Switch Mode

Chapter 624

Chapter: 624

Cecil, who had taken a spot in the corner of the parlor, was wearing his gloom like a personal blanket.

Arthur and Rene did their best to comfort him, but after being hit with a single word and a laugh, his self-esteem shattered into pieces—like it was made of glass or something.

Even after putting his clothes back on, the once proud and arrogant Cecil was nowhere to be found; he seemed utterly stripped of confidence, as if he were still standing there in his birthday suit.

[Lucy, I know you might not get it since you’re a girl, but size issues are a super sensitive topic for guys.]

I get it!? I’m the girl who’s only been one for a year! How could I not know how hurtful it is to be called small!

[So, this whole mess is totally your fault.]

‘Did you think I wanted to mention that guy’s… that? Seriously!’

I was thinking, “What kind of crazy person says something like that?” But that’s where it ended!

I can confidently say I never intended to make comments about anyone’s sensitive spots!

Come on, why would I blabber about such things when We’re just talking about common sense!

I might feel like I’m being consumed by my Mesugaki skills, but I still have some common sense left!

I wouldn’t say things that shouldn’t be said out of nowhere!

From my perspective, this incident was just an unfortunate accident—totally unintentional!

‘Seriously, it wasn’t that small!’

I only caught a glimpse of his silhouette, but I felt confident enough! Why is he diving into this deep sense of inferiority?

[…Since when do you know anything about size?]

Oops! That was a slip of the tongue!

“Forget about the Peanut Prince, let’s keep talking, shall we?”

As soon as I opened my mouth to change the subject, another disaster struck.

I never expected the nickname would carry over!

“…Little brother. Hand over your sword.”

“Big brother! Calm down!”

“Small? Me?”

“That’s not what I meant! And who’s small here?”

“This is the truth, little brother. The small one is that damn brat, not you.”

“Do we really have to keep talking about this?! Can we please drop it?!”

When Joy’s face flushed and she let out a scream, the guys awkwardly cleared their throats and returned to their original states.

Seemingly filled with resentment, Cecil was still glaring daggers at me, but I shrugged off that gaze.

I didn’t think I’d lose a fight like this, but it still felt wrong to throw the first punch after I was the one who started the whole mess.

It’s one thing to mess up the words, but if fists start flying, I’d become quite the villain!

“Anyway, so about the job—”

“Right. Let’s not keep the employer waiting. Prince Arthur, you went to visit the Duke of Kurten, didn’t you?”

Karia naturally took over the conversation in place of me, effectively sealing my lips.

“That’s right. The Duke of Kurten is nominally aligned with the First Queen’s faction, but is more neutral. There’s room for persuasion depending on the situation.”

Honestly, that side of the equation is closer to being a supporter of the now-dead king rather than a member of the First Queen’s faction.

Compared to the other dukes who have their future riding on Rene, they have plenty of room to be convinced.

If we can convince them that the king’s corpse is being used to fuel the First Queen’s ambitions, then the Duke of Kurten would gladly rise up against it.

“And the Duke has a peculiar hobby, right? We wouldn’t have to worry about being turned away.”

When it comes to hobbies—

“Gambling, right?”

As Joy cautiously asked, Cecil nodded.

“Do whatever it takes. Bet what you have and fight for it. Win, and you’ll get what you want.”

It sounds like something a gambling manga chairman would say, but unlike them, the Duke is someone who accepts defeat.

He might have a strange mindset, but he’s an aristocrat who understands honor.

“I’ve heard only a select few come out on top in those bets.”

“I know. I never intended to win. I only stepped in first so I could leave the next move to you.”

As expected, Cecil lost, but he didn’t accomplish his original goal either.

He couldn’t dig up any traces of corruption anywhere.

“I tried various approaches as you suggested, but it was futile.”

“Seems so.”

“Of course, it wouldn’t be found. There’s no corruption to begin with.”

Karia was the one who answered that question.

“That guy is just really lucky.”

“Just lucky? And that’s enough for those winning odds?”

“And he believes in his luck without an ounce of doubt. That’s why he respects those who defeated him in gambling. If they weren’t being blessed by some great god, he just can’t fathom how he could lose.”

That’s not far from what I’d known either.

The characteristic of becoming lenient only towards those who had a win over him has turned the Duke of Kurten into a literal cash cow in the game.

If luck exceeds a certain threshold or specific skills are acquired, he’ll always come around to share the spoils.

I benefitted from that every time I played.

“I can come up with countermeasures for other strategies, but sheer good fortune? That might be tough.”

“What’s so tough about it? He’s just a cash cow grandpa ready to hand over heaps of money if you just humor him.”

And it seems I’ll be getting help once again.

Such a good cash cow… I mean, Duke!

“I’ll be playing with the Sugar Duke.”

“Wait?! Lucy! Be careful; you might end up looking like Prince Arthur!”

“Charging in without a plan is sheer recklessness! Lucy Alrn!”

