Switch Mode

Chapter 611

Chapter: 611

After a long time, I finally arrived at the Count Artea’s estate, but I hesitated at the sight of the soldiers guarding the main gate. It wasn’t that they were women; that didn’t strike me as weird.

In a fantasy world where there are powers like magic and divine strength, the physical differences between men and women can easily be minimized.

What made me pause was their attire.

‘…Grandpa. That’s…’

[It’s just like the armor you used to wear.]

[Looking at it like this, it’s truly provocative. How can you wear something like that?]

The female knights were clad in identical armors to the ones I used to wear, with a proud look on their faces.

When I usually wore that, I tried my best to not think about it, but seeing it now, I felt a bit off.

How is that even armor? It looks like you’d bleed out from any poke and just drop dead.

Honestly, calling it a peculiar swimsuit would seem more believable.

As I stared at the heavily exposed female knights, the mansion doors suddenly swung open, and a woman came rushing out with her hair flying behind her.

“Lady Alrn!”

Sliding right up to me, she knelt and grabbed my hand.

“Your recent achievements were truly remarkable! The light rising in the midst of the forest was absolutely mesmerizing!”

Sighing at the burdensome presence of Count Artea, who resembled the clumsy fox in a different way, I found myself facepalming. I dropped one pervert and got yet another one in return.

“Immediately, I urged the blacksmith to recreate the armor you wore, my Lady! Though it pales in comparison to your beauty and nobility, I wished to replicate at least some of it!”

So, in simpler terms, these knights are victims who were forced into noble oppression, right? It’s truly scary how a powerful person with wealth can run roughshod over others.

[You could do something like this if you wanted to, you know?]

[I just did a moment ago. The knights were howling.]

‘That was a just punishment.’

Naturally, those who were enjoying themselves while their master was in trouble deserve to be punished.

If it’s something that a bunch of morons would think of as training, then it should be doubly severe.

“Oh! Lady Alrn! Just in case there’s a misunderstanding, I’d like to clarify that these two are wearing armor under my compulsion!”

“…What? What kind of nonsense is that? So, are these ladies willingly stripping down to their underwear?”

“No! That’s not it! These two are knights inspired by the miracle of the forest and are thus adorned in this way for you, my Lady!”

As I slowly lifted my head at an unexpected statement, I felt piercing gazes fixed on me.

– See? They’re incredibly pretty, right?!

“How can you be this small and cute yet so noble at the same time?”

“I’m so proud to have gathered pieces from the Art Guild’s gear!”

– Those were super cool too!
– Hey, who are you guys?
– Why are you here?!
– They followed us!
– They’re amusing, aren’t they?!

Watching the fairies chatter away among the female knights, I realized that these two genuinely chose to wear this armor, and they even seemed to take pride in it.

Wait. Me wearing this shameless armor is special, okay?

That design has no meaning behind it!

I’m utterly disgusted by it! But if you wear it with pride, how am I supposed to feel guilty about it?!

“It’s not just them. My Lady. The light shining from the forest has inspired many!”

Count Artea continued speaking while naturally leading me into the mansion.

I wasn’t looking to linger here! I just want enough time to borrow a boat!

Though I previously tried to bluster, I felt like I was trapped by the earnest eyes of the two knights.

I don’t mind strange perverts like the clumsy fox or Count Artea!

I can spit curses and do whatever I want, and my conscience won’t blame me at all!

But innocent folks like this are an exception!

If people like that are smiling at me in this exposed armor, I can’t help but feel something!

What greeted me as I was half-dragged was a few other knights in similar armor and an even greater number of men.


“Heh. The Art Guild’s paintings can’t even capture this in real life.”

“Have I ever thought today was a good day to throw myself into the Artea family?”

“Hey, gentlemen, can you step back a bit? You’re making them uncomfortable.”


The knights understand. It’s impossible to fully comprehend with standard emotions, but it’s conceivable that there are folks who would like this armor.

But men shouldn’t be thinking like that! Why are you all acting this way?!

Why are you flexing those ridiculous, bulky muscles around like that?!

I don’t want to see a guy’s belly button!

“Uh, Lady Alrn, may I see the armor hidden beneath your cloak?”

Hearing Count Artea’s request made me almost shout out, but the burning eyes surrounding me shut my mouth.

