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Chapter 538

Chapter: 538

Joy took a deep breath in front of the Duke’s office. Ever since she was little, she had feared crossing this threshold.

Despite the public’s appraisal, she knew that Duke Partran was indeed someone with a fairly ordinary temperament.

On the other hand, she also recognized that he possessed the talent worthy of leading one of the five noble families in the kingdom. Thus, Joy hesitated to enter the workspace of her father, where he handled affairs.

But today was different. This was a choice Joy had made herself.

She had confidently come to this place with the intention to act because Lucy, the person she considered her lifelong benefactor and precious friend, was ready to make a move on her own.

If she couldn’t even do something as simple as this, how would she ever stand beside Lucy in the future?

To be on equal footing with her, she couldn’t just hover in the same place.

“A father.”

Just as Joy knocked on the door, a voice from inside called her in.

For those who didn’t know Duke Partran well, his voice was griping enough to squeeze one’s heart. Even those who did were often startled by its sharp tone.

Upon hearing this, Joy forced a calm expression and opened the door to the room.

“Welcome, Joy. I’ve heard various things from Jeff. It seems you’ve achieved quite a lot at the Academy?”

“It’s not much that I’ve done.”

“Not much? I’m a magician too. I know exactly what it means to interpret the magic of the great mage Erginius.”

Seeing Duke Partran’s pleased smile, which outwardly appeared to be a bit discomforted, Joy returned it with a smile of her own and closed the door.

“So what brings you here? Given your expression, it doesn’t seem like a simple visit.”

Resting his elbows on the desk and interlocking his fingers, Duke Partran stared at Joy with his fierce and indifferent eyes.

“I have a proposal for you, Father.”

Most would have been sweating bullets in such a situation, but Joy confronted Duke Partran confidently without the slightest sign of faltering.

“A proposal? Not a request?”

“Yes. It’s a proposal because it’s something too great to be merely a request.”

“How amusing. What kind of proposal is it?”

“The Fairy Forest. How much do you know about it?”


“It’s been a while. Count Artea.”

“Has it been about half a year since the last time?”

Receiving an extravagant welcome from Count Artea at the Artea Family estate, Phoebe had come at Lucy’s request.

Though Count Artea used to respect Phoebe, he didn’t show the frenzy that other followers did. However, after previously facing the Evil God of Darkness, his attitude had shifted.

After watching the footage recorded in the crystal, Count Artea fully acknowledged that Phoebe was deserving of the title of Saint, and not just because it was bright there—with Phoebe herself clearly radiating light.

And now, in this moment, after more than six months apart, Phoebe’s brightness was enough to leave Count Artea momentarily speechless.

It wasn’t the innocent light from her good nature as before, but the radiance that stemmed from being loved by the Lord.

“The Lord surely does not love only one person.”

Since the moment Count Artea witnessed the miracle that was Lucy Alrn, he firmly believed in the existence of the Lord.

However, on a different note, he had to also acknowledge that the content of the Bible didn’t perfectly align with reality.

Amidst a world tinted with murky light, only one person shone brightly with the Lord’s light. Therefore, the claim that the Lord loves everyone equally couldn’t possibly be true.

And now, standing before Count Artea, Phoebe was proving that the Lord’s love wasn’t just meant for one person.

It showed that the Lord would bestow love upon anyone qualified to receive it.

This realization was hope and joy for Count Artea. If he truly honed his piety, he too could someday radiate a warm light like hers.

“Of course. He continues to love everyone in the world equally.”

“Oh my.”

“It’s just that He doesn’t have the capacity for it anymore.”

As Phoebe replied with a calm tone, Count Artea raised an eyebrow.

“…He doesn’t have the capacity?”

“The Lord is indeed benevolent, but that does not make Him omniscient and omnipotent.”

“If someone hears that, they’ll call it blasphemy and gasp in shock.”

Anyone from the Church of the Lord believes that He is omniscient and omnipotent. The Bible teaches so, hence they all accept it as a given.

