Switch Mode

Chapter 56

Chapter: 56

Even though Frey suddenly suggested a spar, I wasn’t that flustered.

Well, it’s just how she is.

Just a crazy girl with nothing in her head except swords and fighting.

She doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings and only moves according to her own whims.

If she thinks there’s value in fighting, she outright demands a duel.

And frankly, she’s a character I’m not particularly fond of.

To put it bluntly, I disliked Frey.

I didn’t like how she acted on her own and bossed others around,

and I definitely didn’t like how she spews sharp-tongued remarks while tilting her innocent face as if she hadn’t done anything wrong.

But most of all, I hated that her in-game performance was downright terrible.

It’s not that Frey’s specs were crap.

She’s one of the strongest melee characters at Soul Academy, destined to rise to the rank of Sword Saint someday.

So what’s the issue?

Frey moves as she pleases.

Whether users control or instruct her, she just does whatever she wants.

How many times has our party been wiped out because of her trolling due to those achievements tied to her?

Have you ever heard about being captivated by overwhelming performance?

I ended up hating her because of her horrendous performance.

I can confidently say that Frey is one of the worst characters in Soul Academy.

I probably shouldn’t expect her attitude or style to change just because the game became reality.

That’s why I had no desire to get close to her.

I definitely didn’t want her in my party.

With the curse of Agra already throwing unpredictable variables my way, why would I want to drag her along too?

That would be committing suicide. I might as well go solo.

If it were easy to raise her favorability, I’d at least make an effort to clear the quest, but she seems to be a tough nut to crack.

“Didn’t you hear me?”

My silence piqued Frey’s curiosity, causing her to tilt her head.

Even in the game, I thought her illustrations were stunning, but seeing her in reality is something else.

Her eyes sparkled like they had jewels embedded in them.

Her hair looked like it would flow down if I touched it.

And despite her love for frolicking around outside, her skin was pristine white without a speck of dust.

I used to think I couldn’t understand those who adored Frey’s looks, but now I can somewhat relate.

She was beautiful.

Anyone who laid eyes on Frey’s face from the front would have a hard time forgetting it.

Even with me beside her, the gazes of the students were fixed on Frey, so it seemed I wasn’t the only one feeling this way.

Yet she didn’t seem to care one bit about the attention she was getting.

‘I heard you.’

“I heard you. Pathetic knight.”

Pathetic knight?

I seriously don’t get the criteria for those nicknames.

Why do some people follow their nicknames while others don’t?

Well, at least she’s not going by something like Sword Slayer or Party Wrecker.

I’m grateful for that because there aren’t any nicknames used positively.

“Pathetic knight isn’t so bad.”

“Eh? Pathetic? Me?”


“So, is there someone else besides me here?”

“Hmm. I’m a pathetic knight, huh? First time hearing that nickname.”

Even after being disregarded, Frey didn’t seem bothered at all.

It’s like she doesn’t care how others think or what they call her.

Just like in the game.

“Anyway, stop stalling and answer me. Let’s fight.”

‘No, thanks.’

“Why should I fight with a pathetic knight?”

“It’ll be fun.”

‘Not really, I don’t think so.’

“Sorry, but I’m just not interested in pathetic knights.”

“Is that so? But still… hmm.”

Does she even listen to me?

I felt like I was talking to a wall, and it was frustrating.

Since taking over Lucy’s body, I’ve never felt so out of my depth in conversations with others, but today is different.

With someone who just plugs her ears and only says what she wants, translation or not, the Mesugaki skill has no meaning here.

“So, I just have to show you I’m not pathetic, right?”

The moment Frey said that.


That was the iron wall’s shout.

Raise the shield!

After months of training to the point of feeling like I might cough up blood, my body acted before my mind could.

Reciting a prayer in my head, I created a shield of divinity, moving it according to the iron wall’s instructions.


Frey’s sword smashed against the shield and ricocheted off.

Her red eyes were fixed on me, clearly sparked with interest.

It was like a child discovering an exciting new toy.

“Wow, you blocked it?”

‘Are you out of your mind?!’

“Pathetic knight! Are you crazy?! What do you think will happen if you swing your sword here?!”

“Since I blocked it, isn’t that okay?”

Damn it.

This is exactly why I didn’t want to get involved with her.

As she swung her sword, the iron wall kept continuously warning me of danger.

Each swing could be lethal.

The moment I let my guard down, my skin would be sliced open.

Reciting a prayer in my head to buff myself, I waited for an opening while blocking her sword.

Frey was strong for her age, but she couldn’t compare to the knights of the Alrn family.

If what stood in front of me was a sword with true intent to obliterate me, my head would’ve been gone by now.

“Lady Alrn! Get back!”

Then, as I was holding on, Joy’s voice rang in my ear.

The moment I heard that, I deflected Frey’s sword and stepped back.

At that moment, an ice wall rose between Frey and me, and divine energy descended to make the wall even sturdier.

Was that Joy and Phoebe’s teamwork?

“Are you okay?”

When did she come so close? Phoebe looked worried as she scanned me.

Were you worried I’d get hurt?

Oh, Saintess. You’re the only one for me.

Even with all the ‘pathetic’ remarks, you still worry about me!

How should I express my gratitude for your kindness?


“Of course, oh pathetic Saintess. Do you really think I would lose to a creature like that?”

