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Chapter 544

Chapter: 544

When Joy first stepped into the meeting room of the Burrow Mansion, she was greeted by familiar faces.

The representatives of the Art Guild, the Sword Saint, Count Artea, and Erginus, who had recently taught her magic, were all present.

Thanks to this, Joy was able to introduce them to Duke Partran and Jeff Partan.

Jeff, not particularly close to them, lowered his head respectfully as he met each person, but Duke Partran’s eyes were solely focused on one individual—Erginus.

“You look just as depicted in the history books.”

“Did you wish for me to look more shabby?”

“No, not at all. I’m simply glad to see the pinnacle of magic in such fine health.”

Though his words carried a tone of sincere respect, others looked at Duke Partran with concern.

His expression of joy seemed ominous, as if he might torture the great mage for knowledge.

“There are several things I’d like to ask you—”

Duke Partran intended to pursue a line of questioning as a wizard’s curiosity sparked, but he didn’t get to finish.

Just before he could, the noble Second Queen made her entrance.

“Did I interrupt?”

“…No, not at all.”

Ignoring the Duke’s piercing gaze, the Second Queen settled in, and soon after, the First Queen appeared, followed by many other guests. Yet, the person who had drawn them all together, Lucy Alrn, still hadn’t shown her face.

Lucy, when do you plan to arrive!? Is it okay to keep all these people waiting like this?!

Even without being the main character, Joy felt a tightness in her chest when she heard a girl’s voice from outside.

Thank goodness! She isn’t so late that it’s completely rude!

With Lord Benedict’s reputation at stake, she figured they could manage with a few words!

At that moment, as Joy sighed in relief at Benedict’s apology, Lucy revealed herself behind the large figure of Benedict.

Though Joy prided herself on spending a significant amount of time with Lucy, today’s Lucy seemed different. She wasn’t just well-dressed; she radiated an extraordinary aura.

Lucy looked more noble than ever before, so radiant that if the Apostles of the Art Guild proclaimed her as a goddess, Joy would find herself nodding along without even realizing it.

It appeared that Joy wasn’t the only one captivated by these feelings.

The Apostle of the Art Guild had already fallen back in awe.

Count Artea gazed at Lucy in a daze, forgetting about the people around him.

Both Duke Burrow and Duke Partran gasped in unison, while the Second Queen couldn’t help but chuckle in admiration.

Phoebe, along with others from the church, blinked in astonishment, seemingly enchanted by her presence.

Even the usually passive First Queen might have had some thoughts brewing.

However, the shock that struck them all took a different turn soon after.

Lucy unleashed her infamous foul-mouthed remarks.

Starting with a rejection of those seeing her in a perverted light, she followed up with a statement that implied they should know who they were dealing with.

She even threw in some harsh words about those who couldn’t wait for her!

While those remarks were undeniably classic Lucy, the problem lay in the fact that this wasn’t just any ordinary space.

In a place where even Duke Burrow and Duke Partran had to mind their manners, how could she lash out like that?!

Joy couldn’t help but feel as if things were about to spiral out of control even though she wasn’t the one in the spotlight.

She knew that Lucy didn’t actually mean any of it, but still.

What do I do? How can I help her? I hardly have a voice here; what can I even do?!

While desperately racking her brain for ways to save Lucy from the predicament, luckily, it appeared she wouldn’t have to take action, as Erginus, seated at the head, spoke up first.

“Don’t worry; no one here has said anything about your lateness.”

“Oh. I see you’re not as pathetic as I thought. Were all of you just patient adults? Should I commend you?”

“Let’s skip that; just take a seat. Since they valued you enough to wait, you should reciprocate.”

“Tch. That’s so stingy. Is that why you’ve never held a woman’s hand before, oh pitiful mage?”

“Enough noise.”

Erginus, the hero of the mythological era, who was not someone easily provoked, brushed off her disregard, causing others to nod in agreement.

Sure, there might be some grievances lurking in the shadows, but with Erginus and his tablemates showing no sign of dissent, who would dare to raise their voice?

Had this been in the past, there would have been chaos. Remembering all the incidents Lucy caused back in the day, Joy felt how much Lucy’s position had changed.

“I am Muir, representative of the forest’s masters. Known in the world as the one with the sharpest fangs.”

“…Wasn’t that just a legend?!”

“We’re certainly experiencing a lot of surprises this year.”

Most attendees of the meeting widened their eyes upon hearing Muir’s name.

This made perfect sense, as his name appeared frequently in heroic tales.

In a world where fairies had disappeared, he was one not to be trifled with concerning the forest.

The sharpest fangs in the world—a renowned presence, respected not just by the kingdom, but by multiple nations.

Once Muir and Lina seated themselves, Duke Burrow verified some details and then stood up.

“Now that everyone has arrived, I’d like to introduce the main topic—strategies for conquering the Fairy Forest. First, Erginus?”

“Greetings, everyone. I am Erginus, unworthy of the title of hero and, of course, the great mage.”

The sight of a living mythological hero being present was surreal, yet no one in attendance doubted his words.

The Saintess from the God Church, the Apostle of the Art Guild, the Queens of the kingdom, and great Dukes all recognized him as the hero. How could others dispute them?

“This initiative was my suggestion…”

Erginus allowed for every issue surrounding the Fairy Forest to be expressed as a burden he carried while present here across time.

Most nobles in attendance were pleasantly surprised, acknowledging they had a compelling reason to rejoice.

The hero was openly declaring a mission.

Even the rogue scum from other nations wouldn’t dare to protest against this.

While attendees whispered amongst themselves, Erginus explained his plan.

Although prominent figures questioned him now and then, he answered them with perfect clarity, even tackling matters they might have had tucked away in their hearts.

Thanks to this, as the discussions drew to a close, those conceding that the plan might lead to failure in rescuing the Fairy Forest were practically nonexistent.

Some losses were expected, but the Fairy Forest was destined for salvation.

“It seems there are no further questions.”

Very few were surprised by this outcome.

With such colossal figures present, was there really any room for inadequacies in the plan?

Everyone, naturally anticipating that restoring the Fairy Forest would indeed be feasible, sat well-prepared for this discussion.

Thus, when Erginus concluded, attendees, particularly those needing to uphold their respective groups—like mercenary leaders and magical unit heads—turned their focused eyes toward those seated up high in the meeting room.

The silent First Queen and the clearly contemplative Second Queen orchestrating the proceedings, joined by people like Count Alrn and Count Benedict.

It was essential for them to speak first before others could even voice their thoughts.

Could this sense of urgency have been noticed? The First Queen blinked, then beamed a bright smile as she began to speak.

“Our kingdom’s First Knight Order will take the forefront.”

That was a remark so radical it was unimaginable in a light-hearted context.

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