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Chapter 574

Chapter: 574

What the beings commonly referred to as gods are not just simple transcendent beings. The overwhelming powers and abilities of the gods are merely byproducts of their divinity.

To put it simply, the beings often called gods didn’t become gods because they were qualified; rather, they became gods and then gained such qualifications.

“For instance, when did the Fairy Queen here begin to be called a queen?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve been called that since the distant past.”

“As another example, do you know why the Lord of the Forest became the Lord of the Forest?”

“I don’t know. At some point, it simply became so.”

“According to the goddess’s explanation, these two are no different from gods. They were born from the merging of concepts.”

In the beginning, there was light, and because of that light, the God was born.

The darkness was in opposition to that light and, envious of the bright God, wished for the existence of something akin to itself. Thus, the God of Darkness came into being.

Other gods are similar.

The gods of beauty and art were created from the merging of those two concepts, while the God of History was born from the concept of history, and the gods of martial arts and others also emerged from the very concepts that shaped them.

“Will the God of Darkness simply give up its agent if it were to disappear?”

“Of course not. Just as the forest desires another owner, darkness will seek another god.”

And in this case, it’s clear who darkness will choose next. There is currently a being with the powers of darkness here, so there’s no reason to choose anyone else.

“Then why not just become a god?”

Yuden, the Sword Saint, who had been listening to this boring conversation, tossed in a casual comment, prompting Frete to smile and ask him to keep the ridiculous comments to a minimum.

It was hard to believe that this was the same guy who had been drooling over Lucy a moment ago.

“To put it in a way you can easily understand, Yuden, power is like a cursed sword. It can certainly grant immense strength, but at the same time, it devours the user.”

“Does that mean you could be consumed by darkness?”

The God of Darkness, born from the darkness, was nothing short of trash that could not be viewed favorably.

The terrible deeds this being committed on the earth were so horrific that one would have to burn countless souls. It was uncertain how Erginus would change once he accepted that power.

“However, Erginus possesses a strong mentality, so there may not be any issues. But if the worst-case scenario were to happen…”

The thought of the great mage Erginus completely succumbing to the power of darkness and turning into an enemy was the worst-case scenario they could imagine.

If a genius who could pull divine power down to the earth were to become a god and try to kill them, who could stop him?

“Hah. Annoying piece of trash. I see you’ve grown after all these years.”

The man who had been writhing in fear of death had regained his composure. Seeing the shock directed at him, he grinned and raised his bound wrists.

“If a darkness worse than me is born, that might not be too bad. After all, I was born from the darkness.”

Just as the Lord of the Forest prioritized the forest above all else, the man’s words reflected his unwavering emphasis on darkness.

“Everything was an act?”

“Right? It’ll make my reason fly out the window and swing my hands before I think. Ah, just in case that damn brat starts chattering, I’ll say this: my anger was real. That girl is really something.”

Looking at Lucy snuggled in Benedict’s arms, as if genuinely tired out, the man frowned, sighed deeply, and then lifted his head once more.

“So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to seal me? Pass this burden onto some distant future? Do as you please. The time of the gods is long. Someday, everything you tried to protect will collapse.”

At this point, Erginus recalled how, in the past, gods had lamented that there was no way to kill the divine beings during the mythological war.

There was a reason why sealing was presented as an alternative to despair in front of beings who could resurrect endlessly.

They do not disappear.

They cannot disappear.

No matter how many times they are killed, something new is born again.

Realizing this, he thought, “Hah.”

Erginus, or rather, the skeletal mage persona created by Erginus, smirked.

“Well, well.”

The one who created me knew this. That’s why they imposed restrictions to prevent me from reaching this conclusion.

In hindsight, it’s a strange story. How can the one researching divine powers be ignorant of this?

Logically, it’s utterly correct.

Even if one understands their mission, they must not give someone who may twist their thoughts the opportunity to imagine darkness.

And after extensive research, the moment they face the smile of a loved one is what leads them to this mission.

The tool that inherits Erginus’s memories cannot overlook the Fairy Queen.

She cannot abandon the world where she is meant to live.

She cannot escape the weight of her own creations.

What brilliant logic for a great mage.

Even if I were to formulate a plan, it would likely go as advised.

“Oh? Have you resolved yourself? You think you can withstand darkness? I would support you. A great mage to be remembered in history should be able to do that, right?”

