Switch Mode

Chapter 665

Chapter: 665

First things first, we can’t completely stop the Age of Mythology from coming.

Sure, the balance is rapidly crumbling thanks to those praising me, but aside from that, the gods’ resurrection is a predetermined harmony.

As long as the Pope is hell-bent on breaking the balance, the gods are bound to come down to this land eventually.

So, our goal isn’t to prevent the Age of Mythology but to minimize the damage caused by the evil gods and take down the Pope along the way.

Back when this was just a game, we’d clear quests step by step, build connections, and use that influence to prepare for disasters. But now, I’m just delivering influence based on reputation, ignoring all prerequisites.

In fact, it’s a way better situation than the game. Despite looking like just a child prodigy back then, I hold the title of Apostle of the God now.

Even if I throw a fit, everyone just assumes there’s some reason behind it.

Aside from the mental fatigue, I could call this a perfect situation.

But that mental fatigue is a real problem.

“The Apostle of the God is entering!”

Hearing the knight at the entrance shout, I felt my lips tense up.

Why do they make a big deal about my turn when everyone else can just walk in without a word?

Suppressing the urge to kick their legs, I stepped into the room, taking in the sight of the apostles acting as commanders from various regions, Karia, and other messengers from surrounding nations.

The impact of the video was obvious. Influential folks from the court had come directly.

It’s a bit annoying to see those eyes sparkling at me weirdly, but I decided to ignore it.

This isn’t going to last long anyway.

Following Feibi’s guidance, I took my seat at the head table without a word. The desk was unnecessarily high.

Just tilting my neck barely cleared the edge of the table, which was infuriating.

Seeing those fools looking at me with glee made it worse. I stood up from my seat and plopped Feibi down in my place.

Sitting on top of her at least made my view slightly better.

“Uh, Young Lady?”

“Why are you acting like you hate this? You prepared this weird chair because you wanted to, right?”

“Ehh?! I—I…”

“Ahh, be quiet. Just do your job as a chair.”

I playfully tapped Feibi’s thigh to silence her, then looked up with a hint of expectation.

Now they must realize that everything in the video is a scam, right?

…Oh? Why do their expressions seem unchanged?

Wait, they even look sympathetic or pitying.

What’s going on? In the past, someone would’ve shouted by now!

Is the video’s influence this strong!? Blinking in disbelief, I leaned on the table and surveyed the crowd.

“Hello, fellow idiots. Good job pretending to be normal.”

And no response at all?


Is that promotional video actually a hypnosis app or what?

Did I fall under some curse that makes them unable to resist being made fun of by a brat?

I think I’m about to lose my mind!

“I don’t want to waste my time with you guys, so let’s get to the point, shall we?”

As Karia placed the crystal on the long table, a large map emerged from it.

“First up, the losers living next to the Great Dungeon need to be focused on. They’ll start popping out one by one.”

The most annoying enemies, the Dark Evil God, has been long devoured by Erginius.

The Void Evil God got obliterated last time, so it won’t be able to do anything, and the Fire Evil God hasn’t fully healed from our previous bout, so dealing with them shouldn’t be too hard.

Now all that’s left is the Destruction Evil God, who’s being tossed around by Lasha, so that should be manageable too.

While I rambled on, ignoring several prerequisites with the mindset of a veteran, I began to harbor doubts halfway through.

Why is nobody asking questions?

“The moronic bum who only knows how to burn things…”

Even while explaining the strategy of a god that hasn’t appeared since the Age of Mythology,

“Where the trouble will arise soon is this pathetic-looking place. Here…”

As I described future events as if predicting them,

“You don’t need to be scared. The ones here…”

Even though I outlined the enemies lurking in places the locals haven’t even heard of, why do they seem convinced?

At the very least, they should be asking if it makes sense or if there’s a better way. I just want at least a prompting question that sounds somewhat convincing!

Stop believing everything I say!

Thanks to the distorting effects of the brat’s skill, even the nonsensical things Karia said were interpreted, making everyone nod along with their mouths shut.

What’s going on? Am I hallucinating? I double-checked everything, and the conclusion was that everything I was seeing was real.

“Looks like things are about to get busy.”

“Apostle of Magic, there’s something I’d like to discuss…”

“Apostle of the Mountain Range, your thoughts…”

As soon as I finished explaining, people huddled together to exchange ideas.

