Switch Mode

Chapter 660

Chapter 660

Thanks to the divine representatives I defeated one by one, it seems.

The gods below even conveyed their willingness to cooperate through Ganshu and Erginius, without me having to say a word.

As expected, whether you’re a person or a god, showing rather than telling is way quicker.

Once they find themselves in a situation where they might get screwed, suddenly they get all alert.

Listening to the endless reports coming in, I felt satisfied at first, but soon found myself facing a huge dilemma.

“It seems like Lady Alrn needs to stand before the other apostles.”

Erginius, who called together me, Ganshu, the perverted apostle, and Payvi, boldly blurted out this crazy thing.

“Have you been sniffing chicken coops or something? What kind of nonsense are you spewing?”

“I’d rather not showcase you to the public! I don’t want to make you give a speech before a large crowd! Knowing the nonsense you’ll spout when you stand up there, do you think I’m crazy enough to suggest that?!”

“Pfft. What a moronic way of thinking. Just holding one rotten woman for centuries makes you feel superior or something?”

“Listen up! Lucy Alrn! I’ve been called a pity case and my only lover says you smell like a chicken coop! With that in mind, can I possibly say I don’t know the disaster your tongue could bring?!”

Erginius’s outburst was laced with bitterness, and I just pursed my lips.

If you know all that, why are you putting me at the forefront?

If things go south, it’s not just the Pope who’s gonna be in trouble! I mean, with the Mesugaki skill at play, there could be a holy war among religions!

“It’s pathetic that I have to say this, but the reality is what it is. Lucy Alrn, you have no choice but to step up.”

“Just listen for a second, boss. You might actually find it convincing.”

Taking a step back at Karia’s words, I raised an eyebrow as if daring her to talk.

Erginius thanked Karia and pulled up a map of the continent in the middle of the table.

“Thanks to Lady Alrn’s recent efforts, most divine beings have promised cooperation. I can’t discern their true motives, but at least they appear to be cooperating on the surface. However, the problem is that divine opinion cannot automatically translate to earthly consensus.”

Unlike the old times when gods lived alongside humans, today’s deities can’t wield influence even over the general populace.

While they can convey their will through a few apostles, they can’t force their opinions onto their believers.

“The idea of banding together in the face of crisis is great! But just having a good reason doesn’t solve everything!”

Even before the mythological era ended, those devoted to a religion often lacked a sense of reality.

With the gods always around to solve problems, why would they ponder their earthly worries?

But ever since the mythological era ended, the situation changed.

They lacked money. They lacked land. Places to pray disappeared. The number of believers dwindled.

Everything that seemed so natural when the gods were on earth suddenly became not so natural.

In this context, maintaining faith was no longer something that could be done solely with devotion. Thus, one by one, religions began to adopt commercial traits to survive.

“The efforts they made to survive aren’t necessarily bad. The problem is they started to view other religions as competitors once religion commercialized.”

Following the shock of the gods’ disappearance, there was no way for coexistence on the chaotic land.

For one religion to prevail, it had to suppress another.

“Currently, the many religions existing on the land don’t like each other. Particularly those in similar regions, their conflicts are quite serious. They shout heresy at each other and do whatever it takes to eradicate one another.”

You can’t resolve hundreds of years of religious conflict with a single word from a god.

No matter how desperately a god’s apostle preaches peace, it’s impossible for conflicts to be resolved overnight.

Is this world in danger?

Is the evil god attempting to destroy the continent?

Will the peace held for hundreds of years suddenly shatter overnight?

Who would believe such things?

The places they inhabit have been peaceful yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow — why should they believe that their everyday life would be turned upside down?

“Humans are smarter than many think, yet dumber than most realize. Unless something absurd occurs right before their eyes, they will never believe in a crisis. For instance, as long as the apostle of the Creator doesn’t show up all of a sudden, that is.”

My very existence is essentially proof that this world is in crisis.

So I have to step up and persuade everyone.

Separate from the fact that Lucy Alrn and the word “persuade” are totally disconnected, it’s unavoidable.

Having listened to all of Erginius’s explanation, I clenched my face and let out a sigh.

Ugh! Are all these gods nothing but pathetic losers!?

Why can’t they even persuade their own believers?!

Are you guys really gods?! Aren’t you ashamed of being worshiped while you can’t even pull that off?!

‘That’s because the Creator is a pathetic freak!’

<...Uh. Um...>

Now that I think about it, I’ve never seen a god’s agent go unscathed!

Why do they impose trials on those who act in their stead!?

If you’ve hired someone, you should create an environment where they can do their job properly instead of piling burdens on their back!

“…Can’t the pathetic saint do it instead? She has a little of the pathetic god’s divinity after all.”

