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Chapter 565

Chapter: 565

The Fairy Queen with her wretched love life looks absolutely terrifying. One wrong word and it feels like she’ll just pounce and take my head off.

But hey, I’m not backing down, not even a bit!

You see, I’m all for treating the other losers like toys, but being looked down upon by another pathetic loser? Never!

Especially not by some washed-up hag who couldn’t even handle that dark evil god who threw a tantrum and ended up bawling on the ground.

“Don’t slander him!”

“Puhuhuhu♡ Oh, how I want to believe that!♡ Do as you wish♡ It’s quite fun watching a hideous hag who can’t believe she’s been tossed aside♡”


With a face twisted like a demon, the Fairy Queen paused as if a light bulb went off in her head, then quickly put on a facade of calm.

“Oh, I see. You’re trying to unsettle me like this? But it’s meaningless. I’ve seen Lord Erginus here. The great mage who still retains his past form!”

Did she really not realize that was a fake? No matter how elaborate the skeleton’s magic is, it shouldn’t be enough to fool the Fairy Queen.

“He has not forgotten his promise from the past!”

Ah, got it. It’s not that she didn’t notice; it’s that she didn’t want to.

Deep down, she’s anxious despite claiming to trust Erginus more than anyone.

“Little brat?♡ Are we talking about the sweet promise to confess feelings when we meet again?♡”

“…How do you know that?”

Guessing that Erginus, the shy guy who’s clueless around women, would be a dead giveaway worked.

Just how incredibly naive was that dude?

“Hey hey! Silly hag♡ Have you ever heard anyone say they love you?♡”

She shut her mouth at the mention of love. Just looking into her eerie eyes oscillating between grotesque and back to normal was enough to answer that question.

Erginus has never confessed his love to her.

“Never, right?♡ Isn’t that right?♡ Puhahaha, just as I thought!♡ Who would say ‘I love you’ to a rotten lady like you?♡”

Of course, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. It’s just that for a guy like Erginus, the thought of passing out from messing with his head wouldn’t surprise anyone.

“When did he ever look at you with beastly eyes?♡ Never, I bet!♡ Who would look at a granny whose age gap spans centuries with such eyes?♡”

That’s a lie. Erginus definitely had all sorts of thoughts swirling around.

I mean, first crushes are like that, right? If he’s an awkward dude, it’s more likely that he overthought it.

But the Fairy Queen probably doesn’t get that. She’s just as clueless about love as he is.

“Have you ever had a clear confession?♡ Never!♡ I bet you’ve never even received one!♡ A loser who only knows magic wouldn’t leave any room for that!♡”

This is just because he was too shy to say it, but Erginus definitely had tons of feelings bottled up inside him.

But since he failed to express those feelings, the Fairy Queen remains blind to his heart. She has no choice but to doubt her own love.

“Still denying it, huh?♡ Is the thought of being betrayed for centuries too scary to run from?♡”

“No way. That can’t be true. He’s not that kind of person.”

Do you really believe that? Then why are your hands shaking? Why is the intensity of the attacks toward us escalating?

“You might not know, but out there there are hundreds of prettier, kinder, and more outspoken women than you?♡ Would someone like that just leave a chubby loser mage alone?♡”

“No! He said only I caught his eye.”

Is that really a line that dork would say? Sounds like a made-up sentence just to deny reality and cover up a lie, right?

“Do you really think those power-hungry people would leave a loser who’s never even held a girl’s hand?♡ They’d bring all sorts to peel the loser’s clothes off, no doubt!♡”

“No, it’s not true. Don’t lie. That sort of thing—”

Why do you keep insisting it’s not true while your voice gets quieter? Can’t you even look me in the eye anymore?

“Does a mortal’s love weigh as much as the love of a decrepit hen?♡ Could a loser push away all those women who come at him because they take a liking to him?♡”

“No! No! No!”

What do you mean ‘no’? You’re doubting it, aren’t you? The you who’s steeped in darkness can’t look at the moon on the lake and wait for love anymore.

“Do you really think I came here to save a rotten hag?♡ Don’t you think I’m just looking for another easy target?♡”


You’re not pure anymore. The Fairy Queen who once kept her whiteness is gone, replaced by a form stained black.

“Ugh♡ Haha♡ Yes! Keep denying it!♡ It’s a dream; you have to think like you wish!♡”

“Shut uuuuuup!”

The Fairy Queen’s fury echoed through the forest, startling the fairies that were attacking us into stopping.

Thanks to that momentary pause, my friends switched to offense, pushing the fairies back while I stepped forward to face the furious Fairy Queen, panting heavily.

