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Chapter 570

Chapter: 570

“Erginus… sir?”

Hundreds of years had passed, and the fairy queen’s voice floated through the warm breeze of the forest.

Entranced by the sweet voice lingering in his memories, Erginus turned to see a woman who made even the surrounding spring seem fleeting, and he froze.

His mouth opened and closed like a broken doll, turning a miraculous reunion into a farce.

“Hoho, that’s definitely you.”

Unable to call the sight before her cool, the fairy queen chuckled lightly as she carefully approached, grasping the hand of the bewildered Erginus with both of hers.

“Y-you, Your Majesty!? Th-this is…”

“I’m sorry, but I have no intention of letting go. I’m no longer the pure child I once was.”

With her soft hand caressing his skin, the great mage began to sink into a state of awe.

“Your Majesty, it would be troublesome if you broke my teacher already.”

Just as Erginus was losing all semblance of dignity, Joy, having dropped her guard, stepped in with a deep sigh.

“The Evil God is still over there, you know.”

“No, I don’t need to worry about it. Go on with the show. The pathetic sight of the hero who was bothering me was rather amusing.”

With a nonchalant tone that bore no sense of urgency, Erginus’s sharp gaze pierced the gloom.

The fairy queen, momentarily paused by the side-view, slowly released her grip on his hand.

“Not done yet? I can wait if you wish.”

“I refuse. I won’t do anything to become your entertainment.”

“Haha, how quaint.”

Even with another sun rising in the sky, a man with red eyes emerged again from the lingering darkness that still gripped the earth.

His form, having absorbed all the darkness that crept within the barrier over the centuries, remained unshaken even beneath the two suns.

“What nonsense are you spewing? Your very existence brings me joy.”

Around the man, an aura crawled, embedding the essence of a dark deity within.

The darkness that had wandered for ages searching for a master finally regained its true form.

“Why hide your true self? Are you afraid to reveal it before the master’s love?”

“What a foolish question. It’s only natural to be afraid. You don’t even know this because you’ve never experienced love. How pathetic.”

Erginus replied coolly while eyeing the dark god, still clumsy in handling his abilities.

Perhaps he had just been revived and was preoccupied with regaining his power. That’s a relief.

At least until the miracle ignited by the divine apostle is over, he won’t be able to unleash his full strength.

“Oh, love, huh? I know love. The kind that can burn even oneself, which, once it turns to ash, creates a deep, deep darkness. Just like that woman behind you.”

With arms wide open and a grin, the man stepped forward, pushing the miracle’s light away with his darkness.

“Foolish Erginus. You thought you invited your love into a happy dream, but that was just an illusion. The fairy queen quickly figured out that place was a dream.”

The fairy queen attempted to refute those words, but before she could, darkness erased her voice.

“Do you understand? You drove that woman mad. You stripped purity from the fairy queen. It’s all because of you. The queen, once a girl, became unhappy.”

“What are you saying?♡ The only thing that became unhappy is my vision tainted by your face!♡”

Voices of fairies snickered, resonating through the shadows on the ground, attempting to plant doubt even in the heart of the great mage, but the steps of the child who ignited the miracle simply crushed those seeds.

“Is that all the gods do? Chatter all day long?♡ What, are you the god of darkness or just an old lady?♡”


That fits well!

So that’s why you ramble on!

The fairies’ laughter drowned out the man’s retorts.

Even as the barrier crumbled and the queen’s dream faded, this place was still the fairy forest. No one could outwit the mischievous fairies here.

“Is that really how you look? So you were a woman all along?♡ How pathetic!♡ It’s no wonder darkness festers in your heart with a face like that!♡”

“…Do you wish to sing those screams?”

“No?♡ Not at all!♡ I have no intention of singing for you!♡”

You’re not going to sing?

Right! We’ll just listen to our own songs!

Old lady, go away!

You’re a nuisance!

Moments ago, the man who had acted so arrogantly bit his lip and shook his shoulders.

The girl Lucy, having seen the man suppress his anger in silence, delivered a thankful hit to Erginus’s side, knocking him down.

“Acting like a loser in front of the henhouse is so frustrating, you know?”

“W-wait, huh?”

“You’ve been holed up in a cave for hundreds of years, lost in delusions, right? A smelly virgin skeleton. Do something as gross as your daydreams. Let’s see you embarrass yourself.”

