Switch Mode

Chapter 61

Chapter: 61

After hearing what I wanted, Alsetin paused for a moment, deep in thought, before speaking up.

“Are you certain you can get him?”


“Then you better deliver, information peddler.”

Back when Soul Academy was a game, you were the one who helped me get that item.

I have no idea how long it will take, but I’m pretty sure I can get it someday.

Upon hearing my words, Alsetin shrugged and rested his chin on his hands.

“If I were to retrieve it, how are you planning to pay? It’s related to the Duke’s house, and with not even a single lead, it could get pretty pricey.”

‘I’ll pay in information.’

“I’ll give you the info you want.”

“Me? This information peddler wouldn’t be interested in just any info, you know.”


“Is it information about your master? You really don’t need it?”

The moment I mentioned ‘master,’ Alsetin’s expression cracked a little.

His master is a key figure in the story involving Alsetin.

This guy, who doesn’t flinch even when his lover dies right before his eyes, has just one weak spot: his master.

“What do you mean by ‘master’?”

I see. As a merchant, you wouldn’t want your weaknesses exposed, so you’ll deny it.

But you know what?

I’ve seen you crying and causing a ruckus with my own eyes. What difference does it make if you deny it?


“Karia. The one who took you in when you were an orphan. Does that ring a bell?”

As soon as I dropped my master’s name, Alsetin stood up and moved to face me.

His glare was intense, but my experiences with intimidating figures like Possell and Benedict didn’t scare me at all.

“How does the young lady know that name?”

‘Is it really that important?…’

“Information peddler. Does it really matter? The info you want is something I know, and you can get me what I want. Isn’t that all that matters?”

You’re probably curious about how I managed to gather information, since you and I both know I’ve barely left my mansion.

But why should I answer that?

If you’re curious enough, go and figure it out yourself, alright?

Of course, no matter how hard you try, you probably won’t find even a thread of a lead, but that’s not my concern. Right?

“Lady Alrn. I’m sorry, but that alone doesn’t confirm you have information about my master.”

Good point.

Being a person full of doubts, I guess this isn’t enough for him to trust me.

How much should I reveal?

‘The Magic Empire’s…’

“Try looking for information in the Norta Territory of the Magic Empire.”

If you rummage around there, you might be able to gather some intel on your master.

Of course, you won’t be able to approach your master, but at least you can verify if my words have any truth to them.

Alsetin, who was staring at me with narrowed eyes, then took a small step back and plastered a smile across his face.

“Alright. I’ll check it out.”

‘As for getting the item…’

“Information peddler. How long do you think it’ll take to get that item?”

“I can’t give you a definite answer since I don’t even have a clue where it is, but I’ll do my best to retrieve it quickly.”

Since this involves his own master, Alsetin will certainly put in all his effort.

It shouldn’t take more than a month, I reckon.

If I can get the item within that time, I can easily boost the affection level of that inferior noble.

Hearing a satisfactory answer, I nodded and stood up.

‘I’ll be expecting a good answer.’

“I hope to hear a good answer next time we meet, information peddler.”


Once left alone in the room, Alsetin pulled out a cigarette from his drawer and stuck it between his lips.

As he puffed out smoke, keeping an eye out for Lucy Alrn exiting his shop, he muttered under his breath in a way that sounded almost like a threat.

“So, Lucy Alrn, huh?”

Alsetin knew quite a bit about Lucy Alrn.

She was notoriously known in high society for all the wrong reasons, so it’s hard not to.

Lately, there have been rumors that she’s changed in the midst of her notorious backdrop.

But thinking back to her condescending look as she called herself an information peddler, he was certain her character hadn’t truly changed.

However, she’s not as hopeless as the rumors suggest.

Lucy Alrn is tough, fitting the bloodline of the Alrn family.

Stepping boldly into the tavern where the lowlifes were gathering and coolly stating her opinions in front of everyone showed she’s definitely not lacking.

And that gaze she had when she mentioned his master confirmed she wasn’t inept.

High society folks must not have the keenest of eyes, huh?

They focus too much on her reckless behavior and cluelessly miss what she’s capable of.


“Come in.”

The person who entered at his beckoning was the very guy who had crumpled to the floor after getting punched in the gut by Alsetin.

“Are you alright?”

“It’s fake, but thanks for hitting me softly. I think I’ll bruise up.”

“Hey, rub some ointment on it, and you’ll be fine.”

The deadly atmosphere Lucy encountered when she first arrived at the tavern and how Alsetin seized control were all part of a perfectly executed plan.

He aimed to scare the noble girl and make things go smoothly for himself.

