Switch Mode

Chapter 638

Chapter: 638

In my confusion, I struggled to get up, but I couldn’t withstand the rising dizziness and stumbled. At that moment, the Pope naturally reached out and caught me.

“Please don’t move so hastily, Apostle. You almost died just now.”

“Disgusting… stalker prick… you know that, right?♡”

“To be fair, I’m not a stalker. I just came because it was time.”

Desperately trying to obstruct the Pope as he moved to grab the shard, but the recent recoil was too much.

“Saintess, please support the Apostle.”

As I nestled into Feibi’s soft embrace, I looked around.

My friends were glaring at the Pope with eyes full of animosity, but they couldn’t move.

Even a monster called Lasha was too much to handle, especially with the Pope’s elite forces guarding it.

Frey was ready to pounce at any moment, but it seemed Arthur was desperately holding her back.

Good. Well done. If that idiot is allowed to act freely, it would turn into chaos.

“You should know that while you dealt with Cardinal Johan to create a pretext and tackle the confusion, every single event happening in the church comes to my ears. And with the authority I possess, not even Cardinal Johan can stop me.”


“And one more thing. I’m not particularly concerned about reputation. Once this matter is resolved, I won’t care about the Pope’s position at all.”

Joy bubbled up in the Pope’s tone.

It was clear he couldn’t hide his emotions—even if he was pretending to provoke me with a laugh, the one thing I was sure of was that smile was genuine.

That shard of the evil god was significant to his plans.

“Now, this is the final thing. I must discuss something somewhat irreverent, but since I just saved your life, please listen calmly, Apostle. Would you accompany me?”

This question was completely unexpected.

Am I going nuts?

Is being the Apostle of the God that important?

Could it be that this guy is as pathetic as the Pathetic God, being a turned-up pervert?

Countless questions swirled in my mind.

“I swear on the god, I will not harm you in the slightest. Of course, I won’t mentally attack you either. I simply wish for you to observe the end of my work, as would your master.”

Haha. Is that it? Self-sacrifice and wanting recognition from the one he believes in.

I organized my thoughts while observing the Pope’s conspiratorial smile.

Having sworn to the Pathetic God, the Pope truly wouldn’t launch any attacks against me.

If someone did intend to harm me, he might not only decapitate them but also trap their soul to suffer eternally.

It had happened to those who actually harmed Feibi in the game too.

Putting aside my safety, this proposal isn’t all that bad.

Although the method feels almost like a threat, the very fact that I could witness the Pope’s plans is appealing. I could cause a ruckus whenever I want.

[Dangerous, isn’t it?]
‘Surprisingly safe. If I follow the Pope, there’s almost no way I can die no matter what he does.’

Furthermore, even if I stirred up trouble, the Pope wouldn’t get angry.

As long as I didn’t cross the line, he might be sad, but he’d stop right then and there.

I’m not sure if I can keep from crossing any lines.

‘More importantly, if I go along, I can discover the location of his plans.’

[You don’t even know that?]
‘I can’t know. It’s completely random.’

“Your Highness, Lucy Alrn is a citizen of our kingdom.”

Just as I was about to nod, Arthur stepped forward.

“It would be troublesome if you’re planning to kidnap her.”

“Kidnap? Prince of Soladin, this is an endorsement.”

“Just because the words change, doesn’t mean the actions remain the same.”

“Lucy is the only daughter of the heroic Count Alrn. Your Highness, at the very least, we should seek permission from Count Alrn, if this is even difficult for the kingdom.”

Following Arthur, Joy stepped in front of me.

She wanted to scream right away but was refraining as if to persuade the Pope.

However, I knew that the Pope, pretending to listen to their words, wasn’t concentrating at all.

“Both of you, I could declare a crusade against Soladin at any moment. Attempting to resurrect the evil god is an act of rebellion against the deity.”

“That was just a few people’s independent actions.”

“That being the issue is the King of Soladin himself.”

With a single phrase, the Pope silenced Arthur, patting his shoulder.

“If I declare a crusade, leaders from other countries will gladly fight for their beliefs. Do you understand? I’m intending to do something I shouldn’t, moved by the sacrifice shown by the Apostle.”

What the Pope said didn’t just mean a simple war. With a single word, Soladin could become the demon country trying to resurrect the evil god Agra.

Even if Feibi sided with us, it wouldn’t make much difference. Even if a few cardinals raised their voices in support of Feibi, that wouldn’t lead anywhere.

How could nobility feel charm in integrity?

“Stop talking nonsense! A bunch of people who didn’t even acknowledge Lucy’s existence!”

As that statement hung in the air, the Pope nodded and just as he was about to pass by the two, Joy yelled out, stepping boldly in front of him.

“Lucy was scared of the King! But now what!? You’re trying to backstab us and take Lucy away!?”

