Switch Mode

Chapter 553

Chapter: 553

After making a decision, things sped up. Well, not really; we’re quite the big shots, after all.

“The Saintess is our symbol and beacon! We can’t send her to the most dangerous places!”

“Even now, when the atmosphere in the church is grim, people rely on the Church of the Lord because of the Saintess. We can’t possibly send her!”

“Saintess, please reconsider. Without you, we…”

For now, the church’s opposition was intense.

With the Pope planning an internal purge, many faces were fading away, while new ones popped up like daisies in spring.

In this chaos, the reason believers remain steadfast in their faith is that the Church’s symbol, Phoebe, shines like the sun.

Knowing this, the priests worried about what would happen if Phoebe were to fall into danger and hoped she wouldn’t get into trouble in the first place.

Some truly believe in Phoebe as a Saintess, while others know she was created as one.

“Everyone, quiet down.”

Given the scale of this matter, the bishop dispatched—no, the one who filled the vacant cardinal seat, Johan—quieted the priests with a wave of his hand and gazed silently at Phoebe.


“Yes, Cardinal Johan.”

“As you know, your light is necessary for the church. It has become essential.”

“Well, that’s a bit overwhelming, but it’s a joy nonetheless.”

“Many would grieve if you were to disappear.”

“That’s true, but new hope will surely blossom. I wish to go to those who can no longer face hope.”

“Is that God’s will?”

“That’s my will. God loves even the puppets that only follow His words, but I don’t want to be one of them.”

To God and the believers, that might come off as somewhat irreverent, but Johan seemed satisfied with her answer, persuading the other priests from the frontlines. He really is a good priest, all things considered.

“He says that now, but he was absolutely against this at first. He said there’s no need to risk one’s life for remnants of the past.”

As Phoebe left the priests’ presence, she chuckled while watching Johan’s back.

“But he eventually acknowledged it.”

“Did that old timer really get moved by the pathetic preaching of the useless Saintess?”

“Well, it’s hard to call it preaching. Still, he admitted that even remnants of the past deserve a chance for salvation.”

Just like Johan’s gaze was warm with concern for Phoebe, Phoebe’s eyes also glimmered with warmth as she watched his back.

The two, who could never be together in the game, had come to see each other as family.

“To win the favor of the fairies, I have no choice.”

Next up was Duke Partran, who listened to me with his usual fierce expression.

“I’ve heard from Lord Erginius ahead of time. I confirmed my daughter’s will. So, I originally planned to follow the plan. However, this is different.”

Then he offered me pressure that sent off alarm bells, unlike the usual intimidation.

“You are excellent, but you are still students. Too young. You all are far too clumsy to be called seasoned warriors. You dare approach the remnants of the Mythological Era? With my daughter, who might become the future of magic?”

Duke Partran is a dude who’s known for his flubs and constant mistakes, yet he’s also remarkable enough to be the leader among the five dukes.

He’s a Grand Mage, a ruler overseeing powerful territories, and a knight who can proudly smile in front of Benedict’s giant presence.

Honestly, his intimidation was the kind that’s hard to endure. Especially that face of his.

I mean, when a mobster running the country genuinely shows intent to kill, it’s only natural to feel the pressure.

Whatever. Still, I could handle it.

“Why?♡ Are you worried you’d cry for three straight days if your daughter were to die?♡ Or are you fearing she’d lose the will to live and be a mess?♡ I’d really love to see that look on your face, ♡I wonder if your evil face would still look whole if you turn into a waste case?♡”

I’ve faced countless strong opponents up till now. Even the Evil God from the Mythological Era stood in front of me.

And I insulted them. Made them mad. I chuckled, hiding my trembling hands while getting them all riled up.

But you think I’d be scared of this daughter doting old man?

Ha. That’s just ridiculous.

If this old man was to break into a laugh instead, I might actually consider running away for real.

“Are you perhaps harboring some feelings for my daughter, hmm?♡ I bet a fool like you would be surprised to hear that, given your obsession with romance novels!♡”

“Hey now, don’t go making excuses based on touching someone’s feelings. You might end up really dead.”

Whoa. Got caught, huh? Turned out he’s a sharp cookie, even if he’s a bit of a goof.

Not that I care.

If just realizing things can prevent a provocation, those dirty, high and mighty Evil Gods wouldn’t stand a chance playing around with me.

“Are you angry?♡ Can’t hold back your urge to scream at your daughter’s friend?♡ Finally revealing your hidden rapist nature?♡”

“Sorry, but I’ve never cast my gaze on anyone besides my wife. And definitely not on a brat like you.”