Interestingly, it didn’t seem to have the intended effect on Lucy Alrn.

“So, what happened?”

“About that…”

Alsetin’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

The biggest issue was regarding Lucy Alrn’s mention of his master.

The Alrn he knew hardly ever left his mansion or ventured out into society.

There’s no way a person who acts like a troublemaker would have the connections needed to possess such information.

But somehow, she knew.

She knew he was searching for his master and about everything concerning him.

How on earth did she acquire such intel?

Is there a route the Alrn family has that ordinary people aren’t privy to?

But that place is just a typical martial family. There shouldn’t be a usable information network in existence.

As he silently pondered, watching the ashes drop from his cigarette, Alsetin sorted out his thoughts.

No matter how puzzled he may feel, reality won’t change.

I can think about this later.

Right now, I need to focus on what needs to be done.

“First, I need to find something related to Duke Burrow.”

Whatever Lucy Alrn is looking for in the back alleys, it must be something precious.

And even if my deal with Lucy Alrn falls through, having that item will definitely not be a loss.

So finding that should be my priority.

“And I should send a few people to the Norta Territory.”

I need to confirm whether what Lucy Alrn confidently said was true.

I’ll send people there to dig up information about his master.

As thoughts of his master filled his mind, Alsetin clenched his cigarette tightly, frowning.

Truth be told, the best method to confirm this would be to kidnap Lucy Alrn to extract the information.

Those who hold overbearing attitudes usually crumble once faced with skin-deep pain.

But using such tactics would put her status at risk.

The Alrn family.

A top martial family battling for supremacy over the kingdom, with the Iron-Willed White Benedict Alrn as its head.

What if I provoked the wrath of Benedict by touching his daughter?

At that moment, I might as well opt for self-termination instead.

To rephrase, if there’s no need to think about the potential fallout, then I can touch Lucy Alrn. But… not now.

“Right now, it’s just these two tasks. Let’s get to work.”


After the entrance ceremony at Soul Academy, there’s a week-long trial period.

Students can explore various classes and decide which ones to stick with.

Usually, during this time, you would mingle with those who you feel drawn to, building friendships, but that sadly wasn’t my case.

[What are you thinking about?]
‘Not thinking about anything.’
[Then why do you look so gloomy staring out the window? ]
‘It’s a cliché for loners to act like this.’
[What kind of nonsense is that?]
I bet Grandpa wouldn’t get it.

This is from my original world.

Since today began, I’ve been all alone almost the entire day.

People clear a path as soon as they see me, leaving me with no choice but to be alone.

Joy keeps scowling at me, probably from last night’s fiasco,

Feiby gives me a quick greeting but that’s it,

And Frey? She’s too wrapped up in her own world to be a friend or anything!

Thus, I inevitably became a loner on my first day.

The moment I felt most noticed was during meal times.

Sure, I’ve dined alone many times before, but eating solo in the real world and in a school environment feels completely different.

When eating outside at restaurants alone, no one pays me any mind.

If you don’t pick up on it, nobody cares.

But here at school,

If you’re eating solo, people will wonder why you’re all alone. Are you a social outcast?

Of course, given my infamous reputation, no one blatantly glares or badmouths me, but I just have this bad feeling that it will happen soon enough.

In a school setting, bad rumors spread like wildfire.

Given Lucy’s tarnished reputation, becoming a loner here?

That’s like setting myself up to be the perfect target to be toyed with!

Ugh. I expected the situation to be like this, but experiencing it firsthand feels so different.

I have to deal with this lifestyle for several years in the future, and I’m already overwhelmed by what lies ahead.

“Alright, that wraps up today’s class. Next time….”

Once class ended, I bolted out and headed to my next destination.

Normally, I’d be lost or fretting about what class to attend next, but I didn’t have to worry about that.

I already went through that process when I first started at Soul Academy.

A veteran like me isn’t going to get lost in here!

The next subject I planned to attend was Combat Studies.

Definitely a class I needed to enhance my close-combat skills as a frontliner.

When I arrived in the classroom, I found Karl, my stalker who’s also a guard, preparing for the lesson.

“My Lady.”


“What are you doing here, weakling?”

The professor for this class should be someone else, right?

“I’ll be assisting Professor Anton in his lecture.”

Oh, that’s how it is?

They can’t drop a rookie professor into a class without backup, so I get why they made that choice.

“Good timing! I actually wanted to chat with you.”

‘About what?’

“About that girl you mentioned needing help last time?”

I did ask that.

There was a quest I needed to take.

But how do you know about that?

“I’ve brought the girl’s request with me.”

…What? Wait a second. What?!

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not work with dark mode