Switch Mode

Chapter 592

Chapter: 592

When I opened my eyes in the training grounds, I didn’t have any particular thoughts. This was the place where I swung my weapons to the point of death every night.

Being in the training grounds means I can just forget about the fatigue of reality, and I love it!

Today, I’m going to put the insights I gained from the castle to the test against Grandpa!

This time, I’m gonna smack him down good!

And then I’ll laugh in his face and say, “Looks like you’ve gone senile!”

Finally, I’ll turn the tables on the usual ending where he always wins!

Eagerly holding up my shield and mace, I confidently stepped forward, only to find a guy sitting next to Grandpa with a grumpy look…

Is he a guy?

His build clearly says male, but he has this almost pretty-boy vibe going on.

Sure, his hair was all white, making him look older, but the rest of him could pass for someone in their forties at best.

I swear, he looks like one of those mob bosses from a mafia movie.

Hmm. The longer I watch him, the more I feel like I’ve seen him before.

If he’s a character from Soul Academy, I definitely wouldn’t have forgotten him.

Ugh. I can’t figure it out. Who the heck is this guy invading my spiritual world?

I glanced over at Grandpa, hoping for answers, but he was just staring back at me and the kinda grumpy guy, alternately, with this eager sparkle in his eye.

Ah. He must be enjoying my confusion. What a nosy old man.

“What were you thinking dragging me here and then looking so flustered about it?”

…Wait, he’s not a woman!? I thought he was some big old lady like Lasha, but turns out it’s just a pretty boy?!

No way! If he looks like this now, how handsome was he when he was younger?

As I was shivering with jealousy, I suddenly figured out the source of my déjà vu.

There’s only one guy Grandpa treats that familiarly.

“Nice to meet you, kid. I’m Garad. I was a knight who fought alongside this idiot.”

“A thug like you is a hero? That’s surprising. You look like the type who’d wear a skirt and cling to the strong while acting all sweet.”

As the simple greeting “Hi, Garad!” twisted out of shape and blurted from my mouth, Garad blinked and turned his head to the side, as if checking if he heard wrong.

“Gwahahaha! Not just a grandma, but a thug grandma, huh?!”

Upon seeing the confused look on his face, Grandpa burst into laughter, unable to hold it back, while Garad’s face turned beet red as he grabbed Grandpa’s collar.

“Did you put her up to this!?”

“Of course not! That kid wouldn’t listen to me even if I tried! Right, Lucy?”

“Old man, everything you do is so outdated. Even your stink is contagious, so I won’t be following any of that.”

Just like that, the laughter Grandpa wore moments ago vanished as he went stiff, while Garad burst out laughing.

“Hah! So, she’s an impolite little brat! That’s good!”

“Is that it? Do you enjoy hearing a girl throw insults at you?”

“I’m human too! Hearing insults isn’t exactly my idea of fun.”

“Oh, is it really?”

“Of course! It’s just that I’m used to it. The female knights of my time had to be pretty tough to deal with mindless fools—like monsters.”

…Now that I think about it, Grandpa did mention once that chivalry was born to reform those ignorant knights who thought being stupid was a bragging right.

Now chivalry is well-known, but the knights who needed that kind of regulation were probably closer to savages.

And a female knight who survived among those brutes? She must’ve been incredibly strong, like Lasha.

“And let me tell you. I was worried I’d have to deal with someone talking about nobility and honor just because of Ruell, but I’m also relieved she’s honest. Two stiff-necked fools would be incredibly annoying.”

“It’s all in the past. I’m not like that now.”

“Of course. Back then, I’d have lectured you all day long if I sat you down.”

“Whoa, Grandpa, you were that cranky, huh?”

“That was back then! That was THEN!”

As Garad laughed, he turned his gaze toward me and bowed his head slightly.

“Thank you.”

“Wait, so you actually enjoy hearing insults? Bending your head like that is also a cry for help, right? Ugh, disgusting.”

“…It’s hard to explain what I’m thankful for. To put it simply, I’m just grateful you’re here.”

“Are you hitting on me now? A thug grandma with a cross-dressing hobby going nuts over a girl—what a revelation. Truth can be so cruel.”

“Don’t twist it, you little brat!”

“Are you throwing a fit just because I rejected you? That’s pathetic, almost laughable. Ha. Poor you.”

Garad’s pale skin flushed bright red, and he stood up to stomp off, but Grandpa’s hand held him down.

“Calm down. That’s just the curse she bears. Even the great god wouldn’t take a disrespectful brat as an apostle.”

“True… That does make sense.”

With a sigh, Garad sat back down, tousling his white hair wildly before looking back at me.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed sooner. I wasn’t very observant.”

