Switch Mode

Chapter 667

Chapter: 667

Standing at the newly formed dungeon entrance with Frey and Joy, I felt oddly at ease.

I had a clear picture of how the inside was structured.

After repeating it so many times, there was no room for doubt.

Once again, I painted the mental image and took a deep breath, casting my gaze sideways.

Was it really necessary for all of us to go in together? Maybe I should just head in alone while they stayed out.


Joy narrowed her eyes, having sensed my hesitation. It’s annoying how perceptive some people can be.

“It seems like I’ll just be a bother.”

“No way, that won’t happen!”

“Yeah, for sure. It won’t happen.”

With Joy’s stubbornness being evident, she didn’t seem ready to back down. But Frey was right there too.

Subduing Joy would probably be tougher than dealing with the trash lurking inside.

‘No thanks. I’m not that clueless.’

I clicked my tongue at my grandfather’s words. These two know how to take care of themselves. I’ll trust that.

“Let’s go.”

As I stepped into the dungeon, I bestowed blessings upon my friends and planted my feet firmly on the ground.

The oppressive aura typical of the Evil God’s minions weighed down on my shoulders.

Even I, shielded by the divinity of the God, felt discomfort—how would the others fare?

I couldn’t even begin to imagine.

– Look who’s here, that cursed dog of Armadi!

I heard a gleeful voice resonate down the corridor. Was that some exclusive event for the Apostle of the God? Truly pointless.

– Do you think ignoring us can conceal your unease?

“What the hell? You trash!”

I laughed at the inferior being radiating resentment, and with that, various monsters emerged from the walls.

I stopped Frey from swinging her sword and unleashed my purifying powers.

“Creatures born of corruption, vanish before the light!”

As I chanted something that sounded convincing in my head, the monsters couldn’t even emerge from the walls and scattered instead.


– You filthy girl!

I surveyed the monsters that scattered and reformed again, finding it amusing.

Monsters with nothing but red muscle were no pushovers under normal circumstances.

They’d annoy the attackers, sticking like glue.

The mental contamination they caused was just the cherry on top.

If the people outside had entered as originally planned, this would have been their reality.

No, more likely, reality would have been even more horrifying and desperate.

Knowing that made me come here in the first place.

“I’ll just jump in.”

Being respected by others is truly inconvenient.

It bothers me that those who hold me dear are present.

I despise those who don’t harbor a shred of doubt about me.

If they had hated me like they did before, I wouldn’t find them so grating.

“Hey, you can toss me, right?”

“I’ll swallow you whole.”

The door that was supposed to be impassable was consumed by the power of darkness. A woman lingered inside.

A hideous figure with bat-like wings stained her face with red blood.

“What are you? How does a brat know about me?”

“Maybe because filthy creatures consumed by inferiority and jealousy think alike?♡”

“…I’ll rip that face to shreds.”

“Pfft♡ I’m pretty sure I’m cuter than you though?♡”

As I chuckled with my shield lowered, the enraged woman lunged at me.

Emotional, isn’t she? If you have a face that makes someone want to vomit, at least have a nice heart. What’s to be done if they both suck?

I saw her hand flying towards me. It wasn’t that I had achieved some sort of understanding of her patterns.

Nope—it was just painfully slow and obvious.

Blocking, dodging, countering—every option was available, but I simply shrugged.

I saw no reason to react.


Despite my casual tone, a blade that was hard to track was swung from beneath the woman.

As my eyelids fell and fluttered back open, a few strikes landed in succession.

Her body fragmented only to reassemble again, but before it could happen, the shadow looming over her opened its jaws first. Darkness consumed everything.

And that was that. The dungeon, which had birthed countless nightmares, crumbled in less than half a day.

“Good thing we came together, huh?”

I was about to respond to Joy’s cheerful voice but just ended up smiling gently.

She wasn’t entirely wrong.

The skills Joy demonstrated were certainly a huge help.

The same for Frey.

Her swordplay had become so tricky that I didn’t need to worry about the enemies ever reaching my shield.

Truth be told, I hadn’t actually tanked effectively until this point.

There hadn’t been a situation to raise my shield. Instead, I had fulfilled the role of a commander admirably.

– We did well, right?
– Totally!
– Praise us!

Borrowing the fairies’ vision made a significant difference. I had performed my role of a commander before, but back then, I had been hoping others would follow me blindly.

I wasn’t some master from a martial arts novel who could take in everything around me.

But now, it was different. I could track every move my friends made.

I had become capable of adjusting my movements to match their rhythm.

Wait, that’s not it.

It’s more accurate to say that I realized my friends were adapting to me.

Looking at it that way is rather natural.

They had always watched my movements from behind.

That stupid veteran who only thought of rushing ahead.

Rather than giving up in disbelief, they grit their teeth and stood beside me. At some point, I began to take for granted their presence.

I hadn’t given much thought to it before, but after gaining the fairies’ sight, I realized how selfish I had been.

Both Joy and Frey were observing my movements even before I led them.

