Switch Mode

Chapter 641

Chapter: 641

I took a juicy piece of meat, savoring the tough morsel before wiping my mouth.

“Who the heck prepared this?♡”

“That would be me.”

As I gestured, a man rushed over to my side. I returned his awkward grin with a smile and then smashed the plate into his face.

“You brought this crap for me to eat?♡”

“I’m sorry!”

“Clean it up!♡”

“Yes, I’ll get the tools right away…”

“I mean you should bang your head and lick it clean like a dog!♡”

With a frowned brow, I pointed to the floor, and the man took a deep breath before kneeling down. Then he stuck out his tongue to lick up the spilled sauce on the ground.

“Pfft!♡ Good job!♡ You’re not much of a knight, but you might have a talent for being a slave!♡”

As I clapped mockingly, the gazes around me sharpened. After making eye contact with all of them, I snorted and stomped on the head of the man who was licking the floor.

“If you’re jealous, just say so!♡ I’m the noble Apostle of the Pathetic God, so I can play with trash that’s worse than beasts!♡”

The man began to struggle, as if breathing was getting harder, but I didn’t lift my foot and just looked around.

Just as his movements began to resemble those of a desperate wild animal, a woman raised her hand.

“Can I do it instead?”

“No?♡ You look so disgusting that it’s a no-go!♡ I’m afraid your ugliness will rub off on me!♡”

As the woman’s smile hardened, the guy next to her bowed his head.

“Then I’ll accept your glorious foot upon me.”

“Is that how you ask?♡ I’m not feeling any respect at all!♡”

He approached me with a stiff face and then pounded his head into the ground.

“Please, allow me the honor of being trampled by you.”

“Wow~♡ Just listen to how you talk!♡ This isn’t your first time, is it?♡ Which hooker did you run around with?♡”

Kicking the half-conscious man aside, I stomped on the new guy’s head and returned to my original spot, receiving stinging glares in return.

“Oh! Right!♡ I need to feed my pet!♡”

As if I just remembered, I clapped my hands, and I felt a shudder from beneath me.

“That should do the trick~♡”

“…You want me to eat that?”

“You don’t have to!♡ But I have no idea where I’ll throw the leftovers afterward~♡”

Watching Lasha, who was trembling, crawl over to eat the food that had fallen on the ground, I couldn’t help but laugh with genuine delight.

Ah! What a joy!

It’s so much fun to abuse my power without an ounce of guilt!

At this rate, I’d want to take a bullying slave home once everything wraps up!

[Hey, Lucy? Are you really that angry with them?]

‘Me? I’m a bit pissed off, yeah. Why?’

[You seem to be a little too genuine compared to usual.]

‘Of course! Because it’s genuine!’

I don’t want to admit it, but I enjoyed tormenting people.

Watching them tremble in fear made it hard to hold back my laughter.

It could be the influence of my Mesugaki skills, or maybe I’m just twisted to my core, but I really liked teasing others.

Usually, I’d feel guilty and hold back, but isn’t there no need to now?

They’re all nothing but rubbish worse than beasts.

‘Where else would you see a powerhouse like Lasha crawling like a dog!’

And seeing Lasha leave with a cheerful face, completely mortified, is just too good!

I can’t wait to show others this! It’s such a shame I can’t go out!

[…Oh my God.]

Just as my grandfather let out a sigh, the door swung open, revealing the Pope.

As soon as he saw me, he bowed respectfully but froze upon seeing Lasha licking the floor.

“This is all your fault! Damn old man!”

Blushing with embarrassment, Lasha shouted as the Pope awkwardly chuckled.

“I’m sorry. It appears you’re enjoying yourself more than I expected.”

“I’ll kill you! Once this is over, I’m going to take you out first!”

“Now, now, that might be difficult. I’ve chosen to be killed by the Apostle instead.”

The chamber was filled with a thick air of hostility while the Pope smiled softly beside me, motioning for the Holy Knights to leave.

“I apologize for being late. I had a few matters to attend to.”

“I forgive you♡ Thanks to you, I enjoyed some quality time with my pet♡”

“Thank you for your kindness. Oh Apostle.”

Once more bowing his head, he conjured a teacup from thin air and placed it in front of me.

“Before we get to the main point, may I ask you something?”

How did he catch on when I hadn’t even mentioned it?

Is he reading my mind, just like Karia?!

A terrible thought crossed my mind, making my brow furrow as the Pope smirked.

