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Chapter 653

Chapter: 653

While Lucy and Nebera were moving underground, chaos erupted above.

The revered wizard of the Empire, the Apostle of Magic, dove down there to rescue a girl.

As they tried to follow their idol, several wizards shouted for knights to be summoned, and the confusion among them spread to the citizens, plunging the city into turmoil.

A few calm individuals shouted to restore order, but their strength was far too weak to dispel the chaos that had already spread.

Even if they had some power, it wouldn’t have changed much.

The turmoil in the city wasn’t just due to the bewilderment of the people.

The ominous energy flowing out from below was shaking the emotions of the crowd; who could calm the chaos of the city when something like that was happening?

“Young lady.”

In the midst of the pandemonium, Erin gazed toward the hole with her hands clasped in prayer.

Oh, great Lord, please protect our kind young lady.

That was the moment. Suddenly, vibrations began to resonate from the earth that had been silent until now.

People were tossed around in the turbulence so much it was hard to even stand.


Kal lifted Erin over the mob and onto a nearby building.

“Did the young lady do something?!”

“Surely so! Our young lady can’t possibly fail!”

Not long after that, two figures pierced through the darkness.

Lucy and Nebera—the apostle of the Lord and the apostle of Magic shot up from below.

Kal and Erin, relieved that their master was safe, lost their words as they watched the two ascend into the sky.

“What… what is that?”

“Well, since she’s the young lady, there must be something…”


Kal, who had nearly fallen from the increasing tremors, was about to ask if Erin was okay when he opened his mouth in shock at the sight of the monster breaking through the darkness.

That was something that should not exist in this world. A monster that shouldn’t be allowed to stand on the earth.

“Erin! Stay here for a moment!”



– It’s time for action!

Kal dashed through the wind created by Nia, slicing through the creature’s tendrils as they reached for the surrounding humans.

“Don’t just stand there like fools! Move now!”

At Kal’s shout, the wizards began to cast their spells. But it was too late.

Their response was far too sloppy compared to the monster’s strength.

They needed to hold out until they could regroup! At least until the young lady returned!

Suppressing his fear, Kal steeled himself, just then a sun rose high in the sky.

A miracle from the Lord, bigger, hotter, and brighter than the sun that originally occupied the sky.

Lost in staring at that light, Kal blinked as he noticed that the sun was gradually growing, revealing his master beneath it, and he chuckled.

He had once resolved to never be outpaced by the young lady.

At some point, he realized he wouldn’t fall behind her.

And now, he just thought it would be nice if he could follow that divine being.

The sun that had fallen from the sky thrust its light toward the darkness below.

The minion of evil thrashed around to push the light away, but each time it did, the sun just radiated brighter, never growing dim.

How long had the confrontation between darkness and light continued?

As the expanding light burst forth, warm snowflakes fell from the city’s sky.

The hole where the monster had once flaunted its presence had already disappeared, and in the center of the plaza stood a solitary little girl.

With her red hair dancing and jewel-like eyes surveying the world, she gently caressed her fair skin and flashed a smile that could captivate even gods.

Who could possibly doubt her?

Could any being deny that she was the chosen hero by the Lord?

The young lady was indeed the one destined to save this world, the inheritor of ancient heroes, and the chosen apostle of the great Lord.

That girl was my master.

In the midst of the divine radiance fluttering around her, Lucy stood overwhelmingly beautiful, and Kal nearly shed tears at the sight of her when he noticed something fallen beside her.

Amidst the dust, the Apostle of Magic, Nebera, suddenly sprang up and rushed toward Lucy.

“What do you mean you just let go of me in mid-air?!”

“Can’t you fly? You must not be worth much.”

“You could at least give me some time to react! How could I handle such a situation when my mind turned blank? I could’ve died, you know!”

“What a shame. You didn’t die. I bet even a loser like you would’ve wanted a more respectful servant by now.”

“Is that what you’re going to say to me?!”

“Why? Are you offended? You seem to be feeling your inferiority level.”

“Ah! I’ll never forgive you!”

Seeing Nebera rush at Lucy, Kal let out a weary sigh and headed over where Lucy was.

Nebera, who had bravely charged in only to be stomped by Lucy, desperately asked Kal for help but was ignored.


In the reception room of the church devoted to the God of Magic.

Nebera pouted, obviously displeased at having been stomped, and finally spoke after a deep sigh.