They had kept me in their periphery so they could match my pace whenever needed. Realizing this made me chuckle reflexively.

Right. This isn’t a game. It’s not a given that my friends follow along with me.

Sigh. How stupid could I be not to have even thought about such basics?

This feels less like an intelligence issue and more like a wisdom problem, which frustrates me even further.

Would Phoebe and Arthur feel the same way? Of course, they would. It’s a stupid question.

While I tapped the fairies’ heads, I exited the dungeon to face the bloody bodies of monstrous remains, greeted by simultaneous cheerful shouts.

For the world, to protect my teammates, fighting desperately to survive, they cheered upon seeing us.

Crap, this is awkward. I was supposed to stomp on their pride before entering.

But how could they smile at me like that?

Damn. As I internally cursed, I pushed my hair back and summoned my divinity.

I didn’t need some miraculous, grand gesture. Just healing their wounds would suffice.

You hearing this? Pathetic God?

Get to work.

Right now.

As soon as I gave my command while looking toward the skies, the sanctuary spread from me, unfurling like angelic wings covering the earth.

…Hey, I asked for simple healing, yeah?

Not this grand spectacle!

What’s with all the pointless theatrics now?! What distortions are you up to this time?!

“Lucy, you’re an absolute angel!”

While trying to ignore Frey’s nonsense, I turned my gaze forward to see the glimmering eyes of the men.

The way they stared at me like they’d regained their childhood innocence was incredibly daunting.

“What are you staring at?♡ Feel like you’re about to die, huh? Is that why your desires are peaking?♡”

Despite trying to express my exasperation, there was no sign of their gazes shifting.

…Yeah. Let’s bail. I can’t stay here any longer.

If I lingered a bit longer, I felt like my insides would rot away.

At least, I was relieved there weren’t any perverted Apostles around.

If that guy had been here, he would’ve recorded all this…

“Hey, idiot? What’s that thing in your hand?”

“Oh, this? It’s a recording crystal. Lord Erginius was dissatisfied with the last item, so he had it modified in several ways.”

“Wow. Am I really that attractive? Not even hiding your love for girls anymore?”

“But you can’t not record this! Phoebe will definitely scream when she sees this.”

Honestly, that sounds likely, so please put that crystal away.

It’s already so heavy with the gazes of onlookers—what more distortion must I endure?

“I’m sorry, Lucy. Lord Erginius will do whatever it takes to beat the God of Magic, so he needs this variable.”

“How long is that loser going to keep being pathetic? Isn’t he supposed to have changed once he became a God?!”

“If you really want this recording erased, you’ll have to ask properly!”

Hey, Joy, Erginius is just an excuse.

You just want to see me pleading right now! Give me back the emotions I felt inside that dungeon!

“If you won’t, then…”

“Dumb swordman.”

“Huh? What’s up?”

“I’ll play with you for a bit, so cooperate.”

“Whoa! Really? I’ll do my best!”

“E-Eh!? Lady Kent! Wait! You obviously want to keep this side of Lucy, right?!”

“Playing with Lucy is way more important!”

“It’s too late for regrets now, idiot.”

“Wait! I’ll break it! I’ll break it, so just stop! Gyaaaaaah!”


Inside Lucy’s mace. Those observing the scenery outside slowly turned their gazes towards Lord Erginius, who had dropped by.

“I didn’t ask for this! The victories I desire should come through skill! What’s the point of winning this way!”

“How persuasive, given how unhinged you seem.”

“Yeah, it’s okay, Erginius. Men can be like that.”

“Why so surprised? It’s not like this isn’t a repetitive foolish act for you.”

“I’m telling you! I didn’t ask for that!”

As they laughed at Erginius’s loud protests, the warrior turned his attention back outside.


“What is it?”

“Is it okay to let this go?”

“You mean Lucy?”

“Yes. If left unchecked, wouldn’t that crush her under pressure?”

The warrior recalled his past when he observed Lucy, who was overly sensitive to others’ sacrifices.

If left unchecked, she’d tread the same path he had.

So, he had to intervene.

He needed to make sure she realized she couldn’t bear everything alone.

To prevent her from falling into despair.

Ruel, knowing the torments of the past warrior, listened intently before directing his gaze outside.

“Is it necessary to let her know about resignation?”

“Ruel, you know how painful it is to have that desire to protect everything!”

“Because he experienced such pain, you are the person you are today.”

“That’s an incredibly irresponsible statement! Rising from despair isn’t an easy task!”

“I believe Lucy can manage it. She is stronger than anyone.”


“And even if you were to go back to the past, wouldn’t you make the same choice?”

“…That is…”

The warrior couldn’t shake his head.

Ruel’s assertion was true. Even if he returned to the past, he’d repeat his foolish choices.

The title of a warrior was only bestowed upon those who were just that foolish.

“Maybe that girl will create a miracle. Something different from us.”

She stood here, having transcended countless absurdities. It wouldn’t be strange if another miracle joined her.

“So I intend to watch over her. Any objections?”


“Good. Now let’s continue talking about how ugly Erginius is.”

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not work with dark mode