Switch Mode

Chapter 54

Chapter: 54

Just as the Torok Dragon was about to strike with its claws, a wall made of divine magic intervened, blocking its attack in my stead.

“Lady Alrn,”

It was Pebbi.

Even after I had just insulted her and called her useless, she still came to help me!

Truly, the Saintess is full of brightness!

“Do you all realize that everyone’s watching us?”

Thanks to Jackal and Frey charging at the staggered Torok Dragon, I had a moment to glance at the students.

The chaos and screams from earlier were nowhere to be found; instead, they were watching us with expressions resembling those one might wear while munching on popcorn.

But it wasn’t just the students.

The professors standing in front of them and the golems surrounding us were doing the same.

Seems like everyone has figured out how things are unfolding.

Well, I guess the only ones too distracted to comprehend are Jackal and Frey, busy messing with the Torok.

“So this ambush was prepared by the academy?”


“What a stupid move by this useless academy.”

With that, I rushed at the Torok, slamming its claw with my mace.

Gradually, cracks began to form, and then, with a thud, it broke off and fell to the ground.

– Kwooooo!

Looks like the Torok raid was nearing its end.

It was certainly easier when the damage dealers were clear.

Just tanking upfront while consistently winning is some quality cheese!

How great would it be if I could arrange parties like this in the future?

I had prepared myself to work solo, but having companions makes it so much more comfortable.

Considering my current reputation, it would probably be impossible, but who knows what the future holds?

Ultimately, the Torok was unable to withstand our onslaught.

Its claws broke, its tail was severed, and its wings were slashed.

With its eyes pierced and mourning far more quietly than those initial roars, the Torok collapsed.

At that moment, applause erupted from the spectators.

This felt akin to being a gladiator in an arena.


“What’s going on?”

The two who had been completely disinterested in the situation tilted their heads in confusion at the clapping crowd.

Feeling a bit sorry for them, I bypassed the explanation from Pebbi and headed towards the gathering of students after putting away my weapon.

“You were amazing.”

In that moment, the pitiful prince spoke to me.

Why is this guy, who’s indifferent to everyone else, showing interest in me?

“You truly possess the qualities to take my place as the representative.”

Is it because of the entrance exam?

So just refusing the representative position didn’t end the snowball effect?!

Of course! The results for the top 20 in the Soul Academy entrance exam are public!

If people saw I was in first place, it’s bound to affect things somehow!

But isn’t this still not the right time for that?

How does this guy know the scores that’ll only be revealed after the entrance ceremony concludes?

“I should introduce myself again. I am Arthur Soladin, the third prince of the Soladin Kingdom.”

Since the prince has introduced himself, it’s only polite for me to return the greeting, but I couldn’t bring myself to speak.

How am I supposed to address him?

Calling him something like “the pitiful prince”? Or “the useless prince”?

Either way, the outcome would surely be dire!

That’s like committing heresy! Heresy!

No matter how much I am the noble daughter of a powerful count family, I can’t just spout such nonsense to a prince!

“Lady Alrn?”

Am I not responding?!

Desperately racking my brain yielded no breakthrough.

As long as the Mesugaki skill exists, escaping this pressure is impossible.

I have no choice.

Since I’m bound to encounter this problem from now on as we navigate school life together, I might as well brace myself.

I steeled my resolve internally and looked at Arthur.


“I don’t know why you’re asking this, but I’m Lucy Alrn. The pitiful prince.”


Seeing Arthur’s eyes widen in disbelief at what he heard, just one word popped into my mind.

Crap. This is completely messed up.

This isn’t something to talk my way out of.

I just called the guy who hates being pitied the “pitiful prince.”

“Could you repeat that, Lady Alrn?”

Arthur’s lips curled into a smile, but his eyes held no trace of laughter.

Looking into those eyes that bore a hole through mine made me want to hiccup.

“I want to confirm I didn’t mishear…”


Before I could stumble over what to say, a voice interrupted us.

It was one of the golems that the Torok once commanded.

A human voice was coming from there.

This voice certainly… could it belong to Luca?

“Thank you for battling the Torok. It was an impressive fight for someone who just enrolled in the academy.”


“Is that really all you wanted to say?”

“No. It seems the entrance ceremony will soon continue. If you’re having trouble moving, I can take you there with this golem.”

‘No, thanks.’

“Did you turn your brain into golem material? Do I look like I’m struggling?”

“Hahaha. Glad to hear you’re okay.”