“I can’t believe a kid like you is an apostle of the Lord.”

“I can believe a poverty-stricken loser like you is a loser’s minion. We have a lot in common, after all.”

“Can you quit running your mouth!? Haa. Seriously. You were so cool when facing that monster.”

“Huh. Have you fallen for me? You’re just an easy girl.”

“I said I like men! MEN!”

She wasn’t half bad when it came to teasing. It’s cute how she charged at me every time I poked a little.

From behind the monitor, I thought about how I’d have wanted to hit her, but what kind of events had led her to act like this?

“Haa. Anyway, if what you said is true, this is no time to be sitting idle. Similar incidents could be happening all across the continent.”

With the Pope trying to resurrect Agra, disasters like this would be occurring everywhere.

It wouldn’t just be Agra’s minions, either.

Evil gods sealed within great dungeons would break out, and their minions would also rush forth.

The return of the Age of Myths means that a war of gods would begin anew, and the beginning of a war means a multitude of sacrifices ahead.

However, those still on the continent were doubting this fact.

What could we do?

For hundreds of years, the gods had been endlessly distant from us.

In such a situation, who would listen if we shouted that an evil god would be resurrected?

Unless all the apostles of the gods decided to speak out together.

“I see what you’re trying to say. I don’t desire meaningless sacrifices either. I will join your grand endeavor.”

“Think you can persuade other dumbasses?”

“Just connect me with Prett, and I’ll find the locations of other apostles and try persuading them.”

With this, the purpose of coming to the city was perfectly achieved.

“But why aren’t you taking action yourself? If an apostle of the Lord like you were to persuade them, they’d surely agree.”

“Pfft, what nonsense are you spewing? Do you think those losers can handle me?”

“I understand. That would backfire.”

As a Mesugaki-skilled person, there’s no way I could convince others!

I could perhaps do some convincing through physical means, but aside from that, I can’t do anything!

Yet it’s oddly frustrating when they simply comply to my request!

I’m not happy about it!

While I was grumbling at Nebera shaking her head, she suddenly stopped speaking and broke into a grin.

What’s with her suddenly laughing up a storm? Did the God of Magic say something to you?

Feeling a presence from above, I lifted my head and blinked at my friends floating over me.

Hearing the raucous shrieks in my ear, I reached out and caught Joy and Phoebe in each arm.

Lifting them like this, I definitely felt a weight difference.

Phoebe felt a few kilos heavier.

Wouldn’t the Divine Pouch alone make that much difference?

Is Phoebe really getting fat?

While I was thinking this, Frey landed gracefully on the ground, while Arthur was showing off some rolling technique in his fall.

Spending too long with an idiot must have spread the idiot germs around.




Joy and Phoebe hugged me from both sides, making it hard to breathe.

Every man probably dreams of a happy death like this, including myself, but sadly, reality was bleak.

I can’t breathe!

In this scenario, where I was literally suffocating, how can I appreciate the soft touch?!

Happiness is something you can only feel when you have the luxury of breathing!

“You two. At this rate, Lucy Alrn will die.”

“Ah! Lucy! I’m so sorry!”

“I’m sorry! Lady! How could I have done this to you!”

Thanks to Arthur’s mediation, I was freed and caught my breath, only to spot Frey hanging from my waist like a monkey.

What is this brat doing? I tried to shake her off, but she stubbornly clung on, so I gave up first.

It’s not that heavy, and if she gets tired, she’ll fall off.

After quite a while, I realized that the true friends were finally present, and Nebera was right in front of me.

“…Apostle of Magic.”

“One minute. Phoebe, do you mean this is the Apostle of Magic?!”

“Yep. Joy. I remember seeing you at the official event before.”

“Yup, nice to meet you all. I’m Nebera, the Apostle of Magic.”

Nebera, displaying a half-hearted impression, lowered her head and narrowed her eyes at Phoebe.

“I never expected the Saintess to have such a girlish side.”

“…Can we pretend we didn’t see this?”

“It’s too delightful a scene to ignore.”


As Phoebe hung her head, Nebera let out a small chuckle.

How dare she touch my friend when she couldn’t do anything in front of me?

I began considering how to hit back at her when Frey suddenly spoke up.

“Hey, is the God of Magic greater than Lord Erginius?”

The fool just dropped a bomb.

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