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Chapter 57

Ji Ming’s words were earnest, his eyes extremely sincere, fully demonstrating his deep care for his “mischievous” younger sister!

At least that was the emotion he believed he was expressing.

“Second Brother!”

Ji Ling’s brain momentarily blanked, then her eyes widened abruptly. “Did you take the wrong pill!?”

“Why, don’t you want to?” Ji Ming seemed somewhat surprised, then furrowed his brows, casting an apologetic look at Lin Yuan. “Sorry, Brother Lin, I didn’t consider it fully, since younger sister isn’t…”

“Who said I don’t want to!” Ji Ling slightly panicked, instinctively speaking loudly.

Upon realizing, she saw glances falling on her face. Her face flushed suddenly, wishing for a hole to hide in, stammering, “I, um, well, I…”

“In fact, Sister Ji is unwilling to see me lonely.” Lin Xianyu, who had remained silent on the side, smiled as he held Ji Ling’s arm, his eyes curved, “I’m right, Sister Ji?”

“That’s right!” Ji Ling sighed in relief, intimately holding Lin Xianyu’s slender arm, nodding like a pecking chicken. “Yes, that’s what I mean!”

“Elder Brother,” Lin Xianyu’s clear eyes gazed at Lin Yuan, seriously stating, “You are in Whale Gang, it’s fine in Black Mountain City, but once you go to Wangjiang City, your affairs will surely be very busy in the future. With Sister Ji accompanying me, life won’t be too boring.”

Ji Ming felt emotional upon seeing this.

Intelligence is indeed born naturally, and Lin Yuan’s younger sister appeared to be only twelve or thirteen years old, but her mind was astute.

Not only did she cleverly relieve Ji Ling’s embarrassment, she also naturally offered a word of assistance.

After a moment of contemplation, Lin Yuan nodded slowly, “Alright.”

“Then, thank you, Brother Lin!”

A smile appeared on Ji Ming’s face as he rose and gave a deep bow to Lin Yuan, saying, “My younger sister has always been lively. If she does anything impulsive, I hope Brother Lin can forgive her, and not be too hard on her…”

At these words, Ji Ling’s eyes trembled.

She knew that her second brother always carried a sense of pride. And being from a Confucian sect, he naturally possessed a sense of purity, never would she have expected him to lower himself for her sake in such a manner.

“Second Brother….” Ji Ling was deeply moved.

“……If it needs disciplining, just discipline it, as long as it doesn’t kill!” At this moment, the latter half of Ji Ming’s sentence slowly echoed.

“Ji Ming!!!” Ji Ling grew raging.

Even until after Ji Ming bid farewell and left, Ji Ling was still angry. She had thought that Ji Ming was considering her from her perspective, feeling somewhat touched, almost shedding a tear of gratitude, but… the complacent scholar is truly incorrigible!

As the thunderstorm gradually subsided, the sky cleared up. Rain on the streets decreased significantly, the air carried a dampness mixed with a hint of muddy earthiness.

“Sister Ji, don’t be angry,” Lin Xianyu said with a smile, “What elder brother doesn’t care for his younger sister? If my Elder Brother really lays a hand on you, I’m sure your brother would be the first to disagree, even willing to risk his life against him.”

“But he has to be able to beat him first…” Ji Ling muttered, glancing at Lin Yuan who sat quietly beside her.

She seemed a bit dazed. It had only been a matter of days, yet the young man in front of her had undergone a tremendous transformation.

Hall Master of Whale Gang, the Demon Hunter of the Demon Suppression Bureau…. But what shocked her the most was that the General of Jizhou personally came to see Lin Yuan.

If it had been anyone else, they would likely be so excited that they couldn’t contain themselves. But Lin Yuan’s emotions never seemed to fluctuate too much from start to finish; this was the General of a province!

Most people would never have the chance to meet him, it was her first time as well. If this General didn’t have a relationship with the Ji family, and second brother Ji Ming didn’t hold a position in the Demon Suppression Bureau, she probably wouldn’t have recognized each other.

