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Chapter 580

Chapter: 580

As I responded one by one to the fairies rushing towards me, wanting to shine just as brightly, I gradually began to understand what the power of acceptance truly meant.

Acceptance is about embracing the other. No matter who it is, it’s about soothing them by holding them close and helping them shake off the burdens they carry within. It’s about inspiring them with your warmth.

To put it concretely, I could recall the miraculous purification I performed in the Fairy Forest.

The act of allowing those fairies, who had been tainted by darkness for centuries, to return to their original forms within the embrace of that miracle was, in itself, an act of acceptance.

‘No matter how I think about it, this power doesn’t seem to suit me at all.’

The fairies, having shed their darkness and returned to their true selves, were scattering starlight as they danced across the ground.

Describing it in their own words, they looked incredibly sparkly. I guess they always had that sparkle about them in the past.

I understand now why people are often enchanted by fairies.

[Why do you think that way?]

‘I’m not the kind of person who suits acceptance, am I?’

How could a mischief-maker, who digs into others’ shortcomings and mocks them, possibly coexist with the word “acceptance”?

[You should tell that to your friends. They’ll have amusing reactions.]

‘Well, they’re treasured friends, so that makes sense.’

[Hmph. You’re quite stubborn. How about this: your mercy that can’t even be shaken off when Lina and the Apostle of the Goddess do something terrible!]

‘That’s not mercy; that’s resignation!’

To deal with those perverted souls who thrive on my disgust, this is the only method I have!

I wouldn’t want to get involved with those kinds of people if I could help it! Who wants to associate with those creeps?!

[…I’m sorry.]

‘You got that right.’

Ahem. “In any case, ask those you’ve helped. There’s no one who will say you’re far from acceptance.”

Is that so? Ignoring my itching curiosity, I thought about asking but realized that even that would be tough, so I scratched my head.

“Young Lady Alrn, how is the consumption while using the power?”

“…Well, they’re relatively clean for bugs, considering.”

I can’t say there wasn’t any consumption at all. The process of accepting their darkness and transforming it into light put quite a burden on my already exhausted body.

If they hadn’t regained their essence as fairies, there’s no way I could have managed to make them sparkle like this. If it’d been back when I first visited the forest, I would have fainted trying to accept them!

“Then that’s enough practice for today.”

– Wait?
– I haven’t sparkled yet!
– That’s so unfair!

“You wouldn’t want to see Young Lady Alrn collapse, would you?”

The perverted apostle, skillfully persuading the fairies, approached me with a smile.

“I recommend testing the limits of acceptance when you’re back to full health. The power of the gods is conceptual; you just need to set your limits.”

So, imagination is key, huh? That’s not a concern for me! Unlike your bunch who knows nothing but this fantasy world, I’ve faced the vast wonders of modern life!

“How was the conversation with the queen?”

While I was pumped up with confidence, Erginus looked up and posed a question.

“…It ended well, just as you said, Erginus.”

The Fairy Queen mentioned good results, but there was a hint of trembling in her voice.

Adding a look of melancholy to the queen’s usual cheerful demeanor was a sight to behold; she couldn’t smile like she usually did.

Watching her barely hold back tears, Erginus stepped closer.

“I apologize, Your Majesty. It is because I burdened you that the fairies’ wings…”

“No, it’s not that. Ugh. It’s just… just that memories of the past surfaced.”

The sight of the fairies shining with pure white light reminded the Fairy Queen of the past, causing a wave of sadness to pass over Erginus’s expression.

No matter the process, the choking darkness that stained the Fairy Queen’s wings still weighed on her conscience. Quite pitiful, really.

“Just earlier, we tested the power young Lady Alrn received. If used properly, we might help the fairies regain their white wings.”


Just as I thought of interrupting again due to Erginus’s frustrating comments, the Fairy Queen coldly interrupted first.

The icy tone from her voice sounded like it was frozen in winter as she shot a piercing glare at Erginus.

“That is a choice my children and I have made.”

– Right!
– Sparkling is nice, but we want to be just like the queen!
– So clueless!
– Pity!
– What’s pity?!
– I dunno! But it sounds good!

As the fairies echoed the queen’s sentiment, they complained, causing Erginus to frantically wave his hands in defense.

Looks like he hasn’t changed at all even after becoming a god. The Fairy Queen must have it tough.

After a prolonged barrage of relentless attacks, Erginus finally collapsed under the pressure, allowing the Fairy Queen to regain her usual bright smile as she approached me.

The swift change in her demeanor now suited a dark queen far more than that of a fairy.

“My apologies for the late introduction. You are my hero and the warrior.”

Uh… What? Hero? Warrior? Why are those words coming up?

Aren’t those titles meant for that pathetic magician sprawled out over there?

“If I could, I would gladly dedicate all I have to your life, but it seems I already have a contractor for my life’s journey.”

No. Uhm. That’s not necessary.

