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Chapter 70

Chapter 70: Designation of a Saint (1)

Cue the Ancient God XP Theory.

This theory seemed solid to Isaac. In the game, ancient gods didn’t change the story much, just gave good XP and loot. It was harder to beat the ‘Prophet of Red Flesh’, who was holding back some of his strength, than legit deities like Golruwa and Zihilrat.

‘So, am I inadvertently munching on these ancient gods instead of Calzen Miller?’

Calzen Miller’s god upgrade flopped. So, it made sense if he was gunning for these old gods or snacking on their powers as a step towards godhood. Those ancient gods still had divine juice worth absorbing.

And Isaac was getting in the way of this scheme.

‘How will the Immortal Order react to this?’

For Isaac, it felt like he stumbled upon a buffet set up by someone else. But, he couldn’t shake off the worry of the fallout.

Not like Isaac could pick and choose. These old gods were a goldmine of XP, vital for his quick progress. By messing with their plans, he was bound to face off against the brains behind the schemes.

‘Sticking to the current plan sounds like the smart move.’

Finding some reassurance in his path, Isaac breathed a sigh of relief. He still had to figure out why Raela had her sights set on Hendrake’s turf and thought Kyle might drop some insights.

Knock, knock.

A knock sounded at the door. Isaac recognized the knocker and opted for silence.

“Hey, you looking for me?”

After kicking Raela’s butt, Hesabel’s whole attitude towards Isaac got even more respectful.

“Man, things have been pretty wild lately, huh, Hesabel?”

Hesabel just gave a little nod.

Now, Hesabel wasn’t gonna fool herself anymore thinking Isaac was lying (even though he never actually said he was) about being some player for the Red Chalice or a Red Flesh prophet.

Raela spilled all the secrets, even tempting her to go back to Walraika under angelic protection. Isaac couldn’t stop her from going back if she wanted.

But Hesabel chose to stick with Isaac, dropping her faith and family like a hot potato.

It was a head-scratcher if it was just out of fear.

“Honestly, thought you’d join Raela’s crew.”

Hesabel eyeballed Isaac, shocked.

“Did you want that?”

“Nah. But when I heard you were taken, I figured it was game over.”

The move Hesabel got was supposed to be used when the ‘Red Flesh Prophet’ revealed his true form. The plan was for the Prophet to be all focused on Isaac, probably not even noticing Hesabel sneaking up.

Isaac never thought she’d pull it while being held captive. He even thought she’d be useless after getting nabbed, thanks to that Red Flesh.

According to the stories, the grub served at the Red Chalice’s party made people feel amazing, like top-notch drugs. If you didn’t have an angel or a saint on your side, there was no way to resist.

But Hesabel took a bite, then spat it out like it was nothing. Even the ‘Prophet of Red Flesh’ couldn’t make sense of it.

Isaac didn’t buy that Hesabel could endure it just because she had the patience of a saint.

“How did you manage that, Hesabel?”


Hesabel hesitated, looking a bit on edge.

Isaac had a gut feeling about what she might say.

“Got an angel backup?”

Hesabel wasn’t a saint.

So, the only explanation was another angel lending a hand.


Isaac rolled up to the dungeons of Hendrake fortress with Hesabel leading the charge.

When Isaac asked about the angel backup, Hesabel, all flustered, had to spill the beans. Trying to BS a guy like Isaac was a lost cause. Instead of cooking up stories, she guided him to the dungeons, promising to spill the tea there.

On their way, they hit a bunch of traps and locks, all of which Hesabel expertly disarmed.

“You been here before? You’re a natural at this.”

“These are the same old traps the Wallachia hunters often use. Kinda outdated, to be honest.”

“Was this where Raela was up to no good?”


Isaac felt a familiar vibe, like back in the Ariet Monastery basement.

Soon, the puzzle clicked for Isaac.

At the bottom of a long staircase, there was a fresh altar with a red ritual circle drawn out. A supersized mirror next to the altar reflected Isaac and Hesabel in full. Isaac briefly wondered if this was some sacred spot, but something felt off.

He soon figured out what it was: faith.

“Were they trying to make this a holy place?”


But the reply didn’t come from Hesabel; it came from somewhere else. Isaac, not sensing anyone around, instinctively reached for his sword but found no one there.

With a sudden thud, Hesabel just collapsed. She didn’t look gone for good but more like she just dozed off out of the blue.

