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Chapter 583

Chapter: 583

Engaged? Why? Arthur’s eyes widened in shock at the unexpected word, but the figurine of Soladin floating beside him calmly answered his bewilderment.

– Haven’t you heard the saying? There’s nothing closer than the bond of blood.

Even setting aside that creature called Benedict Alrn, the current strength of the Alrn family is astonishing.

It’s only natural to seek a blood connection. Hearing the dry tone lacking any emotion helped Arthur pull himself out of his daze.

The First Queen is someone who thinks solely of the country. She wouldn’t listen to personal feelings.

A flashback hit him of that guy dancing with a fairy, and he couldn’t help but feel flustered.

“Sure, I understand it’s meant to strengthen ties with the Alrn family. However, it doesn’t seem like Sir Benedict would be too thrilled about his daughter’s engagement.”

Last winter break, when Arthur trained under the Alrn family, he was threatened in various ways by Benedict Alrn.

The warning that if he touched his daughter, he would witness a truly terrifying sight melded with the formidable presence of Benedict Alrn, transforming it into sheer terror.

He’d only tried to befriend her, but this—engagement?

That day, Arthur might really just vanish from this world.

“Yes, I suppose so. Sir Benedict’s love for his daughter is quite special. Though significant backlash is to be expected, that’s all.”

“That’s all? I remember Benedict making thunderous sounds every time he swung his sword during the fight against the Evil God in the Fairy Forest. I can’t agree with that.”

“First, Sir Benedict is certainly a loyal subject. Despite possessing immense power and having been shoved into countless unreasonable roles, he’s never once shown signs of betrayal.”

This was precisely why Benedict Alrn was respected by everyone in the kingdom, and even though Lucy Alrn had committed many misdeeds, the reputation of the Alrn family hadn’t diminished a bit. Countless knights still aspired to join them, knowing full well the grueling training expected.

Benedict Alrn was a living embodiment of chivalry.

“Contrary to his fierce appearance, he is also quite clever. He might protest a bit, but he won’t go any further.”

That was likely true. Ever since the passing of Lady Alrn, the political acumen of the Alrn family had considerably sharpened. Even if he complained, he was unlikely to drag his feelings into the matters of the kingdom.

“Also, there’s no need to worry about Sir Benedict harboring animosity toward you. If he were to lay a hand on you, what do you think would happen since you’re a dear friend of Lady Alrn?”

He certainly wanted to avoid being outright hated by Lucy Alrn.

If he did anything to her, it was clear how Lucy would react—she wouldn’t make a mistake that obvious. The worst he could expect was her rolling her eyes with a lot of disdain.

As awful as that would be.

“So if you wish, I am willing to proceed with the engagement. As you mentioned, the Alrn family will continue to be necessary for the kingdom now and in the future.”

– How considerate of you. Asking the 3rd Prince, who has no family backing, for his opinion.

The figurine of Soladin had a point.

The First Queen didn’t need to make me any proposals. The difference in power between her and me was absolutely vast.

Nevertheless, the reason she inquired about my wishes must be consideration for me.

– Objectively, there’s no reason to refuse. It’s certainly better than being treated as collateral in another country. I shouldn’t miss the opportunity to move from being a mere pawn to the head of an anxious house.

‘Even I know that much. I’m not that stupid that I can’t do this kind of cost-benefit analysis.’

When viewed politically, rejecting the proposal from the First Queen would be incredibly foolish.

There are only benefits to be had here.

Ah, well, from someone else’s perspective, I suppose Lucy Alrn, that cocky brat, might seem unbearable to be around, but that isn’t an issue for me.

Whether or not the engagement goes through, I’ll still be that brat’s plaything.

Yet the reason I couldn’t just nod my head is that I know she wouldn’t want this.

“3rd Prince?”

It seemed the First Queen, seeing Arthur sink deep into thought, called his name.

“This proposal, you see, is also a reward for your merits. After all, 3rd Prince, you seem to have feelings for Lady Alrn.”

Her words spilled out so naturally, as if stating the obvious fact that night always follows day, causing Arthur’s shoulders to tense up.

“You just need to be the victim here. If the self-centered, stubborn First Queen pushes this forward, who would dare blame you?”

Her words were undoubtedly considerate, a mark of respect toward Arthur for his contribution in saving the long-standing headache that was the Fairy Forest.

Even knowing this, Arthur couldn’t muster a smile.

“You’re simply saying…”

“I refuse.”

Did she really not expect the engagement to be turned down? The First Queen’s words cut off mid-sentence.


“Are you kidding? Just being near that jerk is like burning my insides, and you want me to spend my life with him? Sorry, but I’d prefer to live long and thin rather than die of frustration.”

That was merely an excuse. If Lucy’s antics were truly unbearable, he wouldn’t still be friends with her.

The only truth in what Arthur had just said was that he didn’t want to proceed with this engagement in this manner.


Did she guess his true feelings? Narrowing her eyes, the First Queen significantly deepened her smile.

“Let’s change the subject. This is an order from the First Queen, the acting authority of the nation. Accept the engagement.”

“I refuse.”

“Are you defying the will of the nation?”

