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Chapter 60

Chapter: 60

61. Black Fangs VS The Empire (8)

Out of nowhere, the Black Fangs zealots showed up.

After working my brain overtime to get them out of there safely, I looked around at the remaining folks.

There were way fewer people than before, thanks to the unexpected shift to Black Fangs die-hards.

The faces of those left were filled with guilt.

You could practically see their apologies radiating from their eyes.

I get it, really.

They’ve received help from me, and when it came time for them to step up and help, they turned their backs.

But honestly, I wasn’t bothered at all.

Most of them had their own reasons—too young, too old, or too bruised to help—but that aside…

‘In fact, this is actually easier for me.’

The folks over there were way more manageable than the Black Fangs supporters.

If I were the real leader of the Black Fangs, maybe I’d feel a bit hurt, but I’m not, am I?

It’s just that those enthusiastic supporters misinterpreted my words. All I did was speak the truth.

I’m not the leader of the Black Fangs.

They and I have nothing to do with each other, so let’s skedaddle before we get caught up in anything messy.

That’s the plain and simple truth.

It’s just that my bad luck from pretending to be the leader of the Black Fangs is rearing its ugly head now.

So, ironically, the fact that those people are still following me is a good thing.

Thus, I explained the situation to the people still grappling with guilt once again.

“Don’t overthink it. Like I said before, I’m not really the leader of the Black Fangs.”

How many times have I said that today?

I had such trivial thoughts as I continued, “Whether you help the Black Fangs or not has nothing to do with me. You don’t need to feel guilty about it.”

But all I got back were even guiltier looks.

Their expressions felt like I’d told them a joke that fell flat on April Fool’s Day.

Well, it wasn’t exactly unexpected.

I already missed my chance to explain that I wasn’t the leader.

– It’s time to conserve your strength. For ‘that day’ that will come someday.

The instant I mentioned that, I essentially admitted I was the leader of the Black Fangs.

So, it would be even weirder if they believed my explanation.

I was going through the same emotions that the shepherd boy felt.

I had casually blabbed, “I’m the leader of the Black Fangs!” all around town. Now, even when I tell the truth, not a soul believes me.

I sighed and looked at the crowd again. Countless eyes were locked on me.

‘Honestly, whether these folks are sulking or not doesn’t change what I need to do.’

This place was already on the Empire’s radar.

Some mistake made them think I was just a petty criminal impersonating the Black Fangs.

And with that bounty on my head…

If the Empire started their nationwide search, their gaze might land on us again.

So I couldn’t leave those people around here.

They had to disperse and hide throughout the Empire.

Thus, regardless of their feelings, I needed to get them all out of here quickly.

Just as I thought to speak, I felt a strange yet profound intuition.

I had to do something more than just wrap things up here.

Then it hit me.

The whispering earrings.

My dear friend Asher had gifted them to me, proclaiming they’d look better on me.

There was definitely a function that enhances intuition!

…But really, how crucial is that in this moment?

What difference does it make if I say something here and now?

I just couldn’t wrap my head around it.

However… with this nagging feeling, I felt uneasy just brushing it off.

‘Besides, I probably won’t see these people again.’

They were folks I’d built some rapport with while running the relief center. Saying farewell on such negative terms felt wrong.

So, I opened my mouth once more.

Not that I was trying for something grand.

I just wanted to say a few words to ease their guilt.


The girl couldn’t bear to look the leader in the eye.

The leader had done so much for her.

He saved her life and healed her sick mother.

And yet, she couldn’t step up.

– Please, let me help alongside you!

When everyone was adamant about helping the Black Fangs, she remained silent.

So she rationalized it.

There was nothing she could do.

She had to care for her ailing mother, whose strength still hadn’t returned.

What good would it do if she stepped up? She wouldn’t be much help in a fight anyway.

After receiving help and expressing joy, why was she now turning away when it was her turn to offer help?

There’s a limit to selfishness, you know.

“Everyone has different capacities,” came the leader’s voice in her moment of guilt.

“You don’t have to feel ashamed for not being able to fight.”

So kind.

It was a genuinely kind statement.

Everyone gathered here had been saved by the leader. Yet, despite that, they were being ungrateful, making excuses for not helping him.

And he was still saying he didn’t hold it against them.

“Once more: Everyone has different capacities to contribute.”

He recognized that they couldn’t help.

Yet, that kindness only tortured the girl more. The weight of betraying someone like him was painful.

Then the leader’s gentle tone came again.

“There’s no need to repay me by fighting.”

The girl looked up at him once more.

The leader continued in his usual warm voice, “If you genuinely want to repay me, help others when you can. That’s more than enough.”

It was as if he could read her mind. As if he could sense everyone’s guilt.

“Just those small acts can make the world a better place.”

That was his request.

Just for saving their lives, he asked for such a simple thing.

No one present was foolish enough not to understand that meaning.

That wasn’t just a request; it was consideration.

Consideration to relieve their burdens.

The girl looked again at the leader. That kind leader.

And thought to herself.

I can’t just keep taking help like this.

So, what should I do?

What can I—fearful as I am—possibly do?

It was already decided.

Didn’t the leader say it before?

Everyone has different things they can do.

For her, picking up a weapon to fight was impossible.

But… for other tasks, she could manage.

Drawing strength from her core, the girl shouted with all her might, “Understood, Leader!!”

All eyes turned to her. However, she didn’t mind and continued.

“I’ll help people, just like you, in the name of the Black Fangs!”

Even if she couldn’t fight with a weapon, she could spread the name of the Black Fangs far and wide.

“Hey, that’s nice and all, but do you really need to use the Black Fangs name…?”

The leader said with some discomfort.

In this situation.

It was clear what was happening.

That kind person was still worried about them. Worried that spreading the name of the Black Fangs might attract the Empire’s attention.


“Don’t worry about that, Leader! Even with one leg gone, I’m not clueless. There’s a reason this lame duck has survived!”

“Me too! If it could help you even a bit, I’d do it!”

That was the response from the crowd.

They all wanted to do whatever they could to support that kind person.

The girl smiled at that sight.

Truly, just as the leader said.

Just a small act turned the situation around like this.

Maybe… the leader had foreseen all of this, she sincerely thought.


I stared blankly at the scene unfolding before me.

I just casually threw out a few public service announcement-style lines, and look at this whirlwind!

The Black Fangs zealots had just been sent away with Lien.

And then out of the blue, these perfectly fine people suddenly turned into fanatics.

I couldn’t help but stare at the source of this chaos—my earrings.

‘These earrings, are they broken or something?’

You said they enhance intuition, so why is it that I acted on that intuition and things got messier?

Did Asher actually give me a defective product?

How could a friend give something like this?

A headache came on with a vengeance.

I pressed my palms against my forehead and let out a deep sigh.

‘This is driving me insane.’

It felt like the world was playing tricks on me.

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not work with dark mode