Switch Mode

Chapter 633

Chapter: 633

With a totally inappropriate remark echoing in the room, the king sputtered while Rene shot him a bewildered look.

The fairy queen, who had just delivered that line, was flapping her wings in sheer delight.

“I’ve always wanted to say that! It’s from a novel borrowed from Young Lady Partran, and it sounds so cool!”

“Was it really necessary to pull that line in this situation?”

“When else would I get the chance?”

As the fairy queen tilted her head in confusion, Rene gave up on persuading her and simply raised his sword.

– Your Majesty, it seems you’re underestimating me a bit too much.

“Excuse me? Why? That’s just an objective evaluation! Men with nasty personalities and mediocre looks are out!”

– We’ll see how long you can joke around like that.

With the king scowling, he raised his hand, and the entire building turned into his minions, attacking Rene and the fairy queen.

“How fascinating! This looks like a scene out of a fairy tale!”

“Is there a story where the protagonist is a spirit?”

“Of course it’s the enemy!”

“Then I’m the hero!”

“Well, that’s up for interpretation!”

The castle tried to grab, strike, pin, trap, and drop them, but Rene countered with his movements as he spotted the sword in the king’s hand.

A legendary sword passed down through the royal family, forged to slay evil now grasped in the hands of its bane—how ironic.

“Grandma, is it alright if I borrow your power soon?”

“The magic of guidance will lead you.”

From the moment the fairy queen’s hand touched Rene’s eyes, a path marked by fate was drawn into his vision.

Not the path he created, but the one destined for him.

“Just remember, whether you can walk that path is up to you.”

“Sounds good. I like it.”

While most would see this path as vague, Rene felt content just knowing that a direction had appeared for him.

After all, he’d spent his life walking down paths made by others, not even knowing why.

He had lived doing his best at every moment.

That’s why, even when seeing an unclear path, Rene smiled.

What did it matter how to walk that path?

He didn’t care. If that path was the answer destined by fate, then he would gladly move forward.

The moment he took a step, the king swung his sword, cutting through everything in front of Rene.

As he deflected it with a swing from below, a wall shot up right in front of him where he had stopped.

Laughing, Rene planted his feet on the wall and jumped, only to have the king’s prepped spell fly for him.

Seeing that curse brewing danger, Rene scattered some holy water imbued with someone’s divinity around him. The wickedness crumbled powerless before the divine presence.

As if moving the wall himself, Rene stepped on the floor beneath him and jumped forward again.

– How is the progenitor here!?

Not quite sure, but it seemed something was amiss down there. It’s not like the people here would just sit idly.

But now was not the time to charge in. Even if it looked like a gap, there were still plenty of paths ahead.

– Damn it! I was so close to catching you!

With negativity spreading, the room started to shrink. Rene had no places left to flee.

The only option left for him?

Moving forward.

Amazingly, that choice aligned perfectly with the path the queen had revealed to him.

Thus, Rene charged towards the king.

– Don’t struggle!

The divinity contained in the holy water still lingered around Rene, boosting his morale.

Ah, so that’s why the saint was glaring at me so fiercely.

– Fulfill the purpose of your life!

Easily deflecting the wildly swung sword, it felt so light. Given how big brother’s weapon is heavier.

Sure enough, the king didn’t seem adept at handling his own body.

– You were born to become flesh!

Ha ha! Now I understand why teenagers get so eager to annoy their parents.

Better than rebellion, I’m closer to treason in what I’m doing right now, but it doesn’t feel bad.

I have a feeling I’m that spoiled brat by nature.

With a self-deprecating laugh, Rene moved forward.

Sometimes with magic. Sometimes with a sword. Sometimes through sheer motion.

His manner of executing whatever was necessary in that moment was like someone who had seen the future.

His effort to prepare the best body for the king was an edge the king himself couldn’t stop.

Thus, arriving before the king without a scratch, Rene didn’t hesitate and lunged with his sword.

– It’s an order! Don’t resist!

In that moment, the command engraved into Rene’s soul bound his feet.

The feeling wasn’t just discomfort.

It was like how scary it is to touch fire, how hard it is to look down from a height, how the sight of blood brings revulsion surging.

A binding felt from the very instinct level.

– Damn it, annoying brat. How dare you hassle me so?

The king cursed at the sight of Rene, frozen like a doll, before stepping forward and grabbing his chin.

– Whatever.

After all, your fate was already set.

