as well.

Every year, it reveals how far the top 100 students have gone in the dungeon.

Currently, there are still more first-years who haven’t entered than those who have.

So, the moment she enters, her name will rocket up the rankings.

If she checks the rankings, she would know how the battle between the Third Prince and Lady Alrn is unfolding.


“Did it go up again?!”

“Is there something shady going on?”

“This is ridiculous.”

As Joy reached the dungeon entrance, she heard the whispers growing louder.

What’s going on? What’s happening?

Unable to grasp the situation, Joy grabbed a nearby student and shot them a question.


“Lady Partran! I’m so sorry for not greeting you first…”

“Forget that. Why is everyone acting this way?!”

“Umm, if you check the top of the first-year dungeon ranking, you’ll understand.”

Ranking? Has the Third Prince set records based on thorough preparation?!

Lady Alrn! Would it have been so bad to listen to my words?!

Screaming internally, Joy rushed to check the rankings.

‘Lucy Alrn: Floor 20’

…Did I just get hit by an illusion spell?

Floor 20? Not Floor 2?!

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not work with dark mode