The reason I got involved this time was mostly selfish; I thought I could grow if I performed a significant miracle, and I was hoping for a new dungeon, so if you offer me too heavy a favor, it’ll just make me want to run away!

Wait a minute, why am I not taller?! I should grow an inch or something for causing such a big miracle, right?!

Pathetic god! What’s going on here? Explain! Now!

“I wish I could tell you to stay close to the fairy, but it seems you already have three fairies by your side now.”

These guys? They are definitely a bit weird.

If you remove the fact that they are cute, they give off the vibe of either a clumsy fox or a perverted apostle.

While the other fairies have returned to their black wings like the queen, these ones are just wandering around me, babbling about sparkles.

“Even so, if I lend you my power now, it would interrupt what I must do.”

Huh?! No! That’s not it! I desperately need those skills! I want to know what blessings the Fairy Queen carries!

“Then I’ll take on the role the fairies did in the old tales. It is always the fairy’s duty to guide the hero where they are meant to be.”

The Fairy Queen clashed her hands together and closed her eyes. She began to sing a song—a poem guiding the hero to where they belong.

– The heroes of yore each left behind a wish for the future.
– The paladin serving the gods, leaving all they had upon their weapon vanished.
– The noble knight buried their intentions within their castle, closing their eyes.
– The mage seeking a challenge against divinity left countless possibilities beneath the earth.
– The warrior, who never doubted in miracles, filled the areas even the fairies could not reach with hope.
– Oh child who carries the warrior’s soul. Face their dream and smile towards the will they left behind. Prove that what the heroes left behind was not in vain.

After the queen’s prayer, reminiscent of an oracle, I reflected on the song I had just heard.

The paladin serving the gods must be talking about Grandpa. The mace I hold would be what he left behind.

The puppets below must be the remnants the magician left.

As for what the noble knight left behind, it’s likely the records in Garad’s castle.

I understand up to this point. These are all things I’ve seen at least once in the game.

But what about the warrior’s hope?

I’ve never seen anything like that!?

And on top of that, why does this explanation have to sound so unnecessarily grand?

Filled with hope out of reach of even the fairies! This is triggering my inner edgy teen!

– Ding!

As I sat there eagerly hoping for more clues, a notification sound buzzed in my ear.

[Quest Updated!]

Quest? Did I just receive a new quest!?

[What the Warrior Left Behind.]

[You, a newly emerged hero in this world, have the right to conclude the regrets left by the sages of the past. Grasp the remnants of old legacies and head towards hope. Take on the challenge at the end of this lengthy tale.]

[Acquire Ruel’s mace! (Success)]

[Gain acknowledgment from the puppets left by Erginus! (In progress) (2/4)]

[Obtain the memo from Garad’s Castle! (In progress)]

[Reach the place where the warrior’s spirit resides! (In progress)]

[Reward: Blooming of the Warrior’s Soul.]


What’s this? It sounds unnecessarily grand!

It smells like the main quest!

This hidden true ending aroma that hasn’t appeared in that ruined game for years!

As I gazed excitedly at the quest window, I began tapping my lips while picturing the map of the continent in my mind.

There’s no need to think about other things. All the locations are already conquered. The only thing I need to focus on is the place where the warrior’s spirit awaits!

Let’s try to think assuming it’s a place I couldn’t access during the game.

Hmm. There’s so much to consider. Even if I ask Karia to explore for me, it’ll definitely take some time.

I wish I had some kind of clue.

“Hey, you pathetic loser?”

“Sorry. I want to tell you something, but I’m constrained further.”

“I’m at my limits too, oh hero. Please understand.”

Tsk! So here you are, acting all cryptic now after becoming a god!?

Forget it! I can handle this without people like you!

‘Grandpa! As a friend of the warrior, please give me hints about them!’

[…You can’t just ask me blindly. That guy vanished suddenly, you know; I don’t know much either.]

Geez! Even Grandpa’s gone useless!

No choice, then.

Let’s add a little more!



[Press further.]

Press further? Well, obviously it has to be about Grandpa, right?

‘Be honest! If you don’t, I’ll dig into your dark history!’

Wait, Erginus created a puppet containing all the embarrassing tales from Grandpa’s past!? Is that okay?!

[Even if you threaten me, some things remain unknown! Just because I know, does it mean I’ll stop talking!]

‘But Elder Ganshu’s power commanded me to press!’

[That doesn’t turn the unknown into known!]

‘Don’t you have anything suspicious?!’

[No! How many times do I have to say it! If you have the power of acceptance, then embrace my ignorance!]

…Do you really not know?

Did something go wrong with the power of this moldy fungus?

Or is there something I misinterpreted.

Hmm. Ugh. I’m lacking too many clues. If I could find anything to pick apart, I could make them spill something!

While I frowned and deliberated, unexpected information came in from someone quite unexpected.

“Lucy. Lucy. Aren’t you swapping with Ruel today?”

“…What are you on about?”

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not work with dark mode