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Chapter 61

Chapter: 61


It was the first day of filming.

Seoyeon stumbled upon the giant pig’s head before her, feeling utterly stunned.

“Alright, Seoyeon. It’s your turn.”

“Oh, okay.”

Along with a few other actors, Seoyeon bowed deeply to the pig’s head.

It’s common to perform a ritual before starting a movie or drama. It’s a sort of event designed to wish for the success of the project.

Having never experienced this during her previous role in The Sun Hidden by the Moon, Seoyeon found it to be oddly refreshing.

‘A pig’s head…’

The sight of the pig’s head grinning at her left Seoyeon at a loss for words.

Memories of the creatures she’d seen in If I Were a King floated back.

‘Am I… afraid?’

Seoyeon had never considered herself mentally weak, but the overwhelming fear she felt for the first time left a significant mark on her mind.

Time would heal, but for now, this was it.

“Seoyeon, are you feeling okay?”


At the words of her manager, Eunha Park, Seoyeon nodded.

To outsiders, Seoyeon appeared completely calm; the only hint of her internal turmoil was a slight tremor in her eyes.


Eunha observed Seoyeon closely.

Actors really are a breed apart.

Especially when it’s a special actor.

She recalled Hwang Min-hwa, who had an entirely different vibe from Seoyeon.

An aura of sophistication.

An overwhelming presence that made it impossible to speak lightly in her presence.

How about Seoyeon, though?

“The shoot might take a while, so feel free to rest in the van.”

Despite her seemingly cold demeanor, Eunha was exceptionally kind.

The exact opposite of Hwang Min-hwa.

Or maybe not the opposite.

Hwang Min-hwa wasn’t exactly known for her warmth.

‘I thought Seoyeon would be similar.’

Eunha had been taken aback the first time she laid eyes on Seoyeon.

Her lack of emotional expression and doll-like appearance made her seem unreadable.

In addition, like Hwang Min-hwa, she had an aura that was hard to ignore.

A prodigious child actor.

This title was certainly no exaggeration.

Seoyeon possessed a different charm from Hwang Min-hwa’s sophistication.

It was an overwhelming quality that commanded attention.

Perhaps this was the greatest asset an actor could have.

And when she performed, that atmosphere changed in a flash.

The surprise of seeing Hwang Min-hwa up close.

Yet, Seoyeon offered something even more.

‘So, that’s why Hwang Min-hwa didn’t dare act recklessly before.’

It was common for actors at the top of their game to have this quality.

Hwang Min-hwa had an eye for talent.

She could spot potential from miles away.

For her, Seoyeon must have been a clear pass.

So, she pretended to be a kind sister.

Hiding her true self.

“It’s okay, I’ll be watching from here. Where could a manager possibly go?”

“Um, that should be fine.”

“Just focus on your performance.”

Eunha said this with a smile, filled with hope.

The Chaser: Seoyeon’s debut film.

And the release date coincided with Hwang Min-hwa’s starring film.


Just as the GH Group had prepared for The Chaser, Utopia was also packed with the cash of a major corporation.

Actually, when it came to budget, Utopia likely had the upper hand.

They had even brought in foreign investments.

While the director’s reputation favored The Chaser, Utopia boasted an abundance of star actors.

The Chaser was by no means a small-scale production, but Utopia was in the realm of gigantic blockbusters.


Eunha watched Seoyeon, who was warming up, wishing fervently.

She hoped Seoyeon would surpass Hwang Min-hwa.

She believed in her.


“Today’s scene depicts Detective Im Seung-cheol witnessing the murderer Cha Seo-ah fleeing.”

This scene was labeled as Scene Number 30.

Following the encounter at the bus stop, it featured the detective fortuitously coming across the suspect during his night patrol.

It was the first meeting with the criminal, Cha Seo-ah.

‘So, this isn’t going to be shot in order, huh?’

Upon hearing “Scene Number 30,” Seoyeon checked her physical condition.

She hadn’t anticipated running from the first shot.

Each director has a unique shooting style.

Previously, Director Gong Jeong-tae of The Sun Hidden by the Moon preferred to film scenes sequentially.

However, Director Bae Jin-hwan for The Chaser shot scenes depending on the day’s conditions.

Or, he might film the more action-driven scenes first.

Today seemed to be the latter.

“Seoyeon, are you alright? You really don’t need a stunt double?”

“I’m fine.”

Typically, actresses often use stunt doubles for physically demanding scenes,

not just for action but also to ensure a visually appealing shoot.

Especially in fast-paced chase scenes, this was even more true.

In The Chaser, Cha Seo-ah often donned outfits like hoodies or raincoats, making it easier to switch out for a double.

“Well, if you need to swap out at any point, just let me know.”


Honestly, while it would be running, it was hardly anything too taxing.

Chasing after the fourth murder incident initiated by Cha Seo-ah.

Detective Im Seung-cheol would confront a freshly exited Cha Seo-ah.

“Oh wow, starting with such a tough scene, huh?”

“First scenes should be tough; it gets easier later, right?”

The staff had that dialect, likely someone from a regional area, which made for a humorous moment.

‘This will be a hassle.’

Staff familiar with Director Bae Jin-hwan’s methods tsked at Seoyeon.

He was what one might call a perfectionist.

He had a vision of the scene he wanted, which meant everything had to align accordingly.

