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Chapter 596

Chapter: 596

The position of the Young Lady of the Duke’s Family isn’t something an ordinary person can bear.

A colossal power comes with an equally hefty responsibility. A child born into such privilege must learn to shoulder the weight of that responsibility. Of course, not everyone thinks this way.

Those lacking awareness will wield power while turning a blind eye to responsibility. The foolish might leap around without even knowing they have both power and responsibility.

And among the others, it’s rare to find someone blindly devoted to fulfilling all their responsibilities.

Joy was one such rare child.

Without anyone telling her to, she deeply understood the significance of being born into the Duke’s Family and strived to become someone worthy of her status.

At an age when she should have been carefree and thinking about how to play fun games with friends, she started searching for how to grow into an adult.

It was only natural that a heavy burden rested on her shoulders.

When she began to feel that even waking up each day was a struggle, her older brother Jeff, looking at her with sympathy, offered advice.

Simply trying hard wouldn’t suffice in the long run, he said. In order to strive desperately, she needed to find a way to release the pressure building within her heart.

Joy pondered this, thinking she barely had time to practice hard, let alone engage in hobbies. Yet, considering it was the kind advice from her caring brother, she reflected on it. After hearing about the existence of romance novels from a certain Young Lady, she later realized her brother’s advice had been spot on.

From then on, after finishing her daily tasks, she holed herself up in her room, immersing herself in romance novels. After a few years, Joy reached a level where she believed she was a love expert, despite never having actually experienced a proper romance or love.

“Do you know?! There’s no magic as powerful as childhood memories! If things keep going like this, I’ll lose Lucy!”

Arthur, understanding this situation, looked at Joy, who was passionately discussing the crisis, with a frown on his face.

“I’ve heard enough about your delusions, but this is reality.”

“Are you saying I’m talking nonsense right now!?”

“I think it’s true that those two met when they were young. I also find it hard to believe, which is why I question it. Was the Lucy Alrn back then really capable of befriending others?”

Arthur was only relaying what he had heard, but Lucy Alrn was, indeed, a troublemaker of the highest degree.

There’s no way someone with her mentality would directly insult a king.

Could such a cheeky brat form a relationship with someone, especially a rather picky elder sibling?

Ha. What a joke.

“That’s the important point!”


“The kinder someone is to others, the easier it is for them to fall for new charms!”

It’s a classic trope in romance novels where a tyrant, furious with a strong woman, suddenly falls in love. Joy had read that scenario dozens, if not hundreds, of times.

“That’s just a story!”

“Didn’t I say it? We’ve talked a few times! If there was no interest, there’s no way Lucy would have approached him multiple times! I was trying my best to avoid him!”

“…That’s a persuasive argument.”

As Joy, the Young Lady of the Duke’s Family, tried to gather other Young Ladies, she could somewhat manage even those with a particularly nasty attitude.

But her deciding to visit a person she had given up on? That wasn’t easy to understand.

“Could it be that you have that kind of taste?”

“Prince, you know, you can’t judge someone’s taste just by appearances.”

Examples among them were plentiful. How many of these individuals were perfectly normal when Lucy wasn’t around?

“And if our speculation is correct, Lucy is probably nurturing some level of affection as well.”

“The only person who approached her when everyone else was hurling accusations. Hm. For such a connection, Lucy Alrn seemed to be quite uncomfortable with her brother.”

“I find that suspicious too. How often does Lucy ever seem awkward around others?”

On the day Lucy Alrn chose to spend time with the First Prince, Arthur, who had hoped to persuade Joy one last time, suddenly felt he was being persuaded instead.

“…Okay. Let’s suppose you’re right. But do we have the right to interfere in that?”

“Of course! I’m Lucy’s friend! If a friend is about to make a wrong choice, I need to do everything I can to stop them!”

“Are you saying the wrong choice would involve the prince?”

“Absolutely! Of course!”

“That statement. It could be considered a heinous crime.”

“We’re way past worrying about heinous crimes.”

“I can’t deny that I’m feeling quite sad about this.”

“Oh no! Here they come!”

The First Prince, appearing on the street, was dressed as if he were headed to a ball.

Though it didn’t please her, he sure was handsome.

If he walks into high society looking like that, some Young Ladies might just faint.

“Joy, are you really confident that you won’t be recognized?”

“Of course. No matter how genius the First Prince is, he can’t simply unveil the powers of the dark.”

As long as the two remained hidden in the shadows, no one could spot them. This was not human skill but divine power.

Confident in the skill she had learned directly from Erginius, Joy held her breath upon seeing Lucy approaching from afar.

The word to describe the current Lucy would be “white.”

