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Chapter 6

Episode 6: Thank You, Sucker! (1)

On the day of the practical exam, first-year students from each department gathered in the gymnasium. The three departments—Magic, Combat, and Alchemy—would undergo evaluation simultaneously.

For Magic and Combat, skills would be assessed through sparring, while Alchemy students would demonstrate their invented magical tools or potions.

The exam took place in a dimensional space crafted by the professors, tailored to the requirements of each department.

However, due to space constraints, only one department could undergo the exam at a time, while the others waited on the second floor, where they could observe the proceedings.

“Let us begin the first-year practical exam for this month,” boomed the voice of the professor standing on the platform.

Radiant Verserun, the head of the Combat department, commanded attention with his imposing presence and authoritative voice.

Despite not holding the highest rank, his ability to manage a large number of students earned him his place on the platform.

As Radiant Verserun spoke, the chatter among students ceased, and all attention turned to him.

“Anyone who dares to speak will not only receive the lowest score but will also face rigorous training until the end. No exceptions, even for Alchemy. Understood?”

“Yes, sir!” the students chorused, their voices echoing through the gym.

“Why is your voice softer than mine? Do you understand?!”

“Yes, sir!!” they responded, their voices now matching his in volume and conviction.

As the tension lifted, I couldn’t help but smile, wondering if the sudden change in atmosphere was due to the anticipation of the exam or the promise of an unexpected field trip.

However, the authority carried by Radiant, unlike that of typical instructors, stemmed from his extensive combat experience. His physique and fierce demeanor spoke volumes of his veteran status, commanding respect without the need for further elaboration.

“If those words had come from someone lacking in strength, would they hold the same weight?” Radiant’s voice reverberated once more through the room.

“While this monthly exam may not carry the same weight as midterms or finals, its significance should not be underestimated. It has the potential to prompt changes in class assignments at any moment.”

The prospect of class changes based on exam results was a reality that most students had prepared for, understanding its potential impact on their academic journey.

“Indeed, these changes are not arbitrary. They reflect the performance of those who either display remarkable progress or exhibit a disappointing lack thereof.”

Radiant’s words hung in the air, causing some students to nervously swallow.

“I trust none of you wish to fall into the latter category. Failure is not an option.”

The consequences of failure extended beyond academic repercussions, affecting their families and depriving them of much-needed breaks.

To avoid such outcomes, students eagerly grasped onto every opportunity to excel.

“I took the liberty of observing your training activities in the village over the weekend, particularly noting the intensity of Class C students’ efforts.”

Radiant’s gaze swept over the students, leaving them in contemplative silence as they pondered the implications of his observations.

Beware the competition from those beneath you, for being overtaken by inferiors is as humiliating as revealing weaknesses to them.

Lower-ranking students are always watchful, so underestimating them is unwise.

“Anyway, that’s all. I trust you will approach the exam with diligence, as usual. Dismissed!”

With Radiant’s final words, the actual exam commenced.

Alchemy was the first department to undergo evaluation, while students from the other departments waited on the second floor, peering through the transparent glass designed to reveal the exam scene.

The Alchemy exam focused on magical creations, testing students’ abilities to combine, dismantle, and craft small potions or magical tools for high evaluation.

During the wait, students filled the dull time with exchanged glances and idle chatter.

“Hey, where’s that guy who promised us stuff?”

Two students, sporting arrogant expressions and cocky attitudes, scanned the room. Breed, a muscular student from the Combat department, and Ludical, a somewhat fragile-looking Magic department student, directed their inquiries towards Class C.

“If you know where he is, speak up! If you stay silent, we’ll make you our first target during the exam,” Ludical threatened openly.

As members of Class B, they looked down on Class C students, particularly those from the Combat department.

They were known for bullying Radon, justifying their actions by labeling him a scammer, but in reality, it was nothing more than senseless violence, cloaked in false justification.

“Where’s Radon?”

“Why are you looking for him?”

Some Class C students, less fortunate than their peers, intercepted Breed and Ludical, their defiance masking their unease.

Breed explained, suppressing his anger, “He promised to provide us with swords and staffs. But where is he hiding? We’ve searched everywhere and can’t find him.”

“Could he have bailed on us?”

Each student was required to bring their own weapons for the exam, with only non-lethal options such as wooden swords or practice weapons permitted.

Breed and Ludical had initially possessed such weapons, but they had broken during training due to excessive use.

Unable to borrow from the Academy due to their past record of returning broken equipment, Breed and Ludical found themselves in a predicament.

“We didn’t bring ours?”

“What choice do we have? We’re strapped for cash to buy swords and staffs.”

Despite their nonchalant attitude towards their living expenses, they had failed to anticipate the possibility of their practice weapons breaking.

Feeling cornered, they resorted to targeting someone they perceived as an easy target, someone who seemed to have a plan.

“Where’s Radon?”

“Right here,” I announced, sneaking up behind them.

Surprised by my sudden appearance, Breed and Ludical stared at me in disbelief.

“Missed me that much?” I teased, amused by their dumbfounded expressions.

“Where have you been?” Ludical demanded, clearly agitated.

“Why the sudden attitude? You asked me to come out, and here I am,” I replied casually, shrugging off their confusion.