“N-no, I’ll give it a try.”

“And you, henhouse queen.”


“Right now, a bunch of beasts are charging this way, okay? Bring them over.”

“Aah! You mean them!? Don’t worry! They’ve already gone to greet them!”

With the polite tone that no one could tell who the queen was anymore, as soon as she finished speaking, the sword hero and goddess apostles appeared in the sky.

The sight of Erginus sprawled on the ground, the fairy queen sweating bullets, the man clenching his fists, and at the center, Lucy Alrn grasped their attention, but no one was there to answer what was happening.

The miracle had transformed Lucy, even more fairy-like than the fairies, and the now purified fairy queen turned towards the goddess apostles who were sent in.

Staring at the blissfully unconscious Apostle, who was bleeding profusely through his nose, the sword hero covered his forehead and drew his blade.

“Lady Saint. If you still have strength left, please reset this trash to normal.”

“…I’ll heal, but returning it to normal is a bit much.”

“That’ll do.”

Just as Phoebe dashed beside the apostle, enveloping the area in divine light for healing, shadows parted and revealed a wolf and a fox.

“Glad to see we’re not too late.”

As the wolf transformed into a robust male figure, he bowed politely to the fairy queen.

“Greetings, Muir. It has been a while.”

“…You remember me?”

“Of course. How could I forget the loyal fangs of the forest like you?”

“Hah, haha. Thank you so much, Your Majesty. I offer you my life, saved by you.”

As hundreds of years slipped by with individuals bowing to one another, the fox that had appeared alongside the wolf collapsed next to the apostle, struggling for survival.

“If this is the last sight I get to see, then I’ll die without regrets.”

With a scene no different from usual, Lucy placed her hands on the fox’s waist and nudged gently, a melodious voice slipped through the fox’s lips.

“Hey, you clumsy one.”

“Huh? Why? Why are you calling me?”

“Are you going to die just to avoid being crushed beneath the blubbering henhouse’s butt?”

“…Is that even possible?”

“If you act like a human.”

“Rina! Misty Fox! I shall fight against the dark god with this life!”

In an instant, Rina transformed into a human shape, glaring fiercely forward, and soon after, from a distance, a vibration was felt.

Those knights, trained harder than any other knight order in the continent, emerged to sacrifice their lives for the mission of saving the world, desperately waiting to draw their swords.

As they cast aside their fears, determined will gleamed in their eyes when they blinked at the scene situated in the heart of the forest.

On one side was the goddess apostle, recovering from healing and fainting repeatedly.
On another was a woman drooling and grinning grotesquely.
And somewhere else stood a man viewing the fairy queen with respect.
Alongside him was the great mage, eying that man cautiously.
And in the middle of those two stood the fairy queen, twitching her hidden hands.
Beyond them, the man shivering in the darkness and the fairies are keeping themselves busy tormenting him.

…Is this truly the battlefield meant to reenact the age of mythology? Not just a circus for comedic clowns?

While the knights pondered similar thoughts, Alrn’s master rushed toward his daughter.


Benedict effortlessly caught Lucy, who tried to escape on fairy feet, while tears of joy streamed down his messy face as he smothered her with affection.

“You really did well! I’m so proud of you, my little princess!”

“…I just wish the idiot papa would drop dead.”

“Don’t worry! Lucy! Papa has no plans of dying alone without you!”

“What the heck are you blabbering about? Hah.”

Having been so disgusted that she resigned herself, Lucy watched her father Benedict pull his daughter craze nonsense, while Commander Possell, who expected a huge backlash anytime soon, groaned a sigh before turning to the knights to restore order.

“…How dare you.”

What startled the atmosphere of bustling activity, as incredible as not believing it was the battlefield meant for tackling the dark god, was the dark god himself.

“How dare you, insects!”

As the man unleashed his fury, darkness spread across the world, extinguishing the dwindling miracle and plunging the world into night once more.

“Do you think you can defeat me?”

Laughter echoed through the darkness. The sound of laughter spread throughout the shadows, filling the world with dread.

“Go ahead, trash. If you fail, you shall suffer eternal torture in the dark.”

“Puhuh♡ Puhah♡ Puhahah♡ Did you hear?♡ Eternal suffering!♡”

So scary!

We must run!

What does eternal suffering even mean?

No idea.

But isn’t it a bit lame?

“Shut uuuup!”

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