The Great Li Dynasty only had eight major provinces; Jizhou had vast territory, second only to the region where the imperial city was located. Cities like Black Mountain City had countless numbers, almost innumerable.

“How did you recognize him as the General of Jizhou?” Ji Ling couldn’t help but ask.

“When we first met, didn’t I mention it?” Lin Yuan casually spoke as he played with the insignia representing Demon Hunter of the Demon Suppression Bureau, idly saying.

“Because he’s very strong?” Ji Ling was puzzled. “But there are many strong people in the Demon Suppression Bureau, such as the eight commanding generals in Jizhou. Why did you guess it was the General?”

The eight commanding generals were positions just below the General. As the name suggests, they were distributed in different regions of Jizhou, each guarding a separate area.

Normally, members of the Demon Suppression Bureau could see only up to the eight commanding generals, and it was even hard for them to meet without urgent official business.

“Intuition,” Lin Yuan said lightly.

In the simulation world, his highest position was a Major General, apart from the Vice General, it was the Guardian General.

Although the eight commanding generals were highly skilled, they were clearly a step below the General. At first, Lin Yuan had followed the Vice General Yan Tongling, and had met one of the Jizhou Guardian Generals.

With his current level of cultivation… it was indeed slightly lacking. But it absolutely did not exude the terrifying aura of the Jizhou General, they were simply not in the same league.

However, it was said that the eight commanding generals also varied in strength, and the strongest among them was no weaker than the General by much, but whether that was true or false was unknown.

“Intuition…” Ji Ling had no words, well, this reason was indeed inexplicable.

Seeing Lin Yuan seemingly lost in thought, she tactfully stopped questioning further, whispering this to Lin Xianyu, trying to maintain a sense of peace as much as possible.

Outside, only a light rain continued, the sound of pitter-patter reminiscent of a musical rhythm. Lin Yuan sat up straight, the Demon Suppression Bureau token spinning lightly in his hand, his gaze flickering unpredictably.

It was clear. The General of Jizhou came to see him as a mere formality, otherwise, a dignified General would never make a special trip for just a talented youth!

The world never lacked geniuses, but only a few actually grew up to succeed!

Perhaps it was just as he said. Giving him the identity of a Demon Suppression Bureau Demon Hunter was merely a passing thought.

“So, why did he come to Black Mountain City?” a titled surfaced in Lin Yuan’s mind.

The Old Demon of Black Mountain! Only the mysterious demon king rumored to slumber deep within the Black Mountain truly warranted a personal visit from the Jizhou General!

“Oh, by the way, isn’t it almost June?” Ji Ling’s lowered voice rang out.

“Yes, and what’s special about June?” Lin Xianyu was puzzled. “Next month’s full moon night is the Lantern Festival!” Ji Ling looked at Lin Xianyu in amazement, “Don’t you know?”

“What’s the Lantern Festival?” Lin Xianyu blinked his round, watery eyes. “On the night of the full moon, isn’t everyone supposed to close their doors and windows, stay indoors, and go to bed early?”

Ji Ling was a bit confused, asking, “Doesn’t Black Mountain City have the Lantern Festival? Why stay indoors on the night of the full moon?”

“Because it’s the full moon night!” Lin Xianyu stated matter-of-factly.

Ji Ling: “…”

Listening to the two girls’ conversation, Lin Yuan couldn’t help but recall the Mid-Autumn Festival on Earth; there was no such festival here, only a unique festival called the Lantern Festival, during which the streets in some major cities would be bustling.

Men and women would all walk onto the streets, engaging in various games, such as solving lantern riddles and hanging lanterns.

In some cities along the river, there would even be grand flower boat parades, one of the grandest festivals of the Great Li Dynasty.

However, in Black Mountain City, the full moon night had never been a joyous occasion. It was an unwritten rule for all residents of Black Mountain City to avoid going out that night.

Not only was it poisonous, it also caused disorientation, easily leading people into dangerous areas.

“Haze?” Lin Yuan’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

He suddenly recalled his experience in Liuwang Town, where the sinister demon from the Grey Realm, exuding a mist that could bewilder sight, permeated the entire mine!

