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Chapter 563

Chapter: 563

The Fairy Queen’s laughter, reflecting her pure and radiant nature, filled my heart with dread instead.

Wait, didn’t I basically insult her back then!?

I thought we were never going to see each other again, and I vented all my frustrations about that damn little brat Ganshu without a care in the world!

If she remembers that, revenge is a given!

[…Isn’t there a more important issue at hand?]

As I fumbled in front of the Fairy Queen, struggling to maintain my composure, I could hear my grandfather’s sigh echoing through my thoughts. A more important problem?

Oh. Right.


What kind of a grumpy old man engages in antics that affect reality!? What the heck did I do to send things spiraling like this!?

He should have explained it beforehand! Or at least given me an idea of what was going on!

This is why gods can be so impossible!

People living on the ground manage to piece things together just fine. If they pulled the same nonsense, they’d probably say, ‘Oh, that makes sense.’

Come on! Look at people!

But please, don’t stare at them like that pathetic god or that perverted crow!

Because at that level, it’s not concern—it’s stalking!

[No, that’s not it, is it?]

‘…Isn’t it? Are you just dodging the topic because you’re scared of Ganshu?’

[I don’t think insulting a god is the right thing to do. Anyway, the Fairy Queen remembering you probably means she’s waking up from her dream, right?]

Ah. Oh? That makes sense? If consciousness is rising, then she must be recalling something.

“Ah, you’re feeling anxious, aren’t you?”

She gently placed her palm against her cheek and nodded slowly, then broke into a soft smile.

“It’s okay. I’m still dreaming.”

“Are you…having a case of dementia?”

“The barrier that put the Fairy Forest to sleep was created by Erginus, but I’ve spent centuries within it. Naturally, I have some control over it.”

Now that I think about it, Erginus’s strength in constraining the barrier was impressive enough that even a goddess like him couldn’t pry it open.

“Of course, it won’t last. My physical form is still coated in darkness. Still, I can hold out until your plans begin.”

“Do you know what we’re planning to do? Being overly flattering will only make you look pitiful, lady.” “You told my piece of art, didn’t you? That you would save us.”

The Fairy Queen expressed her joy without the slightest wavering, yet the surroundings were the exact opposite. The once lush greenery was slowly withering away.

The sun that had been shining brightly in the sky was slowly setting. The queen’s dream was nearing its end.

“Are you an apprentice of Erginus?”

“Yes? Yes! I’m Joy Partan!”

“Hoho. You are quite the lively one. Now, please proceed with the plan.”

“First, we have to reach the center of the forest.”

“We’ve arrived.”

“Huh? …Oh?”

At the Queen’s statement, I turned my head around only to see things that had been devoured by darkness, their shapes unrecognizable.

The trees. The grass. The lake. Everything had been stained black, lost to their former selves.

“This is still my dream, so reaching the desired location is as simple as pie.”

She was saying that since it was a dream, accomplishing such feats would be quite feasible. Isn’t that a stretch when dealing with enemies?

Joy! Can you execute the plan as fast as you can?! I have no idea what will happen if the dream’s erosion finishes!

“Just a moment, please. I’ll draw the foundational magic circle first.”

As Joy infused her wand with magic, even the darkness that had been enveloping the ground dispersed, revealing the gaping ground beneath.

There was no sign of life on that ground, but Joy took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Her magic flowed out, manifesting into threads that stitched the world together.

She wasn’t merely drawing a magic circle. She was embedding the magic circle into reality.

So that even if Joy, the sorceress, vanishes, the magic circle remains.

“Your Grace. It’s time for us to do our part.”

Lost in the wonder of the threads adorning the world, I snapped back to reality and began retrieving various holy artifacts from my spatial inventory.

Pieces of Saintly bones. Holy water containing the traces of that pathetic god’s steps. Ashes created from burnt Saint Trees in sacred grounds.

And many other artifacts that would make the patrons of the god’s church jump in terror flooded my hands, and I prepared to create a sanctified area with Phoebe.

If everything goes according to plan, we’ll be facing the fully resurrected evil god.

If this were from behind a monitor, it wouldn’t feel real, but in our current state, I can’t say for sure we’ll be ready until reinforcements arrive.

So, I need to prepare meticulously.

To survive even if the worst-case scenario unfolds.

“Your Grace.”


“Is it okay to receive this much just from a mere prayer?”

Hmm. Well, isn’t it?

Count Artea might well faint from the joy, and eventually, if I go to tell him what we did, he’ll probably have a joyous seizure and ascend to the heavens.

That was meant to be half a joke, but picturing that crazy man from a different perspective is genuinely frightening. He’s a severe pervert in a different league from that clumsy fox.

Imagining Count Artea, crying, collapsing, and drooling with delight really gives me chills as we wrap up our preparations for the sanctum.

“Sorry I couldn’t help out more.”