That is why actors who initially volunteered for physically demanding scenes gradually bailed out.

When physical acting is awkward, it’s worse than not doing it at all.

A suspect who can’t run properly?

Naturally, there was no way Bae Jin-hwan would accept that.

And let’s not forget about the late-night shoot.

While Seoyeon appreciated the suitable shooting timing with school on hold, for the other crews, it felt like a death sentence.

‘If things go south, I might be up all night.’

This wasn’t just a matter of acting skill.

It would probably have been safer to let a double handle it.

But since the actor insisted, what could one do?

“Slate is ready.”

The assistant director held the slate that marks the filming spots.

This indicated that filming was set to begin.

The assistant director called for standby.

Sound, camera.

They signaled that everything was prepped in order.

Director Bae Jin-hwan surveyed the alley serving as the filming location.

There were two actors involved in this scene.

Joo Su-yeon, playing Cha Seo-ah.

And Kim Dae-heon, playing Detective Im Seung-cheol.


Director Bae Jin-hwan swallowed hard, looking at the two actors.

Even directors get nervous sometimes.

This time, with GH Group giving him total control, he bore a lot of responsibility.

Aiming for better actors.

The casting process allowed him to choose actors based on merit, regardless of their price or prior success.

While Kim Dae-heon was known for his solid acting chops, he didn’t have much lead experience.

In fact, many of his roles had been villains, often portraying generals in historical dramas.

But Director Bae Jin-hwan believed his acting wasn’t limited to that.

He was a talented actor with great potential and undiscovered capability.

It was his job to bring that out.

‘And then there’s Joo Su-yeon.’

Her career comprised primarily of child roles.

To be honest, she had been a topic of discussion among the production team for the weighty role they entrusted her with.

Some wondered if it was too much for an actor with only two credits to her name.

Even if she had proven her acting skills, the bigwigs always spoke in numbers.

She had only made brief appearances in a hit drama for three episodes.

Stage plays had been a big hit, but the higher-ups were likely to scoff at that.


For them, the bottom line was how much money she could bring.

Ironically, they had let her pass because of the momentum gained from In the Past, Looking Back.

Ultimately, on public broadcasting, a talent who hadn’t even filmed a commercial was merely a lottery ticket for them.

‘Lottery ticket.’

Cute phrase, but the odds of winning the jackpot are hardly in one’s favor.

It would be fantastic if she struck gold, but the chances weren’t good.

‘I’ll trust my instincts.’

The acting of Hong Jeong-hee seen in Closing My Eyes

And the spark of Seoyeon’s performance observed during the script reading.

That brilliance.


S# 30.

The first chase scene.

The Chaser: A name that can only be represented with tremendous impact.

Filming began under the moonlit night.


The sound of a pile of trash tumbling beside a utility pole echoed.

Detective Im Seung-cheol, in hot pursuit of the recent murder case, frantically scanned his surroundings.

“Where are you? Where the heck are you?”

He glanced down at his old cellphone.

Checking the time of the call that came in.

Late at night, a call from the police station.

A shriek of terror had echoed through the phone, as if someone had entered the caller’s home.

They couldn’t even manage to scream out the address clearly.

Without a moment to wake his sleeping colleagues, Im Seung-cheol dashed out on his own.

In a dark alley.

According to the caller, they had stressed that the location was right around this area.

Mangwon-ro 49-gil.

Navigating through the countless houses, Im Seung-cheol ran recklessly.

Over ten minutes had already passed since the report came in.

He might be late.

Forcing away that thought, he shook his head.

And when he turned what felt like the hundredth corner…


He came face to face with someone clad in a yellow raincoat.

Despite the lack of rain, there was someone in a raincoat.

A petite figure.

It was hard to tell the gender.

An entity that felt as if it was swallowing the darkness.

Im Seung-cheol’s eyes went wide.

The yellow raincoat was stained with crimson, visible blood.

Whose blood?

That was a given.

“You bastard!!”

With a roar echoing through the alley, Im Seung-cheol charged at the perpetrator.

Leaping over the litter scattered on the ground, he ran, prompting the assailant to turn.

Having already disposed of the weapon, the perpetrator, noticing the significant size difference, opted to flee instead of fight.

And then…


In a split second, they vanished.

Im Seung-cheol, or rather Kim Dae-heon’s feet came to a halt.

‘Wait, how are they that fast?’

Ah, with feet that quick, that’s why I haven’t caught them yet.

What a speed!

“Cut, cutcutcut!!”

Director Bae Jin-hwan urgently yelled out.

Calling back Seoyeon, who had already zoomed down the alley.



“Could you… run just a tad slower?”

It made sense for the criminal to be fleeing quickly.

But there needs to be a limit to that.

“Did you do track in school?”

“No, not really.”

Seoyeon shook her head, but no one could help but think otherwise.

The staff shared similar ideas.

“Then let’s adjust our coordination this time!”

Clap, clap, Director Bae Jin-hwan loudly cheered.

And the reshooting began.

Everyone was still tense from the startling speed they had just witnessed.

“Wow, that scene turned out great.”

“Exactly. It fits perfectly.”

S# 30.

Amidst the praise from everyone, filming wrapped up swiftly.

Without pulling an all-nighter, just like that.

The inaugural chase scene symbolizing The Chaser.

A smile had settled on Bae Jin-hwan’s face from this successful start.

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