“Ha! Why would I? I don’t want to hang around with these exhibitionist perverts!”

Still, no. Although I accidentally ended up getting dragged here, I don’t want to hang out with those weirdos.

My environment is already overloaded with perverts! If you want to join the club, at least take out the current ones first!

“No! My Lady! We didn’t wear this armor out of personal desire!”

“That’s right! We wore it out of admiration for you!”

Admiration? Me? Why? I couldn’t fathom it, and as I furrowed my brow, one by one, fairies revealed themselves next to them.

Oh. So everyone here is a human chosen by the fairies?

“Bugs. You guys sure have light wings for chatting so much?”

– But Lucy was super cool back then!
– I know, right?! How can you not mention that!
– My mouth is itching!
– Don’t worry! I only told good people!
– Exactly! The Queen said so herself!

It feels annoying that more people know about my deeds in the forest, yet if they’re recognized by the fairies, that’s somewhat of a relief.

Regardless, the conditions for winning the fairies’ favor are notoriously strict.

Plus, if the dark-hearted Fairy Queen said it’s okay, then she must have a reason.


“Lady Alrn.”

Following the Count’s voice calling my name, I turned my head.

“Everyone here has gathered to see the nobility represented by your divinity. Truly. They came upon seeing the sacred crystal you distributed.”

Gazing at them, sparkling with admiration, left me speechless, and I wiped my face before shedding my cloak. Cheers filled the estate.

[You actually have some weak spots. It’s hard to believe you’d be the one laughing while trampling on others.]

[But despite everything, you’re a good kid.]

Hey, old men! Stop having heartwarming conversations inside and tell me how to convince these people!?

I think it’s nice that they admire me, but not in that armor!

[If they like it, what can you do? Just leave them be.]

[It doesn’t look good, but it’s not a big problem practically. After a certain point, armor is only a means for intimidation.]

[Right. Back in our day, there were guys who ran in with nothing but underwear.]

[That guy isn’t the reason chivalry was created, but it could be argued. Yeah.]

Is this even acceptable!? Are these so-called heroes seriously okay with this?

I wouldn’t step up too heavily against them because they seem to like it.

Ah! Forget it! Let them live however they want! What loss is it to me?! They’re the ones who’ll be at a disadvantage!


After witnessing the terrifying scene at Count Artea’s estate, and offering my prayers to drop him off, I boarded the boat they had prepared and reached the island.

Watching those who should guard the mansion waving from the boat was honestly quite a sight for sore eyes, but seeing that kind of foolishness actually made me chuckle.

Hmm. It’s been nagging me since I exited the Fairy Forest, but today feels refreshing.

Those fools didn’t mean to help, but what the hey, they still did. Should I play with them again on the way back?

“It’s late. Employer.”

“Welcome back! My Lady! We were already prepared for your arrival!”

At the dock were Karl and Karia waiting for me.

“Those exhibitionist patients over there won’t leave me alone; it’s hard dealing with cute things. Ah, is this something that old ladies can’t comprehend?”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Anyway, I checked everything about the place you mentioned, and all of it was unreachable. If it weren’t for you, you probably wouldn’t have even considered stepping foot there.”

Phew. That’s a relief. I was worried what would happen if the Pope or some other irregular got in there first.

[Isn’t that a needless worry? Who but you could conquer such a dungeon anyway.][Dungeon? What are you talking about? ]

[You’ll see. You’ll only be able to admire it.]

[You think we’d still have something to marvel at after conquering so many dungeons? ]

[That’s why I said you’ll see. If you don’t, you’ll never believe it. I can say for sure that you’ll think about how wonderful it would have been had Lucy been our leader.]

[Ha! Is that so? Fine, let’s make a bet using that.]

Ignoring the banter from the old men, I gestured towards Karia to get the answer to another request.

“Sorry, but we’re still gathering info on the Hero. For now, let’s explore the dungeon with this knight. I’ve provided the locations, so no worries!”

“Absolutely! My Lady! I, Karl, memorized every region just for you!”

His puffed-up chest reminded me of the cheering I saw during the showdown between René and the clumsy fox. It didn’t inspire confidence.

But I’m in a good mood today. A few minor slip-ups can be overlooked.

“Then let’s hurry up. Watch out, you pathetic mutt. If you wag your tail carelessly, you’ll get kicked out!”


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not work with dark mode