“It’s fine. It’s not like the useless prince is going to suddenly become useful after a day or two. If you can’t help out, at least you should look cute about it, so do apologize for that ugly mug of yours.”

“I absolutely can’t apologize for that!”

“Why not? You should! It’s the pathetic prince’s fault.”

“So then, why is it my fault!? Was it a crime to have such a face!?”

After finishing up some minor preparations, I imbued the weapons of Arthur and Frey with holiness.

At first, I thought it’d be better if Phoebe, who was skilled at this, handled it, but it seems my holy power was denser, making it more effective.

“The sun is setting.”

While we were busy preparing, the Fairy Queen’s dream was on a relentless course to its conclusion.

Darkness was spreading from the center, invading the forest.

The sun, which was slowly fading, was turning crimson.

One by one, the lights of stars began to appear in the gradually darkening sky.

Creepily distorted fairy laughter resonated from deep inside the forest.

As long as the Fairy Queen’s visage remained unaltered, it seemed we could hold on, but for how long would that respite last?

“Lucy. We’re ready. Please retrieve the seal.”

Phew. Thank goodness it’s not too late.

“Are you sure it’s all set? You didn’t make one of your usual silly mistakes again, right?”

“Don’t worry. I asked Erginus for verifications with the tools. No issues since the tools haven’t reacted further.”

‘Further’ indicates how many times they’ve reacted thus far, huh? Even in this situation, Joy’s silliness remains intact.

“Ha ha. You’ve acknowledged your silliness and prepared accordingly? How adorable.”

“I’m carrying too much! This is scary!”

Seeing Joy’s trembling hand gripping her wand, I stood on my toes and softly tapped her head before moving toward the magic circle.

I’ve done everything I could to prepare.

Getting here wasn’t easy, but this is just the start of the plan.

Ready in my mind, I opened my inventory. The seal of the evil god was tucked away in a corner of my inventory, filled with all sorts of stuff I stashed in case of emergencies.

The moment I wrapped my entire body in the divine essence and took out the seal of the evil god, I noticed a crack appearing on it.

…This is crazy!?

“Lucy! Hurry and place it in the center of the magic circle!”

I’m not even waiting for her to respond! I don’t want any of that creeped out vibe lingering around me for even 0.1 seconds!

As I was about to toss the seal in the center, my danger sense screamed out.

What? What was dangerous? What is threatening me?

The fortress showed no signs of responding!

Where is the danger?

I could see the tree roots surging towards the seal.

A swarm of fairies charging towards it filled my sight.

Wait, they weren’t after me but aiming for the seal!?

Damn it! I was too slow to react!

There’s no way I can perfectly counter both!

Then it’s game on! I’ll just plow right in!

The roots of the trees splinter apart, scattering into the void.

The fairies racing towards the seal were swept away by the gust.

“Isn’t the dream supposed to still be going strong!?”

“Oh ho ho. Now this is getting fun.”

Thanks to the help of the two, I managed to grab hold of the seal again while disregarding the ominous warnings brewing behind me.

With the dark essence of the evil god resting firmly in the magic circle.

“Didn’t I tell you? Dreams usually allow for quite a bit of freedom.”

The seal of the evil god settled upon the palm of a woman. Darkness—one that should never escape—nestled right atop her shadow.

“Were you surprised?”

At the sound of her voice, I lifted my head to see the Fairy Queen’s face.

Her expression remained as it was, unchanged from before.

However, one thing was different.

Only her eyes had transformed.

The once blue eyes of the Fairy Queen had lost their vibrancy, now harboring a different ocean within.

An endless sea filled with darkness.

“You shouldn’t trust fairies so easily. They’re just a bunch of pranksters, after all.”

A trap?

It was a trap?

From where did this start?

Felt like she had regained her senses, didn’t it? Wasn’t she the one who invited us here?

No, I can worry about why it’s become like this later.

What I need to do now is escape this situation!

“Puhahaha♡ At your age, calling yourself a fairy is a bit pathetic, don’t you think? How about acting your age? Chicken Coop Lady♡”

As the Fairy Queen’s face twisted into black, a gust of wind surged toward me.

Roots burst forth from the ground.

Toxins spread around us.

A cacophony twisted through my ears.

But all those attacks were targeted at me.

They weren’t aiming for the seal.

I snatched the seal from the Fairy Queen’s hand and concealed it behind my shield.

As shocks came hurtling towards me, their force pierced through my shield, sending my lightweight body flying through the air.

Spinning a few times, I landed beside Phoebe, adjusting my stance.

“You really excel at running away in a flutter. Truly a fairy-like quality.”

“Right?♡ Even I think so too♡ I fit the title of fairy far better than some rotting girl like you♡”

Damn it! While it’s a fact that we were prepared for the worst, I wasn’t exactly wishing for it to turn into the worst case!

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not work with dark mode