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Chapter 547

Chapter: 547

The moment Inuki was inspired by Lucy Alrn’s figure, he rushed out of the Soul Academy Street.

“Master! Haven’t we already borrowed the blacksmith’s place?!”

“Do you really think you can make proper gear there?”

Inuki had originally planned to rent a decent blacksmith shop on the street to make armor. But discovering it was much better than he expected, he thought that would suffice.

However, that was only when he was crafting for a promising knight. Now that he had decided to pour his whole life into making gear, everything had to be perfect.

“After coming back after a long time, are you really saying you want me to hand over the blacksmith shop?”

One of the few blacksmiths Inuki respected scoffed when he heard that Inuki wanted to borrow the shop for a few days after years of absence.

“Unlike you, who only makes gear for the ones you like, I’m a merchant who is open for business constantly. What kind of fool goes days without swinging a hammer?”

“Just hand over a portion of that earth-enriched metal.”

What Inuki offered was something previously referred to as Majoh Clay by Lucy.

Even though he had given over half of it to Lucy, he inexplicably followed his instinct to keep the other half.

He wondered how and where to use this, but upon facing Lucy, he found enlightenment. The thoughts swirling in his head could have been deemed a sort of revelation.

“So, you’re telling me this plain-looking clay will be mixed with iron?”

“It’s not just iron. I’ll use mithril.”

“…Have you gone senile?! Why would you waste such a precious thing by mixing it in dirt?!”

The blacksmith raised his voice, demanding to see the mithril instead, but Inuki effortlessly ignored him.

With a past connection, the blacksmith reluctantly accepted Inuki’s request, watching with scornful eyes as his apprentice observed Inuki’s work.

“Is that guy’s head still intact? Inuki isn’t the type to play with metal.”

“He was still acting wacky as usual yesterday, so he must be fine.”

“Hey, you foolish apprentice! Instead of bashing your master, come and help!”

“Yes, yes!”

Inuki watched as the mithril melted in the superheated forge he conjured with fire magic.

Mithril is known as a miraculous metal because of its unique lightness and incredible magical conductivity.

But more than that, what blacksmiths loved about this metal was its property of fusion.

Undoubtedly bestowed by the gods, this amazing metal embraced everything.

Just as the gods look upon the world equally, it accepts all forms of magic and energy without bias.

So, anything contained within this earth would also be absorbed by mithril.

As Inuki mixed the soil into the lava-like molten mithril, he quickly became confident that his thoughts were correct.

He might not know the exact change occurring within the mithril right now.

However, it was clear that this was the will of the great being who had given him a revelation. All that was left for him to do was swing his hammer.

Following the inspiration that filled his mind.

Reflecting on the unshakeable vision before him.

Continuing. Continuing. Continuing.

As days passed where he forgot to sleep while relentlessly hammering away, Inuki grinned at the results he had produced.

“Hey, Inuki. You’re not going to say this is the end, are you?”

Yet, the blacksmith watching Inuki’s armor frowned.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“There’s a lot wrong! You senile old man! Do you think this is appropriate for a knight on the front lines?! Do you think those wielding weapons will avoid hitting each other’s skin?!”

Simply stated, the armor Inuki made had too many gaps. It was so revealing that it felt like it could inflict fatal wounds from any attack.

“Which crazy pervert noble asked you to dress a whore in this armor?!”

“Do I look like someone who would accept such a request?”

“No! Then why are you making something like this?! I don’t understand what you’re thinking!”

What aggravated the blacksmith even more was that despite the armor being too flawed to serve its purpose, Inuki’s craftsmanship was stunningly high quality.

If not for the numerous gaps that made it pointless as armor, what Inuki created looked like it had been hammered out directly by the blacksmith god himself.

Even in the dim blacksmith shop, the armor radiated brilliance, prompting even the proud blacksmith to consider wanting to craft such armor himself.

That only made him more frustrated. How could someone with such remarkable talent craft something with so much skin exposed?!

“Is it because there’s not enough mithril?! I can give you some!”

“Not that I would have needed yours. I have some left over.”


“I paid for this with that. Oh, and if you want to see the true value of the armor, come to the Alrn territory in a few days. You’ll see.”

Leaving behind the blacksmith, who was shouting, Inuki’s next destination was Academy Street.

As soon as he presented the armor to Nikis, the blacksmith realized for whom it was made.

“Is this something meant for Young Lady Alrn? It’s truly beautiful, but it’s hardly armor.”

“Enough of that. Just make an inner garment to wear beneath this. You do remember her measurements, right?”

“Of course, I remember. Sigh. You really are stubborn to the end. Fine. However, please go see Lady Karia and get me some threads from the Red-Striped Moth. Since this armor can’t function as real armor, I need to take extra care.”

The Red-Striped Moth was a creature that appeared only in dungeons far to the east.

Their silk, originating from the damp swamps they inhabited, was strong enough not to shred under swords and could ensnare arrows mid-flight.

Finding the pupae of these rare moths in dungeons made them incredibly difficult to acquire, but if this material could make an outfit, it would perform better than some mediocre armor.

“I’ll have to dig into my savings.”

Karia, upon hearing Inuki’s request, grimaced at the daunting task but agreed to fetch the supplies for free since it was for Lucy.

Before even half a day had passed, Karia appeared with the threads, and Nikis immediately began weaving the garment.

“It fits the Young Lady perfectly, but it won’t hinder your movements.”

“Sounds good.”

Nodding satisfied at Nikis’ work, Inuki headed straight for the Alrn family. He wanted to see Lucy Alrn wearing his creation as soon as possible.

“She should be training inside right now.”

“Can you guide me? I’d like to personally deliver the armor to her.”

Cal, Lucy’s escort, showed hesitation for a moment, but Benedikt, standing behind him, laughed heartily and allowed Inuki to enter.

Thanks to that, Inuki earned the chance to meet Lucy directly, and he and Cal opened the door to the training ground.

And then he encountered her.

Lucy, dancing the fairy dance.

Her steps felt as light as if she was bounding over petals.

Her movements were soft as if she was gliding with the wind.

As her feet moved, the warm sacred presence marked the ground around her.

Though playful and lighthearted, the beauty of the fairy dance was so captivating that Inuki found it hard to look away, only moments later realizing the sacred energy scattered around was not mere decoration.

What had flowed away with her movements was now shining upon the ground, forming a magical domain.

A territory created from the warm divine light spreads, becoming a stage that highlights the dancing fairy. A sacred place that drives away the vile darkness.

Watching Lucy dance amidst the sacred energy, Inuki envisioned her donned in the armor he had created.

Lucy, dancing gracefully in her new armor, appeared strikingly beautiful even in the clumsy imagination filling Inuki’s mind.

Perhaps because of that, he could no longer contain the excitement boiling within and walked toward Lucy.

And then he shouted.

“Your armor is ready!”

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