Switch Mode

Chapter 555

Chapter: 555

The fairies had no clue why, when, or how they woke from their eternal slumber. Just like they didn’t understand why flower buds bloom of their own accord in spring.

– “I wanted to sleep a bit longer.”
– “The dream was so nice!”
– “Yeah, the dream was super nice.”
– “So many beautiful flowers!”
– “And loads of fun stuff too!”

One thing they could confirm was that they were definitely fairies.

Even if their previous beautiful appearances had faded away, even if they’d lost the voices that used to blend seamlessly with the spring breeze, and even if they could no longer feel nature’s love, they still boasted of the beautiful sights from their dreams. They remained playful little fairies.

“I see.”

Phoebe, familiar with their whimsical chatter, nodded and smiled again.

“Now for another question.”

However, the fairies’ attitude had changed from just moments before. The cooperative demeanor in front of Phoebe’s bright smile had vanished, and they crossed their arms with insect-like limbs.

– “Now it’s our turn to talk!”
– “Exactly! We take turns asking questions!”
– “Are you a genius?”
– “Me? A genius?!”

“You’re right. I was rude. Fairies, please ask me anything.”

– “Why did you come to the forest?”
– “There’s nothing fun here!”
– “It’s boring and dark.”
– “Yeah, way too dark.”

Amid their babbling complaints about the forest, Phoebe thought for a moment and then opened her mouth with a bright smile.

“I came to see you all!”

– “Us?”
– “You mean us?”
– “Why?”

“Isn’t a reason needed to come see something I like?”

If a sensible person had heard that, they might have furrowed their brow at such nonsense, but it resonated well with the whimsically airy-brained fairies.

Their laughter was more chilling than the sound of metal scraping against iron, proving it.

– “Good?”
– “It’s good, then?”
– “It’s nice, huh?”
– “Then let’s play!”
– “What shall we do?”
– “What should we play?”

[Oh dear.]

However, winning their hearts might not be the optimal choice.

‘Speak freely.’
[You should know from what just happened that fairy games are seriously wild by human standards. Especially now with the Evil God’s aura around.]

…So, this surprise attack we just faced was just a game to them?

That was an attack that wouldn’t have been odd if it had instantly killed someone else!

So, this is what happens when your brain gets scrambled by a powerful being.

[Don’t outright refuse their games. It was annoying when they were sane; now it would be even worse.]

‘Got it. I understand vaguely.’

I pulled Phoebe’s shoulder back when she hesitated to answer. The fairies perched in the trees were giving us judgmental looks.

I’ve heard they like pretty things, but are they really just fixated on appearances like a clumsy fox? For me, it’s actually a relief.

If those bug-like creatures had been transformed into pervy little followers, I would have gotten chills all over.

“Like, what kind of games can you fairies play anyway? I bet you can only play tag or something.”

– “We’re not fools!”
– “We know a lot!”
– “Tag is fun, right?”
– “It is fun, but…”
– “Hey!”
– “Anyway, no! Something else!”

Just looking at the atmosphere made it clear they didn’t dislike the idea of tag, but rather, they hated that it came from someone as annoying as me.

“Hmmm♡ You’re not confident, huh?♡”

So I grinned a little.

“After spending your whole lives in a forest that would make even demons upchuck, it’s natural you’d be scared of losing to a little brat like me, right?♡ Pff♡ Such a bug-brained idea♡”

– “Absolutely not!”
– “So annoying!”
– “We hate you!”
– “You little brat!”

“If you’re confident, then go for it!♡ After all, you wouldn’t lose to someone like me, right?♡ Right?♡”

– “Challenge!”
– “We won’t lose to you!”
– “Bring it on!”

The fairies easily took the bait behind my teasing and started shouting childish insults as they dispersed into different directions.

How interesting. When we first met, I thought they might ambush us at any moment due to their odd appearances.

Unlike my expectations, they turned out to be easy to manage—basically like little kids.

“Did I just scare off the fairies?”

“Yup. I worked hard to entertain the incompetent prince who can’t do anything but watch from the sidelines. It’s a joy to see you blabber nonsense like that.”

“Sorry about that.”

We passed through the area the fairies had been blocking just moments ago and didn’t take long to arrive at our destination.

Nearby the barrier sealing the fairy forest. The swirling aura of the Evil God was visible beyond the barrier created by Erginius.