“They were trying to make a safe haven here, you know? Would’ve made everything a breeze. If only they had more cash flow from Loracus, maybe they could’ve pulled it off. Sadly, seems like it didn’t work out.”

And then, as the voice went on, Isaac soon figured out where it was coming from.

It was coming from the huge mirror next to the altar. In its reflection, Isaac saw himself talking as if on autopilot.

Drawing closer to the oddly chatty reflection, Isaac realized it had the traits of a specific type of angel.

The messenger of the Red Chalice, in voice form.

“Mirror Handmaiden?”

A being known to show up before powerful kings, rulers, high priests, and heroes, leading them down a path of illusion and downfall.

It was yet another angel from the Red Chalice, the Mirror Handmaiden.

“Ah, you catch on fast. So, the gossip holds true – a noble Grail Knight immune to charm?”

The Mirror Handmaiden chuckled as if finding it amusing, but Isaac eyed her with doubt. Despite looking exactly like him, it was common knowledge that the Mirror Handmaiden took on a female shape.

“You seem to keep crossing paths with the Red Chalice a lot, they must have quite a curiosity about you?”

“The interest has indeed piqued.”

Encountering the Mirror Handmaiden brought a different kind of tension for Isaac compared to facing off with the Prophet of Red Flesh. While the Prophet plotted to spread the Red Chalice’s influence, the Mirror Handmaiden’s task was to communicate the god’s message and enforce its commands.

Hence, the Mirror Handmaiden’s interest was as significant as the Red Chalice’s own.

This suggested that the Red Chalice had meddled with its own angel’s mission.


“Why would the Red Chalice meddle in its own angel’s affairs?”

“Because more pressing matters have surfaced.”

“More pressing matters?”

Smiling through the mirror, the Mirror Handmaiden softly touched the cheek of the unconscious Hesabel. It felt odd for Isaac to see his own mirrored image touching Hesabel, but he didn’t let it show.

“The plan of the Prophet of Red Flesh didn’t align with the greater will of the Red Chalice… Let’s just leave it there. To clarify, the Red Chalice means you no harm.”

Isaac didn’t want to dance to someone else’s tune without understanding their motives. Silently, he activated his Eyes of Chaos. With no one around to catch him, he could unleash its power without restrictions.

As Isaac’s eyes glowed purple, the Mirror Handmaiden’s smile widened.

[■■ ■■(EX+)]

[Occupation: ■■■■(■)]

[Abilities: ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■]

But all the information looked like it was blacked out.

Was it because she was an angel, or was there a spell hiding the info?

Still, Isaac wasn’t fazed. If anything, he was glad; it was proof that his power could even affect angels.

Isaac poured all his energy into the Eyes of Chaos.

Subtle tendrils began to creep from his eyes, the purple hue deepening as tears of blood flowed. As the ink-like veil lifted, revealing the concealed data, the Mirror Handmaiden’s grin disappeared.

Suddenly, with a loud crack, the mirror shattered.


The image of the Mirror Handmaiden splintered into shards. As Isaac hesitated on where to focus, a cold breeze swept through the cellar.

“Hey, Grail Knight, you’re one persistent one. Maybe try a gentler approach to chatting next time?”

The Mirror Handmaiden, spread out among fragments of shattered mirrors, grumbled. “Would you have actually responded if I’d tried having a conversation with you?”

“Keeping secrets and playing coy is all part of the job, sure. But there’s no need to make things so tense. The Red Chalice isn’t out to get you, I promise.”

“Well, then spill it.”

Irritated by Isaac’s cockiness, the Mirror Handmaiden twitched but eventually began, “I thought it’d be a good idea for the heir of the Gulmar family to stick around.”


“Seems like they’ve got high hopes for you, buddy.”

Her words almost sounded like a sigh.

“So, how far-reaching do you think the Red Chalice’s influence is? No one besides Walraika openly worships us. It’s not because we’re weak or lack faith. We just prefer flying under the radar unlike some others.”

“And why does that matter?”

“Our game plan is more… behind the scenes. We cozy up to emperors as chancellors, get cozy with wealthy folks as lovers, guide generals as advisors, support heroes as right-hand folks, and follow saints’ teachings subtly. We embed ourselves in established systems to spread our ways quietly. That’s how even a small kingdom like Walraika can have a big impact worldwide.”

