Switch Mode

Chapter 65

Chapter: 65

“How can you attack me like this?!”

“Maybe it’s because you’re a loser?♡”

You, existing as a being inside a game, wouldn’t understand this.

Even though I’m a Holy Knight, I am still somewhat weak.

Normally, it should be impossible to deal decent damage to a necromancer with such a vast level gap.

However, a veteran knows how to exploit the weaknesses in between.

The necromancer, being the boss here, shouldn’t normally be affected by physical attacks.

But that evasion mechanism is not immunity; it’s just nullification.

There’s a big difference between the two.

It’s not that you don’t take damage at all, but rather that you receive it and it gets nullified.

That brings me to the skill I obtained by defeating that poor third-year senior not long ago: Underdog.

This skill inflicts true damage if the level gap exceeds 20, which allows me to inflict damage on a necromancer that I normally couldn’t even touch.

So what if physical attacks are nullified?

Fixed damage doesn’t change!


Once again, my mace slammed into the necromancer.

Due to his ridiculous skill of physical immunity, he has lower base stats compared to other bosses of similar level.

Now that I have various skills leveled to their max, I can definitely overwhelm him.

But the necromancer didn’t just sit still.

As the lord of this dungeon, he fought back with everything he had.

However, I wasn’t the only one participating in this battle.

Karl, as a knight of the Alrn family with numerous battle experiences, was creating an environment for me to attack by blocking all the necromancer’s counters.

He dashed away spells the necromancer cast, took care of the corpses crawling out of the graves, and even stopped the necromancer’s outbursts.

In a sense, he was even more of a tank than a tank should be.

“I… I’ll take care of this…”

After this one-sided violence, the necromancer faded away.

But I didn’t let my guard down even for a second.

I had been blindsided in a similar situation before.

Fortunately, this time, a proper exit was created, and my body felt revitalized.

Thank goodness.

Ah, Agra’s curse is such a pain.

When I was playing the game, I would cheer when Agra got involved, but now I have to be scared of it.

I want to grow stronger quickly.

I even hope that something will come out from the curse.

The variables born from Agra’s curse provide rewards better than the dungeon’s level, you know.

Well, that’s a problem for later.

What’s the reward from this dungeon?

As I examined the table that appeared in front of the door, I found a black bead.

This must be a remnant of the necromancer, right?

When I examined it and used the appraisal skill, a message window popped up in front of me.

[Remnant of the Necromancer]

[A bead imbued with the resentment left by the necromancer upon death.]

What am I supposed to do with this useless item intended for playing as a necromancer?

It’s not of any use to me at all.

I wasn’t thrilled about it, but I couldn’t change what I received as a reward.

So I just pocketed the item.


“Let’s head back, loser.”

“Yes, Young Lady.”

Once I stepped outside the dungeon where it was drizzling, I felt like I had become a drowned rat.

The school uniform I wore looked like something tossed into water and fished back out, and my hair was so soaked it was weighing down my neck.

Ugh, so uncomfortable.

I just want to get back to the dorm and wash up.

But first, I need to gather a few things.

As the dungeon was conquered, the door that blocked the path to the room disappeared.

I conjured light to illuminate the dark room.

This room turned out to be a sort of storage area.

Since the path was blocked by the dungeon, the things in here were relatively undamaged, albeit aged by time.


‘In this mansion…’

“These are items the losers who used to live in this dilapidated mansion kept.”

Since this was a storage area from a pretty grand mansion, everything stored here looked quite valuable.

I could easily make ten gold coins just by selling everything in here, right?

Yet, my goal wasn’t to grab the treasure.

As the only bloodline of the Count family, to me, riches are just things I can easily get hold of.

Standing at the entrance, while looking around the storage area, I spotted the item I was searching for and confidently strode inside.

I heard Karl protesting from behind but ignored him.

In this case, his words were not worth considering.

If it were truly dangerous, the old man would’ve said something.

As I picked up a ribbon caked in dust from the corner of the storage, I spoke to the empty air.

“Is this what you were looking for? Take it.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the ribbon turned to ash and scattered away.

“—Thank you.”

As that voice echoed in my ears, several message windows appeared before me.

[Quest Clear!]

[You have received your reward.]

[Skill: No More Grudges.]

Awesome! Just like how it worked in the game, it was resolved perfectly.

The skill “No More Grudges” is simply a skill created for the Great Necromancer battle.

It has various functions, such as damage reduction taken when facing necromancers and increased damage dealt.

However, the true aspect of this skill lies elsewhere.

Specifically, it nullifies curses below a certain level.

When I face Agra in the future, I’ll have to walk around with various curses, and without this skill, I could easily meet an untimely end.

Getting this desired skill made me feel good, and as I turned to leave, I noticed Karl’s pale face.

“Y-Young Lady. Just now… the voice…”

He really is a big scaredy-cat.


