Switch Mode

Chapter 560

Chapter: 560

It was the first day of training my friends to prepare for the fairy’s temptation. I was seriously contemplating whether it might be better to just go in alone.

Arthur spent more time sprawled on the ground than standing up, and Frey’s attempts to grab me were unusually sluggish. Meanwhile, Phoebe was so busy staring at me that she kept forgetting what she needed to do, and even Karl couldn’t look me in the eye, continuously missing his chance to move.

After Erginus finished his teachings, Joy came to watch us, and she wasn’t much different from the other fools.

Her face was flushed crimson, almost as if she couldn’t hide it with her fan, and before the fairy’s dance, she couldn’t manage magic properly at all.

If I took them into the forest in this state, it was bound to turn into chaos. At this rate, they were doing more harm than good!

Though I questioned if a few days of training would really improve these losers, my friends disproved my doubts each passing day.

By the second day, they could meet my gaze as if it were natural, the third day saw them moving about normally, and by the fourth day, they were able to respond while also harnessing their armor’s functions perfectly against the fairy’s dance.

The most remarkable change was in Arthur. Initially, he faltered at the slightest touch, but by the fourth day, he could casually respond even if I suddenly jabbed at him!

Of course, it seemed that constant teasing would eventually break him, but that applied to the others as well.

[At this point, you shouldn’t waver even in front of the fairies’ dance.]
‘Really? I still think it seems a bit clumsy.’
[That’s because the dancing parties here are you, Lucy. You can outshine even dances of the fallen fairies.]

Feeling reassured by my grandfather’s words, I advised my friends to rest until we entered the forest.

We needed to maintain our peak condition when stepping inside.

While we prepared to enter the woods, those gathering near the Fairy Forest were making rapid preparations.

Erginus had successfully combined a lesson for Joy with the magical forces of Partran, perfectly setting everything up.

Other units had neatly arranged themselves in their pre-determined positions.

The priests from the church, led by Phoebe, were readying the relics provided by the Artea Count to deal with any worst-case scenarios.

On the dawn of the sixth day, as the sun began to rise, my friends and I set off toward the Fairy Forest once more.

“It seems the dark energy has grown stronger than before.”
“The Third Prince is right. I feel the same way.”
“Must be the Fairy Queen waking up.”

The Fairy Forest was becoming a much more dreadful place than when we first set foot in it.

The trees, twisted and desiccated from drought, had transformed into forms incomprehensible as mere plants.

From the cracked earth, sinister energy oozed incessantly.

The creatures shaped from gathered darkness bore appearances that could never evolve in nature.

And those who had once faintly resembled fairies had now turned into something that could no longer be called fairies at all.

– #%@!
– #^#%
– &(^$

Voices that humans could barely comprehend spiraled around us, creating a physiological discomfort.

The silver lining was that despite their tainted presence, they retained vestiges of fairy recognition. The fairies still did not regard us as enemies.

“We can’t let our guard down. Everyone, remember what Erginus said: it wouldn’t be strange if the fairy traits vanished at any moment.”

Yet we didn’t falter in our vigilance.

Joy, having learned much from Erginus, kept warning us.

We moved swiftly, arriving near the barrier faster than last time, but we still couldn’t see the sun in the sky.

The dark energy pouring from inside the barrier colored the forest black.

“What a mess outside the barrier; I can only wonder how it looks inside.”
“Exactly. It sounds like a complete blast!”
“You’re the only one who thinks this sounds fun, Frey Kent.”

While Joy worked on gaining access to the barrier, Arthur and Frey exchanged jabs as usual.

Listening to them quibble, I secretly shared a thought with my grandfather.

‘I think it’s probably pretty intact.’

The energies in this forest were completely under the control of the Fairy Queen. If not, it would be unreasonable for us not to be attacked.

The energy outside the barrier was being deflected by the Fairy Queen’s own will.

In her domain, it made sense that she could manipulate the power contained within that energy.

“Everyone, prepare yourselves.”

Following Joy’s voice, I raised my head to see a door opening before us.

“Is there nothing we can mess up? Right, you fool?”
“…I think it won’t matter even if there is. Lucy, whatever exists beyond this door welcomes our arrival.”

At that moment, when Joy mentioned that we actually gained authority rather than being interrupted while manipulating the barrier, an involuntary laugh escaped me.

“That just indicates we should consider the trap potential, right?”
“It’ll be fine. Our incapable prince, the dreamer who can’t even act his age, doesn’t have that kind of intelligence.”

If the Fairy Queen had become rational enough to judge traps, then the barrier wouldn’t be intact.

She was still lost in her dreams, hence she would invite us inside, those who had passed her standards.

“Now, are you planning to squeal and run away?”
Standing up and stretching, I readied my shield and mace while observing my friends.

