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Chapter 556

Chapter 556: I’m a genius, very sorry

This year, Su Hao encountered many strange disasters. While solving these strange disasters, he also gained many source devices corresponding to his abilities. After a simple study, he gained a certain understanding of the triggering methods of these special abilities.

First of all, he has confirmed one thing: “Source” is not matter, nor energy, but the critical thing for the transformation of matter and energy, while satisfying the mass-energy formula.

In other words, as long as you master the corresponding methods, you can obtain sufficient energy by depleting matter.

Conversely, energy can also be transformed into corresponding matter.

However, wanting to convert energy into matter will be more complicated because ‘energy’ itself is intangible, just a quantity of ‘motion state’ that can be observed but cannot be held in hand. Moreover, this motion state also needs something as a carrier.

So, the best approach is to use matter to transform into ‘source’, and then transform it into the specific matter you want, such as blood energy, spiritual power, special elements, etc.

If necessary, after transforming matter into source, it can be transformed into pure energy and erupted.

In other words, as long as there is matter, theoretically, anything can be achieved through the source, including the creation described in myths.

The deeper Su Hao’s understanding of the source, the more excited he becomes. If he can decipher the mystery of the source, he will once again achieve a qualitative leap, completely breaking free from dependence on various environments and boldly entering the deep and distant starry sky.

As long as there is matter, he will be omnipotent, and even obtain an extremely long life, never to sleep again!

He slowly clenched his fist: “I must crack it!”

“But I can’t do it alone. Although I have guessed the essence of the source, my understanding of it is still very shallow. I still need to do more experiments to grasp the characteristics of the source. I also need to understand the development history of this world, read the treasures left by the predecessors of this world, and enter space to understand the uniqueness of this universe…”

And now, these source devices have become his best experimental subjects.

He has a premonition that the secret of source transformation is hidden in these source devices.

So, the question is, how do strange disasters occur and how are they realized?

He speculated that it was related to the ‘spirit’ of living beings, but he still needed to do some experiments to determine the specifics.

At this point, the figure of Feng Cheng popped into Su Hao’s mind: “Hey! Isn’t Feng Cheng just a mage specializing in illusion source? It’s time to call him back to do experiments with me.”

Huai Shui Town has only two main streets, and the rest are alleys. At this moment, it is as quiet as ever. Rows of sturdy small brick houses are scattered, showing a unique rural style. Even after experiencing many disasters and destructions, as long as people are still alive, they can always rebuild and restore their peaceful lives at the fastest speed.

The big dog An’an quietly lay down in front of the window on the second floor, his godly eyes looking into the distance, as if he could see through the town, see through the mountains and rivers, and then see his owner far away.

It longed to run outside with its little master and have fun, but its little master had said before that its task was to watch the house and wait for them to come back. It remembered this point!

Suddenly, its eyes lit up, and its tail started slowly like a propeller, then spun wildly, its two supporting hind legs dancing a tap dance on the ground.

It saw the figure of its little master!

The big dog suddenly kicked its front legs back from the window and was about to run downstairs, but halfway through, it became uncertain, turned back, and stretched its head out of the window again, carefully peering.

No mistake, the little master didn’t run away!

It ran downstairs at the fastest speed, opened the door, and rushed towards the little master with its tongue out.

As it got closer, it suddenly braked, then showed its forehead, waiting for the little master to step on it with his little feet.

Su Hao laughed and didn’t disappoint it, placing his foot on the big dog’s forehead playfully.

This big dog now had good food and drink provided by Feng Cheng every day, and it had gained some weight, full of vitality. Its only regret was the lack of a pretty female dog to accompany it, a major regret in its life.

This big dog was good in every way, but it was too honest, unwilling to go out and flirt with female dogs. Otherwise, with its imposing appearance, it would definitely be able to produce many offspring.

As for Su Hao’s daily life, he was busy when he had something to do, either running around the world or staying at the island base for research. Whenever he felt drowsy and wanted to sleep, he would teleport back to the small building in Huai Shui Town to sleep. He had gotten used to it.

Most importantly, this big dog slowly learned how to deal with some manageable chores, making Su Hao live relatively comfortably.

