Switch Mode

Chapter 668

Chapter: 668

I could see the sword slicing through the air.

It was definitely not going to reach me, but I still raised my shield.

With a heavy impact, my body was pushed back.

Ah, really. It’s impossible to anticipate the timing.

Even when predicting the signs from a third-person perspective, the moment the sword strike arrives is just chaotic!


Frey snickered as she swung her sword again. I could see the signs, the trajectory of the sword, her intentions, and yet, a refreshing sound didn’t come from my shield.


I was intentionally acting at a disadvantage, but Frey was just watching me from a distance.

She must think she can win by attacking unilaterally from this distance.

It annoys me that Frey is so calm. That smug smile of hers is grating!

I get that she’s trying to make me anxious to break my defense, but knowing that doesn’t mean I can just sit idle.

With her having the upper hand, I’ll only end up slowly crumbling.

But hey, since this is just a simple spar, let’s take a gamble.

If I’ve assessed things correctly, it should be fine.

And more importantly, I really don’t want to see that irritating grin anymore.

I withdraw the fairies’ vision and lower my shield.

I mockingly provoke her with just a smile, as if to say, “Go ahead, try me.”

Seeing that, Frey didn’t swing her sword right away, seeming a bit suspicious.


As soon as I noticed her hands tightening, I leaned forward and bowed my head.

I could feel the wind cutting right above me from her sword strike.

“You’re scared♡.”

With the fairies’ laughter echoing in the background, I stepped forward.

With a light step, as if dancing, Frey swung her sword again, but I didn’t stop.

Following my instincts, I twisted my body to the side as the space beside me warped.

“Just as I thought, Lucy.”

After dodging two sword strikes, Frey stood in front of me.

I scattered the fairies around again and spread my arms wide.

If I just raise my shield and mace, I’d just repeat the earlier blunder.

So, I need to lead us to a battlefield that’s in my favor.

It’s true that Frey is a genius with a sword, but I’m stronger!

Waving my arms out, Frey instinctively bent over.

Confirming that, I grinned and pressed down on Frey’s shoulder.

Realizing she was trapped, Frey tried to resist but it was pointless now that I had her.


For a foolish one, she dared to mock me. She’s prepared to face the aftermath, right?

With personal feelings fully invested, I squashed Frey down and only then did I let go of her after hearing the words of surrender.

“You really thought you’d just dash in without backup.”

Arthur, who had been watching the spar, shook his head in disbelief.

“I’m different from those cowardly types.”

“Is that directed at me?”

“Duh, you caught on fast, oh pathetic prince.”

“…I can’t fathom why this brat is praised as the continent’s savior.”

I mean, that’s right. I’m not just sitting silently in other places, and I’ve been more assertive against all the praise, yet it shows no sign of wavering!


While I was nodding, a revived Frey grabbed Arthur’s wrist.

“Let’s spar.”

“Isn’t it just that you want to take out your frustrations on me?”


“When have I ever backed down out of fear? It’s just that your attitude is unpleasant…”

“You’re scared. Coward.”

“…You better not try and claim you lost because you couldn’t get a handle on your breathing.”

Praying for Arthur as I looked at his back, I playfully flicked the heads of the fairies who were craving praise.

“That was an excellent fight. Young Lady.”

It’s always nice to hear praises from Phoebe, but today she seemed a bit teary-eyed.

Joy, you didn’t…?

“That time Lucy wrecked everything! That was the end of it!”

“Then why’s this dimwit in such a state?”

“Imagining the magnificent figure of the Young Lady touches me deeply. If I could, I’d head straight to the chapel to pray.”

Can you really replay all of that in your head just by hearing the story?

Phoebe, I don’t really want to say this, but you sound exactly like an otaku.

Sure, you look good, but if you put on those glasses and reflect on Phoebe’s actions one by one, it would give you chills!

“Hehe. I apologize. My heart was just overflowing, and I spilled my thoughts.”

“Can you stay away then? It’s a bit creepy.”

“I’ll take a step back.”

With no signs of being disheartened, the smiling Phoebe continued.

“So, Young Lady, what’s the reason you gathered us?”

“To torture those slackers holed up underground, waiting for the world to save them.”

There are plenty of reasons for me to stay put, like keeping my power intact or increasing the divine influence of my activities, or collecting achievements for the numerous Apostles will make the future easier; my safety as an essential element of saving the world is just a bonus.

And what’s my reason for needing to act?

Honestly, there’s none.

