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Chapter 631

Chapter: 631

A few days ago, while listening to various people talking, I thought that the fact that the First Queen loved the king seemed true.

Not only the dukes with good judgment but even Karia nodded along. And it was clear that the king was a decent guy.

So, I wondered, if the king convinced the First Queen directly, wouldn’t she be inclined to abandon her plans?

At the very least, it would be more than enough to present her with hesitation, and at worst, the king’s soul could be taken hostage.

As I listened to Adri’s story, I brought up this possibility and half-forced Visi into joining the plan.

After that, I shared my thoughts with others, including grandpa, and refined our plan to capture the king’s soul.

As the art of war states, the best victory is to win without fighting. If the plan succeeds, there could hardly be a better situation!

Feeling confident, I summoned Phoebe and Frey to inform them about the infiltration plan.

For reference, Visi would be taking Arthur’s place.

Since we had to prevent anyone from having their body hijacked, I left the princes with Bishop Johan to prepare for any emergencies.

Arthur and Rene looked displeased, but what can you do? It’s best to minimize variables!

Finally, infiltration day arrived after much hardship. Everything was going according to plan.

The First Queen was blocked by the dukes, and the princes were surrounded by clergy alongside Bishop Johan, while we successfully infiltrated the royal castle without detection.

If we just make it to where the king’s soul is, the plan will be as good as a success!

One unsettling point was that the pathetic god, who usually caused a fuss over quests at every little setback, was surprisingly quiet today.

Why was that little pest not throwing any quests my way when I was trying to approach Duke Kurten?

Surely, a god wouldn’t be sulking. Maybe Agra was desperately trying to keep the god in check. If that’s the case, I can expect a barrage of quests as soon as this matter resolves.

“There! The place where the soul can be felt.”

Using the royal palace’s many secret passages, we arrived at our destination quickly, opening the door without a moment’s hesitation.

“Granny, is that the king who looks like a pig?”

“Just a moment. I’ll try talking.”

As Adri communicated with the soul, we scanned the room.

I couldn’t feel the presence of the Evil God. Perhaps the sealed Evil God’s soul was stored elsewhere, to prevent contamination. They would have hidden it in a secure place, after all.

After all, if something went wrong, it could become a total disaster of the king being resurrected.

“Yes, it is indeed your Majesty.”

“Then bring him out. We need to figure out if the piggy king is being treated like a boar or just a farm pig.”

“It’s what I’ve always thought, but Lady Alrn has somehow survived this long.”

“Right? Seems like there are many useless adults who like to be trampled.”

The moment Adri laid hands on the dark magic that was holding the soul, grandpa gasped in horror.

“That’s magic that would be immediately designated heretical if the church saw it.”

‘Is it really that complicated?’

“It’s not that simple. In order to reach that level of dark magic, you would need to dedicate countless souls to research. Just reaching that level itself serves as proof of sin.”

Grandpa’s words were mostly correct, but not entirely complete.

By that standard, Adri, who lightly dispelled the magic and brought the soul into her jurisdiction, should be the worst sinner herself!

If living as a hermit is a sin, there’s nothing I can say, but that’s just pitiful, not bad!

As I defended Adri in my thoughts, the soul in her hand began to change shape.

“Ah… esteemed guests have arrived.”

Restoring its human form, the king saw our faces and let out a quiet sound.


In the midst of the five dukes, the First Queen was reading the intentions of the dukes as they continued their greetings without mentioning the king.

So, they intend to hold me here, huh?

It’s no surprise. I had predicted this ever since the council was convened.

By now, those acting separately must be making their way towards where the king’s soul resides.

In fact, they might have already arrived.

With a smile, the First Queen listened to the dukes when she felt her magic unravel, turning her gaze towards Duke Serlan.

Then, Duke Serlan nodded and smashed the jewel hanging from his necklace.

“What is the meaning of this, Duke Serlan?”

“Please understand, Duke Kurten. I’m merely following orders.”

“Explain yourself properly.”

While Duke Kurten and Duke Bedfer pressed him, Duke Partan surveyed the surroundings with narrowed eyes, fixating on the First Queen.

“It seems we’ve been thrown into an alternate dimension ourselves. Do you have a way to return?”


“That’s troublesome. It will take hours to find our way back to the coordinates.”

Duke Partan, who was recognized as a great mage in the Mage Empire, elicited looks of confusion from the other dukes.

“Why is everyone so flustered? Isn’t this what you wanted?”

As the First Queen pointed out, the dukes’ plan was to separate her from the castle. Alas, the situation had become delicate.

