Switch Mode

Chapter 673

Chapter: 673

The day after the Pope’s attack. Upon arriving at the holy land called by Phoebe, I blinked at the sight of several high-ranking individuals bowing to me.

Why are these people, who should be desperately working in their respective countries, gathered here?

Shouldn’t they be prioritizing preparations for the impending disaster instead?

Why are they trying to get acquainted with me!?

Turning my gaze in a panic towards Phoebe, she smiled softly.

“I told you last time, didn’t I? We should create an environment where Young Lady doesn’t have to sacrifice herself.”

Phoebe’s suggestion to shift my responsibilities onto the nations was certainly reasonable.

Reasonable, but—

Can’t I get a little time to mentally prepare?! Meeting new people is just too overwhelming!

Especially if they’re high-ranking individuals!

Ah, back in the day, I could think of any high-ranking person as someone unrelated to me and act boldly, but now I can’t do that!

This damn Mesugaki skill makes it impossible for me to act nonchalantly!

I had a lot to say, but I suppressed it and decided to align with Phoebe’s intentions.

It’s not like I could say anything bad when she went out of her way to prepare this environment for me.

…And honestly, it’s true I can’t handle every situation either.

Just look at what happened last night.

I’m just one person.

If lots of events happen simultaneously, there’s nothing I can do.

But if I leave that situation to others, the variables inside the dungeon are too troublesome.

Dungeons that deviate from normal circumstances are likely to be quite different from what I know.

Just look at the dungeons we tackled yesterday.

“Don’t worry right now, Employer. I’ll help out.”

Since Phoebe seemed to have noticed my discomfort in advance and had Karia on standby, I joined the meeting without any hesitation.

It seems my authority has indeed increased; even though I spoke in an openly arrogant tone, calling them pathetic, pigs, and vile beasts with nothing but lust, the esteemed individuals only looked uncomfortable but did not voice any complaints.

So, at the end of the meeting, the decided course of action was as follows.

I would tackle any dungeon that was large or dangerous without exception.

However, dungeons that were less dangerous or had almost no variables would be delegated to the various nations’ forces, and I’d share the tactics for dealing with hazardous dungeons just in case.

In fact, this was mainly what I conveyed when I consulted with the Apostles, so the only thing that changed was that I informed them about the approach to handle dangerous dungeons and how to minimize damages.

What felt different from before was how cooperative the opposing forces had become.

“We’ll dispatch the 1st Knight Order immediately.”

“We’ll recruit special knights.”

“I’ve already requested cooperation from several elders.”

Previously, although nations agreed to cooperate with this disaster, they never actually pledged all their forces.

For them, what mattered most was their own country, not the crisis facing humanity.

But today was different. They willingly showcased what they considered their best forces.

There was no need to ask what caused this change. It was evident who had created this opportunity.

“I’m sorry, Young Lady. I couldn’t inform you because we were busy preparing since last night.”

“Ha. You’re not really asking for praise, are you? Just say you want me to compliment you. The way you’re wagging your tail like a dog saint makes it obvious.”

“…W-Well, is that so?”

“No? If not, whatever. I’m indifferent.”

“C-Could you p-please give me a c-c-compliment?”

Forgetting the morning embarrassment, I gave Phoebe’s head a gentle tap.

With that, Phoebe smiled and accepted my touch.

Afterward, Phoebe continued to move around to cater to my needs.

She supported me by preparing the already enchanted gear, sending someone ahead to prepare where we needed to go, and dispatching holy knights to intervene in various situations I didn’t know about to somehow reduce casualties.

I occasionally told her not to exert herself too much and tried to restrain her through Joy, but Phoebe still always gave her best.

I didn’t know how delighted she was to receive my praise, but she was more than willing to keep sharing my burdens.

Watching that sight, I thought it wasn’t necessary, but at the same time, I wondered if I should stop her.

The outcomes were good, I felt quite comfortable, and Phoebe was happy, after all.

Right. I overlooked Karia’s words and forgot once more that this world doesn’t operate like a game.

Humans are beings who can act wrongly according to their desires.

Whether it’s good or not, they are creatures that can make mistakes.

Simply put, humans themselves are variables.

I realized this two days after Phoebe summoned various people.

I felt rather good.