“Of course not. It just means whatever happened here will be treated as if it never did. What’s the problem?”

“That’s an interesting point. Please, continue.”

“You can’t hoodwink me through formal avenues, First Queen. Even so, you can’t use the shadows to manipulate me, either. After all, I’m a friend of the one you’re so concerned about, Lucy Alrn.”

Lucy Alrn was immensely nosy.

If a friend got into trouble, she would naturally stand by their side without a second thought.

Especially if it was something related to her.

So what would happen? The same Lucy Alrn, who had been intended as an ally, would find herself on the opposite side.

If it came to using shadows, the situation would only worsen. Creating such a reason would draw not only Lucy Alrn’s ire but also that of my acquaintances and their families.

“Rather than lowering the monarchy’s authority unnecessarily, it’d be better just to let it go. Right?”

“You’re spot on. The current 3rd Prince is someone whom it would be dangerous to provoke too soon.”

Arthur, who had once lived in subtle scorn, was not the same as he was now. Although he might not have any family ties, he had connections formed by bonds.

“Fine then, let’s change the topic again. This is a negotiation. I’ll reveal the thing you are most curious about to you.”

“If it’s something regarding my mother, there’s no need. I’ve already emerged from that nightmare.”

He hadn’t completely overcome the nightmare.

Certainly, a faint darkness lingered within him.

But that was okay. He was no longer someone trapped by nightmares.

“If you have nothing more to say, I’ll take my leave.”

“Hmm. Hehehe. Hahaha.”

Suddenly erupting with laughter, the First Queen caught Arthur off guard, and he quickly shut his mouth.

It seemed like she hadn’t intended to laugh at all; suppressing her giggles with the back of her hand, the smile across her face wouldn’t fade.

With Arthur sweating bullets, he cautiously watched as her laughter finally subsided.

“Alright, you can go back and rest now.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh, right. You remember the rites of passage for princes, don’t you?”

“…I remember all of the palace etiquette.”

“Good, that’ll do. Now off you go. You’ve worked hard fitting into the role of a troublesome noble.”

Thinking he had no clue what was happening, he stepped out of the tent and walked in silence until he reached a secluded spot, where he finally let out a sigh.

He did not regret his actions just now.

No, in fact, if he had nodded along silently, it would have led to his own self-loathing.

Yet, there were still parts he couldn’t comprehend.

“What exactly was that laughter about?”

– It sounded rather pleasant, though.

“Which only makes it weirder. I’ve never seen the First Queen lose her composure like that before.”

He couldn’t even begin to fathom why she had laughed like that. Was his rudeness so egregious that it made her lose her sanity?

– There’s probably no need for big worry. Didn’t she recognize it? You’ve become someone to tread on carefully now.

“Tomorrow, I suppose I won’t be worrying about disappearing. However, what’s strange is she asked about the rights of passage.”

That question, which had popped out of nowhere, must have some meaningful intent, yet Arthur couldn’t decipher it.

– What are the rites of passage?

“I have no idea.”

– …And you say you know?

“I know roughly since I’ve seen it with my own eyes, but I lack the precision to explain it.”

Before entering the academy, Arthur had memorized all the etiquette flawlessly.

However, after entering the academy—or rather, after asking Lucy Alrn for her help—the situation took a turn.

Think about it! Amid the daily grind of training like dying, how could he possibly retain tedious etiquette in his mind?

– Really frustrating.

“I’ll find out soon, so just chill out a bit.”

Responding with irritation for irritation, he stood up, only to nearly fall backward upon encountering Lucy Alrn’s playful grin.

“Kuhuh, as always, you’re an incompetent and foolish prince. Your consistency in these matters is impressively dull-witted.”

Normally, Arthur would have had something to retort, but today was not that day.

Thoughts of her saving him, the memory of her from yesterday, and the conversation they’d just shared rang repeatedly in his ears, making it hard to hide his crimson cheeks.

“Oh? What seems to be the matter? Are you perhaps unable to rise? How beastly…”

“Knock it off already! Just knock it off!”

“Sure~ sure~ I’ll let it slide since I’m just too cute~”

– Yeah! Lucy is cute!

– But why is being cute a bad thing?

– I don’t know! But if Lucy says it’s wrong, then I guess it is!

Had fairies clustered around her, teasing the Evil God with Lucy’s antics?

…That’s just horrifying. Am I now supposed to be treated as a toy by those little jokers too?

Sigh. It’s sad that I came here to sever ties with the First Queen, and now I’m being laughed at for it. But, hey, at least it’s nice to be able to vent my frustration comfortably.

“Ah, right. I had something I needed to discuss, but the incompetent prince is so foolish that I momentarily forgot.”

“What’s that?”

“A certain loser wants to talk to you. What was it again? Something about a moldy thing clinging to the incompetent prince.”


After Arthur left and the tent was empty, the First Queen, handling several documents with a grin, set down her quill and called for someone outside.

“I have a request.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. Please, command me.”

“Would you mind bringing the 1st Prince here? There’s something I need to discuss with him.”

“Is it an urgent matter?”

“Yes. It’s a task that the 3rd Prince couldn’t manage that he needs to handle.”

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