With a grin in my voice, I confidently replied, and Phoebe chuckled.

Looks like she’s getting used to being called pathetic Saintess now, huh?

“Kent Lady, what’s going on here?”

“Why should I explain?”

“You’re swinging swords in class!”

“I was proving I’m not pathetic.”

“That really sounds like nonsense.”

While I was joking with Phoebe, I could hear Joy and Frey talking over the ice wall.

The tone of Joy’s voice grew sharper, while Frey remained unfazed.

Honestly, if Joy gets genuinely angry, she’s super scary, but Frey’s casually responding makes her seem casual. Truly, it’s Frey for you.

If I left them be, it felt like Joy would really blow up, so I crossed the wall to approach the two.


“Airhead Lady.”

“You called me Airhead Lady again.”

‘Hey, I won the bet.’

“The Airhead Lady who lost the bet is quite talkative, huh?”


By now, she must’ve checked the entrance exam scores.

So she’s aware that she’s officially the Airhead Lady; she should just accept it!

I shifted my gaze from the glaring Joy to Frey.

“Are you going to keep going?”


“You won’t? Pathetic knight.”


When I refused, Frey genuinely seemed disappointed.

It felt like she was starting to take a liking to me.

She probably thought of me as nothing more than a sparring dummy, but once she gets interested, she won’t let go easily.

What a bother.

If I just let her be, she’d come at me again wanting to fight.

So let’s put a leash on her first.


“Pathetic knight.”


‘I’d like to spar again, please?’

“Do you want to fight me again?”

“Yeah! Of course!”

That was the most enthusiastic answer I’ve heard so far.

I wish she’d respond like that to other questions.

‘Then please don’t do stuff like this again.’

“Then don’t do stupid things like this again.”


This “why” question is where I can’t respond using general common sense.

Frey is infinitely distant from the norm.

What can change by demanding common sense from someone who can’t step outside their own world?

The answer I have to give needs to align with Frey’s world.

Just like the character in the game who adjusted for her, I also have to do the same.

‘Frey, you are…’

“Pathetic knight, you want to fight with me, don’t you?”



“Then wouldn’t it be better for both of us to prepare to the best of our abilities and pick the best location to fight? Or are you just a pathetic coward who can’t win without ambushing me?”

After hearing what I said, Frey rolled her eyes and then nodded as if she understood.

“Right. You’re really smart.”

Since she seemed to grasp it, she probably wouldn’t attack me recklessly anymore.

But it means I’ll have to spar with her regularly, but I’ll just consider that my training.

She’s a decent sparring partner.

“When are we going to spar next?”

‘Let’s do it tomorrow…’

“Tomorrow. I’m satisfied with this for now, pathetic knight. Unlike you, I actually get tired.”

“Uh-huh. Okay. So it’s tomorrow then?”

Seeing her satisfied with my answer, a sigh of relief escaped Joy.

Even though I annoy her by calling Arthur the “pitiful prince,” she worries about me!

You’re truly a good person!

‘Thanks, Joy.’

“Good job, Airhead Lady.”

“Ha. Don’t mind it. By the way, Kent Lady, please be careful in your actions next time.”


With her expression implying she had no idea what she did wrong, Joy lightly frowned, then withdrew the ice wall and left.

Wow. That was truly intense.

Seeing Frey tilting her head even after such a stern look is oddly refreshing.

I guess I can’t say that about myself.

Now the situation has somewhat settled, I should find my own spot.

Let’s go somewhere as little in the spotlight of the professors as possible.

If they call me out for something and ask questions, I’ll definitely have something nasty come flying out of my mouth.

The moment I set foot, Frey, who had been quietly observing me, followed right behind.


“Pathetic knight. Why are you following me?”

“Is that a problem?”

Looking into Frey’s innocent eyes, I struggled to find words.

There’s nothing wrong, really.

It’s just that your interest in me is bothersome.

Damn. I can’t just tell her to go away because I dislike her.


‘Do as you like.’

“Do as you please, pathetic knight.”

“Okay, I will.”

Her quick responses to anything beneficial for her were quite frustrating.

When I found a suitable spot to sit, Frey naturally took the seat next to me.

So was she interested in me that much?

Did hitting her earlier make me appealing as a punching bag?

But then what happens?

To raise her favorability to 70, I have to enlighten her about swords.

Of course, it’s not impossible, but that sort of thing won’t happen until the second year.

From my perspective, needing to build favorability with two people to 70 by the end of finals is a big deal; Frey’s goodwill won’t help at all!

The moment I sat down, I watched Frey happily humming to herself with a rhythm outside the window, and my head began to ache.


If only her terms weren’t such a hassle, I could have snagged one person with a 70 favorability.

What a shame, truly.

But hey, at least one of the empty spots next to me is filled.

Let’s be satisfied with that, shall we?


Before long, the professor entered the classroom and began giving the standard lecture that teachers always give at the entrance ceremony.

Things like the class schedule and what to expect in school life.

Since I’d heard all this while playing Soul Academy, I simply tuned him out as my mind wandered until the professor’s monologue concluded.

“With that, today’s entrance ceremony is officially complete. Thank you all for your hard work since this morning.”

That was it for the entrance ceremony.

Now we had some free time to do whatever we wanted.

Alright. As a veteran of Soul Academy, I should go grab the things I need!

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not work with dark mode