“Hmm♡ Is that really true?♡”

“Fine, fine. I get it. I’ll end this test now, just try to keep things reasonable. It’s frustrating to keep my emotions in check.”

Sighing and waving his hand, the Duke pressed his forehead, threw up his arms, and brushed his hair back.

“Are you confident in protecting your daughter?”

“I think I could do a better job than a worthless father who prioritizes the family name over his daughter, you know?”

He’d clearly value her life more than his own.

I still believe that if my friends died, it would be better for me to die instead.

I’ve just resolved to ensure everyone meets a happy ending.

“That’s good enough. I’ve heard about the miracle you performed from Duke Burrow, so I believe you. Please work your magic again this time.”

After asking him to take good care of his daughter, I sought Kent’s family, where I met Count Kent, who looked a bit worn out, and Frey, ready to roll.

“I’ve heard the story.”

“But you’re not saying anything?”

“I do what I must, and my daughter does what she must. Frey is a skilled swordsman. There shouldn’t be any danger here.”

“Right. I’ll slice everything up.”

Then I went to Arthur, who after hearing my story, exchanged a few words with the captain of the knights and slipped out.

This was probably the most absent-minded I had seen him during our talks.

“Of course. Unlike you all, I’m inconsequential, see? They’ll be celebrating my absence rather than mourning it.”

Pi huh? I nodded. I didn’t really get why Arthur came here alone, anyway. He’d just stir up trouble if he tried to garner favor.

“Hey. Why are you nodding your head?”

“Because like you said, you’re useless, Prince.See? You’re better off sitting on the sidelines and giving advice.”

“You’re supposed to comfort me right now!”

“I don’t want to. What if I sow false hope and then you go sulk like a loser?”

“Can’t you say it nicely?!”

“I can’t, so if you’re upset, why don’t you just shut your mouth?”

“What does that mean? Aaaah! For real!”

Finally, when I reached Benedict, he wiped the sweat off his hands before ruffling my hair with a grin while moving with the other knights.

“Take care! Come back safe.”

“…So you’re saying it would be fine if I don’t come back, huh? Silly Papa?”

“No way! I’m worried, and if they destroy the hospitality and whatever, I’m pissed at the god who puts you in danger. Still, you’ll move forward with your own choices. Then I must support you. Like a father would.”

Hearing the hesitation in Benedict’s voice, I kept my mouth shut momentarily before charging into his broad frame.

Though his physique was more akin to a giant than a human, he wobbled despite my unexpected tackling.

“Dumb! I’m not going inside yet! I’m just going to take this test. T.E.S.T. You’d think a silly Papa like you wouldn’t get that. You should apologize to the knights. Apologize for passing down the blood of a foolish troll to me.”

“W-what? What did this Papa just say? I thought I was saying something good. No! Lucy! LUCY!”

After getting everyone’s permission, I got ready to head near the fairy forest’s barrier.

Cross-referencing Erginius’s map with the kingdom’s created map, I recorded everything.

Thinking about the preparations against those presumed to be inside.

Incorporating various accidents that occurred in the nearby fairy forest into my mind so I could prepare for any contingencies.

Preparing tactics for the worst-case scenario as well.

And when I thought all my preparations were complete, I gathered my friends.

“Hey, you dummy! Did you pick up that scheming outlook of the virgin loser?”

“What I’m learning is the wisdom of the Grand Mage. I have no intention of learning that virgin’s skills.”

“You’re not denying your mentor is a loser, huh? You’re a bad person for not knowing gratitude!”

“…Huh? No. That’s not….”

“People who don’t know gratitude are basically beasts, right?”

“It’s fine. Joy. God will show mercy even to beasts.”

“God’s amazing.”

“Why does everyone treat me like a beast?! I’m a perfectly normal person! I know about gratitude! Isn’t that right?! Professor Karl!”

“…Guards shouldn’t interfere in such matters.”

“You too?!”

Ignoring Joy’s annoyance, I checked everyone’s gear and condition. Great! Everyone’s set and ready.

There were no flaws. If this were on the other side of the screen, I’d crush any final boss without breaking a sweat.

Honestly, if it were over there, I could easily take them down barehanded, so whatever.

“Useless bunch! Stop slacking off and get moving. If you make me sleep outdoors, I’ll turn you into my bedding.”

Let’s go! To where the fairy forest lies!

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not work with dark mode