Switch Mode

Chapter 620

Chapter: 620

Despite the sudden visit from all three princes, the Alrn family’s response was smooth as silk.

The knights, who had just been groaning in some strange torture, instantly got into formation, while the butler organized their welcome inside. Benedict and the master of the forest came down to greet them, ready to roll out the royal carpet.

Rene, who had recently tasted the madness of Alrn, found it fascinating, while Arthur, who trained with the Alrn family, watched with intrigue. However, Cecil, who had only heard tales about Alrn, nodded—thinking, “Ah, so this is the infamous Alrn family.”

But this carefree atmosphere wasn’t meant to last.

“The King has passed away.”

Rene’s announcement was anything but tranquil.

“Is that really true?”

When Arthur, shocked, asked on behalf of the bewildered Cecil, Rene nodded.

“I saw it with my own eyes.”

“Could there be a mistake?”

“The Fairy Queen showed me. I don’t think it’s a mistake.”

The faint doubts held by those gathered in the reception room quickly extinguished at the mention of the Fairy Queen.

No one could deceive the Fairy Queen, who even accepted aspects of the dark god. Such a trickster couldn’t exist on this continent.

“Given the state of the corpse, it seems he’s been dead for more than just a day or two. At least a few months have passed.”

“That’s… odd, isn’t it? The palace is quiet despite the King’s death.”

“The First Queen must have concealed it herself, so nothing leaked out. Even I, who was close to her, didn’t know!”

The power held by the First Queen wasn’t just about acting as a substitute for the king.

Since she took the throne decades ago, everything within the palace went through her hands.

Although some whispered about her overreach, the results she achieved silenced those murmurs.

Now, anyone working in the palace acted at the behest of the First Queen, merely looking out for their own interests as long as she permitted it.

If the First Queen decided to hide something, no one could catch on.

Even if it were the monumental event of the King’s demise.

“If you doubt my words, go to the Fairy Forest right now. Someone from Alrn, like you or Arthur, should easily be welcomed there.”

“No need for that. What he says is true. I vouch for it.”

As Lina shot Rene a scornful glance, the mood in the reception room turned solemn.

Cecil added in support, “When I first heard about it from my brother, I thought it was some terrible joke. But my mother seems to disagree. She’s been suspicious for a while. If the King has truly passed, it aligns with her doubts.”

While the Second Queen may hold less influence compared to the First Queen, she is still the Duchess’s daughter.

Even if the likelihood of becoming a prominent faction is low, she is capable enough to support Cecil.

As a Queen, she should have sensed any rising tension, but it was baffling why she hadn’t reached the point about the King’s death.

“I still can’t grasp it,” Cecil stated. “What could the First Queen gain by hiding the King’s death? If the Crown Prince is unestablished, the First Prince would naturally ascend the throne.”

“It’s a situation that surpasses ordinary understanding. An act committed by a madman. The events that follow will be unpredictable.”

This incident has already crossed the boundaries of reason. Predicting the future is impossible.

How will things unfold? What magnitude will it reach? What are the motives? Everything remains unknown.

The one thing certain is the complete uncertainty.

“That’s why I’m moving quickly. Whatever the First Queen has planned, it’s undoubtedly progressed beyond a certain point. We can hardly pay attention to the fine details.”

The First Queen must have already noticed Rene’s movements. Considering her information network spread across the kingdom, it makes no sense she wouldn’t be aware.

However, there’s no time to waste worrying about that. So instead, he plans to use this to his advantage and openly show signs of rebellion, preventing her from moving hastily.

“The reason I reached out to the Second Queen first is also this. If she sides with us, we can block whatever the First Queen might try to carry out.”

“And what price did you pay for that?”

“The throne.”

Arthur and Benedict were aghast at the seemingly nonchalant admission, but Rene remained unruffled.

The moment he decided to oppose the First Queen, the position he held became meaningless. What does it matter to be a strong heir to the throne?

All that had created this position were merely echoes of the First Queen’s power. If everything she has achieved is denied, then Rene himself loses his meaning.

In truth, this is a hopeful perspective. If the Second Queen decides to wipe him out, claiming he’s a bloodline of the First Queen, it wouldn’t be surprising if they took his head.

Even being confined somewhere would seem merciful for Rene.

The Second Queen, having heard all this, surely realized it too. It would be impossible for her not to. Rene had prepared several points that would benefit her.