The next day, after returning to the Soul Academy with a weak-kneed Karl.

As soon as class ended, I looked for the flunky Young Lady.

Why do I call that NPC the flunky Young Lady, you ask? Because I don’t know her name.

I doubt she would tell me if I asked.

So I decided to refer to her like the Mesugaki skill does, as the flunky Young Lady.

Anyway, what good would it do to learn the name of an NPC that’s not related to the affection system?

As soon as the flunky Young Lady saw my face, she hastily bowed her head and pretended to sleep.

The fingers she had hidden beneath her arms were nervously shifting, revealing her wish for me to just go away.

Her wish, sadly, would not come true.

I had come to meet the flunky Young Lady.

As I sat down across from her at the table, her shoulders tensed up.

Did she really think I’d believe she’s actually sleeping?


“Flunky Young Lady.”

No response.

Huh. Is that how you want to play this?

I guess I’ll just have to see how long she can hold out.

“Hey. Wake up.”

“Flunky. Wake up.”

This time, her shoulder twitched slightly.

But still, the flunky Young Lady didn’t lift her head.

“Flunky♡ Was that a lack of presence, or are you just hard of hearing?♡ Wake up♡”

Finally, the flunky Young Lady lifted her head.

Her face turned red, clearly indicating she was embarrassed due to my teasing.

“What do you need?”

Yet she can’t bring herself to curse me out, which shows just how notorious Lucy’s reputation is.

She’s clearly holding back, knowing it’s dangerous to provoke me for no reason.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s muttering insults about me with her friends after I leave.

She was already calling me a troublemaker Young Lady when I met Karl, so it’s expected.

“Alrn Young Lady?”

‘This is…’

“I brought this for you, flunky Young Lady.”

What I pulled out from my pocket were the items the flunky Young Lady asked Karl to find, along with the key to the mansion.

The flunky Young Lady examined the two items, her brows furrowing as she scrutinized my face.

“…But this is what I asked Teacher Karl for.”

‘It’s a task.’

“Can you not tell just by looking? I came here on an errand.”

Actually, I came over to drop a couple of remarks to the flunky Young Lady.

“How do you know Alrn Young Lady and Teacher Karl?”

She was glaring at me, clearly curious, but I didn’t answer her question.

Instead, I just said what I wanted to say.

‘Behave yourself, necromancer lady. Keep the gossip to a minimum.’

“Stay safe, flunky necromancer. You know what happens if you keep talking behind my back, right?”

The flunky Young Lady’s expression changed dramatically.

Her face went from anger to confusion, and finally to a pale shade.

With her face, I could probably make an entire traffic light.

She stammered, trying to make excuses, but I didn’t listen to her and stood up.

I had warned her by pointing out her vulnerability as a necromancer; she wouldn’t dare gossip anymore, right?


Evening at the Soul Academy.

As the students have free time to wander the streets, Visi Belle stepped into the manor in the back alley.

Due to rumors of a ghost living there, the manor was rarely visited and was quiet today as well.

As Visi Belle opened the door and entered, the wooden floors creaked beneath her.

“—Visi! You’re here?”

At that moment, she heard a voice from behind her.

In such a situation with no signs of life, it would be surprising, but Visi Belle remained composed.

“Don’t you just greet normally?”

“How boring. You’re always so unexciting, Visi.”

“You just don’t know how to scare properly.”

As soon as Visi answered, something translucent floated down from the ceiling.

It took the form of a girl wearing ragged pajamas.

“No way! I’m really good at scaring people!”

“Yeah? I find that hard to believe, Adri.”

The ghost residing in the manor, and one of the former inhabitants, Adri puffed her cheeks in response.

“I’m telling the truth! I scared someone to the fainting point just yesterday!”

“Whoever it was must have been a huge coward…”

Yesterday? That must have been when that damn troublemaker Young Lady came by, right?

“Uh, was it that annoyingly pink-haired girl?”

“Not! It was the blond knight!”

A blond knight, huh.

Must be Teacher Karl.

So he came here after hearing about my request.

Visi Belle, visualizing Karl trembling at the scare from Adri, couldn’t help but chuckle.

So even that cool guy has his weaknesses.

—The young lady who came with me didn’t show an ounce of fear!

“Are you talking about the pink-haired girl?”


So those two visited this manor together yesterday.

What’s their relationship, then?

Considering they both came to such a remote place, they must be close, but…

Well, with Adri having locked onto the weakness of the necromancer, I wouldn’t be able to pry into their relationship even if I found out.

“Adri, did you tell that girl anything about me?”

“No? I didn’t say a word to her.”

Makes sense.

There’s no way a non-necromancer would be able to talk to a ghost like Adri.

Then how did she find out I’m a necromancer?

“Adri, can you tell me what happened here yesterday?”

“Of course!”

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not work with dark mode