Rolling their eyes, Breed and Ludical exchanged skeptical glances, unsure of what to make of my behavior.

As much as I wanted to confront them for their insolence, my priority was obtaining the items they needed.

“Anyway, what about our practice weapons? If you didn’t bring yours, you know what will happen, right?” Breed reminded me, his tone tinged with annoyance.

“Let’s just worry about ourselves,” I responded nonchalantly, before tossing the swords and staffs I had brought with me to them.

“Here,” I said, as they caught the weapons with a clang of metal meeting metal.

The two items that slipped from their grasp clattered to the ground.

“How dare you…!”

“Why the long faces? Not quick enough to catch?”

My snarky tone didn’t earn me any favors, but I had fulfilled their request to hand over the weapons for the exam. That was all that mattered.

Naturally, I anticipated their wounded pride.

“What happened over the weekend? Did you grow a spine in secret?”

“Seriously. You could’ve just taken the weapons and vanished. No need to make a scene.”


Breed, losing his composure, raised his fist. Why he would trust a supposed scammer and engage in a confrontation was beyond me, but perhaps it was necessary to instill fear as a preview of the upcoming exam.


A slender hand emerged, firmly grasping Breed’s fist.

“Jenny… Chainsilver?”

The atmosphere turned frigid as Jenny’s presence swept over the room like an approaching blizzard, leaving the audience in awe.

“I said, stop.”

The sudden appearance of a Class A student left Breed and Ludical momentarily speechless.

Jenny’s touch felt like ice, sending a chill down Breed’s arm and causing his grip to weaken.

“Who are you to intervene? Planning to protect this guy?”

“And are you planning to keep going?” Jenny’s unwavering gaze seemed to sap Breed’s strength, prompting him to retract his fist hastily to avoid further embarrassment.

Watching the scene unfold, I couldn’t help but think, “That’s how you command attention.”

Indeed, when someone of authority speaks, their words carry weight. Jenny, asserting her dominance, addressed the two with a stern tone.

“Don’t fool yourselves. You’re not the only ones with a grudge against him. If you attack him, you’ll regret it.”

The room fell silent as her words hung in the air, leaving Breed and Ludical speechless.

“If you’re so eager to settle the score, do it during the exam. But I doubt you’ll even get the chance,” Jenny remarked, her gaze lingering on me with a hint of suspicion.

After the Alchemy exam concluded, the Magic exam commenced, much to the excitement of the students. It was a group battle, with rankings determined by survival in randomly selected fields for an extended period.

“She’s still keeping an eye on me,” I noted, sensing the lingering scrutiny from Jenny after the earlier incident.

It was understandable that an upper-class student like Jenny would pay attention to those involved in the altercation. Her subtle glances in my direction didn’t go unnoticed.

“She’s probably still holding a grudge against me,” I mused, acknowledging my role in causing Jenny to lose her precious item. Even rendering aid by assisting her and escorting her to the infirmary didn’t entirely alleviate the situation. After all, I was the one who beated her, and I even ended up breaking a rib in the process.

“I can’t shake the feeling that she’s still harboring a grudge against me,” I reflected, recognizing my responsibility in Jenny losing her cherished possession. Despite offering help by accompanying her to the infirmary, the tension remained. After all, I was the one who accidentally injured her, even breaking a rib in the scuffle.


Raimon Vegilius, the protagonist of our story, cast a surprised glance in my direction. I knew better than to entangle myself with someone like him, especially not now. He was exceedingly kind to his friends but had a colder demeanor towards others. Given my involvement with Jenny, his friend, it wouldn’t reflect well on me.

“I’ll just ignore it,” I resolved, purposefully turning my attention to the glass wall reflecting the ongoing exam. Despite being a magic exam, it was crucial to remain vigilant for anything related to combat.

And there was one more thing…

“Hehe. Something interesting is about to unfold,” I mused with a smirk as I anticipated the impending event.

“These guys are relentless!”

In the vast grassland chosen for the exam, Ludical found himself pursued by students from Class C.

Despite his best efforts to fend off the barrage of fireballs and magic missiles, his primary objective was to survive for as long as possible to secure a favorable grade.

Faced with Class C’s temporary alliance, Ludical cursed his luck. In this scenario, individual takedowns seemed to be his only recourse.

The Class C students unleashed their magic recklessly, lacking precision in their aim.

In contrast, Ludical demonstrated both precision and accuracy with his spells.

“Amateurs. Allow me to demonstrate the difference in skill,” Ludical muttered confidently as he conjured a fireball from his wand, manipulating its size to increase its speed while sacrificing some power.

But before he could launch his attack, an unexpected explosion rocked the area, leaving Ludical’s hand empty.

“What…?” he exclaimed, realizing that the wand he had received from Radon had already been destroyed.

In a cruel twist of fate, the fireball he had conjured was redirected towards him, and he was swiftly incapacitated by the magic missiles unleashed by the Class C students.


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Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Possessing an extra? Let’s assume that’s manageable. If the body is fine, there should be a way to live quietly. Yes, if only the body were fine… “The Liar’s Curse” – you die if you don’t lie. “Damn it…” It’s a matter of life or death. Somehow, I must survive this curse! Thus begins the survival of a liar at the academy.


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