Switch Mode

Chapter 652

Chapter: 652

With a roar, it expands its chest.

Taking a step forward from my current position.

Then I count 3.5 seconds in my head, and as I thrust my shield forward, that massive arm heads straight for me.

Ching! The clear ringing echoes once more.

The creature’s stability collapses, revealing a gap.

I take advantage of that opening and send ice creeping up from the ground, climbing up its body.


“Looks like a monster, but it can’t even take that?♡ How pathetic!♡”

Its red, flickering eyes lock onto me, and soon the claws that had been extending from its body come flying my way.

No need for Nebera to worry. I had deliberately turned to prepare for this pattern.

With my shield raised, I dash forward.

As I reach close to the monster, I swiftly step back to dodge two swipes.

After that, I slam down on its exposed head before retreating.

Perhaps it had been cooped up underground for too long. This monster seemed to lack intelligence compared to any foe I faced before.

My knowledge from the game applied so perfectly that it felt almost awkward.

If this keeps up…

No, let’s hold back on the talk. There’s no good in babbling nonsense.

[If it’s like this, victory should come easily.]

‘Aah! Grandpa! How can you say that?!’

[… Is it not the truth? ]

‘Even if it’s true, there are things one shouldn’t say!’

I scolded Grandpa in panic, but that doesn’t make his words disappear.

The flag has been raised, and that damn loser is pumped up to retrieve it. A sinister aura spills in the dark cave.

“Oooh! Agra!”

The monster’s body swells. It may look slightly larger on the outside, but the intellect engraved in those red eyes and the oppressive force swirling around confirmed it was definitely a powered-up boss.

“Eww, that smells disgusting♡”

I sprinkle some holiness around to neutralize Agra’s energy.

Meanwhile, I think about the transformation that would arise with the unplanned phase two starting.

“How much self-comfort have you done while alone in this cave?♡”

I taunt, but the rationality inscribed between the reds shows no signs of fading.

As I close my eyes and open them again, the monster’s form vanishes.

A chilling sensation washes over me from the side.

Following my instincts, I thrust my shield forward, and for the first time, I feel a shock transfer through my body as I rise into the air.

The monster lunges at me, sending claws my way, but I erect a wall of holiness to block its approach and land back on the ground.

“You’re feeble! You little brat!”

I never thought I’d get annoyed at not awakening the fairies.

Seeing me get emotional, it looked like I’d lose my mind soon, but I could hold out till then.

“You’re no different! Loser’s minion!”

Ah, damn it.

Something rises from the floor where Nebera stood.

A loud explosion rings out.

“Are you okay!”

Amidst the gray smoke, I see Nebera. The magic barrier protecting her has only cracked but successfully shielded its master.

“Look ahead!”

However, that barrier didn’t protect me, who was distracted.

A dull impact hits.

My body is sent flying somewhere.

The monster’s laughter and Nebera’s scream collide in the air.

Grandpa’s shout echoes.

As I regain my balance in mid-air, I frown and heal the wounds sustained.

Seems like rolling around dealing with Lasha paid off.

Even when a sudden situation arises, my body reacts first.

Haaa. But this is becoming a bother.

From now on, that monster will focus on Nebera, and each time, my attention will shift to her.

I can’t ignore Nebera completely either. If the monster targets her, it’ll become dangerous.

What should I do? How do I hold on each time that creature loses its senses?

– Can I help?

I turn my head at the whispering voice in my ear and find a tiny fairy perched on my shoulder.


– Hehe. So you won’t call me queen anymore? How sad.

The fairy queen pretended to wipe her eyes, but the smile plastered on her face didn’t hide itself.

– Please don’t glare so fiercely. I’m here to help you, you know?

As she clapped, the slumbering fairies above my head lifted one by one.

At the same time, the monster lunged at us, but the situation was different this time.

– Eww!? What is that?!

– That’s disgusting!

– Get away!

The fairy’s sight and my view overlap. I see a third-person perspective from beyond the monitor.

And in it, I wore a remarkably beautiful smile.

For a moment, the pure sound I had lost fills the cave again.

Looking at the confused face of the monster, I stuck out my tongue.

Did you think you had any real value just because I cut you some slack?

Not in the slightest.

From the beginning until now, you were nothing but a pathetic, joke boss.

With all my strength, I swing my mace, sending the behemoth flying far away.

