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Chapter 657

Chapter: 657

Ganshu, taking his rightful place in the magic church’s reception room, unceremoniously kicked everyone else out before pulling out a cigar-like item from his pocket.

He instinctively trimmed the end of the cigar and glanced at me, seemingly gauging my reaction before he lit it.


“I figured you’d tell me not to smoke that smelly thing.”

“Knowing that, why would you take it out? Do you want to be cursed?”

“It’s just a habit from when I came down to the physical realm.”

With a look of disappointment, he set the cigar aside and began to inspect the magic around him before speaking up.

“Thanks to Erginius, the gods have learned of the Pope’s intentions. He’s dreaming up a ridiculous plan to bring back the Age of Myth to this land once again.”

“That guy’s a total lunatic. I can’t wrap my head around it.”

“From that incident, we gathered various opinions from the gods. If that madness is real, it could threaten our very existence.”

Ultimately, the Pope’s plan is to wipe out all the gods.

The collateral damage that might arise in the process is merely secondary.

“So, what are the perverts in the heavens saying?”

“Everyone’s just airing their opinions, but let’s be clear—most gods aren’t really against the return of the Age of Myths. In fact, there are quite a few who welcome it.”

For centuries, the gods in the heavens had to live as bystanders.

If they intervened too much in the mortal realm, they would end up aiding the resurrection of the evil god, so they kept an eye on each other to prevent any contact with the ground below.

These restrictions became the driving force behind a peace maintained over the years, but on the flip side, they also bred discontent.

“They’re saying they can just overpower the Pope once the Age of Myths opens up.”

“What a bunch of idiots.”

“Right? Complete morons. What’s worse is that there are quite a few of them.”

Human sacrifices? No big deal. We can bear any damage that comes our way.

If it means regaining the authority lost in the distant past, they would gladly shoulder all the losses.

Such thoughts weren’t limited to just a few gods. The more forgotten a god became over the long years, the stronger this tendency became.

“Why even entertain those fools?”

“Because they’re still gods.”

Surely, there exist those who believe their words are wrong. There are definitely people who think they should prevent human sacrifice.

However, the reason they hesitate to act is simply their divine nature.

Having fought against the evil god together during the Age of Myths and having spent centuries alongside each other, they couldn’t easily dismiss their opinions.

“Back then, Erginius told you that gods don’t die, right? That’s wrong. Gods can die. They just don’t vanish in typical ways since they’re conceptual beings.”

In order for a god to exist, a certain level of authority is necessary.

The concept they hold must be imperative enough to maintain their divinity.

If that concept weakens, and if they start to be forgotten by the people, they become something that nobody remembers, and thus, they cease to exist.

“That never happened during the Age of Myths. Gods walked among humans and maintained a minimum level of authority. However, as the Age of Humans began, that narrative changed. Gods that strayed from human needs began to disappear one by one.”

The god overseeing slaves vanished when slavery was abolished, and the topic of slaves became merely whispered in the shadows.

The god of bronze ceased to exist when bronze went out of use.

The deity of a certain crop, once a staple for humanity, fused with the plant god as better food became available.

“You know that feeling of watching precious beings disappear before your eyes, don’t you? Humans? Precious beings. How could we not cherish those who believe in us? But even so, there’s something even more precious.”

For the sake of not sacrificing anyone, I would gladly wager my life.

I would step forward at the cost of my own soul.

That’s been my routine infinitely so far. Right now, the gods want to gamble just like me.

Just like I saw from beyond the monitor.

“I think you’re right. If the Pope’s plan leads to everyone’s end, then it’s better to take risks.”


“And you know, it’s about time the gods also accepted the concept of death. Where there are meetings, there are farewells; where there are beginnings, there should be endings.”

As Ganshu spoke, he grabbed the cigar and made a move to bite it.

Seeing him hesitate to light it up, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Ah, perhaps the magic god wanted Erginius to be taken away for a reason.

It might’ve been a personal desire, but more likely he wanted to create a situation where I could have a chat with this guy alone.

Maybe he was being blackmailed.

“…Why are you laughing?”

“Because you’re sneakily glancing at the girl, and it’s just so pathetic.”

He agreed with what I said, but his true feelings were different.

If he genuinely believed I was right, he wouldn’t bother coming to talk to me; he’d just blackmail the other gods directly.

