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Chapter 606

Chapter: 606

Rasha, having awoken from a brief slumber, shifted her gaze to the Pope after noticing the bodies of several fallen individuals around her.

“Did you take care of everything already? They used to be the elite of the Church, you know.”

“Elite, huh? With these losers? Spare me the nonsense. They’d lose to even Alrn’s brat.”

“Show some respect when mentioning that individual. No matter how you look at it, there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed.”

Rasha, who initially thought he was making a joke, was caught off guard by the Pope’s impassive look and threw her hands up in exasperation.

“Why?! You used to laugh it off when I called you that before!”

“That was before I had any judgment about the Apostle of the God.”

“So now you have a judgment, huh?”

“Hah! Yes! The judgment is clear! That person is someone the great God has chosen!”

The Pope couldn’t help but let his lips curve into a smile as he recalled the scene from just moments before.

It has nothing to do with the stunning beauty of the Goddess of Beauty and the Arts pouring affection into her appearance.

Not even the derogatory language that provoked the wrath of multiple evil gods matters.

The Pope solely focused on seeing the true essence of his counterpart, determining if they were worthy in the eyes of the God.

And the result this time was most satisfying.

Lucy Alrn was indeed an individual worthy of being selected as the Apostle of the God.

A hero and warrior that the God could place their last hope upon.

“I should have been certain from the moment the Saintess reached out her hand to become a true Saintess! Ahh! How I despise my impious self! I want to tear apart the doubts I had about the great God’s will!”

If only he could have restrained his heart from tearing, he wouldn’t have had to insult Ruel’s doll!

He could have prepared for the divine cause without attracting the God’s hatred!

He hated how foolish and pitiful he had been. So much so that he felt like crying blood.

“What do you find so appealing?” Rasha asked.


From the way Warrior Ruel and Knight Garad show their respect.

To the way he mourned for the fallen unbelievers.

The audacity to hurl curse words confidently at someone he found unpleasant.

Even the bold declaration to embrace only what he desires.

Most of all, the nobility to even embrace the sins of others.

“Hah. It’s amusing. You’re getting old, yet you find interest in someone other than the great God. Life truly is unpredictable.”

“Old man, do you realize you sound a bit deranged right now?”

“Don’t worry. I’ve always been a bit crazy.”

Originally, he had aimed to pressure the heretics he had neglected around the continent, but now it seems he’ll have to slightly adjust his plans. A visit to the urban center became necessary.

“Rasha. Do you know of the place that sells artworks made by the Art Guild?”

“…Are you seriously planning to buy something there?”

“Isn’t it sort of a sacred item?”

“I don’t know. I’m not the kind of person to care about things like that.”

“That’s true. You’re quite distant from femininity in many ways.”

Rasha made a face as if offended by his blunt remarks, but the Pope didn’t care about her expression.

At this point, it seemed he had no choice but to use the Church’s information network.

Following Cardinal Johan’s trail to get what he wanted shouldn’t be too difficult.

It’s a real pity that he can’t act officially.

A few months ago, he would have made a direct trade with the Apostle of the Art Guild using his position as the Pope.

“But you know, if things go according to your old man’s plans, will the brat… will the Apostle sit back and do nothing?”

“Of course not. That individual will surely try to stop me. What I intend to do is something the God would never desire.”

“Is that really okay?”

“That’s a foolish question! The moment I decided to pave the way for the great God to step back onto this land, I resolved myself to wander forever in hell! Am I supposed to hesitate against going against the God’s will!”

“That’s not it, I meant that you might fail due to interference.”

“That could happen. After all, it’s the Apostle who aids the great God. It wouldn’t be strange at all if they crushed my plans like nothing.”

The Pope nodded in agreement, almost to Rasha’s surprise.

“But that’s a good thing in itself. The great God can regain their former glory without someone like me around.”

For a man who had ascended to the position of Pope, his power and abilities had been shaped over decades of planning.

If a little brat chosen as the God’s Apostle could thwart these plans, the Pope would gladly laugh as he headed off to hell.

Such an outcome would only signify that the God possessed exceptional might and wisdom far beyond that of someone as insignificant as him.

“Thinking it over slowly, the idea of my plans failing actually seems more enjoyable.”

“Do you want to give up on your plans now?”

“That’s not an option. Even if it’s unintentional, I’ve been given the role of trial. In times like these, it’s the duty of a believer to give their all.”

The Pope, who seemed strangely cheerful and even hummed a little tune, hoped that the seed he had planted in the kingdom would soon blossom.

Preparations were all finished. Now he merely awaited the moment the dominoes would fall while carrying out minor tasks.

“Get moving. You’re full of energy today.”

“After all this work, it better not be boring at the end.”



As the shock of divinity flooded in, I was yanked from my mental world into reality, faced with five pairs of eyes directed at me. Wait, five pairs?

“You’re up early this time, Lucy!”

“Didn’t the Saintess say there was nothing wrong with her body?”

“She did say that, but isn’t it true that no one was more nervous than Phoebe herself?”

“Yeah, the Saintess was super fidgety.”

“I can’t completely rule out the possibility that I might have messed up.”

As I passed through the cacophony of my friends’ voices filled with relief, I noticed a face from the mental realm.

This appearance surely belonged to my Grandpa’s heroic days. The intense gaze directed at me felt overwhelming, and suddenly, the doll had plunged its head into the ground.

“I’m sorry! Apostle of the God! I have caused you trouble with my noble intentions!”