“Did you think you could forget about me? I haven’t permitted you to dismiss me yet.”

With the fairy queen’s touch granting him his freedom, Rene swung his sword to behead the king.

Even if it was a non-corporeal spirit, it had no strength before a blade etched with divinity. The form of the spirit dispersed, returning the room to its original state.

“Che. I bet saying I helped would make you so smug.”

“Make sure to thank me properly, would you? You need to raise those favorability points.”

“…I never specified who I was referring to, though.”

“Same here, right?”

At the fairy queen’s playful laughter, Rene covered his face, biting his lip, but decided to take her advice.

Since I can’t deny that I’ve messed up too, I’ll do my best.

After all, he’s my first and last friend. With a hollow smile, as soon as Rene lowered his sword, an ominous feeling welled above him.

Along with that, following the path marked in his sight, Rene rolled forward and froze at the sight of a man breaking through the ceiling.

It was the very face of the king he had just taken down.

To be precise, it was the face of a withered mummy.

“Didn’t you find it puzzling?”

The voice of an elderly man sounded from the toothless mouth of the mummy.

“Do you think there’s no tool to make you into a fitting piece in the role?”

“…No way.”

“A skilled spatial magician possesses their own pocket realm.”

As the mummy smiled, peeling its skin away, a sphere stained black appeared above its hand.

Rene hastily attempted to swing his sword, but the mummy was quicker to smash the sphere.

“Did you think you failed because of your slow movements?”

“What are you trying to say?”

“To explain a bit more, the contract was concluded before you all arrived. Of course, it makes sense. What would happen when the heroes sent by the god come here?”

With a laugh, when the mummy flicked his fingers, Rene’s consciousness blurred.

Recovering its sight, now blackened by the queen’s powers, Rene saw the fairy queen’s expression, which had lost composure compared to before, and inferred the situation.

“You’ve managed to block it well. That was the power of the evil god that had been splitting the world with the Holy God.”

Rather than answering, the fairy queen hid Rene behind her.

“Run along the path.”


“Don’t question; just move right now. I can’t hold on for long in a weakened state.”

“There’s no way out.”



Rene knew how to assess his own worth coldly.

Staying here would only spawn variables; if he had the chance, he’d choose to escape immediately.

Even so, Rene didn’t move, for he saw no path ahead.

The guiding magic the fairy queen had granted him had vanished.

His destiny was meant to halt here.

“What are you so surprised about? With an end before you, there’s no way a future exists.”

Mira, who had intended to handle things quietly and neatly, faced unexpected complications without doubting her own defeat.

Possessing the power of Agra, the demon god that had once divided the Holy God and the world, she carried herself with the attitude of who could possibly stop her?

That was an outrageously brazen attitude, yet neither Rene nor the fairy queen could outright declare that the king’s arrogance was misplaced.

The overwhelming presence reminiscent of the mythic era was akin to despair itself.


There was no way to escape.

No matter where he went or what means he used, escaping from her grasp was impossible.

If that were the case, it’d be better to break this body instead.

At least it’d prevent the demon god from using him.

Ah, so this is how my fate ended.

Thinking that, Rene tightened his grip on the sword’s hilt, prompting Mira to burst into laughter.

“Come now. Struggle! Try to flee from that end. Let’s see if you can… cough!?”

From beyond the crumbling wall, a young girl emerged.

Her long, red hair billowing as if defying the winds, with mischief dancing in her eyes devoid of any sense of crisis, she appeared triumphantly, grinning widely, and kicked Mira in the face, sending her flying off into the distance.

“Prince Grumpy! Where’s Piglet?”

“You just kicked him away!”

“What nonsense! Piglet is a chubby livestock, not an emaciated rabid creature who might collapse just from looking at a naked girl!”

Rene couldn’t help but burst into laughter at Lucy’s naturally sarcastic retort directed at the king.

Why did the world, which had just been blackened, brighten up the instant she showed up?

Why did the path engulfed by darkness reveal itself again?

Is she even a symbol of hope?

“…Why do I sense that insufferable idiot’s energy from over there!?”

“I told you that’s Piglet.”

“How much have they squeezed him to end up like that?”

“In this situation, are you seriously engaging in lewd banter!?”

Thinking back, it wasn’t entirely surprising.

She has always been my hope.

“What’s wrong? What kind of thoughts crossed your mind that made your face turn red?”

“If she intends to put on a brave front as a hero, I will gladly take up the tragic role.”

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not work with dark mode