“Both of you, are you seriously thinking of him like that?!”

Come on, I’m telling you, nothing like that is going to happen!

You filthy perverts!

– Ding.

[Not going to the Duke of Kurten.]

Why are you acting like a pathetic god too!?

Do you really think I’ll lose a luck-based fight!?


Not long ago, after winning a bet against the Second Prince of Soladin, the Duke of Kurten was smiling as he recalled the persistence of the Second Prince, who refused to give up.

Sure, the heavens favored this old man, but it didn’t make the Second Prince’s efforts meaningless.

He used to be so desperate to hide his impatience, and now he’s finally become a person fitting of his status.

What a joyful thing indeed.

Thanks to that, he was in the mood to engage in childish antics. He really should have turned down that proposal.

Even if he were to come back later, he wouldn’t put up with it; but he’d be willing to listen to their story.

After all, he couldn’t just stand by and watch the First Queen take a wrong path.

As he recalled the First Queen from his youth, the Duke of Kurten sighed, looking at his troubled expression reflected in the tea cup.

“Duke Kurten! May I intrude?”

“Come in.”

The butler who entered wore a look of obvious bewilderment.

For someone who had gone through so much with me, his reaction told me this wasn’t simply the princes coming back for another round.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s hard to explain in words. Please look outside.”


Following the butler’s lead, the Duke turned to see the figures approaching the mansion, almost dropping his tea cup in shock.

“Has Alrn declared war?”

The first figure he spotted was the most powerful knight on the continent in his mind, Benedict Alrn, and the knights under him.

Though they were few in number, they were intimidating faces, to say the least.

When Alrn’s monsters start moving, it usually signals a situation akin to war.

“No. You know how Alrn is, right?”


Karia. I already heard you’ve shown up again, but seeing you here means there’s some kind of calculation behind this.

“What brings this on?”

“…They say they’ve come to stop Lady Alrn.”


All of this commotion, just to stop one little girl? They’re not here to intimidate us into complying?

“Lady Partan and the three princes are also present. It’s not really hostile.”

“Hold on. Are you telling me Lady Alrn has come to gamble against me, and the others followed her to dissuade her from making that choice?”

“Yes. Indeed.”

“I must be losing my mind; this sounds absurd.”

The Duke of Kurten was someone who had lived through the ages as one of Soladin’s five dukes, having faced so many events that he considered himself immune to surprises.

But even this latest situation was challenging to wrap his head around.

“Well, I should at least go out and see.”

“Should we prepare for battle?”

“No. Let it be. Don’t do anything. If blood spills, there’s no coming back.”

As the Duke of Kurten stepped forward with his children and vassals, the First Prince bowed his head respectfully.

“I apologize for the sudden visit, Duke Kurten.”

“Not at all. I’m just happy that you showed concern for this old man nearing his end. Thanks to you, I get to see that girl’s face again after a long time.”

Benedict bowed politely to the Duke’s words, but oddly, a sharpness in his gaze surfaced.

When did I ever do something to incur your wrath?

“However, given the circumstances…”

I’m not quite sure what’s behind it, but I have to assume animosity exists.

Why else would they come with such a grand display?

Perhaps it’s to intimidate the First Queen into maintaining her distance?

It could also be a means of threatening the weaker ones to keep them from making any second guesses when the time comes, or maybe they truly are here for an actual show of force.

“If you explain things, I might just find it quite generous.”

Regardless, I’m not about to just smile and agree with it.

Kurten respects the strong, but he’s certainly not going to bow his head to cowardly sycophants.

“I was actually looking to stop by and offer to indulge you in some games.”

Lucy Alrn’s sudden interruption froze the Duke of Kurten mid-sentence.

The Sugar Duke? Is she talking about me?

“Hey! Hold on! Lucy Alrn!”

“Lucy, please listen to me!”

“Lucy! Seriously!”


While watching them plead earnestly, the Duke recalled the butler’s words. They truly came just to stop one Lady Alrn!?

“Duke Kurten. It’s been a while.”

“…Karia. Can you please explain the situation?”

“You sent the Second Prince back home without his clothes. Others began to think you treat every challenger that way.”

“What kind of smear campaign is that? Am I insane?”

“I tried to persuade them, but… well, the words didn’t get through.”

“Princes! Benedict Alrn! Lady Partan! Is this true?!”

As the Duke’s voice rose in alarm, those named quietly retreated a step.

“The Second Prince should have explained things better! I was trying to dissuade you!”

“…I-I’m sorry. I didn’t have a chance to speak.”

“I never thought I’d be mistaken for Lady Partan’s child and end up in this mess.”

Fixing a stern expression, the Duke Kurten let out a long sigh and welcomed the guests inside.

“So, I guess I just need to play around with the Sugar Duke now?”

“Lady Alrn, what does that title imply?”

“Who knows? What do you think it suggests?”

“Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to bode well.”

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not work with dark mode