…Huh? Me?

“If it weren’t for you, who knows how many sins I would have committed!”

The doll, fervently pressing its head into the ground, appeared to be overwhelmed with emotion.

What on earth is this situation? I couldn’t catch up with what was happening, so I turned to my friends, only to see Phoebe clear her throat.

“After the Young Lady collapsed, the divinity that resided within her returned to this being. Therefore, the recovered doll immediately brought us apologies.”

“It’s not only a matter of failing to uphold Lord Erginius’ intentions, but I have also committed an offense against the true original, Lord Ruel! How could I not express gratitude to those who saved me?”

The doll bowed again, although its gaze was less than kind towards Joy.

Is it because Joy was using dark powers?

I could understand the displeasure from bad memories, but still, that’s not cool.

I abruptly stood up and stomped on the doll’s head.

“Are dolls supposed to apologize like people do?”


“When something bothers you, it’s an apology to show that you’re annoyed, even if it’s a rescue, huh? How interesting.”

“Is that…?”

“But did you know? Our klutz here is a disciple of the virgin who made you. So right now, you’ve insulted both the old geezer and the virgin. Wow~ A holy knight that even offends their creator? Next up, is it me? You’re going to take a shot at me too?”

Only after the stunned doll spat out a string of apologies did I finally step back.

Once I’d stomped on it, the doll apologized with a face that looked like it was falling apart, causing Joy to wave her hands in shock.

I suppose she’s nicer than she looks.

As everyone’s attention shifted toward Joy and the doll, I checked on my own condition.

Having embraced my Grandpa’s divinity, I had recovered to some extent.

Not fully back to normal, but I’d successfully moved away from being the sickly Lucy.

With a bit of good luck, I should be back to normal within a few days.

Though things got tangled up a bit, I felt delighted at achieving the desired outcome, which suddenly reminded me of the clear reward from this dungeon, and I grabbed the doll by its neck.

“Evil doll. Don’t you owe us something?”

“Ah, you’re talking about the reward! I was indeed planning to give it to you once you woke up!”

The doll pulled out an old necklace that Grandpa had received as a blessing directly from the pathetic God.

This necklace had a very straightforward effect: it increases the amount of divinity, boosts recovery, and grants beneficial effects when using powers related to divinity.

The issue is that it’s in a weathered state after all this time.

Wearing it in its current condition would only yield minimal effects, and recovering it to its original performance would require all sorts of hassle. It’s more of a relic for those looking to ignore efficiency and aim for the high point.

While it means little more than decoration to me right now, it does hold symbolic significance.

The necklace contained the blessing of the God that Warrior Ruel once wore. Aren’t the clergy going to go wild for it? Count Artea would probably foam at the mouth trying to get his hands on this!

“Pathetic Saintess.”


“Here, catch.”

So, it’s best for Phoebe to wear it. No one would utilize the symbolism within better than her.

“Me…? Isn’t it for the Young Lady to wear?”

“Do you want me to wear a stinky necklace from Grandpa?”

“But you and Lord Ruel…”

“Ah, I see. You don’t want something I hand over, huh? Pretty bold for a pathetic saintess.”

“That’s not it!”

“Not it? You want it, huh?”

“Yes! So much!”

“Then ask nicely.”

Phoebe’s eyes fluttered at the word ‘ask,’ and she took a deep breath, then attempted to bow her head like the doll did earlier.

“O Apostle of the God, please bestow your blessing upon this little lamb.”

“Uh. Hah! Pathetic saintess sure is materialistic! But I guess that can’t be helped!”

Having not anticipated this scenario, I tried to ignore the looks of reprimand from around me as I attempted to hand the necklace over, but instead of taking it with her hands, Phoebe squeezed her eyes shut and pulled back.

…She wants me to put it on her?

Feeling awkward, but I couldn’t turn her down.

I had just told her to ask after all, and if I bailed out now, I’d look like the biggest trash!

And really, how hard can it be to put a necklace on? That’s within my abilities!

Although I confidently approached Phoebe to place the necklace around her neck, I soon began to feel a bit troubled.

Whoa! This divine pouch is way too big! I literally can’t avoid touching it no matter how hard I try!

No, hold it together. If I act like this, then I’ll be just like the pathetic God! I can’t prove the Pope right!

Thinking about never becoming like that pathetic God kept me grounded as I successfully placed the necklace on her.

Upon opening her eyes, Phoebe smiled—the kind of smile only a child can show, her fingers gently caressing the necklace.

“Thank you so much, Young Lady.”

Hah. Well, if it makes you happy, that’s all that matters.

“Lucy Alrn. I’m sorry for intruding like this, but there’s something I need to ask.”

“What is it? Do you want the incompetent prince to put it back on for you? Huh, shady much? Definitely a puberty brat…”

“It’s not that! That necklace belongs to Ruel, right? If that’s the case, then the opposition will realize that the Saintess has intervened underground!”

Oh, that is a problem. The symbolism of the necklace becomes a hassle in times like this.

Three people participated underground, but the only one we need to worry about is Cardinal Cesare.

The Pope will probably praise Phoebe, and the hunting dogs that accompany him won’t budge without his orders.

[Regarding that part, I have an idea.]
‘What is it?’
[Let’s utilize that doll. Though I can’t acknowledge it, it’s based on me after all.]

Hearing about Grandpa’s plan made me narrow my eyes involuntarily.

If things unfold according to his plan, it could end up being quite entertaining.

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not work with dark mode