At this rate, it felt more like the dukes were being held captive by the First Queen rather than the other way around.

“Do you have an accomplice?”

“We must assume so. Someone in whom the First Queen has sufficient faith to gamble her destiny.”

“Are any of those aligned with the First Queen capable of handling the Evil God’s power?”

Duke Burrow, who had been pondering with crossed arms, inquired, and the other dukes furrowed their brows. They’ve already incorporated all the talents existing within the kingdom.

There were no additional forces flowing in from outside either. There was no one in whom the First Queen could gamble her fate.

“Yes. There is someone.”

As if to counter the dukes’ thoughts, the First Queen smiled.

“First Queen. If I’m correct, by the time we escape here, everything should be over. Would you mind sharing your plan with us?”

“I’d rather not. Duke Partan, I’m not the villain who loves to spill my plans.”

“Ah, that’s unfortunate.”

Duke Partan, who had tried to force a smile, bit his lip at the sight of the First Queen, showing no trace of anxiety.

“No. First Queen. You… ah, this is getting too formal.”

At that moment, Karia broke the silence, stepping forward.

“Hey, you crazy lady! What the hell happened while I was gone?”


“So it seems that the First Queen’s plan to resurrect me has all been uncovered?”

“Indeed, your Majesty.”

It was Phoebe standing before him, not me. Our goal is not to stomp on the king, but to persuade him.

It’s not me, who specializes in provoking others, but Phoebe, who emanates kindness from the start.

“Do you remember me?”

“Of course. The saint of the Church of God. How could I forget your warmth?”

“It’s truly an honor, your Majesty. If we hadn’t reunited like this, I would be so happy.”

“I feel the same. Who knew your warmth would be so painful?”

As a former man, I can tell you that nobody could resist Phoebe’s kindness!

Eyes that seem to worry even after doing bad deeds!

A soft voice that always seeks to soothe others with genuine feelings! A heart as wide as the ocean!

With a human heart, remaining unmoved by that is simply impossible!

“Your Majesty, there is no such thing as being too late in this world.”

“Is that so? Even though I attempted to defy the rules of the world?”

“If you acknowledge your sins and seek to amend them, surely the god will embrace you with compassion. After all, He embraced even me, who carries great sins.”

“…Did you know Him?”

At the king’s astonishment, Phoebe smiled softly, but I sensed movement nearby.

So they must have realized the seal had been broken and come here.

Based on the presence, I guessed it wasn’t guards or knights but rather agents from the Intelligence Department.

They didn’t seem to grasp their own situation. Do they really think they can win against us?

“Lucy, what now?”

“We have to eliminate them.”

“Okay, got it.”

“Understood. Let’s subdue them.”

The first people through the broken door were about to shout something upon seeing us, but they were devoured by the shadows that sprung from them and were subdued.

The trio that descended from the ceiling got knocked to the ground by Frey’s sword, which was already waiting for them.

Honestly, what a bunch of weaklings! They would have had better odds creating a ruckus outside.

Of course, even then, they would have been subdued by the people waiting all around.

“Lucy. Another one is coming.”

‘I’m aware. At least it’s a stronger opponent.’

Even so, they weren’t dangerous enough to concern me.

The opponent might be relatively strong, but our standards are set against the strongest on the continent.

As the door burst open, I blocked a spell shot at me with my shield and charged at my opponent with a smile.

I broke the wire snagging my ankle, dodged the incoming attack aimed at my vital spots as if it were nothing, purified the poison that the enemy had been holding in their mouth, and then rammed them with my shield.

Just as he staggered back to regain his balance, I slammed my mace into his thigh, toppling him before stomping on his head.

I repeated this a couple of times until the man no longer moved.

Grabbing the neck of the unresponsive man, I turned back into the room, leaving him among the others who had fainted.

Then, I turned to see the king’s gaze meet mine.

“You’re merciful, leaving them alive.”

“We came here solely to uphold peace.”

“Indeed, as expected of the saint.” The king’s demeanor felt oddly out of place as he nodded his head.

…Wait a second. No way.

A shiver ran down my spine as I raced in front of Phoebe, raising my shield.


Just as I arrived, I heard Adri’s horrified voice behind me, and in front of me, the walls of the kingdom began to rise, ready to attack us.

With a heavy impact, I was pushed back along with Phoebe, and I glared at the king, who clicked his tongue in disappointment.

“It seems my original plan was meant for a joint attack, but my subordinates appear to be less capable than I thought.”

Wait, wasn’t the king a victim in all this!?

Is this guy a perpetrator too?!

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