It seemed like they’d wiped the word “doubt” from their minds, and I couldn’t help but pray seriously for this world to collapse.

“Apostle of the God, I have a question I’d like to ask.”

What is it?! What is it?! Ask me anything! I’ll answer to the best of my ability!

Haaah. Thank goodness the people gathered here aren’t the types to lean on the words of a girl.

But still, the representative from the Mage Empire is clever…

“Can you show us the Sun of the Sacred?”

Cancel that. This guy is a complete fool. A really shameless and stupid fool.

I gave him the best glare I could muster, but the representatives from the Empire were too busy admiring me with eager eyes.

The others nearby were no different.

Watching the brave representative from the Empire raise his thumb made me sigh. Getting angry just felt like too much effort.

Did I really think getting angry would make them react in any way?

If they were the type to get riled up, they would’ve screamed at me long ago.

Too lazy to even get mad, I conjured a small sun, and gasps of awe erupted around me.

Let’s think positively. If these fools are this easy to manipulate, they’ll follow my lead to the best of their abilities.

“Excuse me for a moment!”

While the priest barged in, staring at the sun I conjured, he shook his head and continued.

“Movement detected near the eastern side of Silverbrook’s Great Dungeon, similar to what happened in the Mage Empire last time!”

Is trouble brewing there already?

I thought we’d have at least a few more days, but it seems the increased faith has made a big impact.

Thinking I needed to act urgently, I frowned just when I felt admiration-filled gazes pouring in my direction.

What? Why are you admiring me when the minions of the Evil God are mobilizing?

“Truly, Young Lady! The matter you discussed is happening right now!”

Hearing Feibi’s admiration made everything click.

Ah, right. I did say something would happen over there, didn’t I?

From their perspective, this must look like my prophecy coming true.

…But doesn’t it feel a bit too neatly timed?

Shouldn’t it be normal to suspect that something’s fishy?

“Let’s move immediately!”

“I’ll accompany you!”

Yep. No hesitation whatsoever.

That feels less like trust and more like faith, doesn’t it?

I’m kind of scared that when I tell them to lick my feet someday, they’ll gladly do it.


In a room somewhere in the mansion, the Pope leaned back in his chair, lightly tapping the back of his hand as he reflected on recent events.

The minions of the Evil Gods were crumbling one after another.

Though they might not be quite divine, they were still monsters that had taken down countless righteous men during the Age of Mythology and were strong enough to be the center of a Great Dungeon.

And yet, they were dying without causing any notable damage.

The Great Dungeon, which should have taken months to conquer, had everything discovered before even entering, forgotten over a long time since the end of the Mythological Age, and those who should have been hidden were being torn to shreds, every secret fully analyzed.

The Pope pondered if it was because the heroes from the Mythological Age were advising them, but he shook his head.

It’s undeniable that the heroes were potent miracle workers, but, let’s be real, they were pretty dumb compared to their abilities.

I’ve thought too many times, standing back, why they made such mistakes.

This incident must have been planned by the Apostle of the God.

The one who hid their identity until now must have had a good reason for broadly spreading their brilliance across the continent.

As the Pope looked at the two crystals on the desk, he recalled the rumors of an encounter between Erginius and the God of Magic at the periphery of the Mage Empire, and he chuckled.

They say evaluations of their techniques were reaching a boiling point, leading to them deciding to settle the score with a direct confrontation.

No matter how prideful they might be, they wouldn’t do something so foolish.

Anyway, the current situation isn’t favorable.

While it’s great that the Apostle of the God is being worshiped, it’s a problem that all the minions of the Evil Gods have disappeared.

If only they vanished alongside the other divine beings, things would be much easier for my plans.

Though this might be sooner than expected, it’s time to start moving.

As the Pope slowly rose from his seat and stomped his foot, the floor vanished, revealing a staircase.

What lay beneath were the corpses of several people.

Those who had become prey for the strong.

Individuals who once held the title of Apostle of the Evil God and tried their best to flaunt their divine brilliance.

And those personally selected by the Pope.

As the Pope gazed at the corpses of those who would have at least made an entry in the continent’s history, he nonchalantly bestowed them with the powers of the Evil God.

Their deaths have finally come to an end.

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not work with dark mode