As I watch the dust cloud swirl, I turn my head to see the fairy queen’s sparkling eyes.

– Haaa. I might just fall for you.

“Have you gotten tired of that dork? It seems like even the god of darkness can’t handle the night work, huh?”

– Oh my, please don’t put it that way. There’s plenty to brag about regarding that part…

As I shot her a cold stare, the queen cleared her throat.

– Young lady. Don’t assume that only the goddess is watching your path. I’ll always support you.

“…That’s creepy. You’re not some kind of pedophile, are you?”

– Yes, there are more than you think.

As the fairy queen disappeared, asking for a splendid spectacle, I realized she had known I was back all along.

She hadn’t intervened before because I didn’t want her to.

I wonder why the fairy queen’s heart is so dark; is it because of the darkness’s influence?

With a shrug of my shoulders, I swung my mace sideways.

The monster crashed its face into the mace and rolled forward.

“Aha!♡ Are you cleaning the mess?♡ But it seems that your disgusting smell won’t disappear!♡”

From the attack hidden beyond a normal person’s sight.

To turning away from me to target someone else.

To hiding in a corner and scheming.

All of it was meaningless.

Even without a focus, my body naturally reacts.

The years spent looking from behind the monitor seem etched into my soul as I move as if it’s instinctive.

It’s quicker, tougher, and capable of using multiple patterns together now, but ultimately, what you do is still the same.

That means you can’t cause me any trouble.

After once more slamming my weapon onto the monster’s head, I approach the one rolling on the ground.

Where did that beast go, which had been shouting to kill me just until a moment ago? Now it’s stepping back.

“Pfft♡ You’re scared of a girl?♡ You really lack guts!♡”

Seeing its limbs dying like it’s nothing seems to discourage it.

The energy of Agra surges around me, but all that darkness scattered in an instant.

The darkness of the Evil God dulls in the face of purifying power.

The darkness that had settled in the cave dissipates.

The concept of light, which seemed non-existent underground, seeps in.

Standing in the center, I become the sun that shines upon the world.

Hahaha! How pathetic. Your apostle wields more of that power than you do!

It seems we should switch roles. Being tied to the Pope’s leash suits you.

Don’t worry. Soon, we’ll both be sobbing in the same place.

As I stand before the monster ready to finish it, it suddenly grabs its neck.

“For the end.”

This time, I raised the flag myself. Hurriedly retreating, I scoop up Nebera, then rip up both a gravity scroll and an explosion scroll.

“Wait! If you mix those two scrolls—!”

“Bite down on this! If you stain me with your blood and saliva, I’ll make sure you suffer until the last moment!”

What happens when there’s an explosion underneath a body floating in the air with no gravity?

You get launched!

As the dungeon that lost its master crumbles, I rise amidst the falling debris.

Hoping I’m now at a safe distance, I glance down to see those lobes swelling up like crazy.

Eww! That’s so disgusting! If I get caught up in that, I’m sure it’d trigger a game over labeled ‘not suitable for youth!’

Realistically, those things would crush me in between, and I don’t want either ending!

“Hey! Speed up!”

“I don’t know anymore!”

Nebera’s magic creates a strong wind from below, pushing us upward.

A current magic user is different! Look, I can see the light up there!

Before long, I’m met with the landscape above, and while praising Nebera inwardly, I’m taken aback as my body continues to soar upward.

“Didn’t I tell you to die alone a couple of times?! This obsession is creepy! You perverted lesbian!”

“It’s what you told me to do! And I’m not a pervert, I like men!”

Just before we reached the city’s center, our flight came to an end.

Now it was fall time.


– Woahhhh!
– So fast!
– Faster! Go faster!

While glancing between Nebera, who was screaming and unable to cast magic, and the fairies laughing with glee, I couldn’t help but smirk as I looked down.

A rampaging monster burst through the hole.

Haaa. It really is tough.

In a normal route, it shouldn’t last two minutes!

[In a way, isn’t it better? It turned out as splendidly as you wished.]

‘True. Not too bad at all.’

I intended to make a ruckus from the very start.

Wrapping things up spectacularly wouldn’t be a bad finish either.

After tossing Nebera into the air, I raised my mace high.

My first miracle.

The heroic tale I reached alongside Grandpa.

As a holy knight raised the mace, a sun was said to rise there.

“Die already!”

The miracle of the god bestowed hope upon the earth.

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not work with dark mode