Switch Mode

Chapter 577

Chapter: 577

The moment I confirmed the darkness within their wings, I tried to leap to my feet, only to tumble forward instead.

Ugh… my body feels absolutely awful.

At this point, “sickly” doesn’t even begin to cover it.

It’s strange. I was in decent shape when I fell asleep. What happened after that?

[Lucy, there’s no need to worry about their changes.]

Ah, Grandfather must have some idea of what happened. What’s going on?

[The Fairy Queen has likely shared the burden of darkness with that Erginus guy.]


As I merely lifted my head in confusion, the fairies’ laughter echoed as Grandfather recounted what transpired after I collapsed yesterday.

I never thought there’d still be issues with powers and stuff left unresolved. I had no clue! In the game, everything ended as soon as I stomped on the losers.

[The appearances of the fairies have changed, but their hearts remain untouched. They weren’t consumed by darkness; instead, they successfully absorbed it and made it their own.]

‘So that means the Erginus and the Fairy Queen have ascended to divinity?’

[According to the Apostle of the Goddess, that seems to be the case.]

So, we’ve overcome a dangerous hurdle.

Sigh. We might have resolved the issues related to the Fairy Forest and fulfilled promises lasting hundreds of years, but…

I can’t say I’m entirely happy about it.

After all, the new dungeon I was hoping for isn’t there!

Playing with fairies! Struggling to survive against a crazed Fairy Queen! Almost dying at the hands of a nutcase with a middle-school mentality!

Dungeon! Where’s the dungeon?!

I’ve gone through so much trouble preparing, and where’s my reward?

As I struggled on the makeshift bed, I suddenly felt dizzy and lay back down again.

Will I even be able to walk properly? Should I let Karl do all the work? He’d probably love it and give it his all, but still.

Ah! The reward! Yes! The reward for this quest! I’ve worked so hard!

I’ve pulled off miracles! This time, there must be something substantial prepared, right?! Huh?!

[Th-thank you.]

As soon as I summoned the blue prompt, the letters that appeared were a mess. I’ve seen a lot of errors before, but this was a first.

Thank you?


Ah. Aahhh.

Is it Erginus?

Did he get the hang of how to use the powers right after receiving them?

A great mage excels even in such things! This is why I get so jealous of smart people!

As I dismissed the blue prompt to the side, another one popped up.

[The God of Martial Arts admires your nobility.]

[But it says there’s a part where you still fall short.]

[Your strength significantly increases.]

Strength. I’m actually more bothered by the lack of weight.

I mean, I’m supposed to be the tank holding the front lines, but I’m flitting around like this right now.

[The Goddess of Beauty and Art thanks you for protecting the beauty of the forest.]

[The skill [Dance Skill] has been granted to you.]

Dance Skill? That was the skill that increased evasion in the game, right? Did they give it to me as an application for my fairy dance? Not bad, they actually gave me a decent reward.

…Though, maybe they just want to see me twirl more gracefully, but hey, I’ll graciously accept it. It seems useful!

[The God of Nature sends you deep, deep gratitude.]

[The skill [Regeneration] is awarded to you.]

[The skill [Earth’s Solidity] is awarded to you.]

[The God of Nature promises that the forest will always aid you.]

This must be in exchange for restoring the Fairy Forest to its original state.

If you think about it, the fairies are indeed beings under the God of Nature. They must be grateful for saving their grandchildren.

But the rewards for that feel a bit…

Regeneration should literally handle the recovery business, but I can already replenish that with sacred magic.

And as for Earth’s Solidity… Wait. No, wait. Combining this with the increased strength might lead to some fun outcomes.

Thank you! Oh, great God of Nature! If we ever meet again, I’ll probably say something weird, so please forgive me! Show me the generosity of nature!

What does it mean that the forest will always help me? I’ve never seen anything like that; I have no idea.

[The God of History shows gratitude for providing amusing stories.]

[Your rewards have already been granted.]

Is that reward the story about the Evil God Agrar? It is a pretty substantial weakness to be considered a reward, yes…

But still. If you’re a deity, shouldn’t you offer something more right now?

I mean, come on, the mold in the library is just petty. Whatever’s inside is surely going to be cheap too.

[You have once again succeeded in performing a miracle.]

What’s next?

Is it the pathetic God?

[The love that waited for hundreds of years has reached a happy conclusion.]

[The Fairy Forest, which was fading into darkness, has once again regained its former appearance.]

[Fairies will bloom once again in the world’s forest.]

[The darkness that had been stained with evil has returned to the land of the moon.]

[This achievement will inspire countless gods and be passed down through generations.]

My tongue is moving rapidly today. What’s got me so flustered? Are they seriously giving me garbage as a reward after all this hardship?