“Everything you just said was a lie~♡”


“Puhahaha♡ What could a virgin loser do if he faints just from brushing past a girl?♡”

Her eyes, once rattled by rage, now wobbled with confusion as I saw her black pupils shake.

“Wait, did you really doubt him?♡ After spending centuries holed up trying to save one hag, you don’t trust him?♡”

I pressed her hard, asking if she thought it was possible. Could she not believe in her one true love? Was her love that pathetic?

“Apologize♡ For having fallen for a loser with a mind that’s all over the place, apologize to us who came all this way for a trash like you♡ Apologize to the fairies who were turned into bugs because of you♡ After that, bite your own tongue and die♡”

With the Fairy Queen’s sanity hanging by a thread, I didn’t say anything, just smirked.

In response, the Fairy Queen started mumbling furiously while covering her face with her hands.

Stumbling back, her steps were shaky. The voice losing form in despair. Her eyes reflecting no sense anymore, just a crumbling body. Shoulders trembling uncontrollably.

The Fairy Queen is breaking down.

The fairy that lost her purity wraps herself in her own arms.


Then, all of a sudden, the tremors in her shoulders ceased.

“Yes. Right. That’s true.”

The voice that had collapsed regained form, but this time, it was different. A voice mixed with excitement and eeriness sent a chill down my spine.

“I’ve lost my purity.”

With shaky movements, the Fairy Queen looked at me.

“So what?”

Her lunatic eyes captured my figure.

“It’s all Erginus’s fault. Yes, it’s his mistake.”

“How pitiful, you hag!♡ Now you’re blaming your counterpart?♡”

“I waited.”


Just a moment ago, she was raging, and now she won’t even look away. What’s going on?

What? Can’t you hear my voice anymore?

“I waited so hard. I waited for him to come. Repeating dreams while preparing myself for what he’d like. Over and over and over—”

Oh. Oh. Grandpa. What’s going on with the Fairy Queen? It feels like she’s completely lost it! Those signs of her treating us like toys? All gone!

[…That’s the real her.]

‘The real one means—’

[The one who kept her composure just now was the dream version of her.]

Did what I said knock her out of the dream or something!?

Joy, Joy!

I feel like I’ve bought us enough time, but haven’t you finished preparing yet?!

Almost done? Just hold out for a bit longer? Just how many minutes is “a bit longer”?

“So, it’s all his fault that I’ve gone crazy. It’s because he carelessly left me in a dream. I’m not at fault. I did my best. Yes, I… I… I.”

The illusions around her shatter. Everything created by the dark powers crumbles.

All those sights we thought were steeped in darkness? Just purified things.

All the darkness of the world—physical, mental, abstract—anything that could represent darkness might as well be hell.

“Ah, yes. Since he’s being whimsical, I’ll be whimsical too. I will keep him by my side. We’ll dream together. Hehe. Hehehe.”

Crap. If I leave her like this, she’ll tear down the barrier before Joy finishes her job!

“First, I need to grab her attention?!”

Breathing deep, Kal swung his sword, but the blade just vanished into the darkness.

“…What the hell?”

Next, Frey’s sword followed suit, swallowed by the deep dark that refused to allow anyone else.

“Saintess! Purification!”

“I’m trying my best, but the darkness is too overwhelming! Something’s wrong! This is even more than when facing an evil god directly!”

Both Phoebe and I keep trying to dispel the darkness with our divine powers, but it remains untouched.

This feels completely odd. Even when facing dark or void evil gods, it wasn’t like this!

What is happening? What is going on!?

[The dream hasn’t ended yet! The rules of reality are different here!]

‘Yeah, I understand that, but that’s not the real issue here!’

[Dance! This is the fairy’s dream! A fairy’s dance cannot ever be denied!]

You want me to dance in this situation!?

Ugh! Fine! If anything goes wrong, I’ll blame it on Grandpa!


Moving lightly, I tread over the darkness.

I have no idea where the ground is or what obstacles lie ahead, but I move my body guided by instinct.

“Ah, so you’re here.”


I swim through the dark, small arms and legs propelling me forward.

Hoping my dance reaches beyond, I let it spill around me.



I dance.

I dance the fairy’s dance.

Becoming a fairy, I dance.

Dancing with the fairies in the darkness.

All I wish for is one thing.

If only for a moment, the Queen’s gaze touches me.



The moment the Fairy Queen’s gaze landed on me, Joy’s desperate voice reached from behind. Hearing that, without a second thought, I threw the evil god’s seal down.

The seal, shaped like a sphere, shattered into pieces.

In an instant, everything around us turned white.

Then, all the darkness started to get sucked into it.

[The Evil God of Darkness has revealed itself.]

The Evil God of Darkness descends upon the Fairy Forest.

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