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Chapter 627

Chapter: 627

After the doll was restored, the prince spent a lot of time with her.

He introduced her to the modern world, updated her old-fashioned speech, bought her clothes, and adorned her with accessories; it was as if he was in love with the doll.

The Duke was aware that if his suspicions were true, it could lead to significant issues in the future, yet he refrained from stopping the prince.

Even without intervention, the prince’s love was destined to remain a bittersweet memory.

The problem lay in two major areas.

First, the prince and the Duke’s understanding of magical tools was far inferior to the genius Erginius.

And the second issue was that the doll had aged to the point where it could not be fully restored with their skills.

Although the doll had accidentally reactivated due to coincidence, it was merely a temporary situation.

The engravings on the doll’s gears were gradually increasing in size.

Every time the prince met with the Duke, he showed signs of anxiety regarding the end, but he wore a bright smile only in front of the doll.

Perhaps it was because of the precarious everyday life that could crumble at any moment.

The prince insisted on giving more enjoyable experiences, coming up with a bold plan to sneak out and have fun on festival day.

Considering their statuses, it was something that shouldn’t happen, but the prince was adamant.

“Seiji! This could be her last time!”

Knowing he shouldn’t indulge such whims, the Duke couldn’t bring himself to refuse the request.

He had grown fond of the doll during the restoration process.

And so, on festival day, the three gathered at the specified time, wearing masks as they wandered the streets.

“If the King sees us like this, I think I’ll be in quite a dilemma.”

“When I become king in the future, I’ll repay all of this!”

“I have a stack of promises to keep for that.”

“…Is that so?”

“The Duke of Kurten is telling the truth. The prince has had 46 instances of…”

“Nope. Let’s not get too detailed. It’s a fun thing we’re doing here!”

Hiding their identities behind masks, the three mingled among the crowd, enjoying their time.

Everyone knew once they returned, they’d get an earful about their sudden disappearance, but for now, they wanted to shove those thoughts aside.


“It doesn’t seem like they’re on patrol…”

“The knights are with them. Both of you.”

The fun didn’t last long. The tracking party showed up faster than anticipated.

While they could handle the lectures, the doll’s existence mustn’t be revealed, so the three moved hurriedly.

To throw off their pursuers, they took refuge in a run-down house.

Originally, they thought they’d just stampede in and promise some rewards later, but surprisingly, the resident was someone quite inconvenient for them.

“Never thought I’d meet esteemed guests like you here.”

The bishop from the Soladin Church.

“Given your expressions, I think I should pretend I didn’t see anything.”

Before ascending to the papacy, the current pope, who could’ve been a cardinal but left saying he wasn’t ready, spotted the three and smirked.

“How come you’re here?”

“I originally accommodated at the church, but I need my own personal space too.”

While the three exchanged perplexed glances, someone knocked on the door. The pope gestured for them to get inside and confirmed they were hidden before opening the door.

“Did someone come here?”

“Well, I haven’t seen anyone suspicious, but…”

“Ah, I see! Thank you for your cooperation!”

After the soldiers performed a rigid salute and left, the three heaved a sigh of relief while the pope smiled warmly.

“Thank you very much. Without your help, I’d have been in quite a bind.”

“Even great figures need rest. Let’s stay a bit longer until the soldiers disperse outside.”

“I appreciate your consideration.”

Not long after, the pope brought in tea and began to examine their faces closely, his gaze lingering on the doll.

“I can’t help but wonder—is this lady not human?”

“…How do you know that?”

It’s impossible to distinguish the doll from a person just by looking. The prince and duke were shocked at their discovery of the Grand Mage Erginius’s creation, but the pope only chuckled lightly.

“With age comes the ability to see many things.”

“Excuse me, if it’s not too large a request…”

“Yes, I’ll keep this a secret too.”

“I’m sorry for asking you to keep quiet.”

“Haha. No need for apologies. But may I examine her briefly?”


“I’m fine with it. Prince.”

“…Looks like I have no say in this.”

With the prince’s reluctant response, the pope assured him he was simply checking for magic and intently studied the doll, nodding afterwards.

“Is this from Erginius? Wow, I can’t believe a watcher is still around.”

The prince’s eyes widened at his words, prompting him to speak quickly.

“You know about the watcher?!”

“The church of the capital has been a witness to the succession.”