A pure white dress without a single ornament. Skin radiating vibrant life, untouched by time. Red hair flowing gently, interspersed with simple yet elegant accessories.

The angel, gazing at the earth with ruby-like eyes, effortlessly captivated everyone’s attention.

“…That girl. Has she come too serious this time?”

Arthur mumbled while pinching his nose shut, and Joy nodded in agreement.

They had seen a similar scene in the past.

With an overwhelming appearance that would leave everyone spellbound, Lucy Alrn could easily have overshadowed a speech and nearly succeeded that day.

“I remember the First Queen said she seemed charmed; now I understand what she meant.”

“Are you honestly seeking your mother even in this situation? It’s plain to see that the gloomy prince’s true nature is that of a pathetic mama’s boy.”

“Haha, you might be right.”

Watching the two laugh and converse, Joy bit her lip and cautiously spoke up.

“What if Lucy genuinely has feelings for him?”

As Joy stumbled over her words, thinking this meeting might be just as significant for Lucy as it had been back then, Arthur let out a scoff.

“You’re saying that now?”


“It’s too late to turn back. Let’s follow and see what unfolds.”

The first place the two visited was the largest jewelry shop in the capital. This famous shop, a must-visit for noblewomen, had Lucy sweeping up dozens of expensive gems.

“That girl. Didn’t she say she wasn’t interested in jewels?”

“Probably. She could buy whatever she wanted, so it’s strange that she’s not mentioning it.”

And naturally, Lucy passed the bill to Rene as if it was a given. The sheer amount caused Rene’s expression to stiffen for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and handed over the payment to the jeweler.

“I’ve never seen all the staff come out to send someone off.”

“If you’ve spent that much money, even if the other person is a commoner, they should greet you like this.”

The next place they visited was an artifact store.

Even though it was her first visit as a client, Lucy strode inside with the face of a potential royal heir, selecting only the most expensive items.

“Wait. Isn’t that a bracelet that can record ten magic circles?! I’d want it, but it’s way too pricey!”

“The Protection talismans are being collected as well. I wonder how much these will total.”

As anticipated, Rene was the one footing the bill. He seemed to have much he wanted to say but forced a smile and handed over the money.

The pair continued this way. Lucy indulged in extravagance while Rene covered the costs. Although the setting changed each time, this premise remained unchanged.

At this point, even Joy, thoroughly drenched in romance novels, couldn’t help but feel out of place in this situation.

“Is this really a date?”

This was absolutely not a date! How could one call this a date when a woman had a sucker to bleed dry!

“Joy, don’t you have some misconceptions? No matter how I think about it, Lucy Alrn’s actions reek of someone suffering from deep resentment!”

“Uh. Uh-oh? But those two…”

“Snap out of your delusions and face reality. Would you act like that toward someone you have feelings for?”

Joy couldn’t answer Arthur’s question.

You can’t pull off such shameless behavior unless you’re disregarding the other person’s feelings.

To Lucy, the First Prince was simply a decent human being.

“See? Didn’t I tell you it was delusional?”

“Ugh. As much as that’s a relief.”

“What’s with the ‘as much’?”

“Don’t you think you’re a bit too devoid of romantic spirit!? I mean, I expected to see more heart-fluttering moments! Something itching inside and a silly smile on your face!”

“Why are you expecting me to care? You’re so annoying.”

“Annoying? What’s wrong with me!”

Arthur squished Joy’s head down to silence her and frowned as he watched the two enter the most famous restaurant in the capital.

Since it had come to this, they might as well follow until the end, right?


“Ha-ha-ha. Teaming up with the First Prince was the best decision. Just how much have I gained today?”

With the birthstone that could enhance my and my friends’ abilities! Plus, magical tools for potential future crises! And so many useful items bought with someone else’s money—what a satisfying day.

[Ruel. Are you not concerned that the deity might notice your actions?]
[…Don’t ask me.]
[If you don’t ask you, whom should I ask? ]
[Ask the deity! I don’t know!]

Ignoring the banter between the two, I hummed a tune while checking the menu.

Since I had been so active today, maybe I should treat myself to a feast. At this point, I could eat through the entire menu from start to finish!

Yes! Decision made! Because Rene will foot the bill, I shall indulge myself completely!

“…You’re ordering everything?”

“Why? Is that too much for you?”

“Of course it’s too much! Think about what I spent today!”

“It’s a given that a girl like me would have to deal with a loser like you who’s all gloomy and stinky. You should have prepared for this much!”

“Ugh. Seriously, so shameless.”

Shouldn’t I feel guilty? Not at all! With a normal person, maybe, but this is a pedo pervert trying to hit on me—this much is only fair!

“I thought you’ve changed so much, but some things never change.”

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