Switch Mode

Chapter 645

Chapter: 645

The advantage of a third-person perspective was far greater than I had expected. After all, martial arts were constructed around the structure of life itself.

To target the human field of vision, various techniques were created.

However, if I could view it from a third-person perspective, all that effort could lose its meaning.

Because I could see everything.

The opponent’s deceits.

The cunning movements.

The subtle gestures.

All of it.

With all this information at my disposal, I found I could buy myself a bit of time even against Lasha, who was starting to get serious after just a few days.

At first, I struggled to adapt. Not only was I grappling with my viewpoint, but moving my body in a third-person view was incredibly tricky.

But once I got the hang of it, it couldn’t have been more comfortable.

The best part? The confidence it brought me.

It wasn’t some forced bravado due to that Mesugaki skill; it was the confidence I used to have, back when I was banging my head against the monitor screaming at my screen.

Pride of being a veteran of the Soul Academy.

No matter what horrendous enemy showed up, I knew I could face them head-on, and that belief put a spring in my step.

Finding improvement areas became easier too. With an objective view of my movements, I could instantly correct myself on the fly.

Thank you very much, narcissism!

Watching Lucy dance around the opponent like a beautiful fairy was downright enchanting.

Let me clarify before any misunderstandings arise—I’m not vibing with the pathetic god’s perversion!

It’s more about admiring beautiful sculptures when I see Lucy!

Honestly, that makes this a bit of a problem!

How could I not feel any urges while facing Lucy in such elegant armor?

It’s been ages since I’ve become a eunuch, but I never thought my mental state would follow suit!

Nah, it might also be because Lucy looks too much like a damn brat.

Maybe I should test it out with Phoebe or Joy later.

This is a seriously important matter—possibly even more than the fate of the world.

[What on earth are you so seriously contemplating?]

‘…Me? I wasn’t thinking about anything at all?!’

[Do you really expect me to believe that after everything we’ve been through together?]

Even though Grandfather is a comfortable ally, I can’t just spill my internal dilemmas, like “I can’t get excited about someone who doesn’t know my inner workings! Help me!”—that would just invite a “Have you lost your mind?” reply!

‘Uh. Ahem. About the Pope’s plan.’

[You’re talking about that nonsense about making the God the only god, right?]

‘Yes, that nonsense.’

Thank goodness. I just made that up, but there didn’t seem to be any doubt from Grandfather.

If he had asked if I had other worries, I’d have literally bitten my tongue!

[It does sound unusual. The apostle of the Evil God knows it’s impossible to kill a god, right?]

Hearing Grandfather’s agreement, a genuine thought crossed my mind.

The Pope’s plan sounded similar to what I had heard in the game.

If you broke it down, it matched perfectly.

After reopening the mythological era and inciting a war that annihilated the gods, he aimed to vanish alongside Evil God Agra—a dream of his that hadn’t wavered for centuries.

Even now that the game has become reality, the Pope is still dreaming the same dream.

He wants to make the god Armadi the only supreme deity.

When I was just a player on the other side of the monitor, I thought his dream, while absurd, wasn’t entirely impossible.

After all, back then I believed even gods could bite the dust.

I’d killed quite a few gods—it’s not like I made it a habit or anything!

Back in the day, we joked about how gods were the most pathetic in the dungeon.

But now, that’s questionable. Just recently, while facing the dark Evil God, I learned how tricky it is to off a god.

Gods are conceptual beings.

They cannot just vanish unless someone takes their place.

‘Grandfather, is it genuinely possible for one god to possess multiple powers?’

[As far as I know, that’s impossible. It could be possible if they’re interconnected concepts, but not all concepts can be encompassed.]

Given Grandfather’s background in living through the mythological era and his close ties with many gods, I believe he’s correct.

And the Pope, like Grandfather, lived through that time, having battled alongside the apostle of the Evil God, would also understand how difficult it is to slay a god.

Yet, the Pope has never once entertained the thought of failing.

Both in the game and in reality, he pressed forward without hesitation toward his goal.

It would be easier if he had merely lost his marbles, but he was fundamentally off-kilter.

Something must provide him with certainty to be this reckless.

‘Time to make my exit.’


‘It seems I have nothing left to do here.’

I figured it might be better to talk to the others to see if anything arises.

With my intelligence level, I didn’t see an answer.