I never thought I’d find a moment where I’d be relieved to see Luca’s face.

Thanks for giving me a reason to escape this awkward conversation!

I’ll make sure to remember this and get back at you later in a clean manner when the time comes!

Sorry, there’s no choice—I’m coming for you!

You’re the troublemaker!

‘My apologies, your highness…’

“The useless academy lacks awareness. I wish I could chat more, but I have to be going. Farewell, pitiful prince.”

In the urgency of the situation, I inadvertently said “prince” once more.

As I lifted my head from the slight bow, I found the prince’s face devoid of laughter.

Ah. I’m done for.

With my head spinning from embarrassment, I hurriedly retreated to where the students had gathered.

[He’s glaring from behind, huh.]

‘You didn’t need to tell me that!’

Upon my return to the line of students, they parted to make way for me.

The fear in their gazes was still there.

If anything, it felt even stronger than before.

Could it be that they’ve realized this delinquent had strength beyond just a foul attitude?

Normally, realizing this would have made me shrivel even more, but oddly enough, I felt fine this time around.

I was already so far down in the depths of despair that there was nowhere left to fall!

“I believe you must have been startled by what just occurred.”

Judy’s voice brought me back to reality as I stared dumbfounded at the podium.

“As you might have guessed, this ambush was prepared by our academy. Why would we do such a thing? To observe how you respond in a crisis.”

“As you all know, we experienced an unfortunate incident during our last entrance exam.”

As Judy mentioned the incident, all eyes turned towards me.

“Fortunately, it was resolved without any injuries, but if things had gone poorly, a few lives may have been lost.”

“Even in the academy’s nearly perfect controlled dungeon, crises can emerge like this.”

“What do you think will happen when you actually enter a real dungeon?”

Judy paused, surveying the students, as if giving us time to think.

“Dungeons are filled with variables.”

“No matter how skilled an adventurer might be, it’s impossible to predict what will occur inside.”

“If chaos like today’s arises when an unexpected crisis strikes, what do you think will happen?”

“I can tell you from my experience as someone who once worked in the field—you all would be dead.”

As Judy proclaimed this, a hush fell over the students.

In the game, I had never voiced anything this grim during speeches.

Was this backlash from the incident in the exam?

“You all will become those who will raid dungeons in the future.”

“While the locations may be different, the fact that you will step inside a dungeon remains the same.”

“When that happens, the chaos you create could cost lives.”

Watching the atmosphere grow heavy, Judy finally broke into a smile.

“But worry not. We’ll teach you how to prepare for that.”

“From today onward, the academy will guide you on how to survive.”

“We will make sure you have the tools to respond to whatever crisis you face.”

“By the time you graduate from Soul Academy, you’ll become adventurers capable of raiding any dungeon.”

“That’s our aim.”

With that, Judy bowed once and returned to a bright tone as if the heavy mood had merely been an act.

“Now, the entrance ceremony concludes here. You will find the class assignment list at the academy entrance…”


If you were to ask Arthur what word he hated the most, it would undoubtedly be “pitiful.”

He was conceived from a royal’s careless one-night fling,

born the son of a baroness with barely any connection to power,

lost his mother in a tragic and mysterious accident when he was just five,

and subsequently faded from the king’s attention.

Despite being a prince, Arthur was a pitiful man.

That was the general consensus.

But Arthur despised the word “pitiful” and the pitying gazes that accompanied it.

Because the moment he became a “pitiful” individual, he would no longer be able to keep the promise his mother made to him.

Thus, he worked hard to avoid being treated with sympathy.

He strived to become someone admired so much that people wouldn’t even consider him “pitiful.”

On the day of his mother’s funeral, he wanted to be strong enough to declare to the king, who called him a “poor child,” that he was anything but.

Arthur’s efforts were successful.

Now, nobody felt pity for him.


“A remarkable person.”

Only admiration and acclaim were directed at him, and no one dared to call him pitiful.

Or so it went.

“Pitiful prince.”

The derisive laughter and mocking eyes directed at him.

Even after some time had passed since parting with Lucy, Arthur couldn’t shake that scene from his mind.

It seemed the rumors about him being someone who delighted in mocking and provoking others were not completely wrong.

What a pity, prince.

Great. Just great.

It wasn’t even worth teasing Joy.


– Ding!

As I was idly watching the students make their way toward the academy building, a message window popped up, snapping me back to reality.

[Quest Clear!]

[You have successfully enrolled in the academy!]

[As such, rewards have been granted!]

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not work with dark mode