“Just a guess. Since you carry the mantle of the hero, it would be unusual for you not to consider the possibility. You look flustered, so I suppose my guess was accurate.”

It’s infuriating, but he’s not wrong. I absolutely had no intention of following the Pope.

While I thought it was a decent option, I didn’t want to disappoint the people fighting for me to choose it.

However, the moment I grabbed the Pope’s hand, I was drawn by the blue spear that appeared before me.

[What are their intentions?]

The Pathetic God, who had been silent until now, gave me a quest.

[Follow the Pope and learn his goals.]

[Listen to the Pope’s old story (optional)]

[Reward: ???]

As I read the quest description, a flood of questions welled up.

I already knew his goals. Was there really a need to follow the Pope?


But just as another message popped up, I decided to set my questions aside for now.

What else could I do when the Pathetic God was so politely asking?

Despite his inept Pervy God status, he was still my god.

With my decision made, I followed the Pope, wanting to satisfy my personal cravings as well.

I still had no idea what the God’s agenda was, but I didn’t regret following the Pope.

This was the only place where I could see Lasha with animal ears and a leash, crawling on the floor licking up food!

“So you wish to hear my story?”

Nodding his head, the Pope poured the tea and took a deep breath.

“Well, it’s not that entertaining. Just a tale of an evil man’s folly.”


In the age when the gods and humans walked together, the Pope was born in the midst of a burning town, feeling the absurdity around him.

Despite having divine beings with marvelous powers right next to him, human lives were extinguished all too easily.

Even with those who had transcended death beside him, humans failed to step towards immortality, let alone delay their demise.

Amidst countless deaths, feeling the fear, he willingly took hold of Agra’s outstretched hand.

Yet when the long war finally ended, the Pope realized he had been wrong all along.

The divine will he had thought was right was, in truth, not right at all.

Caught in late regret, the Pope found himself fully devoted to Agra.

The Evil God’s shackles remained even after the Evil God was split into several shards and sealed away.

Having lost even death, the Pope eventually resigned himself.

He thought no one could ever accept him since he couldn’t even forgive himself.

He believed he was destined to wander forever, forever tied to the earth.


“However, the Great God was different. The merciful God embraced even the one who tried to kill Him, Agra.”

The listeners to the Queen’s explanation all gasped in surprise.

This was not simply a story of forgiving someone who attempted to take their life.

Agra had wished for the God to suffer in hell, crushed and torn apart, while He watched everything He cherished be destroyed.

“Is it true…?”

Feibi cautiously asked, and the First Queen nodded.

“Yes. I heard this story directly from the Pope himself hundreds of years ago.”

“It sounds incredibly hard to believe.”

“Saintess, you know that the divinity the Pope wields is real.”

“O great God.”

Bringing her hands together, Feibi prayed to the heavens while the First Queen shrugged and continued speaking.

“The astonishment we feel now is what the Pope felt back then. He realized how grave his actions had been, and the Great God was the one who deserved to be revered.”

Driven by the belief that he had to spread the warmth of the God, the Pope traveled the continent endlessly.

“As I’ve heard, it was during this time that Erginius met the Pope.”

“…I don’t remember anything.”

“Well, that’s because it’s a story from after you were created.”

Though Erginius didn’t trust the Pope at all, he recognized his usefulness.

The things the Pope, who had been Agra’s Apostle, knew were things Erginius was unaware of.

By the time all the stories were told, Erginius decided to use the Pope.

Even if every human who lived during the era of myth were long dead and the age of humans began, the Pope would remain bound to the earth.

So if Erginius made a contract with the Pope to turn the Evil God into an enemy, he could smooth things over even if he made a mistake.

“Please understand. Erginius, bound by guilt for not saving his lover, couldn’t trust himself. He always wanted an extra layer of safety.”

As Erginius shrunk back, the Fairy Queen grasped his hand. Noticing the gentle smile from the Queen, he exhaled once and then turned his gaze to the First Queen.

“Old stories don’t matter. What matters is one thing: the Pope’s goal.”

“He hopes for the age of myth to return. He wants the Great God to descend once more upon the world corrupted by humans, restoring everything to its original state.”

To achieve this, the Pope aims to disrupt the balance of the world.

Just as light grows brighter as darkness deepens, when darkness settles, light naturally shines even brighter.

“By bringing the Evil God Agra back to the surface, he wishes to make Armadi return once more.”

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not work with dark mode