“Lady, I also want to reduce your burdens, but right now I symbolize the face of the Church of the Creator too strongly. If the representative from the Church, which earns the hatred of other religions, stands in the middle, it will only provoke disdain.”

Is it really just me who can do this? As I pressed my forehead, worried about the upcoming events, the perverted apostle smiled.

“Don’t worry, Young Lady. We will assist you.”

I felt zero trust.

“Ganshu will actively cooperate as well.”

“Personally, I’d like to see him squirm.”

“Even if you say that, I know you’ll do well.”

I really had zero confidence in them.


As I swung my mace to relieve my worries about what was to come, Erginius’s plan was unfolding moment by moment.

According to the orders from several gods, the powerful apostles from across the regions came to the kingdom.

While it was also a symbolic move since the evil god Agra was the first to attack here, it was mainly for the very real convenience of management.

Typically, apostles prefer not to step out of their territory, but this time was the exception.

Thanks to the Saint from the Church of the Creator collaborating with the apostles from the Art Guild and the Church of Magic to put pressure on things, as well as commands from their gods.

Still, there were some who chose not to cooperate, but Erginius said he would handle them, so that wasn’t something I needed to worry about.

Besides, I didn’t have the spare capacity to care anyway.

The pressing issue right in front of me was the problem.

“You look beautiful as ever, Young Lady.”

I dismissed the grinning perverted apostle and entrusted myself to Erin.

I probably wore the armor and cloak I typically donned, but the touch of someone else’s hands made everything feel different.

“I hope for a good outcome. Young Lady.”

Leaving Erin’s blessing behind, I stepped outside, escorted by the perverted apostle and Payvi.

On one side was the saint praised across the continent. On the other, an artist sought after by many nobles.

It was a sight everyone would envy, but in my head, there was just one thought.

I want to run away right now!

I feel like my disguise is about to tear!

I hadn’t felt this way since I took a break from the academy, and now I’m being forced back into hell!

“Lady Alrn. I’ll open the door.”

“…Hold on a second.”

I halted the perverted apostle reaching for the door with a deep breath.

It’s okay. There’s no problem. I just have to go in there and prove that I’m an apostle of the Creator.

I can leave the rest to the pervert who made this little brat into an apostle! I already made plans with my grandfather yesterday!

“Alright, Young Lady. Let’s go.”

Seeing Payvi’s bright smile, I managed a sheepish grin.

Ugh. What if I just smash everyone inside and force them to recognize me?!

It seems way easier to crush all the apostles than to convince them with words!

– Hehehe. So Lady Alrn can look this adorable too?

Frowning at the voice above my head, the tiny Fairy Queen appeared before me.

– It would be great if you showed this side of yourself more often.

“I prefer not to see you often. I’m worried the chicken coop smell might rub off on me.”

– That’s really unfair! You changed the title for Lord Erginius, but why am I still the same?

Well, I guess that’s something you should ask the pathetic god.

Maybe even asking him would bear no fruit. The Mesugaki skill seems to override whatever skill the Creator granted.

– Don’t be so uncomfortable! I’m here to help! Believe it or not, I’m a pretty impressive being! If I’m by your side, I’ll endure whatever discomfort it brings!


“Chitchat, chitchat. Are you coming in or not, brat? I’ve come to waste time because of you.”

Out came a man with short red hair and some scars on his face that left an impression, but I didn’t recall him.

Some generic mob that didn’t even appear in the game.

In Mesugaki language, I guess you might call him a jack-of-all-trades?

“Does it look like I’m holding back? A total loser being unable to even restrain himself?”

– Oh my, would it be alright if I talked about his passionate nights?

“Hey, don’t you see anyone here?”

I frowned at the man who seemed to be completely ignoring me.

Thanks to this mob stepping in, the good vibes had already been ruined from the start.

So I guess it would be fine for me to do what I want a bit here.

This isn’t my fault! It’s this bastard’s fault for picking a fight first!


“Whatever stupid thing you’re saying, I don’t get it.”

I scattered the fairies around me. My vision shifted.

“Just spit it out…”

The opponent is ignoring me. He also doesn’t think he’ll be attacked.

Once I confirmed that, I reached out.

With that muscular body, the guy tried to respond to my movement, but my new perspective was already tracking that too.

My hand twisted through the air, grabbing the man’s face.

Since he’s an apostle, it’s not like he’ll die even if I treat him roughly.

Applying force, I slammed his face down onto the floor and crushed his groin with my foot as he struggled to escape.

“Hey♡ Am I doing what you wanted?♡ You seem to like wiggling around, huh?♡ Disgusting perv♡”

As I finished with a kick to his chin, I grinned at the startled gazes of the apostles around me.

“Pfft♡ What’s up? You pathetic losers♡ Are you scared?♡”

Definitely, this side suits me much better.

And there you have it!

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not work with dark mode