It was refreshing to see someone apologize first for once. Usually, I’m the one who messes things up.

And it was the case this time too. Garad was right to be angry.

But even then, without a hint of hesitation, he bowed his head.

“Ruell, you have some blame too. You should have warned her.”

“I’m sorry. I intended to give a fair warning, but I missed my chance.”

Turns out being Grandpa doesn’t make a difference. He apologized sincerely, wiping away the laughter from moments ago.

“I just want you to know this isn’t an empty thanks. To someone who willingly took up the burden we left behind, and to you who embraced the regrets I left behind—thank you and salute to the small hero.”

Standing there with true gratitude directed at me, I unexpectedly wondered if it was okay for me to receive thanks from such an adult.

“So, feel free to ask for anything. Whatever I can do, I will assist.”

I wanted to return the salute given by a hero, but the moment I opened my mouth, I instinctively bit my lip, knowing it would come out quirky.

“I heard from Ruell that you received the blessing to identify weaknesses.”

“Ugh, eavesdropping behind me…”

“Don’t speak. Just listen. Anyway, I’ll teach you how to use that. Exploiting your opponent’s weaknesses and crushing them—that’s my specialty.”


Arthur, who had entered the Fairy Forest following the other knights, found that none of the fairies chose him.

While he was showered with words of gratitude, whenever contracts came up, the response was always “That’s a bit… Sorry, but… Um, uh, never mind!” along with a hasty retreat.

If the fairies simply disliked him, it would have been easier to accept! Then he could have brushed it off like everyone else!

What might be the issue with me? What could make them reluctant to be around someone who harbors goodwill?

As those memories surfaced, Arthur bashed his head in frustration, letting out a deep sigh as he leaned forward.

The only comfort was that very few had been chosen by the fairies.

That was likely due to the conditions Lucy previously mentioned that hardly anyone met.

In fact, the few who had caught the fairies’ fancy were all quite… extraordinary.

Above all else, he couldn’t understand how that apostle of the Art Guild was selected by the fairies. Someone who seemed the opposite of purity—how did she manage to charm their favor?

– Thinking like that only shows you’re less pure than that pervert.

Arthur’s eyes widened at the words from a fragment of Soladin and shook his head.

No, that can’t be true. No matter how bad I am, I can’t be worse than the pervert who’s all over girls and bleeding from his nose.

– If you’ve regained your sanity, quickly open the page about the coming-of-age ceremony.

“I figured as much.”

The fragment of Soladin, altered by Erginius, appeared outwardly similar to before.

However, what had changed was that it could now actually provide assistance. The power contained within Soladin’s bloodline? Not something he’d ever imagined would exist.

– Stop right there.

“What? Is it really that unimportant of a procedure?”

– You’re dense. The important part of the rituals lies in these details. Hearing the word ritual brought focus to my eyes.

Ah. I now see why I couldn’t remember the correct steps of the coming-of-age ritual.

The key parts belonged solely to the participant, leaving outsiders as mere witnesses, making it impossible to recall.

– Hmm. Changes are present, but the important aspects remain the same.

“Is there something special? To me, it looks like a regular ceremony.”

– It wouldn’t if you thought about the venue of the ceremony.

“What do you mean?”

– You’ve seen the underground. The ceremony venue and the underground’s layout bear similarities.

That… does ring a bell. The two spots were oddly similar.

– The prince’s coming-of-age ceremony is a sort of test.

“Whether you can bear the piece of the Evil God sealed in Soladin’s heart or not?”

– Exactly. From the moment Soladin was created, this was a pact made with Erginius.

In exchange for casting magic for the peace of the nation, Soladin would carry the burden. It wasn’t just about keeping the seal intact.

In the worst-case scenario, when the seal of the Evil God broke, it had to be about whether he could fight and win against the darkness unleashed. Being a king of Soladin requires that qualification…


“That’s a blasphemy, but isn’t the modern king someone who wouldn’t measure up to such standards?”

– That’s right. The last trial resulted in a disgraceful failure.

“Then how…?”

“Who are you talking to, little brother?”

Arthur turned around toward the voice that echoed behind him to face Rene Soladin’s smile and emotionless eyes, feeling slightly stiff.

“Just talking to myself.”

“Is talking to oneself your new study method?”

Why was my brother even here? Normally, he’d be busy helping the first queen with work right now?

“I shouldn’t distract my diligent little brother, so I’ll get straight to the point.”

“Yes, yes.”

“Tell me what you think about Lucy Alrn.”

With that, Rene naturally sat across from Arthur, closing the book spread before him.

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not work with dark mode