Yet she didn’t demand anything beyond royal rights from Rene.

Even knowing that the succession he offered was superficial, she still smiled, understanding that there wasn’t much she could do about it.

“Since the First Prince personally offers it, I see no reason to refuse.”

Not too long ago, she would have been biting her nails for every little thing. How things have changed.

Indeed, ever since Lucy Alrn entered the picture. Just thinking of that name made Rene scoff and lean forward.

“Revealing the First Queen’s misconduct is the lesser evil. Doing so would provide grounds for foreign nations to intervene. The best course is to bury the misconduct alongside the First Queen.”

This is no easy feat.

It’s not just the First Queen’s mouth they need to silence.

The First Queen is the head of a faction. If she’s on the brink of collapse, there’s no predicting what those under her might do.

It’s clear how those who thought they wielded power would react when it’s snatched away.

To resolve this smoothly, they need to silence those smaller fry.

“It’s fine with the central faction, the Five Dukes. Three of them are on our side.”

Both the family from which the Second Queen was born and the Partran and Burrow factions will likely support them.

Looking at the indifferent gatherings, along with Alrn and Kent, Artea, and other noble families joining in, they’d naturally ride the wave of the situation.

So, the majority wouldn’t pose a problem.

The problem lies with the small fry.

Those for whom their own safety matters more than family name. They need to be silenced to quietly resolve the kingdom’s issues.

“To do so, I was thinking of seeking Karia’s cooperation, but where is that girl now?”

She would be the most suitable person for this. She could easily ensure the small fry fall silent.

“Lucy Alrn has gone out with her.”


“No one knows when she’ll return.”

Rene turned his gaze to Arthur, questioning if that was true, and Benedict slowly nodded.

“This is maddening.”

Why can’t that girl ever be helpful? Covering his face with his palm to suppress the turmoil, Rene looked around again, regaining his calm demeanor.

“Who can we substitute?”

“Oh. Speaking of which, the Burrow family’s prince is under Karia. You might want to check there first.”

“Alright. Arthur, you’ll accompany me for now, and the rest…”


“It’s quiet here.”

[Isn’t it peaceful and nice? ]

“It feels a bit lonely.”

Was it because Garad’s voice, which filled my head with granddad recently, had disappeared? Even though everything seemed the same as usual, I felt a hint of loneliness.

[You’re quite prone to loneliness, aren’t you?]

“Hmm. Yeah, I guess.”

How strange. I used to feel comfortable being alone in my past life, but why have I turned into someone who can’t stand being surrounded by people?

Could it be the influence of the Mesugaki skill… Nah, can’t be. A mentally unstable Mesugaki sounds like a stretch.

“Well, it’s fine. I still have granddad by my side!”

[Hah. That’s quite a commendable thing to say.]

“Didn’t I always say that?”

[Do you have a conscience at all?]

“With my title as the Apostle of the God and the Hero, how could I lack a conscience?”

No matter how much granddad denies it, that title is still mine! I dare him to call me an evil person who holds the title of the Apostle of God!

[Guess this really is the end of days.]

As I let out a chuckle at granddad’s lament, Karia tilted her head.

“Master, what’s got you so amused?”

“Your face, lady. Looks like the kind of ugly that never gets old. It’s the best!”

“Uh, hey.”

“Karia!! Steady yourself! You know that’s a distorted statement!”

“Let it go! I’m not distorting anything! I’m genuinely joking around!”

“Oh? Caught you, did I? But what will you do now? Even if you freak out, you’ll still be just you, right?”

If you can hit me, then go ahead. I’m not weak enough to get taken down by an old lady who’s been left in the dust.

As I intentionally provoked her, Karia’s lips quivered before she let out a sigh.

“Well, if it’s just that, then I guess I have no choice. I’ll just proclaim everything you’ve done and praise you.”

“Let’s not go too far and break something, alright? Should we keep it moderate?!”

I’m so sorry! I sincerely apologize for not reading the situation! Please don’t do this!

As I hurriedly conveyed my apologies, Karia finally chuckled.

“The playful banter can end here. So what’s your question for me?”

“Do you remember that brat who used to be under you?”

“That stuck-up girl who thought she was hot stuff?”


“Of course, I remember. I know where she is too. I can guide you there, no problem.”

That’s our Karia!

Let’s move quickly!

I want to see that brat crawling and crying on the floor as soon as possible!

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not work with dark mode