Because of Phoebe’s hard work, I was considerably more at ease, and the weakened Pope didn’t cause any variables; honestly, I felt a bit uplifted thanks to the people praising me.

After all, no one feels unpleasant receiving compliments.

While tackling dungeons, I believed that if things continued like this, I could comfortably prepare for the day of the great battle.

I imagined being able to save everyone.

I was the rotten water of the Soul Academy, after all.

So, when I stepped outside the dungeon and met Karia.

When she told me not to be surprised and to listen to what she had to say.

And when she informed me about the disaster that struck a city.

I felt bewilderment wash over me like a wave.

“Those crazy bastards have done something terrible.”

Some individuals had emerged, disregarding the plan I had laid out in a particular area and acting unilaterally.

They aimed to tackle the dungeons, following a plan I had shared before I decided to roam various dungeons.

“What kind of madmen are they!?”

I had merely instructed them to guard! Just guard!

Upon hearing this news immediately after exiting the dungeon, I asked Joy for a teleport spell while Karía laid out the details.

“Did those pathetic idiots complete their conquest?!”

“If they did, I wouldn’t be here.”

That part was acceptable. If they followed the plan perfectly, there wouldn’t have been any damage whatsoever.

At the very least, if they had followed proper strategies in case of failure, the aftermath wouldn’t have spread to the surroundings. But they did nothing.

“I don’t have any definite word since I haven’t heard from them directly, but they probably didn’t do it. If they had prepared any countermeasures, such chaos wouldn’t have erupted.”

Karia advised me to prepare myself mentally.

She insisted that the place would be more horrific than anything I had witnessed, so I shouldn’t be caught off guard.

“Ha. I don’t care how much those pathetic idiots have suffered!”

After hearing that, I forced a grin.

To be honest, I might have underestimated the hellish scenery.

Having encountered hell multiple times when viewing others’ memories, I figured I could handle it in reality.

Could it be that my friends’ reactions, merely hardening their expressions without retreating, influenced me?

Probably, right? As long as they didn’t back down, I could never pull away either. I steeled myself and followed Joy’s spell to that place.

And what I saw first were people frantically running around.

“Doctor! Is there a doctor around!?”

“Kerry! Where are you! Kerryyyyy!”

“Have you seen someone named Pabog!? What do they look like?”

“Mom. Mommmmm!”


“Shit! Evacuate the injured! Right now!”

“Where are the clergy!”

“Here… Holy Lady!”

Someone spotted Phoebe and raised their voice. One by one, people rushed to Phoebe.

They begged her to save their loved ones. They pleaded for her to put an end to this disaster.

They urged her to use her authority to summon support.

With Phoebe absorbing their grievances and striving to create the best possible scenario, I pressed forward.

“This person can’t be saved!”

“No! There’s still hope!”

“Get out of here before you die too!”

A doctor pronouncing someone’s death to save as many people as possible, and the one unable to accept that fate.

“Everyone capable of fighting, come out now!”

A person bleeding profusely yet yelling to assemble as many soldiers as possible.

“We lack weapons!”

“Damn it! Just throw some stones!”

A call for desperate necessities and those thinking of the best under dire conditions.

“When will the support arrive!”

“There aren’t enough people!”

“Monsters! Monsters!”

“Shit. I don’t want to die. I really don’t want to die.”

“Shut up and get out! You bastard!”

Amid despair, some hoped for salvation. Others struggled to survive. Some yelled to restore order.


I shoved those trying to grab me aside, kicked away those attempting to block me, and climbed up to the city walls.

From there, a battlefield unfolded.

People screaming at the frontlines.

Those turning in fear, only to be killed by the monsters charging at them.

The cries of those sprawled on the ground.

The stench of decaying corpses, surrounded by fluttering insects mixed with such a thick layer of rancid blood and burning earth, was unbearable.

All of this I took in, yet I couldn’t grasp the words of my grandfather ringing in my ears.

The sole sound reaching me was the unending screams of people. There was no excuse.

This was hell I had created. All the pain present here was my sin.

I let out a hollow laugh, then tossed aside my mace and shield, gathering my hands together.

Without me summoning them, fairies emerged beside me, encompassing my face, and the divinity within me flowed outward, forming wings upon my back.

Seeing that, I closed my eyes and raised a prayer.

May they be blessed.

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not work with dark mode