Jia Xingyue, the Yin Demon from the Grey Realm that came out of nowhere, causing the entire mine to be filled with a gray mist that could deceive one’s sight!

Could it be the same thing?

“If the legend is true, isn’t the Old Demon of Black Mountain a kind of Yin Demon that came from the Grey Realm a long time ago and was worshipped as a deity here, then sealed by a powerful being? Or is there another explanation…?”

The Black Mountain Range stretches for countless miles, isn’t this range too terrifying? Could it be a true devil?

As he listened in astonishment to Ji Ling recounting the Lantern Festival, Lin Xianyu’s clear eyes were full of longing.

There was a hint of tranquility in Lin Yuan’s eyes. It was time to move as soon as possible.

Several days later.

On the grey-yellow official road, a convoy of five carriages was slowly moving forward along the road.

The most magnificent carriage in the middle was drawn by four strong demonic horses, providing a smooth ride. Even when faced with a rough road, it remained stable without too much movement.

The so-called demonic horses were actually horses with demon bloodline. These creatures were not uncommon in the world and belonged to a hybrid breed generally called “demonic beasts.”

They were not without the possibility of becoming true demons, but the probability was relatively low.

Due to their demonic bloodline, the intelligence of these horses far surpassed that of ordinary livestock. They were very obedient, and any aggressiveness caused by the demonic blood had long been tempered through daily training.

On a low hill not far away, there were figures lying there, watching the carriages passing by below.

“Boss, should we make a move?” a scar-faced man asked in a low voice. Before he could finish speaking, a slap hit him hard on the back of his head.

The man wearing a red headband, tall and strong in stature, said in a harsh tone, “Are you an idiot? Can’t you see the markings on those carriages? Whale Gang! Do you want to die? Stop messing with me!”

They were bandits, not fools.

Normally, they wouldn’t fear encounters with the county yamen officials. But the Whale Gang was different. If they provoked these tough guys, a large group of people would show up and wipe them out in no time!

“Well, when can we be so fancy as a gang?” a bandit envied.

“In your dreams.” The ringleader smirked.

The Whale Gang was a legitimate gang recognized by the Great Li Dynasty royal family. What were they? Just bandits who rob houses!


Only when all five carriages had disappeared from view did he wave his hand listlessly, realizing it was a waste of time as they ran without knowing what the situation was.

Zhang Baoyi rode his horse to the side of the middle carriage and said with a smile, “Boss, in another three days, we’ll see Wangjiang City.”

“Okay.” A faint voice came from the carriage, “Let the brothers rest for a while.”


Zhang Baoyi chuckled and turned to take a deep breath, shouting loudly, “Stop! The Hall Master said to rest for a while, those who need to eat, eat, those who need to relieve themselves, do so quickly. After half an hour, we’ll continue on the journey, aiming to arrive at the next town before dark!”

“Thank you, Hall Master!”

“Oh, this is really a rough one…”

“Hey, who would have thought we’d have the chance to go to Wangjiang City one day. I heard it’s very prosperous there.”

“Isn’t it all thanks to our Hall Master?” About ten Whale Gang members stopped and gathered in groups to chat and eat, their faces showing varying degrees of excitement.

They were all born and raised in Black Mountain City and would likely stay there for the rest of their lives without any unexpected incidents.

And now, because of Lin Yuan, they could go to Wangjiang City. Excitement was more than normal.

“Finally, we’re almost there…” In the carriage, Ji Ling stretched lazily, her beautiful figure shining brightly about five days ago.

Branch Hall Master Sun Youwei personally came to find Lin Yuan, saying that he had received the rewards from above, showing great importance towards him.

An Elder from the main hall even wanted to come in person, but for various reasons it didn’t happen.

Then he gave him two choices: one, to go to a remote place to serve as a Branch Hall Master, or two, to go to a bustling place to serve as a Hall Master.

So, Lin Yuan brought up the idea of going to Wangjiang City. Sun Youwei didn’t say a word, he directly helped him apply to the higher-ups, and soon got approval for him to go and take charge of the Whale Gang’s branch in Wangjiang City.

