Switch Mode

Chapter 636

Chapter: 636

The debris falling from above and the soldiers themselves ignited the spark of chaos.

The formation made by the spearmen collapsed, and as the knights shouted to maintain order, their focus was pulled in different directions, leaving those above them unable to move freely, worried they’d be attacked themselves.

In other words, now was our chance.

“Follow me, you losers.”

I pushed aside the one at the front wielding a shield and grabbed the collar of the one behind him.

Ignoring the bewildered look in his eyes, I tossed him aside, and those behind fell one after the other.

The strength of the many stems from their formation and tactics.

In a world of fantasy, where one person can handle thousands, a broken formation means losing any means to stop the strong.


Of course, the king knew this too, which is why he had placed knights in between.

“Smell this♡”

No matter how strong someone might be, once their attention is stolen, they can’t dodge a knife flying toward their neck at super speed.

Especially when it’s accelerated by the saint’s blessing.

The knight’s head flew into the air from Frey’s sword, and panic spread among the soldiers.

In the midst of that, Arthur snatched a spear from a soldier and threw it with his own magical power toward one side of the railing.

The spear pierced through the stone wall and exploded inside the barrier, creating yet another wave of confusion.

“All forces!”

Seems they’re finally trying to react.

Grinning, I raised my shield high as the soldiers who had fallen back started to melt into the ground, gathering around the knights.

They couldn’t crush us with sheer numbers, so they decided to fight back with an elite few.

Not a bad idea, I’d say.

But doesn’t that muddy stuff look a bit ominous?

“O great Gods, let the sun shine upon their shadows.”

Feibi unleashed a sacred spell that sealed the movements of the unnatural entities.

Sure, purification was possible, but that would seriously waste the divine energy, so she did what she needed and stepped back.

A reasonable decision. As long as she sealed the enemy’s movements, there would be people to take care of the rest.

Frey’s sword. Arthur’s blade. My blunt weapon. They all flew to different enemies, as if already preordained, smashing through them.

“Lucy, look up.”

Following Joy’s words, I turned my head to see the broken railings being reassembled and clearly deceased enemies rising to their feet.

The same was happening around us. I could see the soldiers, previously united, scattering again as they regained their physical forms.

“Can we win against undying foes!?”

A laugh tinged the king’s voice. I could roughly guess what he wanted to say.

So you enjoyed being toyed with until now, huh? But what’ll you do about this? Everything you did was utterly pointless, right?

“Predictable scenario.”

To that, my answer would be, “You thought we couldn’t anticipate this situation? Your head must be in a flower garden.”

You took the power of Agra, right?

Of course, I figured you’d approach this in a delaying manner.

All the modders tackling Agra’s power for the first time tend to do that.

Facing Agra’s power for the first time was tricky.

An enemy that resurrects even after dying! Ignoring them piled up too many, while defeating them became pointless; ugh, it was such a bother.

Even the main game’s dungeon, which seemed to care about balance, was tricky, but what about mods that purposefully abuse it? Really, there was no answer.

Ultimately, the approach I chose was the speed run, going the shortest route, but that’s just for rotten things like me.

Not everyone can choose that method.

Of course, other strategies existed.

“Pathetic saint.”

“The flames originated from the sun. Thus, may the sun protect us; the flames cannot harm us.”

Confirming the blessing that increased our resistance to heat, I pulled a canister from my inventory and tossed it upwards.

At that moment, Frey sliced the canister, and Arthur summoned the wind to disperse the black liquid inside.

“Embers, arise.”

As the black liquid spread across the ground, Joy poured her mana into her voice.

Flames ignited from the once brute red gemstone, adding fire to the black liquid.

“Run! Let’s go, you losers!”

As the flames rose, I dashed toward the stairs, ignoring the sounds of something igniting behind us and enemies approaching.

They won’t catch up with us anyway. They’ll collapse before they can.

“Cruel and efficient. Alright, let’s change tactics.”

As we touched the round stairs, ghosts began to appear around us.

Not to attack us, but to embrace us and explode.

“Bugs, it’s time to work!”

– Finally!
– Are they singing?
– I’m totally confident!

I infused the divine power of the Gods into my throat. No need to put it into words. Hum along with purification energy—it’s enough.


My voice rang out, traveling far and wide.

– Ah~ – Ah~ – Ah~

Echoing through the fairies riding this space, resonating as if filling the entire area.

Those without an end cannot help it, but for those who have reached the end, I can send them back.

Their resentment will acknowledge the warmth that ends their suffering.

While the specters charging toward us vanished one by one, my friends dealt with the incoming attacks from the railings.

They sliced, negated, blocked, devoured, and reflected, clearing a path through hundreds of assaults.

“This is troublesome. Time to change methods again.”

The specters that appeared at random suddenly vanished, and the immense magical power radiated from the mages positioned at the top of the railings.

Ah, looks like they’re planning to collapse the pillars because they can’t stop us with normal means now?

Ha ha ha! You piggy, that’s too cliché.

Explosions are certainly artistic but only when they’re our explosions.

I have no intention of admiring your explosions.

Tossing aside my cloak, I leaped into the air, infusing my armor with the power of embrace.

The greedy armor sucked in the power of embrace, strengthening itself with that quality.

“Delayed explosion! Five seconds till boom!”

I know what delayed explosion magic is. I remember when the magic started, so I can ignore the latter part.

The magic circle glowed, and condensed flames in the form of spears shot forth, while the tips of the spears radiated glowing light.

Right now.

With a cheerful sound, the spells aimed at me ricocheted into the air and exploded.

Using that recoil, I landed back onto the stairs, taking the hero’s cloak and poked at the fool’s side.

“Six seconds, huh? Were you trying to kill me?”

“W-Was I!? Why?!”

“Why? Why why why?!”

“Gyaah! Gyaaaah!”

By the time I reached the summit while delivering five rapid-fire side jabs as punishment to Joy, the piggy glared at us with annoyance from the throne.

“Was it worth bowing down to me?”

“Hmm?♡ What’s up, piggy?♡ I don’t speak pig language!♡”

“What devious scheme are you concocting that exceeded astronomical probabilities?”

Hah. Ugh. So that’s why you were angry?


“The Gods intervened, didn’t they? They couldn’t ignore the distress of the apostle and revealed the answer to you. You’ve disrupted the balance!”

“Puhahahah♡ You think the pathetic God isn’t pathetic?♡ What could a pathetic God groveling beneath a fool do?♡”

“Stop babbling nonsense! Didn’t you violate the rules?!”

“It’s pitiful to see you flounder like that♡ You want to believe so badly♡”

“You bitch!”

“Try begging~♡ Please tell me I did something bad~♡ I’m just a loser afraid of being outsmarted by a girl~♡”

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not work with dark mode