“Lady Partran. I’m sincerely sorry about that. However, it’s fine now. I’ll personally rectify it.”

“Your Highness! No, I don’t even want to call you that! You! I don’t trust you!”

The bulging veins in her neck contradicted her trembling hands hidden behind her back.

She was afraid of this situation. She knew she was in danger. Yet, Joy didn’t back down.

“You speak as if you know everything, but what have you done until now!? Lucy! That little girl! While risking her life to fight the evil god! What were you doing!?”

“Lady Partran…”

“Nothing! You did nothing! And when Lucy suffered from the curse upon her, what did you do for her!? You knew nothing of her existence!”

Hearing Joy’s shouts, Arthur shook his head, gripping the King’s sword. As if on cue, Frey etched her aura onto her white sword.

“You just said you knew everything! Then every nightmare happening in the church must be due to your negligence, huh!? Disgusting! You’re worse than the scum in the high society known as the Abyss!”

“That’s quite an exaggeration.”

The knight stood silent until now, finally opened his mouth, but Joy’s momentum didn’t wane.

“Exaggeration!? While you all hid in the holy land, Lucy risked her life to save the world multiple times! And all that time in the holy land, all she got was mockery! Is that still an exaggeration!? I think you’re the pathetic idiots thinking you’ll get away with things without ever paying for it!!”

With her curse stripped of nobility, the surrounding expressions froze, and even Lasha at the back burst into laughter.

“Just like Erginius’s disciple! You’ve got to have this kind of fire to be a hero!”

Turning around sharply, the Pope silenced Lasha with just a glance, before smiling at Feibi.

“Saintess, please calm your friend.”


Meeting the gaze of both Joy and the Pope at the same time, Feibi hesitated for a moment but asked them to wait a bit before approaching Joy.

“Please! You know! Feibi!”

“Thank you, Saintess.”

“No, there’s no need to thank me, Your Highness.”

Then she turned towards the Pope.

“What does this mean?”

“It simply means, in very vulgar terms, you can go f* yourself!”

With her voice shaking, Feibi let loose a stream of curses, squinting her eyes at the now mute Pope.

“I know my past. I know you ignored the evil deeds. I haven’t said anything, but this time, it can’t go on like that.”

“Saintess, you are the great deity’s Apostle. If you can’t endorse it in our church, where else can it be?”

“There’s no need for endorsement. What authority do we have to recognize someone chosen by the deity? Truly irreverent. Disappointing, Your Highness.”

Both the Pope and Feibi were smiling, but their eyes didn’t show it. They were both staring wide-eyed, not wanting to be the one to back down.

Just as another argument was about to ensue between them, Lasha interjected between the two.

“Geez, you two are so frustrating. Yammering on, does that actually resolve anything?”

“It’s not over yet.”

“It is. Old man. It’s simple. They want to take Lucy even if it costs them their lives, and we want to bring that arrogant brat back no matter what.”

“And you think I can’t convince them? They’re crazy.”

“You can’t. Because you’re out of your mind. Only another crazy person would be swayed by the ramblings of a madman, and unfortunately, the other side seems completely sane.”

As Lasha stepped forward, the Pope finally opened his mouth.

“So what do you propose?”

“It’s simple. That brat may be arrogant, but she’s kind, right? Once she sees her friends half-dead, she’ll follow along willingly.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Lasha moved closer before suddenly throwing a punch. That’s dangerous! If that hits…

“Wow, you’re strong!”

Frey’s sword blocked Lasha’s punch. I guess she didn’t think her attack would be intercepted, as Lasha’s eyes widened.

“Even if you went easy on me, I didn’t expect it to be blocked.”

“Is that an excuse?”

“Ah-ha-ha! It feels nice! For the first time, I feel vindicated following this old man!”

As Lasha raised her spirit, the Pope’s holy knights also raised their weapons.

Shit. If this happens, I can’t just go along quietly.

‘These guys are a real pain in the ass.’

[And good guys too.]

Stumbling, I raised my shield. It was easier to focus after a break. I should be able to handle these self-righteous knights with divine aspirations.

[Thanks to Agra’s mess, the balance has shattered. As long as I stall for time, Erginius will come.]

‘Why is he always a step behind? Is losing his girlfriend not enough?!’

[You should tell him directly. He’d appreciate it.]

As I stepped forward with a lighthearted grin, divine energy poured into my body.

It wasn’t Feibi’s nor the Pope’s, but a warm divine presence.

Pfft! Hahaha!

What’s this? Did I hit a nerve with my nerdy mage insults?

“Hey, you worthless idiots♡”

First off, I’ll express my gratitude this time.

“Are you ready to become the enemy of the Pathetic God?♡”


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not work with dark mode