But Phoebe claimed that it isn’t the case. No matter how great the Lord might be, limitations exist.

“I think the same.”

Seemingly aware of how blasphemous this idea was, Phoebe managed a bittersweet smile.

“However, just because it’s deemed blasphemous doesn’t mean the truth becomes false.”

“Hypothetically speaking, if the Saintess’s words are true, may I ask you one thing?”

“Please do.”

“If the Lord is neither omniscient nor omnipotent, then why do you maintain faith in Him?”

Most people believe in the Lord due to their faith in his omnipotence.

But if the Lord is neither omniscient nor omnipotent—if he’s indeed great yet limited—what reason is there to have a heartfelt faith in Him?

“I know He is good.”

“He is good.”

“The Lord may be lacking, but He strives to make this world a better place. He doesn’t shy away from his mistakes and seeks what is right. That’s why I trust Him.”

This reply, devoid of any hesitance, revealed Phoebe’s sincerity and showed why she lived her life as a devoted Saint.

“Do you think that’s a sufficient answer?”

“…Yes. And as for why the Lord loves you as well.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“And if it’s not too much trouble, may I ask you to convey that to me?”

Despite being moved by Phoebe’s worldview, it wasn’t necessary to speak of the Lord here.

Saying the wrong thing could easily have her labeled as a heretic, putting her position as a Saint in jeopardy.

Yet, Phoebe still offered unnecessary words to Count Artea.

“One is that the one who receives the Lord’s love trusts Count Artea.”

Lucy believes Count Artea will help her. If that’s the case, then Phoebe too must trust him. There’s no way her faith, purer than anyone else’s, could be wrong.

“And the other is that I believe I must show my sincerity to earn Count Artea’s genuine heart.”

“Could you elaborate further?”

“Count Artea. We aim to challenge what the heroes of the Mythological Age failed to do. The Lord desires this, so we aim to perform a miracle.”

Please, would you join us in this grand endeavor to make the world a better place?

As Phoebe finished her words and waited for a response with a gentle smile, Count Artea, with tear-filled eyes, had already kneeling down from his chair.


Before heading to the Fairy Forest, a major prerequisite needed undertaking.

That was to bring the Evil God sealed in the Great Dungeon.

Once cast into the Fairy Forest, the energy residing there would rush back to its master, allowing for the prevention of any unforeseen calamities.

It might seem odd to create a landslide to clear falling debris, but it’s better for us to generate and confront a landslide than hazardous falling rocks from unexpected moments.

To do this, the dignified welcome provided to me upon visiting the Great Dungeon in the Kingdom of Soladin was from the lord and the powerful figures within the city.

“It is such an honor for esteemed guests to visit this humble place!”

Their overly polite and nearly servile bows from the lord conveyed an underlying fear towards us.

What’s going on? Isn’t a lord residing near a Great Dungeon supposed to be a figure of power?

There shouldn’t be a need for such deference!

Tilting my head in confusion, I looked back to confirm our party.

The continent’s strongest knight, Benedict. The Sword Saint reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship. The Apostle of the Art Guild. The Third Prince of Soladin. The pity-worthy skeleton. And me.

Hmm. Yeah, we’re quite the threat here. I’d be concerned about losing my head if things go awkward.

‘This is troublesome. Being this conspicuous isn’t exactly ideal.’

With what we have to do, being in plain sight won’t work in our favor.

If they noticed what we were about to do, the followers of the Evil God may flood the Fairy Forest, creating all sorts of trouble.

What to do… Should we head back for a bit and choose to move under the cover of night?

[Well, I think the real trouble lies elsewhere.]

‘What do you mean by that?’

[Think about it. How would they know you were coming and be waiting for you here?]


Now that I think about it, it is strange. How did they know we were coming beforehand? We came right after preparing, without giving them a chance to react?!

“I would love nothing more than to fully enjoy this joy, but regrettably, I must guide you and take my leave.”

Guide? Who is he guiding us to?

“The First Prince of Soladin awaits you here.”

Wait, why is he here?!

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