If that’s the case, just you wait! I’ll put my position as an apostle of the gods on the line and expose your true colors to the world!

[You are granted the Power of Light’s Embrace.]



Without even bothering to remember my physical condition, I jumped up, enduring the dizziness as I stared at the blue prompt.

Finally, I’m being granted powers!

Hehehe. I can finally fight like the Apostle of the Gods, not just a regular Holy Knight!

But, you know.

It’s great that I got powers!

But what’s all this about the Power of Embrace?!

What is that even?!

You better explain it!

How am I supposed to interpret such an ominous term all by myself?!

If you are going to give something, do it properly! I’ve said this so many times! Why is this kind of thing never improving, you pathetic!

[The soul of the hero blooms, and the Unbreakable Spirit dwells within you.]

Unbreakable Spirit is probably a skill that helps resist mental interference.

Like with the skills I’ve received until now, it probably delays the breaking of the mental dam a bit longer. It’s better than nothing, but against a strong foe, it might not matter much.

Alright, what else? What else?

Is there no status window or save function? No growing taller or massive intelligence increases? Anything at all?!

Is this the end of it?!

What’s the Power of Embrace even about?

– Ding.
– Ding.
– Ding.
– Ding ding ding dingding…

As I fumed and lowered the blue prompt, the notification sound overwhelmed my ears, threatening to burst my eardrums.

What filled the screen was a fierce showdown between the evil God Agrar and the divine God Armedi.

Come to think of it, Agrar didn’t intervene at all this time. Considering how precarious this fight was, what would have happened if Agrar had stepped in?

– Ding.
[The God of Darkness sends you a message.]

The God of Darkness?! Why is that jerk suddenly messaging me…

Ah, right. This is Erginus. Duh. The evil God I knew is no longer in this world.

[Come to the center of the forest. There is a story that must be conveyed.]

Is it common for a god, freshly elevated, to convey their messages so plainly? I kind of like it.

Well. Sure, the pathetic God has always been worthless. I’ll save my complaints for later and head off to mock the sympathetic loser, shall I?

– Ding

[You have been assigned a new quest.]


It wasn’t hard to understand what it meant that the forest given by the God of Nature would help me.

As I was cradled in Karl’s arms, heading deeper into the forest with the Alrn Knight Order, the trees opened pathways for us.

Tree roots parted, bushes outlined our way, the breeze offered refreshment, and the scent of flowers soothed my heart, resembling a scene from a fairy tale.

“Now, the expression ‘like a fairy’ might even be rude for the Young Lady.”

Karl seemed delighted to carry me.

Didn’t he also roll around in near-death yesterday? Why’s he so full of energy?

Usually, it’s the younger ones who are lively while the older ones are tired and staggering, right?

Though I had a thought to sarcastically turn my smile into a frown, I forcibly kept my mouth shut.

After all, he’s a comrade who risked his life alongside me yesterday. One reward isn’t too much to ask.

– Why is saying I’m like a fairy rude?
– Lucy is really like a fairy!
– Right! She should definitely be in the forest with us!

What’s more, it’s great that there are others scolding Karl’s cheesy lines in my place. I don’t even need to step into it.

“That’s not the meaning. Saying that a Young Lady loved by nature means it’s odd to call her a fairy.”

– Hmm.
– That’s true!
– Lucy really is a fairy!
– Just like us!
– Hehe. Just like Lucy.

The three fairies, who had strayed from beside the Queen yesterday, were buzzing around me.

I have no idea what they find so charming about me, but watching them play is healing. It’s better than the perv who’s inexplicably attached to me.

Thanks to the forest clearing the way, we easily entered the heart of the woods, where a heavy atmosphere greeted us.

Why is Muir sulking under a tree?

The Sword Saint seems to be staring at his sword with an annoyed look.

Normally, the perverted apostle and the clumsy fox would have caused troubles the moment I arrived.

What’s going on? Did something happen here?

“There was an uninvited guest.”

At the sinister voice that pierced my ears, I turned to find Erginus, who had blended into the shadows, losing their presence.

His appearance was no different from before, but… hmm. I don’t know. It feels a bit harder to face him now.

“Explaining in detail would be complicated, but—”

“I know you’re thrilled to be a god now, but could you not act like a fool? It makes me want to torment you, you sympathetic loser.”

As I pondered whether his title stuck, Erginus broke into laughter.

What’s with you? Did accepting darkness warp your sexual orientation? Are you trying to worm your way into the ranks of the clumsy fox and the perverted apostle?

“I have a lot to say, but first, let me explain what happened here. The Pope of the Church of the Gods intervened with me.”

The Pope?

The Pope!?

That lunatic came here?!

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not work with dark mode