Today, he came back early, waiting for the “Feng Shan Yang Wang Star Gazing Team” to return from their mission, and Ah Xing to treat them to dinner. This was also to draw a conclusion to the year’s wandering and data collection, and also to inquire about the recent situation of the four of them.

It was just the right time now, as the radar had already detected the trace of the team.

Su Hao waved to the big dog and said, “Let’s go, let’s mooch a meal together!”

In the Engrace Tavern, melodious music flowed gently, with few people around, all familiar customers gathered in small groups, secretly enjoying their leisure time.

The five members of the team sat quietly in a corner, talking in low voices about the process of this mission, occasionally bursting into laughter.

Of course, the most pleased one was Ah Xing, who had been emphasizing how wise his leadership was, but as he laughed, his entire face suddenly collapsed, crying out, “Brothers, I suddenly feel a bit lost, what should I do…”

Su Hao was surprised, “Isn’t it good? Haven’t we been moving forward on the path of your dreams all along? I’m sure it won’t be long before you become the renowned ‘Master of Strange Disasters’ worldwide. Even now, the reputation of our team has spread to various Origin Mage Associations, and many beautiful girls are trying to find out about your bed!”

Ah Xing nodded, still dejected, “That’s true, it seems so perfect. But… it’s completely different from what I imagined.”

Then he pointed to Yashan and Feng Cheng, “Originally, I thought that in this world, there might be only one genius like you, Aoyang, who could execute missions with such a genius. It was my honor. But what’s the matter with Ah Shan and Ah Cheng?”

Yashan and Feng Cheng looked utterly baffled.

Ah Xing continued, “Aoyang, they are both as monstrous as you! Do you know how I and Ah Wang have spent this past year? We’ve completely become spectators, watching their performances and applauding on the sidelines.

Our source abilities have been neglected for almost a year!

No matter what kind of disaster we encounter, just when we’re about to show off our skills, Ah Shan would say, ‘I can handle this disaster, I can solve it in ten seconds, let me make a positioning missile and send it into the sky.’

Sometimes Ah Cheng would also jump in, saying, ‘This is very simple, I don’t even need to lift a finger to handle it perfectly, give me ten seconds’…

I used to hear you say, ‘I sense the presence of a source beast ten thousand meters away,’ ‘I can sense the aura of the source.’ But Ah Shan and Ah Cheng are even more extreme, they would directly say, ‘Target detected, it’s just fifteen kilometers away’…

What the hell, why can’t I sense anything!”

In conclusion, he said, “If there were only you, Aoyang, as a peerless genius, I could still accept it and maintain a certain optimism and confidence, but suddenly discovering that there are geniuses everywhere, who peak as soon as they appear, I completely lost my confidence. Come and comfort me, or else I have no motivation to move forward!”

Ah Wang nodded in agreement, his face full of sorrow, obviously greatly affected in recent years.

Su Hao created a group chat and sent a message in it: “Yashan, Feng Cheng, you guys went too far! At least give them some opportunities to shine, look at what you’ve done, you’ve crushed them!”

Yashan immediately mentioned Feng Cheng: “@Feng Cheng, look at the mess you’ve made. I’ve been telling you not to show off your ‘Mind Control’ all the time. Now look, you’ve hurt Ah Xing and Ah Wang.”

Feng Cheng looked completely bewildered and sent a shocked expression.

It was clearly Yashan who started showing off first, but he couldn’t resist joining in!

But who made Yashan the boss?

He admitted defeat!

Then Feng Cheng sincerely said to Ah Xing and Ah Wang, “Ah Xing, Ah Wang, I’m sincerely sorry for my genius.”

Ah Xing and Ah Wang: “…”

Did they want apologies? They wanted comfort!

Why did they feel even more hurt after hearing that?


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My Divine Diary

My Divine Diary

My Journal of Godhood, 我的成神日志
Score 7.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he can’t live past five years of age every time he is reincarnated? The universe is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao decided on his first small goal — to become an adult. “How could I not even become an adult!” … Amidst Su Hao’s millions of reincarnations, one time after another. After obtaining enough knowledge, he discovered the way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to divinity. Maybe… you can too!


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