As long as I prepare for the variables that the Pope might throw my way, people across the land will secure victory just as they did in-game for me.

Waiting until then to appear dramatically at the crucial moment seems like the best move.

Even if intervention is necessary, it would make more sense to leave it to the other strong folks rather than doing it myself.

Despite knowing all this, I decided to move personally.

Because everyone—the commoners and nobles—keeps raising me up, a rebellious streak sparked.

I wondered how much they could praise me.

Just imagine—watching a girl who looks down on men, disdaining them, and then gallivanting around in glorious armor worshipping me.

Sounds like fun, right?

And if I gather a ton of achievements, I can demand a lot from that pathetic god later.

Just the thought of kneeling the one who once looked down on me gives me a rush!

More than anything, if it’s my friends now, I think they can follow along with my thoughts.

Let’s look for some entertaining records.

Finding a new build to speed run is what a veteran does, right?


“Let’s cooperate.”


“If Lucy says so, we should naturally follow.”

“Me too. Being with Lucy is just more fun.”

Oh wait. Frey what about Arthur? Did you come alone?

You were just battling a moment ago, weren’t you?

As I blinked and turned to the side, I spotted Arthur with blood streaming from his lips, eyes bloodshot.

“Freeyy Kent!”

“Wow. Prince is tough. If only you were a bit stronger.”

“I’ll play for real! You little brat!”


Ellaris of Belheim.

Within just 30 minutes of appearing, it was already conquered.

When the ones sent by the Pope arrived, the dungeon was already gone.

Seraph of Cardonia.

The surrounding area had been ravaged by the Alrn Knights.

Thanks to that, the various traps I set up lost their meaning, and the dungeon disappeared in less than an hour.

Airin of Lumiella.

Even though Rasha appeared in person, several strong individuals like the Sword Saint blocked her as if they had anticipated her.

In the midst of that, the Apostle of God entered the dungeon.

Before Rasha’s fight could even conclude, the dungeon vanished.

Rasha was satisfied, claiming it had been a good fight in a long while.





As the Pope confirmed the reports coming in, he inadvertently let out a groan.

This is troubling. Being so overwhelmingly defeated was unexpected.

While he read the reports filled with failures, he couldn’t help but grin.

He shifted his gaze towards the map.

He had predicted that the Apostle would move personally.

If it’s for others, he would gladly stake his life on it.

If there’s a sacrifice, he would inevitably take action himself.

But he thought that even he, being human, would have his limits.

So he stayed calm even after seeing the Apostle take action.

Waiting for the moment they collapse under their own weight to make his move.

It was a terribly arrogant way of thinking.

A being tasked with carrying out the divine’s will couldn’t possibly get into trouble because of such worthless beings.

Ah, the Apostle of God is so outstanding that I can’t possibly predict the future with my wisdom.

“How pleasantly, wonderfully flawed this perspective is.”

Now that the Apostle has proven his greatness, I must showcase my evilness.

That’s how the battle between good and evil works.

The more the people on the continent hate us, the more fear they feel, and the more they sincerely thank the Apostle who rescued them, the closer my plan will be to success.

“So I must create a plausible story for the Apostle.”

The Apostle already has enough of a tale.

Having been cursed at a young age, she had no choice but to mock others against her will.

In a time when she should have been wrapped in love, she only learned to receive hatred from others.

The only person who truly loved her, her mother, died of illness, and her father turned away from his daughter due to the shock of losing his beloved.

Thus, the cursed girl became an outcast.

The people of the continent do not know the entirety of this story, but they have a general understanding of the circumstances.

The Pope spread this information on purpose.

Due to the assessment of her as a hero who rose for the world, people began to see even her mocking in a sympathetic light.

Though that alone is still insufficient.

The story of the past is merely excellent background; it does not resonate with the heart.

What truly moves the world’s people is the tragedies that arose in the present and the figure of a hero overcoming them, which will make them sing praises of the great god and the Apostle.

Imagining the scene where the God descends from the sky with light, the Pope wiped away a tear that fell and turned his gaze back to the map.

His gaze stopped at a remote part of the Soladin Kingdom.

“Shall I first poke at some minor issues?”

I hope the Apostle sheds some sorrowful tears.

If she collapses and locks herself away, it would be perfect.

And at the end, when she rises again for the world’s sake.


That, indeed, is the image of a hero and the visage of the Apostle chosen by the God.

I want to see that for sure.

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not work with dark mode