The original branch master of Wangjiang City then became the deputy branch master. During this period, Sun Youwei hinted that he could bring more people over; otherwise, it might be difficult to manage in Wangjiang City.

Lin Yuan just smiled indifferently. Difficult to manage? That just means his means were not ruthless enough! However, Lin Yuan still brought a few people, with Zhang Baoyi being more handy and efficient, so naturally he had to bring him along, and later let Zhang Baoyi choose a few more.

It was to make Sun Youwei’s face look a bit better. “We’re only three days away from Wangjiang City. There’s still more than ten days until the Lantern Festival, so we can prepare well!” Ji Ling smiled softly.

“Black Mountain City is adjacent to Black Mountain, can you see the river in Wangjiang City?” Lin Xianyu asked curiously.

“Exactly.” Ji Ling smiled as she answered his question, “Not far to the north of Wangjiang City, there is a river that runs from east to west called ‘Tongtian River’, which is about eight hundred miles wide and extends all the way to the estuary. It is because of the existence of this river that Wangjiang City is exceptionally prosperous, serving as a port city.”

“And the branch of the Whale Gang…” Ji Ling turned to look at Lin Yuan, implying, “is located above the port, competing with the Dragon Gang, controlling about three-quarters of the business, with astonishing profits.”

Lin Yuan remained expressionless, as if he hadn’t understood the meaning behind her words. Ji Ling felt a bit disheartened, pursed her lips, took out a roasted chicken she had prepared in advance, and shared it with Lin Xianyu.

Lin Yuan had already eaten on the road, so he wasn’t hungry now. Half an hour passed quickly.

The convoy started moving again, not too fast or too slow, ensuring maximum comfort.

Swaying, Li Ling fell asleep groggily. The carriage was large enough, and with a curtain separating the middle, three people could sleep comfortably.


Suddenly, the carriage jumped heavily, startling Ji Ling awake.

“What’s going on?” She sat up suddenly, looking around in surprise. It wasn’t until she saw Lin Yuan sitting quietly next to her that she calmed down.

“Sorry, Hall Master, it seemed like we hit a big rock just now,” one of the Whale Gang members who was driving outside said nervously.

“It’s okay.” Lin Yuan spoke calmly. At this moment, Zhang Baoyi’s voice rang out, “Boss, it’s getting dark, I can see a village nearby, shall we stay there for the night?”

Lin Yuan glanced at the village in the distance and slowly put down the curtain. “Alright.”

He didn’t feel tired, but his sister Lin Xianyu had just started her skin refinement cultivation, and she couldn’t sleep well on the bumpy road, showing signs of exhaustion.

“And their families are also in the convoy.”

“Alright, Boss, I’ll go check it out with my men first.” Zhang Baoyi said.

“No need.” Lin Yuan looked at the village for a moment and gently let go of the curtain before heading over.

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Only Realized It’s a Life Simulation After My Entire Family Was Executed

Only Realized It’s a Life Simulation After My Entire Family Was Executed

Status: Ongoing Author:
Lin Yuan traversed to a high martial world, starting as an ordinary constable. He slayed demons and vanquished ghosts, rising to become a lieutenant colonel in the Demon Suppression Division, earning widespread fame. However, just as he was enjoying his success, he was betrayed by a scoundrel and sold out by his subordinates. He ended up with his entire family executed, dying with resentment! Yet... [Ding, Life Simulation Ends, Calculating...] Lin Yuan opened his eyes in shock, realizing he was truly a cheat? Not only could he save his progress on the spot, but he could also slay demons, convert their lifespans for simulations, and infinitely simulate to push martial arts to their limits! From [Blazing Sun Saber Technique] to [Great Sun Demon Subduing Saber Technique]! From [Bronze Statue Technique] to [Undying Golden Body Dharmakaya]! Walking on the edge, as if treading on thin ice. He sheathed his saber and turned around suddenly, behind him lay countless bones of gods and demons!


not work with dark mode