Isaac seemed to catch on. The Red Chalice Club might only be big in Walraika, but its influence was massive. Like Raela, they seduced and manipulated heroes and kings from the shadows. Isaac finally realized what the Mirror Handmaid was hinting at. He turned to Hesabel.

“So, Hesabel… is your way to keep tabs on me?”

“If you want the blunt version, then sure, think of her as your sidekick. Not totally wrong,” the Mirror Handmaid chuckled. “No need to question her loyalty, though. Hesabel chose you willingly. We just let her little betrayal slide and set her free.”

Essentially, the Red Chalice believed in Isaac’s potential for greatness. If he became the hero or saint they hoped for, Hesabel, his faithful companion, would reap the rewards. Isaac had pieced together some info using the Eye of Chaos.

It was clear the Mirror Handmaid wasn’t lying. The big question was if he’d go along with it.

“Why didn’t you intervene when the Prophet of Red Flesh attacked?”

“Tell her to back off? Nah, did you really want that, Grail Knight?”

Isaac stayed quiet. ‘Dumb question.’ The Prophet had already tried to flee, yet Isaac had pursued and defeated her.

“So… you risked your own angel to make me stronger and send Hesabel to me? What if I’d died?”

“That’d be a bummer,” the Mirror Handmaid replied nonchalantly.

“Not all of the Red Chalice’s plans work out. A bunch of heroes and potential kings have met their end in some pretty ridiculous ways. If you bite the dust there, it just means you hit your limit.”

Her wild idea was that throwing you into a crazy tough challenge was their way of helping you level up. If Isaac hadn’t downed the Prophet of Red Flesh, he would’ve missed out on a chance to get stronger.

At that moment, a realization hit Isaac.

“Is the Prophet of Red Flesh still clueless?”

The Mirror Handmaid flashed a big smile.

“Yep. She’s sticking around to keep testing you. We’ll keep our connection on the down-low, and she’ll keep being a treasure trove that boosts your power. And hey, we have way more up our sleeves than you’d think.”

Heroes get stronger each time they tackle a challenge.

Isaac was puzzled by this crazy revelation but shrugged it off.

‘Not too shabby.’

Having Hesabel on his team meant he could keep tapping into the Red Chalice’s support.

The Red Chalice’s scheme to even use their own angels as disposable pawns was mind-blowing, but then again, that might be how gods roll.

No matter what, the Red Chalice wanted Isaac to thrive and succeed. And all they wanted in return was for Isaac to side with them once he made it big.

Being in the dark about all this is one thing, but now that Isaac knew, he didn’t have a reason to say no.

There was just one nagging thought. Isaac crossed his arms and stared at the woman in the mirror.

“Hey, does my identity mean nothing to you? The Prophet of Red Flesh wasn’t a fan of it.”

The Red Chalice is not a fan of the Nameless Chaos. Actually, no faith is cool with it. Even gods without personalities aren’t supposed to dig it, going by the rules.

Isaac didn’t think the Mirror Handmaid was clueless about his identity. After all, the Prophet of Red Flesh had seen it for herself.

But the Mirror Handmaid spoke calmly.

“Having double alliances is standard for us. You ain’t completely trusting us either.”

Keeping an eye out is everyone’s job. Or rather, they’re probably planning to double-cross Isaac if the Nameless Chaos stirs things up.

“Alright. I’ll take you up on your deal once one condition is clear.”

But Isaac wasn’t about to get blindsided.


Hesabel woke up.

She found herself in a room where the walls seemed alive, pulsing with veins and muscles. In the center, a heart beat loudly on an altar. Despite the weird setting, Hesabel felt oddly at peace.

She could tell that this sanctuary was made by Isaac, for Isaac.

“You’re up.”

Isaac, tentacles tucked away, came closer. Hesabel understood that he had finished chatting with the Red Chalice’s crew and was back to being in charge. The ball was in Isaac’s court now.

Isaac gazed down at Hesabel before speaking.

Before deciding to keep her around, he had one burning question.

“Why’d you stick around, Hesabel?”

It wasn’t for family, honor, or fun, right?

Hesabel seemed to struggle with the question, but eventually, she spoke up.

“Can’t really put my finger on it, Sir Isaac. But…”

“I’m all about being on the winning side. That’s just how I roll.”


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Paladin of the Dead God

Paladin of the Dead God

죽은 신의 성기사
Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The only Paladin of the forgotten god, Nameless Chaos, and also the only Pope, Priest, and Worshipper.


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