Switch Mode

Chapter 628

Chapter: 628

The Duke’s explanation revealed the First Queen’s intentions and objectives, but questions still lingered.

“So, why was the First Queen so obsessed with an heir?”

That was the question Arthur posed. If she was planning to resurrect the king, then she wouldn’t need an heir, right?

If her fixation was solely on Ruel, one might think it to be a sort of parental love. But if the First Queen truly cared for Ruel, she wouldn’t have pushed him aside the moment she saw signs of Arthur’s potential.

“I’m sorry. That’s as far as my knowledge goes.”

“You don’t know? Aren’t you supposed to be close to the First Queen?”

“Your Highness, I am just a friend of the late Majesty. I have no reason to disclose everything to a tool that is necessary for His Majesty’s stability.”

The Duke, who had known the First Queen for so long, saying he was just a tool was so sorrowful that even Arthur, who had been arguing moments before, fell silent.

“When I met her recently, she only told me not to interfere. I requested just the slightest information, but was refused, and in a bet where I barely held onto her trousers, I lost. That’s truly all I know.”

Karia nodded at his mournful confession. It confirmed that the Duke’s words were true.

Everyone else, like me, who had verified Karia’s claims, fell silent amid their own thoughts.

As the awkward silence persisted, Karia’s shoulders trembled as she covered her mouth with one hand.

“I think I might know.”

“Karia! Is that really true?!”

Arthur shouted suddenly, breaking Karia from her thoughtful state, and she slowly lowered her chin.

“At least, it’s based on circumstantial evidence. Please understand that it’s just a guess.”

“Why the suspense then?”

“Because it’s a story that might soil my tongue just by speaking.”

The way Karia warned suggested that the First Queen’s objective was quite dirty indeed.

What could it be? Was she planning to offer Ruel as a sacrifice to the Evil God? The more capable the individual, the higher the value as a sacrifice, so it seemed plausible.

[That isn’t it.]


[If she intended to sacrifice him, there would be no reason to name an heir. It would only bring about unnecessary confusion. If she were to choose a sacrifice, it would be the opposite.]

‘…someone other than the heir.’

Could it be that even in the game, the First Queen had planned to make Ruel a sacrifice?

That would make sense. By the time the kingdom’s story reached its climax, Arthur would surely outshine Ruel. One could easily assume Arthur would be considered the better heir.

Ah, now the game’s story was starting to make sense.

The First Queen intended to sacrifice Ruel to resurrect the king, but it ended up failing. Somehow, Ruel had formed a contract with the Evil God and killed the First Queen.

That’s why Ruel became the final boss of the kingdom’s story.

In this case, it was poetic justice.

To be killed by her own child—how can that not be fitting?


Karia exhaled a long sigh and locked eyes with everyone.

Hmph. I’m already fully aware of what she’s about to say, so I’m at ease.

I’ll just sit back and watch the others be shocked. As I crossed my arms and leaned back, Karia slowly opened her mouth.

“As you all know, His Majesty the King was a wise man, but not a strong one. Despite having grown up supported by the castle, that was still the case.”

Huh? Why is she bringing up being weak? Are we really discussing how much of a great sacrifice we’ll be making?

As I tilted my head, the atmosphere turned serious.

Joy forgot she was playing the Young Lady role, covering her mouth with both hands, while the Clumsy Fox snickered in disbelief and muttered a curse. Benedict clenched his fists so tightly I thought he’d draw blood, and Arthur stared blankly at Karia, forcing an awkward smile.

“Please, hold on a minute. Karia, that’s a rather malicious joke.”

“Younger brother, be quiet.”

“But! If Karia’s saying what she is, then…”

“If it were true, that means one would be raised to become livestock for His Majesty.”

…What did I just hear?

“Ah, I see. Every time my skills improved, it was because that lunatic was happy about it.”

“Judging by that crazy lady’s objectives and what I know, it seems like the most convincing story.”

So, the First Queen raised Ruel not out of love, but to create a vessel for the king?

As someone who knew she was insane, this was pushing it too far.

“What circumstance are we talking about here?”

“For the past few years, that lunatic has been reaching out to dark sorcerers through the information department. We should assume she has connections with notable figures in the underworld. Recently, we concluded that it was merely for resurrecting His Majesty. Most of what the dark sorcerers provided was about souls. The initial conclusion was about preserving the soul of the deceased and infusing it into a future resurrected body, but after chatting here today, I’ve changed my mind.”

Karia swept her hair back as she continued her explanation.