“Can I check the church’s records?! I’ll compensate you!”

“Sorry, but church confidentiality is strict, even for you, Prince.”

“Just once! Just one peek will do!”

The prince lunged at the pope, thinking they might access records that had entirely disappeared from the royal archives, but the pope remained firm with his answer.

No matter what promise was made, nothing could breach church regulations.

Not wanting to give up, the pope inquired about the situation, and ultimately, the conflicted prince revealed the truth in front of the doll.

“I suppose that’s what it is.”

“You knew?!”

“It’s happening to my body, so it would be strange not to know.”

The doll’s response was flat. Seeing the prince weep at the thought of not witnessing his ascension only highlighted how their positions had reversed.

“In that case, I might be able to help.”

“Help… you say?”

“Only a possibility. As you know, Erginius was a great one who fused magic and the divine. If the great mage poured his heart into creating that doll, divine magic might still be effective.”

At the time, the prince and duke were in desperate hope, holding on to even the slightest possibility.

Thus, the three of them nodded emphatically, and the pope’s miracle reached the doll’s form.


“It’s a sight I can’t forget even now. The moment the soul entered the doll’s body was like a story from the Bible coming to life—it was that beautiful.”

Is that even possible with divine magic? I furrowed my brow, culling through every divine spell, and concluded the only word fitting was impossible.

[It’d be more realistic if a dead person was brought back to life, given the conditions that the soul hasn’t drifted away. But to instill a soul into a soulless entity? That’s impossible.]

‘Did Duke Kurten mistake something?’

[He wouldn’t be lying, so it’s probably true. What can a mere priest seeking divine power achieve? It’s not something they can do.]

If my grandfather, who lived during the days of the gods, said it was impossible, there’s no room for doubt.

It was a misunderstanding. Although Duke Kurten was an excellent knight and magician, he wasn’t necessarily familiar with divine magic.

[What tricks did he pull off to deceive even Erginius himself? ]

‘We’re just talking among ourselves, you know. Isn’t Erginius kinda incompetent? He always messes up at critical moments!’

Is that how skilled mages become fools by default?!

Has the title of genius been saddled with a penalty of making mistakes at crucial moments?!

Why is it that whenever it’s a critical moment, both Erginius and klutzes seem to screw up?!

[He’s just like his master, it seems.]

‘Well, they were both the same even before they met, right?’

[…Indeed, Erginius did have frequent slip-ups.]

While my grandfather and I indulged in gossiping about Erginius, Duke Kurten continued, smiling like a cat that caught the cream.

“The doll has become more than just a doll, so there’s no reason to hide it anymore. We’ve given her the chance to face the world on her own terms. Despite appearances, we are the prince and the duke—faking a nobility title is hardly a challenge for us.”

The doll, now with noble status, entered the academy and began living a human life.

Born from Erginius’s magic, she naturally showcased her talents to the world, and with the prince’s strong backing and the Duke’s support, she succeeded in ascending to the queen’s position.

“If it had been the prince forcing it, I would’ve cut him off firmly. But that wasn’t the case. The prince’s dedication melted even the doll’s heart.”

Wait, hold up. The First Queen loved the King?! For real?!

Did this woman, so obsessively devoted to the prosperity of the kingdom, actually have human feelings?!

While I was unable to hide my shock, those around me nodded as if it were obvious.

“They had a good relationship.”

“She was the only one who displayed personal feelings openly.”

“They always held hands in public.”

“Well, there’s no doubt about that.”

Even Karia was nodding along with them!?

This is insane!

Discovering that someone I only viewed as a monster once had feelings is truly a gigantic shock.

“If all of your lies are true, then why did the First Queen preserve her love?”

The clueless Clumsy Fox frowned in confusion, prompting Duke Kurten to rise from his seat.

“I’m trying to resurrect him.”

“Resurrect him?”

“Yes, indeed. For the doll, there’s only one perfect king. She’s trying to resurrect her one and only king using the kingdom as an excuse.”


On a typical day, the First Queen visited the bedroom and gently took the frail hand of the withered king.

“It seems our reunion is hastening. Oh, great King.”

To the doll’s eyes, the king appeared not as a decaying mummy, but as the glorious king shining on the throne.

“Everything is for Soladin.”

And forever to rule this land, you shall.

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