Is this the effect of the third-person perspective?

I can objectively see how dumb I am now.

Or maybe my intelligence has improved since then?

While I sat there smiling at my newfound wisdom, Grandfather raised his voice in a hurry.

[Wait. I’m just asking because I don’t understand—aren’t you currently in a state of being kidnapped?]

‘Oh, right?’

[But do you think you can just escape if you decide to?]

‘Sure, why not? They can’t hurt me!’

In a typical situation, dreaming of an escape would be impossible, considering I’d be outnumbered.

However, this situation was different. Their capabilities were limited, but I could do just about anything.

‘I’ve already scouted the mansion’s insides, analyzed the strength of the knights, and have a rough idea where the exits are. I think I could escape after a few attempts!’

[…Weren’t you just having fun messing with others?]

‘Grandfather, I’m still the apostle of the God, you know? I won’t deny having enjoyed myself, but I’m not so pathetic as to only think about that!’

How long have we been together for you to feel neglected? You know better than anyone how serious I am about dungeons!

‘Did you really think I wouldn’t tackle a dungeon like this?!’

[This is a dungeon. No, it’s fine. Just let it go. For how they would react, what about Lasha or the Pope? If they block your way, you won’t be able to do a thing.]

‘That’s the least of my worries.’

[What do you mean by that?]

‘It’s hard to explain verbally. You’ll just have to see for yourself.’

[Wait. Lucy!? ]

As I unleashed the fairies around me, I grabbed my shield and mace and kicked the door open.

The two knights waiting outside probably thought I was going to throw a tantrum, because they let out a deep sigh.

So they didn’t react fast enough to my swinging blunt weapon.

One of them crumpled while clutching his side, and the other tried to compose himself, but he couldn’t fully respond to the unexpected situation.

In the past, I would have hidden my weaknesses behind the shield, but with the third-person view, everything was laid bare.

So, I dove inward, slamming my shield right into the knight’s solar plexus, effectively neutralizing him.

So far, everything was going according to plan.

Alright, let’s make this a speed run.

With light steps, I dashed through the mansion—quiet and swift, like a fairy flitting through the air.

I’d already calculated how the knights usually moved.

With this route, I wouldn’t run into anyone.

Of course, it was impossible not to be detected at all; their watch wasn’t exactly lax.

Soon, the shouting would begin.

“Spread out!”

“Her Apostle!”

At this point, calculating routes became meaningless. I had no idea how they would act in a desperate situation.

For now, I’d pursue the most optimized path, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I got caught.

With the same light-hearted mindset I had while moving past the monitor, I arrived effortlessly at a door.

It was the place the knights had freaked out, trying to stop me from entering just moments ago.

Something important was surely waiting behind it.

“What’re you doing, brat?”

“Our puppy must have a strong sense of loyalty!♡ Did you miss your master’s scent that much?♡”

“If you want to escape, you better prepare properly. If your first attempt fails, the next ones become way harder, you know.”

“Are you worried?♡ Haha! You’re cute♡ I got it~♡ I’ll play a ton later!♡”

Given Lasha’s indifference, sadly, that room wasn’t going to be my answer.

But I still needed to check. Knowing what’s behind here would help me plan my next move.

As I gripped the handle, Lasha frowned.

“Brat, I don’t usually give advice like this, but you’d be better off not opening that door.”

“Why?♡ What’s behind there?♡ A doghouse for our puppy?♡”

“You’ll regret it.”

“What could be so embarrassing that you’re making such a fuss?♡”

Ignoring Lasha’s warning, I opened the door and glanced inside to see what awaited me, sealing my lips shut.

I was inside.

More precisely, I was surrounded by framed pictures and decorations from the Art Guild depicting me, along with embroidered carpets, and everywhere I looked, it was all me.

I stood frozen, as if caught in a perverted scene straight out of what that clumsy fox would conjure.

Lasha snickered from behind me.

“Told you you’d regret it.”

“Hey, puppy, is all this yours?”

“Think I’d go nuts and buy your art? Of course, all this is the old man’s. Don’t forget, I’m an old human that’s lived long enough to be greedy.”

…So, are you saying the Pope was decorating this room with pictures of me, grinning like a maniac?

Just the thought of it made me want to hurl.

This time, Lasha was right.

Damn it. I want to bash my head to erase this memory.

Without a doubt.

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not work with dark mode