Ignoring the words of the evil god that sounded like he would applaud him if he could, he turned his head aside.

There was my love.

My first and last love, Erginus’s, gazes blankly at me.

The most beautiful, greater than any great magic shown by the God of Magic, steals my eternity just by looking at her face.

Simply facing the queen would make me feel as if I could withstand thousands of years.

With that malignant thought, it was actually true.

I willingly devoted hundreds of years just to see this face.


Ah, the great mage. Your expectations were correct.

Your tool has finally received a reward for the long effort.

So, well, how about this life left?

“Oh, you pure and innocent one! I am indeed Erginus, but do you…?”

“That pathetic idiot is clearly thinking like a pathetic idiot. It’s too lame for me to even pity.”

Turning away from the cutting remark, I noticed the girl, who had just awoken from a deep sleep in Benedict’s arms.

Her words were no different from usual, yet strangely, her tone and expression were entirely uncharacteristic of her.

From this annoyingly provoking girl who I wanted to smack once, the image of a knight shining with confidence emerged, full of consideration inside.

Just like that rigid-headed knight.


“Oh? Well, aren’t you a little perceptive? Are your blood vessels swollen because you’re about to die? It looks a tad small for that.”

“How did you…?”

“I can’t imagine how much of a fool the middle school delinquent must be. I stomped on the head of that pathetic god and reaped my reward. I didn’t expect I’d have to use it on a pathetic loser, though.”

The distorted words from the girl were completely dizzying. Especially from Erginus’s perspective, the appearance and voice of Ruel speaking those words made him feel like he could seriously retch.

“If such a miracle arose, it would have been better to save it for the future.”

“Are you just thinking about girls? You must be going nuts trying to shake off your virginity. I get it. It’s been bottled up for hundreds of years. You’d go crazy.”

“What nonsense are you talking about!”

As Erginus shouted in shock, a subtle smile appeared at the corners of the girl’s lips.

It wasn’t like they were saying this out of malice.

Probably. It’s not something a knight obsessed with superficiality would say.

Phew. Calm down and let’s interpret the words that were just said.

“Could it be that if the darkness weakens, the given powers also disappear?”

If the miracle were to fly away anyway, might as well use it effectively.

“So why did you intervene? What if I change my mind?”

“I told you, idiot. You’re so consumed by longing that your whole brain is getting eaten up by it, so I just had to step in before your head exploded.”

…A blunt accusation, but if I had to interpret it, that means I’m too lost in love to think straight. I ought to think more calmly and broadly.

“You used to be good at thinking, now you can’t? You really were kind of a loser. Well. Fair enough.”

What to say? Every point she makes is spot on, leaving me in a bind. Mumbling to myself, I try to focus on my thoughts.

She probably meant the real Erginus, not me.

Was the real Erginus someone who forced sacrifices onto others?

No, no.

If Erginus were like that, he could never become part of a hero.

He was eccentric, but was never truly a wicked person.

At least, he wouldn’t force another sacrifice onto someone who had already given them for hundreds of years.

Especially this sacrifice would also go against his lingering attachments. I’d be saddened. The Fairy Queen would be saddened. And the evil god would unleash the worst conclusion possible.

What am I missing? Where did I go wrong? What is the mistake here?

“Even after all this, you still don’t get it? You pathetic loser actually have one thing you’re good at.”

“One thing I’m good at?”

Ruel mentions something that could be considered good about me, which clearly relates to the harmony that could not possibly exist between the two of us.

“Fairy Queen!”

Suddenly hit by a brilliant thought, Erginus jumped and grasped the queen’s hands, staring at her with blazing eyes.

“N-no way.”

“I’m a useless mage who can only rely on you! However, just once, please help me one last time!”

It’s possible.

It’s definitely possible.

With not one but two, we can do it!

“I know it’s not very reassuring! But I, Erginus, swear on the magic I’ve accumulated throughout my lifetime! I will ensure that you get your happy ending, so please cooperate with me!”

He spoke impulsively, but then Erginus froze upon seeing the Fairy Queen’s blushing, dumbfounded expression.

“Wow, the pathetic loser’s confession smells of desperation.”

Hearing that mocking voice from the side, he understood how his words might sound.

“No! I didn’t! I didn’t mean it like that! I mean, I was thinking it, but…uh, what I mean, is…!”

In that moment, the great mage Erginus sincerely regretted not studying time-related magic.

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