“If I was going to run away, I wouldn’t have struggled so far.”
Arthur shrugged and picked up his sword.

“Why run away? Shouldn’t it be full of fun?”
Frey cocked her head, as if she didn’t understand my question.

“Wherever Young Lady leads, I will gladly follow, even if the end is hell.”
With a gentle smile, Phoebe placed the weight of her words on my shoulder.

“Where else would my lady’s escort go?”
Karl rested his hand nonchalantly atop his sheathed sword.

“Do I have the option to run away?”
“I think you do. You fool? Right now, you’re just a magic tool. No human rights!”

“Then why did you ask me?”
“I thought I’d laugh at you if you cried in fear.”

After I responded, Joy giggled and positioned herself behind me.

These friends of mine felt surprisingly reliable, leading me to smile as I took a deep breath and turned my gaze toward the door.

“Well then, shall we go tease the stinky chicken queen?”

As a true tank, the moment I crossed the threshold, the scenery around me shifted.

The darkness that had saturated everything regained color. The sky, mingling blue and white, was so clear it reminded one of spring.

Looking down slightly, I saw trees dressed in deep green. They were lush enough to block the sky, yet not so much as to obscure the sun—a beautiful representation of nature.

Turning my gaze back down, I spotted butterflies fluttering about.

Tiny animals peeking out from the undergrowth scampered away.

A deer dashed, momentarily pausing to glance at me before bolting off again.

There were flowers blooming in hues of every color.

Behind those petals, fairies watching quietly at me.

“…What in the world.”
“How is it this beautiful beneath the darkness?”
“Didn’t hear anything like this.”
“Tch. Boring.”
“Keep your guard up. This is enemy territory.”

Karl chided my friends, who had lost their words at the scene far beyond their imagination.

Having a knight seasoned in battle beside you is quite comforting. I didn’t even have to say anything to maintain the atmosphere.

“My lady, what do you think?”
“As expected, the dreamer of the moldy brain, the chicken queen, is predictable.”

Last time, when we entered the dungeon created by the dark evil god in Burrow territory, I had to search for the reality hidden among the mansion’s scenery.

It would surely be the same now.

What we saw with our eyes was merely a deceit designed by the evil god’s powers.

What lay beyond our senses would be even more dreadful than the outside.

“Lucy, so shall we imbibe the evil god’s powers?”
“I know you want to shine, but you’re underdoing it right now, fool. It’s not time yet.”

We mustn’t confuse our goals. We did not come here to fight the Fairy Queen.

Our true purpose was to enter the forest’s core and unleash the dark evil god, allowing him to consume all the energies here.

So we had no need to interfere with the Fairy Queen’s dreams. On the contrary, we should play along with her dreams, even if we understood the reality.

It’s easier for me to act as a clown rather than face the enemy that is the queen.

After hearing my thoughts, my friends quickly understood the situation and lowered their weapons.

“Playing the clown isn’t easy.”
“Right? I’ve done this to the point of boredom in high society.”
“It’s embarrassing, but I do have my confidence in this.”
“I will ensure I’m not outdone by you all.”

Seeing the confident exchange, I suddenly turned my gaze to the side.

Of course, Frey, just naturally positioned beside me, caught my look and tilted her head in confusion.

“Foolish swordsman. Can’t you do nothing?”
“Why should I?”
“Mmm. So you really can’t? Right. I guess I should’ve expected that. I’m the fool for hoping for more from you.”

“No! I can do it! I’m totally capable!”

Just a little teasing made Frey’s eyes blaze. I promised I’d play with her once this was all over and raised my head.

Then I spotted my friends looking at me with peculiar expressions.

“What? You fools.”
“Uh, um, Young Lady.”
“Uh, Lucy, that’s…”
“Let’s cut to the chase. Lucy Alrn, is that what you want to say?”

Arthur, who took the lead, furrowed his brow. His remark was spot-on.

Hmm. Ugh. Hmm. That’s right!?

If something happens after all this, I’ll only bring in negatives!

Alright! I’ll just stay quiet! After all, if I keep my mouth shut, I’ll just be a stunning beauty!

Realizing I understood the meaning, I zipped my lips and subtly raised the corners of my mouth, causing my friends to urgently turn away and start clearing their throats.

What’s up?
What do you have a problem with now?
Isn’t this what you wanted?

– Hey! You guys!
– Hi!
– You’re awesome humans!

Just as I was frowning and about to voice my question, the fairies hiding behind the flowers burst out and started talking to us.

– The Queen has been waiting for you!
– The Queen calls for you!
– Such a splendid honor!
– You must hurry!

Tch. For now, maybe I’d better just wait patiently in the back.

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not work with dark mode