Switch Mode

Chapter 556

Chapter: 556

“What does it mean, ‘henhouse’?”

“Half of you looks fine, but your brain is already rotten, huh? If not, there wouldn’t be such a stench. Yep, my nose is on point.”

“I don’t smell like that! I’m still the Fairy Queen, you know! I only smell like flowers!”

The Fairy Queen looked more emotional than the one I’d seen during Ganshu’s trial. Perhaps this fragmented version of her possessed a younger mental age.

Despite her yelling, I couldn’t sense any hostility from her, so it seems she didn’t come here to attack me.

“Shut up, smelly lady. Talk about why you brought me to this trash dump.”

“Are you really someone loved by the God? How could someone like you say such things?”

“I don’t know what you’re imagining, but that perverted God loves getting shit on by little girls! He’s probably drooling up there right now!”

“Impossible! The Great God is a noble being!”

With a shrug, I threw a casual remark that made her explode in anger.

Now that I think about it, this girl has stayed stuck in the mythological era, hasn’t she?

Maybe she’s even met the God before.

But so what?

The pathetic God you encountered is some loser who thinks torturing me is the best way to pass time! What an awful guy whose sole purpose is to harass me!

I knew she wouldn’t believe me, so I kept quiet.

“Don’t just brush it off like that! The God—!”

“Can you keep it short? Every time you open your mouth, it stinks. I’m not trying to have that smell stick to my clothes!”

“…Why would the God do this to such a girl? Even if she looks like an angel, her tone is just awful.”

After grumbling for a while, the Fairy Queen sighed deeply and settled down on a tree stump.

“Alright, let’s get to the point. You met the fairies that woke up outside, right?”

“The ones that look like bugs?”

“…Their appearance is because the Fairy Queen was consumed by the Evil God’s aura. With all the fairies’ origins corrupted, it’s only natural that those born from nature turned out like that.”

“Born? What do you mean?”

Wait a minute. Born? What does that even mean? They were supposed to be the ones living in the forest all along!

“Yes, they’ve been born. Over centuries, as the Fairy Queen regains consciousness in dreams, the fairies are starting to reveal themselves again, just like before.”

This is dangerous.

As we already faced, the fairies’ power is formidable.

If they reach a certain level of strength, they could easily overpower other beings.

What’s more frightening is that this is more of a phenomenon.

As long as the Fairy Queen exists, they won’t disappear. Even the masters of the forest will eventually be subdued by the fairies!

…Is that why the pathetic God mentioned the forest fairies?

Damn it. If this was such an important matter, I wish they’d explained it better!

Stuff that doesn’t happen in games? How am I supposed to predict that!

What if I just think I can handle it later? You pathetic punk!

“The fairies outside were quite fairy-like, right?”

“Yeah, they were bug-like.”

“They won’t be like that once the dream of the Fairy Queen ends. Their purity exists because the Fairy Queen is still dreaming.”

“So what’s your point, henhouse lady?”

“Not long ago, Lord Erginius visited this place, right? Please tell him we don’t need fairies in this world anymore. Ask him to let the dreams end. That is the Queen’s wish. That will be enough.”

Wait a second. Are you really asking Erginius to kill you directly?

You want him to handle it before the awakened Fairy Queen turns the world upside down?

“What kind of nonsense is that clueless spellcaster about to pull?”

“I can guess. He probably wants to restore this forest to its original state.”


“That’s why I’m telling you. So his futile hopes don’t ruin even the slightest possibility. That the Fairy Queen can die as the Fairy Queen.”

A sacrifice for a greater cause. It’s better than countless sacrifices. This is roughly the message the Fairy Queen is trying to convey.

“You’re someone chosen by the God, so you probably won’t understand. But this is the best option. Those who have drifted far from the mythological era can’t create miracles.”

I can’t say I don’t understand her. I actually think that’s the realistic choice.

People today, whether or not they experienced it firsthand, are used to the world without fairies.

So even if fairies were to disappear forever, it wouldn’t cause much of a problem.

In contrast, trying to purify the fairy forest and restoring it to its original form could lead to great damage if it fails.

In the worst case, we might even see the calamity of the mythological era re-emerge.

But hey.

“Heh♡ So your brain rotted and your thinking is spoiled too?♡ Ha ha ha♡ It’s no wonder your mouth smells like something rotten♡”

If you were willing to compromise with reality, you wouldn’t have made this mess in the first place.

“Did you hear what I’m saying?”

“Unlike others, my hearing is just fine!♡ Are my eyes just for decoration?♡”

We came prepared to face the Evil God of Darkness.

We got ready to settle in for the battles of the mythological age.

And what? You want us to just make a compromise because you’re scared of the Fairy Queen waking up?

Hell no. If you think miracles can’t be created, then don’t even bother coming here.

“This isn’t something to take lightly! You don’t know the fear of the mythological era!”

“Well, what do you know about us, henhouse lady?♡ What do you know with that moldy mess all over you?♡”

Hah. What? You think I don’t know the fear of the mythological age? That’s rich coming from you.

“I’m the one who could turn this tiny forest into ashes!♡”

The Evil God of Darkness, while not complete, was nowhere near weak.

That bastard had the level of a mythological being. Yet he lost to me.

I shattered before the miracle I’d created.

“I was the one who taught you that you were nothing but a pathetic loser!!”

The Evil God of Darkness tried to exclude me by wagering everything he had.

Yet he ended up losing to me, losing even the strength to recover.

“So, what exactly am I supposed to not understand?♡ Can you repeat that for me?♡ Huh?♡”

No one understands the fear of the Evil God better than me in this world.

It’s not just due to my rotten nature; it’s something I can say with absolute confidence.

I’ve faced those Evil Gods more than anyone else and I’ve emerged victorious countless times.

“If you want to die, just bury yourself inside there and bite your tongue! If you don’t have the guts to do that, just shrink back and pray! You’ve become a relic of the past, lady!”

So let me get this straight, while you, unable to do anything against one Evil God, whine that we can’t save the Fairy Queen?

There’s a limit to the amount of whining I can tolerate.

Someone spent centuries buried underground waiting just for you, and now you’re asking for a mercy-kill?

Just ridiculous!

“Just hurry up and send me back. I don’t have the luxury to hang out with a loser like you.”

Looking at her, I could tell she wouldn’t help me at all. I just wanted to leave before I got more irritated.

Then I could vent my frustration by bothering Joy and Arthur.

As the chills crawled up my skin, I raised my shield.

A whip swung from my right. If I tried to block it clumsily, it would likely wrap around my shield.

So, I deliberately extended my empty hand, allowing the whip to entangle it before I pierced it with the tip of my shield, cutting the whip in half.

“Are you attacking out of anger?♡ Very much like a Fairy Queen!♡ How is it you’re just as childish as the bugs?♡”

“…You claimed you could create miracles.”

“Yup♡ Unlike anyone else, I’m young and competent, so I never give up!♡”

“Let’s see if you really can create miracles.”

As the Fairy Queen finished her words and stepped back, a cloudy light entered, revealing the scenery of the forest.

“Try escaping from this forest. If you succeed, I will fully cooperate with what Lord Erginius wants to do.”

“Why do I need to take help from an old bag like you?♡ Can’t you just let me go?♡”

“Are you lacking confidence?”

“What about you? Are you feeling confident?♡”

“Of course. You will never escape from here.”

Heh. So you want me to escape from this forest that looks like a dungeon?

Hah ha ha! Wow. How can you be so utterly foolish and ridiculous?

“Have you lost touch with reality, stuck dreaming in this forest? Alright, henhouse lady! I’ll mess you up like you want!♡”

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not work with dark mode