The energy, long bereft of its master, was grotesque, devouring the sunset as it approached—like an impending shadow.

“Are we really going to barge in there?”

“…Erginius said it wouldn’t be dangerous to touch the barrier. So we should be fine.”

Joy spoke as if reaffirming herself, but her hands were quivering. Even I, used to facing the Evil God’s aura, found it unsettling.

I could easily predict how someone without any holy magic, like Joy, would see it.

If left unguarded, she might surely make a mistake. I needed to figure out how to comfort her.

Ah. I have an idea.


I smiled at Joy’s answer and took her hands in mine.

Then, I said a little prayer for her.

Having prayed every morning to the Pathetic God for a boost to my stats, I was accustomed to the ritual.

What’s the big fuss about praying anyway?

Just a casual compliment to the God, a thank you, followed by voicing my wishes. Then, thank them again, and that’s that.

A proper priest would make that sound incredibly refined and noble, but I’m an Apostle of the Great God, not a sophisticated priest.

So generally, “Oh great divine presence, please take good care of my friend. If you don’t do it right, I swear I won’t pray from tomorrow!” or something along those lines should be enough.

As I finished my prayer and opened my eyes, I saw Joy staring blankly at me, a teary-eyed Phoebe holding back her emotions, Frey staring at me with a sense of wonder, Karl nodding in agreement, and Arthur looking around frantically.

What’s up with him again?

I took my gaze off Arthur, who had no intention of turning his head after seeming confused for such a long time, and looked back at Joy.

“You won’t do something foolish after I went this far, right? You little brat.”

“Who do you think I am? I’m a genius magician who learned from you!”

“Hmmm. Is that so?”

Joy’s hand still trembled slightly, but her eyes told a different story. She was no longer avoiding the darkness within the barrier.

“Third Prince, could you help me draw the magic circle?”

“What do I need to do?”

Joy, already out of the realm of student level, quickly completed the magic circle with Arthur’s help.

“Okay, here I go.”

As she breathed out and infused her magical energy into the circle, countless images arose around her.

The magic floating in the air wasn’t what I recognized as typical magic; it had an abstract form, but strangely, the meanings it held were clearer than ever.

I barely knew anything about magic, but this felt different. For some reason, I could grasp what each symbol in the magic circle represented.

To Joy’s right was communication. Next to communication was tranquility, sealing, silence, domination, and.


It was astonishing that I could understand Joy’s magic that I barely comprehended just now as the surrounding scenery faded into darkness.


The absence of a response indicated my consciousness was captured by someone else.

This is bad.

My resistance to magic was far beyond that of an average knight.

Thanks to the blessing from the clumsy fox and the holiness I always wrapped around me, even if my mind was taken over, I shouldn’t be this helpless.

So, the being that called me here must be on an entirely different level than me. They belong underground or in the heavens, or very close to them.

“Hello there.”

The instant the voice echoed in my ears, the darkened world regained its light again.

The parched earth. The now grotesque trees that had long since decayed. A scent of mold drifting into my nostrils. The depth of darkness resembling a cave, not dawn.

“O beloved one graced by the God.”

As I scanned the environment and turned to look behind me, I saw a woman seated on a tree stump.

Her face was divided into several parts. The forehead appeared almost transparent black as if consumed by darkness. One side looked wrinkled like that of an old woman. The rest was her original appearance.

“I sincerely apologize for inviting you this way. But please understand, I had no other choice.”

I recognized her. More precisely, I knew her from the past.

She lamented her own incompetence while using every means possible to protect the forest, and was prepared to sacrifice her life for a single girl.

“I’m late with the introduction. I am the one once called the Queen of the Fairies. And now, I am but a fragmented being lost to dreams and reality.”

She blushed at the mention of a henhouse, which made her look quite pitiable.

“Is this my subconscious? Or a self-awareness? Perhaps fragments? I guess it’s something like that, so please treat me comfortably. The fairy queen lost in her happy dreams won’t remember this conversation.”

So, she was a fragment.

…Fragments? What does that even mean?

Did my expression betray my confusion? The woman in front of me widened her eyes, laughed for a long time, and then spoke in a relaxed tone.

“The fairy queen is closer to a divine being than a mere creature. It’s not unusual for the essence of her mind to scatter when her mental state becomes unstable.”

“So much useless knowledge, eh? Henhouse lady. Does your face improve as it ferments like mold until the stench is unbearable?”


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not work with dark mode