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Chapter 543

Chapter: 543

The people of Burrow territory had been hearing stories from the Duke’s household for the past few days.

They were warned to limit their outings on the day that numerous big shots are set to arrive.

If someone absolutely had to go outside, they were to show respect to every outsider they crossed paths with.

While the residents of the territory absorbed this information, they couldn’t help but question:

Who could possibly be arriving that warranted such a warning from the Duke’s family?

When the day arrived, the residents squinted out their windows, eager to catch a glimpse.

“Are we the first guests? Well, we certainly got here early,”

the first visitors were the Apostles of the Art Guild. Having done many noble deeds in Burrow before, he was quite popular amongst the people here.

Had he come alone, wouldn’t the townsfolk have crowded around him?

“I told you it was too early,”

one of the residents muttered upon seeing the Apostle, their excitement dimmed because he wasn’t alone.

Next to him stood a well-known face, famous enough that even the commoners of Burrow would recognize him.

The Sword Saint Yuden. The hero who often appears in Bard’s tales, who was said to have cleaved mountains in two with just a sword.

“Enough chit-chat! I’m curious about what the current Duke of Burrow is like,”

a handsome man stood beside them, but the townsfolk weren’t paying him any mind.

Compared to the strikingly handsome Apostle and the ruggedly attractive Sword Saint, the relatively plain mage seemed lackluster.

After the three made their way to the mansion, the residents realized the Duke’s family wasn’t just overreacting.

Those three were considerable figures themselves, implying even greater guests were on the way!

“Already arrived guests? Ah, are we talking about that Prestigious…? Guess I can go check out some face.”

Not long after, the head of the Adeline House appeared with a grand carriage.

Using space magicians, she had traversed spaces while still in the carriage, and after inspecting the baggage, she headed to the mansion.

“You did well for the first time, Joy. Though you nearly caught a free dive in the middle of the ocean,”

she praised.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize. Joy, both your father and I think you did brilliantly.”

Next, members of the Partran family finally showed up.

The Duke, surrounded by sinister rumors, alongside his prickly-looking daughter.

And with the oddly suspicious-looking Duke’s son, the residents held their breath, waiting for them to leave.

A single slip could end their lives!

“I thought we’d arrive early, but it seems others are faster.”

“Better this way. Queen Consort No. 2, let’s go ahead and greet.”

“Indeed, we should discuss last time.”

However, even after that, residents couldn’t keep their eyes open.

The Second Queen of the Kingdom had appeared with a group of others.

Just as people were desperately trying to avoid the royal gaze, another teleportation spell activated, introducing yet another individual.

“Heh, our dear Queen Consort No. 2 is in a rush, eh? Would’ve liked to go together,”

the voice of the solemn First Queen echoed.

The residents trembled at the sight of her escort, unable to even meet their eyes. Once her procession finished, they exhaled in relief.

And finally understood why the Duke’s family had been adamant about caution.

“What on earth is happening in Burrow territory?”

Why were so many esteemed individuals, usually seen once a year if lucky, gathering here? The residents’ curiosity only grew.

“Okay, let’s hurry up,”

someone said.

“Wait a moment! Frey, give me a moment to prepare!”

the Kent family appeared.

“How did I end up in this situation?”

Count Newman, looking as pale as if he were about to vomit blood, shuffled forward.

“Let’s move, everyone.”

“Yes, Saintess.”

“May the God bless us.”

The high priests of the God Church, including the Saintess, headed towards the mansion.

Even after that, the teleportation magic circle kept whisking guests into the territory.

As the residents began to wonder if the Evil God was about to resurrect, the teleportation circle activated once more.

“You’re all quite diligent, huh? We thought we’d be the last.”

The first thing that caught everyone’s eye was a man with a build like a giant.

None other than Benedict Alrn, the national hero and the greatest knight in the land. Though silently buried for years, he remained an object of admiration for many.

“I apologize for being late.”

“Yeah, it’s your fault, Muir.”

“…Rina, didn’t you guide me to the wrong place as well?”