“If resurrection were the only goal, it would be more efficient to focus on cultivating an heir. However, as my employer indicated, that lunatic’s goal is to create a reigning king who can govern the country eternally. An heir is unnecessary.”

“Couldn’t they take the heir and make the reigning king if there’s a physical problem?”

When the Clumsy Fox asked if that was not a far-off speculation, Karia readily agreed.

“That could be. But my point is, do you think that lunatic will change her reigning king on a whim?”

“I can’t say for sure; it’s a human thing.”

“The crazy lady I know wouldn’t do that. She is no one to allow for variables.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“To her, the heir’s personality is nothing more than a detail. If the current value is higher, then she wouldn’t hesitate to switch it.”

Since she would take it away anyway. Hearing Karia’s conclusion made me speechless.

Wait a minute. Does that mean the final boss I fought in the game isn’t Ruel but the king?

After believing in Ruel’s redemption post-true ending, was it really the king acting all along?

No, no, that can’t be right.

In this scenario, the king would never go this far.

He couldn’t just take his child’s body and be that carefree about it. This must be the pathetic god’s sloppy handiwork.


Ruel, who had been burying his face for a long time, slammed his hand on the table with a hollow laugh.

“If your speculation is true, then I can’t even ask the First Queen, or rather, my ‘mother,’ for her true intentions.”

“Yes. It’s because the possibility of her achieving her goal has arisen.”

“That’s the same for me, just like big brother.”

The atmosphere was so heavy it felt like I could be crushed under the weight.

I genuinely had no words to say! Can someone make a fool of themselves already and lighten the mood!?

I can’t do that! Saying something stupid could lead to a disaster!

“Hah. With the three of us, we would have been a considerable force.”

Here it is! The fool!

“Prince Peanut Butter, you’re okay, right?”

“Don’t call me that again! Wait. Why do you think I’m okay?”

“Because, in so many ways, you clearly aren’t.”

“Fine! If you want to die that badly, I’ll grant your wish!”

Looks like Cecil quickly caught on and threw in a good retort. He might not have been that great before, but he’s come a long way.

…But he’s joking, right? Surely the sheer malice in his tone is intended?

After Cecil’s performance lightened the mood, Joy, who had been silent until now, finally maintained her focus on the table and spoke in a dry voice.

“Excuse me. May I ask Karia a quick question?”

This isn’t the typically shy Joy trying her best to act like a Young Lady, nor is it the awkward schoolgirl I know. This is part of Joy’s genius as a magician.

“Of course.”

“Your theory is undoubtedly persuasive. But is the transplantation of souls really possible?”


“Lucy said that the Evil God Agra is the one who announces the end. So, soul transplantation must be something that the First Queen should accomplish with her own abilities, not relying on divine power. Is it really possible using human power?”

“Young Lady Partan?”

“If that were possible, there would have to be records showing it was actually done. Means to counter it would exist as well. If handled correctly, maybe it could be resolved without much commotion.”

As Joy rambled on, contemplating multiple possibilities, she suddenly looked up, realizing she had everyone’s eyes on her, and frantically pulled out a fan to cover her face.

“I’m sorry for speaking out of turn.”

“No. Lady Partan, that was a valuable opinion.”

“That’s right. Thanks to you, we might have the chance to have a direct conversation with the First Queen.”

When Karia and Ruel praised her simultaneously, Joy cautiously smiled.

“Karia, how long do you think it’ll take to gather information?”

“I can’t make any guarantees. Talented dark sorcerers keep moving around. We could gather opinions from some half-baked ones anytime.”

“For now, let’s divide the roles. Duke Kurten, will you assist?”

“I will gladly do so.”


While the smart folks engaged in a long discussion, I slipped out with Joy into the building’s exterior.

Staying inside wouldn’t help at all. We needed to focus on what we could actually do.

“Lucy, are you heading to see Erginius?”

“No, that pathetic weirdo will probably give some lame excuse.”

Erginius is clearly someone who knows a lot, and he could offer us plenty of advice, but getting him to dish out what we need would be tough.

Now that he’s ascended to godhood, he’s burdened with many constraints. Even if we did visit, we’d likely just get vague responses.

“Then who?”

“The Clumsy Fox. Don’t you remember? The stinky old lady stuck underground.”

“Is it Lady Adri?”

“Yup. Let’s go tease that lonely old lady. I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“…Is ‘love it’ even the correct phrase?”

“For sure! Just by putting my hand near her, she’ll start howling!”

I’ve done enough for that hag, so it’s about time I get something back from her. Don’t you think?

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not work with dark mode