The little brat, who’s so heavy that he won’t leave the library, has come down here for the opposite reason. He came here to protect his friend.

“Hahaha! If you’re going to let go of your pride, do it right! You don’t seem desperate enough!”

“As I mentioned earlier…”

“Then the discussion ends here? Hihi, glad to hear that. It was really tormenting, smelling that old stench.”

The moment I stood up without a hint of doubt, Ganshu stiffened, and Grandpa urged me.

[Lucy! Don’t take that person’s words lightly…!]

‘Really disappointing, aren’t I, Grandpa? Do I look like an evil person who can listen to that without a poker face?’

[…Are you planning something?]

‘Maybe, but I’ll keep it a secret because you’re being annoying.’

This time was different from everything that happened before.

The Pope is a madman, but as I saw through the monitor, he’s just a madman.

The many things he plans to do and the countless effects that might spring from it don’t stray too far from what I already know.

“Hey, wait! Lucy Alrn! Hold on for a moment!”

Seeing Ganshu suddenly stand up in a panic, I slowly turned my body.

“Damn it! Yeah! Your story is right! I was hoping you’d take an interest in the stories of the gods!”

Of course, that’s what he’d want. He’s a recording god.

Listening to and recording all the gods’ stories means he cares about them.

After all those hundreds of years, he couldn’t passively watch the scene of other gods disappearing.

It’s not about what’s right or wrong. It’s become a situation where you can’t classify anything, that’s why Ganshu has come to see me.

“Listen well! As long as the great god remains silent, you will decide the future! The fate of the continent now rests in your hands!”

Until now, I thought the great god’s silence was to suppress the power of the evil god to the maximum. But perhaps, his real purpose was to prevent any variables from being introduced.

Struggling to look pitiful, he seems to secretly consider things while being bothersome.

“That’s why I ask! Just humor my whims a little! If you do that…!”

Listening to his earnest yet passionate words, I grabbed Ganshu’s lips and stopped him from speaking.

“What, are you going to do something?”

Seeing Ganshu nodding, I couldn’t help but smirk.

“Let’s make a promise. You’ll become my loyal pet. A parrot that repeats everything I want.”

If I could guide everything that happens from now on in the direction I know, I could achieve a happy ending.

Even without a replay in reality, I could still see the true ending.

“If you understand, then nod your head.”

Seeing Ganshu, who had been frozen, bow his head, I stepped back while giggling.

After wiping his mouth, Ganshu let out a long sigh.

“What are you planning?”

“Are you saying you’ll just turn into a bare-brained parrot? What gives?”

“…What are you suggesting?”

“Lack of humility, my friend. Humility. Do you not know a god should at least have that?”

While I’m fine with listening to his wishes, I need to make the hierarchy clear.

Because if he goes off the rails later, that would be troublesome. He needs to follow my desires precisely, just like a well-written program.

“I guess there’s no other way. I’m kind enough to educate you. Now, repeat after me: Lu. Cy. Nim.”

Seeing the conflict in Ganshu’s eyes, I snorted and turned away.

Immediately, Ganshu rushed to grab my shoulder.

“Lucy-nim! Is that satisfactory!? Are you happy now?!”

“Such a stupid head. Is it really that hard to apply?”

“Are you satisfied now?”

“Pfft. Ha. Aha, the sight of you squirming truly is pitiful.”

As I scratched my chin to satisfy myself, Ganshu’s shoulders trembled, but he showed no resistance.

Even this nasty guy must have treasures among his friends.

“Hey, brat. Can you bring that perverted crow here later? That crazy servant of the evil god needs some serious teaching.”

“You. I mean, you would be pleased with whatever you do, but that woman would be happy.”

“…Is she trash like that clumsy fox?”

“Probably worse.”

“Make sure I don’t see any crow wings around me.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Just one clumsy fox is terrible; a similar perverted guy added to it?

Moreover, a hopeless girl with divine powers?

No way. I cannot accept such a future.

“I’ll ask again. What do you intend to do?”

“I’ll create miracles. I can’t stand those worthless beings not praising the gods.”

I answered with a grin, grabbing Ganshu’s shoulder, who looked confused.

“So, you stupid head, spill all the weaknesses of those idiots you know.”

“What are you planning to do with them?”

“Make them cooperate willingly, with joy.”

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not work with dark mode