And next to them stood those whose mere presence could enthrall people; a captivating woman and a sharp-looking man, almost intimidating.

Though their faces were unfamiliar, their stature beside Benedict Alrn proved how significant they were, leaving the residents holding their breath.

“Shut it, you pawns. Why the ruckus? Of course, lesser guests are waiting for the important day,”

when a little girl emerged, the residents instinctively focused on her.

With a slight frown, the girl looked like a piece of art.

Her eyes shone with a brilliance even brighter than jewels, her skin pure and bright like light itself, arms and legs exuding both fragility and strength, all draped in a black dress that looked like it was spun from the night sky.

“…An angel?”

As someone mumbled about how she looked like she’d spread her wings and soar, those nearby nodded in agreement.

“An angel.”

“It’s an angel.”

“Is this a blessing upon our territory?”

“Let’s pray.”

“May nothing happen here.”

The residents of the territory couldn’t understand why they felt reverence just upon seeing her.

They couldn’t reject those feelings and instead surrendered their hearts, expressing gratitude toward the angel gracing their land with a blessing.

“Whoa. Well, life sure is full of surprises, huh?”

“What’s wrong, silly Papa? Carry me.”

“Haha, am I embarrassing you?”

“Change how you call me?”

“Fine, let’s go quickly.”


‘What’s with these people?!’

When I was at the Art Guild, I could understand to some extent.

Of course, the minions of the perverted crow deity wouldn’t be normal human beings!

But why are the ordinary folks from Burrow Territory praying to me?!

What did I do to provoke this?!

Sure, I’ve made an effort to dress up a bit today!

To set a commanding presences, I wielded every trick in the book! But is it really this excessive?!

You guys aren’t some kind of perverts, are you?!

[Maybe it’s the influence of the blessing you bestowed upon this territory last time.]

‘…What does that even mean?’

[Their souls recognize a savior.]

No, what?!

…Okay, forget it. I don’t want to think about it. Even if I hear the explanation, it feels like it’ll only give me a headache.

As I continued sighing deeply, I arrived at the Burrow family mansion and couldn’t help but feel pity for the thoroughly tense servants.

Surely they were praying for this nightmare of a day to finish soon.

I’m sorry, everyone. But we can’t be doing this in our territory.

Now that you’ve earned a lifetime of drunken stories, please be satisfied with that.

As I silently apologized, the door to the meeting room finally appeared before us.

From inside, the ongoing commotion echoed.

The voices of the royalist queen, the dreaded queen, the nerdy mage, the slacker duke, the saintess Phoebe, and many others flowed in and out.

If I opened that door, wouldn’t all eyes turn to me?!

Ugh! I feel like my stomach’s about to burst!

I hadn’t planned to drag this out so long!

Damn that clumsy fox! Why did you lead Muir to make such a mess? Why can’t you do anything right besides pervy stuff?! You call yourself the master of the forest?!

“Are you ready, Lucy?”

Listening to Benedict’s voice, I snapped out of my daze and let out a heavy sigh.

I can’t mess with my face; I’ve put on a ton of makeup!

Taking a deep breath, I conjured up my most annoying smile.

I patted my neck, firmly recalling the most polite greetings.

And truly, the annoying stuff, I can toss on Benedict’s plate.

Alright, good to go.

“Am I gonna look nervous? Silly Papa?”

“Haha, I get it. Let’s go then.”

As Benedict opened the big door, the noise from within immediately fell silent.

Through the narrow crack of the door, pairs of eyes peeked at us.

Every one of them with a gaze befitting a big shot.

It’s all good. Just stick to the script.

No apologies.

I’ll just say I was busy and got caught up.

“Sorry, everyone. I was delayed due to something in between.”

And now it’s my turn.

“Wow, you all look like you’re about to devour me with those beastly gazes. Were you waiting so long you got angry? So what? If a cute girl like me comes along, isn’t a little wait justified? If you adults lack even that tolerance, how pathetic!”

Oh no.

I could cause an uproar.

I didn’t want this.

Sweet Jesus, almighty!

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